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Fantasy ☾ℒℯtℴ☽ Chat

Inmento Riku] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/15110-demonkitten/ said:
@DemonKitten[/URL] So I saw you liked my Character Sheet. Does that mean Inmento was accepted?
Oh...and I won't be able to post/reply until tomorrow (an exact timeline for when I can actually post/reply would be "I can reply in exactly 18 hours or at 4pm my time)
As Veyd said, yes that is what it means.

Also, I have quite my job so these last couple of days have been overwhelming, but I am about to be more free so prepare.
I just found my lost laptop so I shall post in 4-5 hours.

I swear I won't leave my laptop behind this time.
Eep! I could have sworn I was getting notifications from this thread a couple days ago.. Didn't know it started, I'll get right on it.
I spent about 15 minutes working on a reply...and then my writing skills went bye-bye DX.

I'm just gonna go eat and try again
A screwed up CS is not as bad as trying to be as detailed as possible...and then you realize you're in school so you just post what you have and you then facepalm at how awful it is
That has likely happened to a lot, including me, but what I did was just screw up my cs...I find this whole BBcode stuff confusing 0_0
Easy tutorials for everything.

I find watching, for myself, is easier than reading for learning things and stuffs
Veyd Sahvoz]Hey [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/15110-demonkitten/ said:
@DemonKitten[/URL] didn't you say something about using this RP for a book you wanted to write?
I did. The planet and some of the things in it I want to know how it all plays out
Thank you. I do too. I have almost finished it and then scrapped it again so I really need to find a steady ground for it

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