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my mother did drugs when I was in her stomack. Hit me every time I cried after I was born. Later I was adopted and my adoptive mom was mentally abusive and manipulative and put me in a mental hospital for most of my child hood because she couldn't be a parent. That's my villian origin story-
Dang that's really terrible I'm here if you need to talk😁
And now my mom smokes weed and I'm worried about her and with everything else going on it just so stressful
Understandable.... stress is very hard... it's something that affects everyone in different ways
Yeah I get that it's just through out my child hood I just lost the need to express emotions so now I don't really do it
I'm the opposite..... I become even more emotional with each year. I cry at everything now... something as simple as someone raising their voice makes me cry....
I'm the opposite..... I become even more emotional with each year. I cry at everything now... something as simple as someone raising their voice makes me cry....
Yeah I get PTSD when people yell because my bio dad yelling at my mom while I was in the car that day just kinda broke me a little
I need therapy or something (hopefully not pills) cause if I go through 1 more traumatic event I might just loss my sanity tho I didn't have much to begin with.
My doctor is trying to get me tested for adhd but the appointments are backed up till next year

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