• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern Let's Make a Movie!


Basic Bitches Not Wanted


This is a first come first serve, mainly who ever finishes their CS completely and correctly will receive that spot. Because of this there will be NO RESERVATIONS. Make sure to check the overview, BBCode is required, doesn't have to be fancy just a little color. Lastly be sure to follow the role appearance that is in the overview (Ex. Height, hair color and build) this is a major part in the acceptance process!


Name(Create your own, the names in the overview are the names for the movie):

Age (19-25):



Role (Check Overview, write the names provided in the overview here):




Eye Color:

Hair Color:


Clothing Style:

Personality (1-2 Paragraphs):

Likes (5+):

Dislikes (5-):u

Fears (2):

Bio (2 Paragraphs):


How long have you been acting for?

Have you been living in LA for long?

Why did you audition for this movie?

What qualities can you bring to the role?


How long have you been working in Hollywood?

Where did you go to school?

What is your biggest accomplishment relating to your job?

What makes you the best of the best?

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Abigail Scott

Age (19-25): 23 (December 13th, 1996)

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Role (Check Overview, write the names provided here): Hair Stylist

Nationality: American-French "Or at least I think on the French part...", Pennsylvania

"I'm a small town girl, but that doesn't mean I can't take the heat."

Height: 5'10"

Weight: 117 lbs.

Eye Color: Blue

Hair Color: Blonde

"Yes, it's natural, not step away from the cabinet."

Build: tall and lanky, as well as long-limbed

"Hey, I make it look good."

Clothing Style:


Personality (1-2 Paragraphs):
Abigail is a very spunky and quirky girl who is always there to make you smile. You can count on her to keep a secret, unless you've murdered someone, and she'll never freak out about anything... bad. Something good on the other hand, she will be EXTREMELY excited. She is very hard to upset or make angry, but if you do, beware.

When angered she is brutal and ruthless, often to such a point that you'll wish you were dead instead of on her bad side. She is very protective of her friends, and she is friends with nearly everybody. Her cat Meredith is very special and important to her and hangs out near her anywhere and everywhere on set and off. When someone tried to get the cat kicked off set, he was quickly told why that was a VERY bad idea. To be frank, she is very bossy and had a 'deal' with the director and producer about the cat.


Likes (5+):

Meredith, Loud music (that she often has playing while she works on the cast's hair), Fish (cooked, sushi, any of it), Colorful clothing and shoes, Hot chocolate (if she's ever upset, just bring her hot chocolate)

Dislikes (5-):

Caffeine (coffee, soda, etc), Difficult actors/actresses (don't complain, just let her do her work), People who hate cats, misogynistic and sexist people, Late nights (she's a morning person)

Fears (2): Bad hair days that she can't fix (on her part or others), Spiders

Bio (2 Paragraphs): "There's not much to say before I moved to LA, I lived in a VERY small town in the middle of nowhere-ville Pennsylvania. People from my town usually become farmers and stuff, and I was always frowned upon for wanting to be a hairdresser. I mean, it's not exactly what was considered respectable. Everyone expected me to come visit from LA saying I'm a famous lawyer or something, and they all seemed a bit disappointed when I said I was working on a movie set. They were excited at first, thinking I was an actress, but then I told them I was a hairstylist... yeah.

Anyway, when I moved to LA I had a small hairstyling business, but one day I had an actress with a serious hair EMERGENCY come in, and I fixed it up fast. And made it look amazing if I may say so myself. More and more famous people came to see me, and I worked on two crews before landing the job I have currently. I love to do hair, and it is practically all I do, but I am always down for a good party. Anything that is loud and fun and I'm down."

How long have you been acting for? "Well, I mean, never? Although, I have been in LA doing the hairstyles of the red carpet for the past 4 years so..."

Have you been living in LA for long? "Well, I'd say 5 years is pretty long. I just worked at a salon for a year before starting my own business."

Why did you audition for this movie? "Well, I didn't really audition, I was hired when the producer's daughter came to my salon and asked for her hair to look just like Jennifer Lawrence's. I'd say I nailed it."

What qualities can you bring to the role? "I've been told by some of the biggest celebrities that I am one of the friendliest hairstylists they know. I try not to push them and actually let them have a bit of the say in what they get. I feel that if their hair has a bit of a personal touch to it, it makes the role even better.
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Name: Elizabeth St.Vincent

Age (19-25): 21

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Straight

Role (Check Overview, write the names provided here): Kylie Jacobs

Nationality: British


Height: 5''5

Weight: 121 lbs

Eye Color: Hazel

Hair Color: Dark brown

Build: Curvy

Clothing Style: Very chic and couture

Personality (1-2 Paragraphs):

Madison is a very complex individual. On the out side, to people she meets and chats to briefly she is very professional and mature. When you get to know her, she becomes more a sassy individual, filled with sarcastic remarks and lots of salt. However, she is hiding her past and true feeling on the inside. Madison suffers from depression due to growing up in the theatre industry and dealing with bullying in middle school.

When it comes to love, Madison is more compassionate than others. She tend to be cautious at first but loves deeply. When she loves someone she will do anything for them, even risk her career.

Likes (5+): Sushi, Hamilton, Waking up early, Staying out late, going to concerts, having movie dates, going shopping with friends,

Dislikes (5-): being bosses around, people talking over her, meat, people who disrespect actors, black coffee

Fears (2): Rejection, people breaking trust

Bio (2 Paragraphs):

Hello my name is Madison Parker and I am currently an actor working out of LA. I have worked in various movies and productions, the most recent was starting in Heathers. I enjoy theatre, as it is what I have grown up on and have an interest in. I started doing theatre at a local community theatre and continued to work there throughout my school years and sometimes still go back to visit and help with shows. In middle school I took theatre classes and starred in all the productions. In high school I had the opportunity to be one of the female leads in every show and I am very grateful. I worked hard in my theatre class and in every show. I am a very hard worker and put all my effort into everything I do. I am a very respectful person and I expect to be given the same respect I dish out.

In my free time, I love to read and write. I currently am writing a musical, a play, a book and am reading the works or Edgar Allen Poe. To maintain physical fitness, I run cross country and usually run about five miles every morning. I have a pretty large fan base that I love to stay in touch with and interact with. I have frequent meetings in cafes and malls that I go to with them and enjoy talking to all of them. I do keep in touch with all of my friend and my family and visit them as often as I can. I love traveling, and have had the opportunity to travel almost ever where. Thank you for your time and consideration.

How long have you been acting for? I've been acting since kindergarden when I was enrolled in a local theatre company's program.

Have you been living in LA for long? I moved to LA when I was 18 to try and jumpstart my career.

Why did you audition for this movie? I liked the script and thought that I could, and would love to, help bring it to life

What qualities can you bring to the role? I can bring all the emotions and drama, not to mention the talent and good looks, it takes to make this show a blockbuster.

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Name: Jessa Darlington

Age: Twenty

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Pansexual

Role: Luna Montgomery

Nationality: Irish-American

Height: 5'7

Weight: 110 lbs.

Eye Color: Hazel

Hair Color: Red

Build: Slim

Clothing Style:

Personality: A perfect way to describe Jessa, is an actress. Not only on the screen, but in life. Layers of charisma lay over her reckless behavior, the exaggeration of her kindred spirit shadowing her manipulative mindset. Charitable, generous, and extremely honest would be the few defining traits her fans would gush about to friends and family alike, but in the dark of the night, when she peels off her makeup - she's an entirely different person.

Though intelligent and elegant, her beauty only runs skin-deep. She's vicious, vindictive and always gets her way no matter the costs. As trustworthy as she may seem, she's willing to stab you in the back and place the blame on your best friend. She finds naivety absolutely adorable, and quite the easy shell to crack.

Likes: Acting, Steven King, Cinnamon Gum, Starbucks, Reptiles

Dislikes: Feeling insignificant, Prejudice, Knee-Socks, Carrots, Shakespeare

Fears: Falling in love, Being forgotten.

Bio: Being born into the Darlington family had it's perks, the never-ending supply of money from both her mother and her father allowed for an extravagant living at a very young age. Though, being a wealthy power-couple in the midst of Hollywood didn't leave a whole lot of attention nor time for the young girl, and she was often pushed to the side in favor of their appearances and interviews. In the place of her parents, she had a Nanny. Genevieve was easily dragged around like a puppet on strings, persuaded to do anything that the girl simply didn't want to do. She supposes that was the beginning of a long battle with moral grounding - one that the angel on her shoulder always seemed to lose.

In high school, Jessa took up the position of queen bee. Her school's food chain morphed into something blurred along the edges, and as the self-appointed leader of them all - she had the power to raise a little hell. Snatching secrets, and starting rumors was easier than pie and soon she had the whole student body wrapped around her finger. This was also around the time she started delving into the world of acting for herself, landing too many lead roles to count but finding the supporting roles more her cup of tea. It was her little safe-haven away from being the best all the damned time. Whether her friends really gave a damn about her or not didn't necessarily bother her, as long as they never stopped showing her the attention she so desperately craved.

How long have you been acting for? "Since, freshman year. I played Belle in the school's adaption of Beauty and The Beast."

Have you been living in LA for long? "Born and raised."

Why did you audition for this movie? "It seemed like a hit, and I wanted to be a part of something great."

What qualities can you bring to the role? "My charm, wit and ability to adapt easily lets me melt into any character you could dream up."



Giles Arwan
“I do not always know what I want, but I do know what I don’t want.”- Stanley Kubrick

Name: Giles Arwan

Age: 23

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Pansexual

Role: Cameraman

Nationality: American
Height: 6'4"

Weight: 168 lbs

Eye Color: Hazel

Hair Color: Brown

Build: Scrawny with long limbs, self-describes as 'a strung out muppet.'

Clothing Style: Whatever he finds on his floor. His wardrobe is entirely thrifted and he doesn't really care about fashion. He's been mistaken for a homeless person on multiple occasions- it got him kicked out of a cafe once. So somewhat grunge, 90's slacker vibes. Lots of denim, layers, hats, baggy sweaters and jeans with holes.
In Depth
Personality: Giles straddles the boundaries of film nerd, maniac/passionate artist, and complete and total asshole. The film nerd part is self explanatory- he's an encyclopedia of film history and he's seen about every movie you can name and dozens more most people can't. He's obsessive about this and has a collection of DVDs and VHS tapes that takes up most of his small room. He can spend hours talking about a single shot or even just a few seconds of editing. It's exhausting and most people find it endearing for a little before quickly growing bored. But not Giles. His creative impulses are what leads to the maniac artist side. Since all he cares about is movies, it's natural that he'd want to make a few of his own and when he does, he loses his mind. He's a perfectionist in his own way but also believes a lot in the magic of the moment, relying on coincidence and spontaneity to shape both his work and his life. Which is the pretentious way of saying he's a reckless idiot.

He's energetic, creative, independent, funny, and motivated. He's also a complete bastard. Rude, opinionated, moody, and unempathetic, he can be a difficult person to work with or interact with in any capacity. He's brutally honest and acknowledges his numerous flaws, he just thinks self improvement is pointless. Which is also how he justifies drinking and smoking as much as he does, as well as his other vices.

Likes: Films, cheap cigarettes, drugs, the beach, his cat, going to concerts, writing, making movies, the dive bar near his house, skateboarding

Dislikes: most of the actors he's met, LA, liars/hypocrites/fakes, most musicals, any food that costs more than $5, clothes that cost more than $15, people who describe themselves as 'spiritual but not religious'

Fears: failure and mediocrity- basically ending up in a desk job never having made anything of worth. Also hospitals.

Bio: Giles has been in love with cinema his entire life. From the second his parents plopped him down in front of some crappy kid's movie so they could have a few moments of peace, his destiny was sealed. By the time he was twelve he finished writing, directing, producing, filming, and editing his first short film- he was also the lead, the first and last time he tried acting. It was garbage but it was something and he still keeps a copy of it hidden in his collection.

Born and raised in NYC, there were plenty of opportunities for Giles to explore his passion. Despite his lack of interest in school, he managed to get into a fine arts high school on the merit of his more polished shorts and he spent most of his teenage years making short films, skateboarding around the city, and getting fucked up. He describes it as 'like if Linklater remade Scorsese and Waters did the costumes and sex scenes.'

College wasn't much different. He attended NYU to study film and started getting more serious, picking up a job as a PA at a public access tv station and doing as many internships as he could handle. One of those internships sent him to LA right after graduation, though he's retained his thick Brooklyn accent through the years. He's spent the past few years working on various films and making his own low budget stuff on the side, as well as working on a script he's hoping to get out to some studios in the next year. He lives with a bunch of other crew members in a ramshackle beach house on the edge of the city.

How long have you been acting for? "What? Do I look like I'd be acting in this kind of thing?"

Have you been living in LA for long? "Moved here after I finished college. So about two years now, I guess. I hate this city, but you gotta live here to work here."

Why did you audition for this movie? "Uh, I don't know if 'audition' is the right word. Kinda just asked for it and got it, not much else involved. Got this job cuz I'm good at it. And I was the PA's dealer when we went to film school together. It's all about networking, you know?"

What qualities can you bring to the role? "I've never met anyone who cares as much about this shit as me."


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Ruthie Caroline Bell

Age (19-25):







Madison Parker




5'5 feet


118 pounds

Eye Color:


Hair Color:


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.gif.e39fa49366263d13ddd34fc1645499a9.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="135648" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.gif.e39fa49366263d13ddd34fc1645499a9.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



Clothing Style:


Personality (1-2 Paragraphs):

Ruthie is like a beautiful multicolored sunset over a blue serene lake. She is very calm, easy-going and relaxed, but has a lot of energy. She is very talented, she loves making others smile, and making others with any problems. She puts up a strong fabulous wall protecting her broken past and hurt feelings. Behind her slight diva act, she is crying and hurting herself because she feels worthless and by acting she feels appreciated for a while. When she's on stage/camera she feels wanted and loved, but to herself in reality she feels like trash, so she treats herself like garbage, and when she hurts herself she feels alive. She is very defensive when it comes to her appearence.

Likes (5+):

~ Animals

~ Music/Singing

~ Art/Drawing

~ Ballet

~ Flirting

Dislikes (5-):

~ Eating (Secret)

~ Drinking/Smoking

~ Apples (She's allergic)

~ The Dark

~ Sudden Noises

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.gif.6b10bf055ce1c2e55f9d4cf323151bdf.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="135619" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.gif.6b10bf055ce1c2e55f9d4cf323151bdf.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Fears (2):

~ Small Spaces

~ The Dark

Bio (2 Paragraphs):

Ruthie was born on December 1st, she was the youngest of her two siblings. She has an older brother named Jay who is now 24, and an older sister named Lauren who is now 26. She always tried her best to shine and stand out in her family but it was difficult with her older siblings. Jay was a talented jock, Lauren was a brilliant scientist so when Ruthie found her talent in the Arts, she knew it was her calling.

Ruthie has had a hard time, she would always be bullied for being the art nerd, whatever that is, she loved dressing up like something new everyday. One day it was princess, the next cowgirl and then rockstar, she was unpredictable but she stopped once someone pushed her into the mud while she was wearing her favorite dress. She was also bullied for being slightly overweight all throughout middle school, being the laughingstock of the school and since then she has been cutting down on eating, until she became an anorexic, which she keeps a secret. She also secretly cuts herself since no one seems to care.

How long have you been acting for?

She's been acting since she was casted as Annie in Kindergarten

Have you been living in LA for long?

Ruthie moved to LA in the 6th grade

Why did you audition for this movie?

Ruthie Bell could really connect to Madison, she felt very connected to the script and it really spoke to her. She felt like she could really bring the film to life.

What qualities can you bring to the role?

Ruthie can bring the passion/emotion and she had a lot of of connections to help promote the movie.


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Name: Easton Thompson

Age: 23

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexuality

Role: Cole Douglas

Nationality: Canadian


Height: 6'2"

Weight: 175 lbs

Eye Color: Light Green

Hair Color: Brunette

Build: Athletic

Clothing Style:


In Depth

Personality (1-2 Paragraphs):

Likes (5+):

Dislikes (5-):

Fears (2):

Bio (2 Paragraphs):


How long have you been acting for?

Have you been living in LA for long?

Why did you audition for this movie?

What qualities can you bring to the role?


Kennedy Schroder

Nickname: Rocky, Ken.

Role: Audrey Jackson

Age: Twenty-two.

Birthday: December 1st//Sagittarius

Gender: Cisgender Female; she/her.

Sexual Orientation: Biromatic.

Nationality: American.


Dark Brown.


Dark brown; straight.









Unique Characteristics

tattoo on the back of her neck.

Clothing Style:

x | x | x | x


Kennedy is not your typical Australian, she has no accent or enjoys putting shrimps on the barbie. Kennedy enjoys the spotlight on her, she embraces it with both arms open wide and doesn't mind sharing it as well. Kennedy is very outgoing and bubbly, her humor could make anyone laugh. She's very clumsy, always tripping over everything and anything, including her own feet. Kennedy can get a bit too emotional at times as well, she's new in the industry and has no idea what it's really like.

Besides being an actress, Kennedy is also a singer yet she rarely brags about it. Kennedy hates the idea about bragging and bragging rights, unless its a bet. She's very competitive when it comes down to bets or dares. When she gets competitive, Kennedy also will get very jealous if someone else wins and not her. She doesn't realise she does this until after she accidently throws a mean comment or secretly ruins someone's life.


Tea - Acting - Competitions - Dogs - AFL.


Losing - Death - Cats - High heels - Silence.


Coulrophobia: Fear of clowns.

Necrophobia: Fear of the dead.


Kennedy grew up in a small town in Perth called Moorine Rock. Nothing major really happened in that town, everyone was friends with everyone and if there was a fight with Mr Johnstone and Miss Hemmings, everyone would know. Kennedy grew up with two older brothers and her father. Kennedy's mother sadly passes away with lung cancer when Kennedy was two years old.

Sports was a major role in Kennedy's life, she use to play female AFL and track along with her brothers. With no real mother or female figure in her life, Kennedy was stuck to doing what most boys would do. When Kennedy was 12, she found out about a small acting company. With hopes of finding some girl friends, Kennedy joined the theater company.

Kennedy fell in love with acting, especially musical theatre. When she was sixteen, she dropped out of school to pursue her career in acting. Kennedy moved to Brisbane to start her career as a actor. She auditioned for roles in musicals such as West Side Story and Les Miserable. When Kennedy turned 21, she moved to LA for a better chance at her career. One sunny afternoon, her friend told her about an upcoming movie that she was involed in and was wondering if she would audition. As soon as Kennedy's friend left, she straight away applied for an audition.

After going through the tedious audtion stage, she finally recieved news about her being accepted as Audrey Jackson for the movie. Kennedy was over the moon when she recieved the phone call and now, she's prepared for the movie, hoping this will boost her career.

How long have you been acting for;

Even since she was twelve, so about 12 years.

Have you been living in LA for long:

Kennedy has lived in LA for about a year now.

Why did you audition for this movie:

This is Kennedy first major role, she fell in love with the concept of the film and loved Audrey.

What qualities can you bring to the role:

Kennedy can easily work with anyone and she acts similar to Audrey Jackson.


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Because of the lack of males... I changed two of the males to females so go back and check the two new girls out :)
Anais Son

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/8b87afbc041e7a385ad0d1764311c8c2.png.9590a627dcb777c62d7285b9f20df723.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="135989" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/8b87afbc041e7a385ad0d1764311c8c2.png.9590a627dcb777c62d7285b9f20df723.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Anais Son

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Role: Makeup Artist

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/b901347e11f838b117df738c5fde4ac0.png.710784beb5600035ebecca73f4225025.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="135990" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/b901347e11f838b117df738c5fde4ac0.png.710784beb5600035ebecca73f4225025.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Personality: Anais is quirky. She is an enigma. She is unpredictable. And independent. she doesn't take kindly to people telling her what to do. But if you need help, she is a true humanitarian who is ready and willing to assist someone who might be short on cash or down on their luck. She'll also dole out sound advice. She cares about her fellow man, woman, child, animal, and environmental cause.

Anais tends to mingle with people from all walks of life. She tends to greet and interact with people the same way, no matter what their age or background. While she loves to progress, on a personal level, she doesn’t like change. It has to do with her loyalty, her attachment to the past, and her memories, so even though she has the courage to look ahead, usually with optimism, and see the best things in store, she still likes to know where she has come from and who she is.

While most may very well keep their promises in their relationships, Anais can take loyalty to a different, deeper level. She will stay loyal to anyone unless of course they truly prove themselves unworthy. Plus she's a bit of a hopeless romantic.

Likes: Makeup, Coffee, Rainy Days, Latte Art, Books

Dislikes: Pessimists, Big Egos, Summer, Public Speaking, Surprises

Fears: Lightening, Total Darkness


How long have you been working in Hollywood?

"I've been here for two years...I can say I honestly didn't think I last this long."

Where did you go to school?

"I went to high school in Hawaii, that's where my parents immigrated. Other than that I'm self-taught in my profession."

What is your biggest accomplishment relating to your job?

"Ah... When I made my passion a living. I thought that was the biggest accomplishment for my career."

What makes you the best of the best?

"I'm pure talent. I don't limit myself like most artist, I branch out. I know how to do Beauty makeup, Fashion makeup, Body Art, Film and movie makeup...I can do a variety of makeup. Overall I'm well rounded."





Small & Slender




110 lbs






Loose fitting clothing, never really one to dress up


She has a scar running down her back due to a childhood injury

Digging Deeper

Anais's life was something out of a movie...Well, a very twisted movie. Her father and mother were high school sweethearts, marrying right after high school and having Nala a year later.

From what Anais could tell, they were happy. Her father opening up a sports bar just so he could watch baseball every day without disturbances. Her father manned the kitchen while her mother manned the front of the house. Her parents had been married for a good ten years before everything, in a lack of better words, went to hell.

Turns out her mother and her father's best friend had a thing for each other and decided to marry, therefore divorcing her father and leaving Anais to care for a drunken man. Her father sold the restaurant and retired to living a life of in a drunken state. Overall her mother got a new family and Anais got the leftovers at only ten years old.

With her parents, split Anais fell into the wrong crowd and at 16 Nala had gotten pregnant by her late boyfriend. When her father found out he was furious, demanding to know how she let this happen. He refused to let her child into their home, therefore, forcing Anais to put her child up for adoption. After this Anais worked non-stop till she was able to afford to move out from her fathers and to Hollywood. There she struggled for a bit, trying to gain her footing among the others who were in Hollywood for the same reason she was. Like everyone else she just wanted a chance to prove herself.




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Meet Hunter Fitzgerald

AGE - 23


ROLE- Emmet King




WEIGHT - 157 lbs

EYE COLOR - Green/Blue

HAIR COLOR - Deep chocolate brown

BUILD - Athletic

CLOTHING STYLE - Chic yet slightly hipster



Hunter is more of a dark character, he hides his horrendous past with a smile. He comes off as polite and intelligent when you first meet him, or if you aren’t one of his close friends. His bi-polar disorder can cause tension among the cast as all his emotion are deep. He loves hard, his anger a burning flame, his sadness an ocean. He is too quick to trust, often leaving him in a off mood. All in all, however, his only bad quality is his thirst for revenge.


One night stands


Asian foods





People mumbling



Bad WiFi

FEARS - Darkness, Spiders



Hunter Fitzgerald was not an average kid, he was a trouble maker. He was born into a family with a single mother in an abusive relationship. Until Hunter turned 16, he too was beaten and threatened by this man. His family life reflected in his school work as he often came to school with bare minimum work and often skipped classes. At the age of sixteen he decided to run away, making sure his mother was safe at a woman's home there to help her out.

Once he came to his new high school in LA, Hunter was persuaded to join the theatre club for their production of Catch Me If You Can, where Hunter surprisingly scored the lead. His career only skyrocketed from there, but he still faces pits of depression. He got a scholarship to NYU and has been on broadway for quite some time. He decided to come back to LA and try to start a career in film, this will be his third film if he gets cast.

How long have you been acting for?

Since he was 16.

Have you been living in LA for long?

He lived here two years previously but has recently moved back.

Why did you audition for this movie?

The script had lots of potential, and he would like to start a film career so he was drawn to that aspect as well.

What qualities can you bring to the role?

Talent and charisma.


*Didn't know if we were allowed to have two character but if not I can delete this*

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Name(Create your own, the names in the overview are the names for the movie): Kimberly Jadewood

Age (19-25): 22

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Straight

Role (Check Overview, write the names provided in the overview here):
Giovanna Armani

Nationality: American

Height: 5"5

Weight: 108 lbs

Eye Color: Green

Hair Color: Brown

Build: Petite

Clothing Style: She dresses colorful and loves to mismatch. She loves stripes and polka dots.

Personality (1-2 Paragraphs): She's easily excitable and loves hanging out with her friends. She's outgoing and fun. She is sort of absentminded and doesn't realize when she's becoming obnoxious.

Likes (5+): Trying new things, dressing up, acting, reading, and traveling

Dislikes (5-): Insects, horror movies, sports, parties, and having to wear normal clothes

Fears (2): Failure, solitude.

Bio (2 Paragraphs): Kimberly was born in DC and lived there until she was 13. Her mother was a real estate agent and her father was a car salesman. She lived in a middle class household. Her family would take her to see plays as often as possible. She would watch TV and wish she could be on TV too. At school she would go to the library when ever she had free time. She was a huge loner and only had a few close friends. She didn't talk to the other students and the other students didn't talk to her. When she was 10 she became extremely interested in fashion and started to dress up all the time. When she was 13 she moved to LA with her parents. She loved the bright lights and it got her even more into acting. When she was 15 she got her first role in a student horror film called "The Axe". She acted in short films and student films up until now.


How long have you been acting for?: Well I've acted in school plays since I was 6, but I've only did professional acting for 7 years.

Have you been living in LA for long?: I think it's been 9, but I can't really remember.

Why did you audition for this movie?: Because I wanted to get into actual acting and thought this movie looked like a great start!

What qualities can you bring to the role?: I'm an outgoing and friendly person who will light up your cast! I'm also a pretty good actor.

BearlyHana said:

Name(Create your own, the names in the overview are the names for the movie): Kimberly Jadewood

Age (19-25): 22

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Straight

Role (Check Overview, write the names provided in the overview here):
Giovanna Armani

Nationality: American

Height: 5"5

Weight: 108 lbs

Eye Color: Green

Hair Color: Brown

Build: Petite

Clothing Style: She dresses colorful and loves to mismatch. She loves stripes and polka dots.

Personality (1-2 Paragraphs): She's easily excitable and loves hanging out with her friends. She's outgoing and fun. She is sort of absentminded and doesn't realize when she's becoming obnoxious.

Likes (5+): Trying new things, dressing up, acting, reading, and traveling

Dislikes (5-): Insects, horror movies, sports, parties, and having to wear normal clothes

Fears (2): Failure, solitude.

Bio (2 Paragraphs): Kimberly was born in DC and lived there until she was 13. Her mother was a real estate agent and her father was a car salesman. She lived in a middle class household. Her family would take her to see plays as often as possible. She would watch TV and wish she could be on TV too. At school she would go to the library when ever she had free time. She was a huge loner and only had a few close friends. She didn't talk to the other students and the other students didn't talk to her. When she was 10 she became extremely interested in fashion and started to dress up all the time. When she was 13 she moved to LA with her parents. She loved the bright lights and it got her even more into acting. When she was 15 she got her first role in a student horror film called "The Axe". She acted in short films and student films up until now.


How long have you been acting for?: Well I've acted in school plays since I was 6, but I've only did professional acting for 7 years.

Have you been living in LA for long?: I think it's been 9, but I can't really remember.

Why did you audition for this movie?: Because I wanted to get into actual acting and thought this movie looked like a great start!

What qualities can you bring to the role?: I'm an outgoing and friendly person who will light up your cast! I'm also a pretty good actor.
I'm sorry but this RP died out, there is a reboot of it though if you would like to check that out
BearlyHana said:
Awww! Can I use this character for my application for the reboot?
Yeah! but the only thing is that the character you put in yours isn't in the next one
Tsiwentiio said:
Yeah! but the only thing is that the character you put in yours isn't in the next one
Alright. I'll keep it the same but change things that are needed to be changed for the reboot.

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