Let the Tables Turn {Gijinka Pokemon Rp}(closed to new members) - IC


Suicune sighed as she fiddled with her shirt buttons in her human form. She had just finished her dance practice and was getting ready to head home. She was disappointed in her work today though. She hadn't had a good night sleep, having her usually peaceful night plagued by nightmares. It had thrown off her entire day really; from waking up early to her concentration level. She resolved to come into the studio early tomorrow so she could drill her routine again until it was perfect. After placing her blue headband into her long purple hair, she was ready to go. She picked up her duffle bag containing her dance outfit and dance ribbons, heading out of the studio and into the street.

Once out in the street, she had to shade her eyes from the sun. She preferred rainy days herself, but she would not wish for it on such a beautiful day, so far the only good thing about this day. It also gave her an opportunity to go to the park to read instead of heading straight home. As she headed to the park, she passed many little shops with interesting displays, but only half glanced at them. She didn't need anything new, so she kept walking. She soon passed an ice cream stand with a girl sitting outside eating a massive sundae. That actually looks pretty good. She thought, even pausing to look at the sundae and the delight on the girl's face.

@TaraSobiki and everyone

Colby sighs. "It's not that I don't like being an Umbreon. Its the side effects of being one. Let me put it like this. You, as an Absol, have a predetermined role in the world caused by your inherit abilities of your species, going beyond the role you have in the world from your job or your type. Me? The only impact I have is based on what I can create by my own merit. Yet even that has limits solely based on my species. In essence, unless I do something to truly catch the eye of everyone, legendary or not, I have no role in this world, and if I went missing no one would blink twice. If you went missing, then people would notice because of not who you are but what you are. So yes, between adoration and intimidation, I received the latter because being surly, and confrontational is quite literally the only way for me to get ahead in a job, and a world, where many peoplehave predetermined advantages over me, whether that be inherit power, or size or whatever else."

He sighs again and begins running a hand through his hair. "You're the first person I've told this to, unsurprisingly. But now you know why I said I hate my life. Its a constant uphill battle for me."



"Ahh Good! Now you always have to say that if you want to come into my house, even if Beedrill is here..." Espurr said as he looked around, and sighed with depression. "So... I was reading Gengar's mind while I was waiting for you to say the code, and I'm pretty sure he finally got rejected from Absol... So yeah..." Espurr said as he opened the door to his house to reveal Gengar still playing Through the Fire and Flames.




"Huh? Oh sup you two." Gengar said to his brother and Espurr as he began to play more. 'I think Espurr read my head... He's like that to get into my head... Hopefully he doesn't bring up the thing... Jerk.' Gengar thought as he looked at Espurr then back at his guitar, cause he knew that Espurr head him.

The way she ate it did make it look like it would be good for hot days but this was mostly just her normal eating pace. She hadn't gotten a ice-cream headache yet so she was going to continue until she was done with it. She noticed a few people pass by but didn't pay them any mind. It wasn't any of her business what those people thought of her sundae and she didn't care what others were doing that much so looking away from her treat wouldn't of did much for her except make her stop eating for a second.

She wasn't even halfway done yet but she stopped her eating because of a feeling of being watched. Her two ears twitched and she glanced behind herself only to see what looked like a legendary. She swallowed whatever ice-cream she had in her mouth and turned around
"Hey! Can I help you with something?" she asked then noticed she was looking at her food. "What is it? Something up with my king's sundae?" she lookd it over and could see nothing wrong with it. She was a bit on edge but not a whole lot.



Not planning on coming back here anyway. And Bee wouldn't come near this house probably in the first place. he thought but followed him in. There was no way he was going to say that then not go into his house. He noticed his brother playing a game and went over to him "Espurr told me that Absol rejected you and I can't say I didn't see it coming but we can egg her house later if ya want....Joking of course....Less your really that salty about it." his brother didn't look mad or anything so he doubted he wanted to egg the girl's home.



"I'm fine Haunter... You know me already. Whenevr I get rejected, I cry for a while then I go the process of forgetting it. Remember I only had two crushes, including Absol. I got rejected by Altaria, and then I began to move on. But, when I moved on, someone began to like Altaria as well." Gengar said as he grinned, and looked at Espurr with wink.


-Espurr (and a bit of Gengar)-


"I D-DONT LIKE HER!... Remeber I don't believe in love..." Espurr said as he pouted, and blushed slightly. While Espurr pouted, Gengar swooped up and grabbed Espurr's phone then went back to his same spot. "Yeah sure, but what's this then." Gengar said as Gengar began to scroll through the many pictures of Altaria, from Espurr's phone. Gengar then pressed the home button to reveal another picture of Altaria, and Espurr was shocked that Gengar knew his pass code and knew that he had pictures of Altaria. Espurr grabbed the phone, and blushed really hard while saying "H-H-H-HOW DID YOU KNOW MY PASSWORD?! I HATE YOU!!!" Gengar began to die on the floor, laughing.

Haunter kept telling himself he shouldn't laugh. He tried to hold it in but he couldn't and was soon dying on the floor with his brother "HAHAHAHAHA! That's so damn creepy! This guy has pictures of Altaria on his phone the little weirdo!" he was laughing so hard that tears were beginning to form. He was scared of this guy? Sure he was a little psycho murderer but he had pictures of the girl he loved on his phone! That was just plain sad!

Not saying that Haunter didn't have pictures of Bee but it was just so funny seeing someone with stalker pictures on their phone. Right now he wasn't even feeling fear just plain amusement because this was more entertaining than any kind of comedy.



"YOU HAVE PICTURES OF BEEDRILL ON YOUR PHONE HAUNTER...." Espurr blushed harder with pure embarrassment, and he sighed with sadness. 'I hate my life... Ugh... Why do I live?' Espurr thought to himself as he walks to the microphone, and says "Are we going to practice? Or not?"




"Oh yeah you do have pictures of Beedrill! Aww so cute!" Gengar said as he laughed, and looked at Espurr with a smile. "Don't worry Espurr. It's okay. As long as you didn't really stalk her then that's fine. Also, yeah let's practice. Here are the notes for the song we are preforming for the concert, Haunter." Gengar said as he gave Haunter notes to the song, and he walked to his guitar and the random guy grabbed his bass. The drums sat where the couch was, and was awaiting Haunter.

The Song


**Altaria** (@Acethekidd )

Altaria gave Mewtwo a small shrug when he declined her offer. "Alright, but seriously just tell me if you wanna talk to anyone." She replied with a serious expression and in a minute back to her happy one. Altaria hummed a bit as the two were silent for a bit. 'I wonder why Mewtwo is so quiet. We were having such a pleasant conversation.' She thought as she glanced over at him. Ria's questions were quickly answered when Mewtwo confessed feeling like he wasn't a real Pokémon. Altaria was surprised by his sudden confession and also sad that Mewtwo felt that way. With her serious face, Ria moved in front of Mewtwo walking backwards as she faced him. "Don't ever say that Mewtwo! Of course you're a real Pokémon! You walk in the gijinka world like everyone, you can transform like everyone, you pretty much can do anything everyone else can do and even better since you're a legendary!" Altaria began, her hands on her hips.

"Last time a check there's a say that goes: you walk like a Psyduck, you talk like a Psyduck, you're a Psyduck. In my eyes you're a Pokémon but you know what? Who cares what I think or everyone else thinks! Whether your man made or not, if you believe your a real Pokémon then you are and it doesn't matter what others say okay?"

☆☆Braviary☆☆ (@Krampus )

Braviary noticed Palkia staring at him then quickly look away. She was acting a bit shy, which the bird Pokémon thought was really cute. Braviary knew he was staring, the thing was he just didn't care. He took another one of the cookies and began to eat on it a bit since Beedrill hasn't came over to say that they're order was done. 'Man I'm hungry, how long do those cookies take.' He thought to himself.

His thoughts were interrupted when Palkia mentioned that he can come over anytime to take some human plants for himself. This sound very tempting to Braviary and he nodded as if say he'll take her up on that offer. Palkia then went quiet and that concerned Braviary wondering what she was she thinking about. He tilted his head in confusion and stared at her while eating his cookie.

When she talked again, it was about their trip to the human world in the future. He had a big grin on his face when she said that she maybe able to arrange a trip for them. "Man that sounds like a blast. I can't wait until then." He said and finished off his cookie.

Braviary couldn't help but to blush when Palkia laughed at him and call him cute. He waved his hand across his face trying to make it go away. When his face went back to a bit of his regular skin tone he looked at the legendary again. "Alright, tomorrow afternoon. It's a date." The bird gijinka responded with a smirk. He was really looking forward to tomorrow now and couldn't wait to rub in Bee's face that not only he befriended Palkia but gets to hang out with her again too! 'I told her not all legendary's are a like and I was right for once!'

He stopped laughing and shook his head quickly "No I don't! Where would I even get pictures of her?" he got up from the floor "Also don't use the word cute to define me." he was not 'cute' he was more cool than anything...In his mind.

He took the notes given to him and read them as he went over to where the drums were located. He almost bump into the couch but barely avoided it. That would of been embarrassing....
"So lets get this over with! I wanna go home soon..." mostly so he could yell at Gastly but also for the reason he was feeling more stressed after laughing at Espurr like he did. He didn't seem mad just really embarrassed.....why did that freak him out more?

@TheWhiteScarf (I'm cleaning a bit more so that is why this took so long.)
(I have to go to a family emergency. So you can just say that we finished practicing, and that Gengar was going to hang out with Espurr)
Sandstorm was just walking around idly until he spotted some one he knew. Sandstorm walked over the the Mawhile who was playing with a yo-yo before putting it in her pocket. Sandstorm thought to himself "do people even still play with yo-yo's any more? They seem kinda of...boring, all they do is go up and down whats the point?" As he walked over the the Mawhile he said "Hey Jinx hows it going?" Sandstorm said with a smile.

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"Oh hey! How ya doing?"
she smiled widely at him and laughed a bit "How's it going you ask? Well I'm bored and got nothing to do so...terrible probably." being bored was just about the same as being dead for her. But now that she had stumbled upon someone or the other way around she could hangout with until something fun came up "Sandy! You wanna do something together? Promise it'll be fun~." she had a wide grin on her face as she looked at him with a half pleading look.


@TheWhiteScarf (I'll wait.)
~ Absol ~

She gave a sympathetic glance at Colby as she listened to him. She took for granted her abilities, but she hadn't thought of it the way he was making things out to be. Absol had never been one for deep thinking, nor worried about having no role in the world. She was quiet, unable to find any words. Even if she did say something, she wasn't sure if it was going to make a difference. They had just met today, even though it already felt like it was a long time ago.

A few strands of hair fell out of place again and absentmindedly she twirled it around her finger. "That's a kind of gloomy way to see things, having no role whatsoever if you haven't become famous," she remarked after a good amount of silence between the two of them. "All the little insignificant people throughout the ages. That's depressing thought. Are you sure that being surly is the only way to get ahead? Although, it must be difficult being friendly if one, it's just natural for you to be antisocial, and two, being surrounded by so many hoity-toity legendaries. You have a unique gift though. I'd cut yourself some slack and give yourself a pat on the back for the things you've already accomplished before berating yourself for not being able to achieve your other goals."

--Cresselia-- (@TaraSobiki)

Immediately did she brighten up when Kare said he'd meet with her again. She almost wanted to consider it a date, but... no. That would be ridiculous, and Kare would most likely agree. She managed a very, very small smile at the thought. When Kare said he was a boring person, Cresselia laughed a little, saying"I bet you're not boring. You just need to get out a little more, that's all." As she began to eat her food, she went on after a a few bites and swallows"I know some places we can go. I know your not a... erm... not a fan of big crowds, so I'll make sure there aren't any where we go."

Cresselia assumed Kare favored quiet places, with little to no people, given his place of stay at one point. She frowned a bit that thought. Kare's father and creator, Arceus, sent him to the Distortion World. Even though Kate deserved it, for being too violent at some point. Eventually, Arceus took his son back in, to this new realm. One, because humans violated the Distortion World easily. And two, because the human world wasn't safe, and Arceus still cared for his children. Now, even Giritina couldn't get to the Distortion World, unless granted passage by father, or his sister Palkia.

Blinking once, she went on"Whatever we end up doing next time, at least I'll be getting to know you a bit more. Really is nice, to be in presence of such an exalted Pokemon. That, and you seem nice in general, like I said already." It was no less than an honor to be talking with one of Arceus' six children, but that wasn't why Cresselia was talking with Kare, because of his origins. She talked to and liked him because of his personality.


--Palkia-- (@Aero)

Once again did she grow happy seeing Braviary smile, at her suggesting that she might be able to take him to the human realm. If they were careful, nothing would go wrong in the slightest.

The female Gijinka noticed his blushing, and she gained an amused look. It was odd though, to see such a reaction to something she said. Well, she usually spoke to brag about herself or say some slightly mean comments. Still... It was nice to see Braviary blush at her little compliment.

When he confirmed it as a date, Palkia found herself blushing again. She'd never been on a "date" before, but the idea was appealing indeed. Liked it a lot. So, she echoed in agreement"It's a date." Cool. Now Palkia actually had something to look forward to besides sitting around and meditating on the being of the entire universe.

After finishing off another pokepuff, she sighed softly, glancing over at the Beedrill gijinka, as Braviary did a few moments ago. Briefly scratching her chin, she said"You should get back to your friend. Whatever she ordered can't take that much longer. And I'd hate for her to be waiting on us if she gets her order before we're done. We have a date tomorrow anyway, right? Today isn't the last we'll see each other, fortunately." Palkia allowed herself another smile. Looking down at her box of treats, she gestured to it, offering"Want to take something for the road?"
"I'm doing good, just bored" He replied to her first comment with a smile. "Sure, it probably will be more fun than wandering around." it's been a pretty uneventful day for him and just wanted to do something fun and after Jinx's offer, it was worth a shot. "So, what do you plan?" He asked her, hoping whatever it was wouldn't get them into too much trouble.

☆☆Braviary☆☆ (@Krampus )

Braviary looked over at Beedrill seeing that she had the cookies and ready to go. "Oh right, I guess I should get going." He said with a huff, not wanting to leave Palkia yet. "Well, at least I have something to look forward to. See you tomorrow then Palkia." Braviary replied with a wink before getting up. He shook his head as if saying no to the snacks. "Thank you for the offer, but no. Bee has some snacks for me, I'll take hers enjoy yours." The bird said with a grin and gave Palkia a wink.

He walked over to Beedrill and the two walked out of the shop. "So you actually befriended Palkia?" She said with a smile. "Not only that but got a date with her." Braviary said with a proud tone and Beedrill gave him a mock gasp. "What no way, how cool! I wish to be just like you Braviary." She mocked. Braviary rolled his eyes. "Hey you should take a few pointers from me. I'll have a date so you better find someone else to hang out with. Please?" He asked looking at her with puppy dog eyes.

Beedrill let out a huge sigh. "Ugh, fine I'll try but no promises." She replied with a huff. Braviary gave her a big grin and ruffled her hair. "Great now I don't have to worry about you as I have fun." He said with a chuckle. Beedrill gave him a small smile, she like Palkia loved seeing him grin. It was just so warming.

Colby sighs and rubs his eyes. "I suppose you're right." He seems to think about something, then gives a dry chuckle. "Did you know, I can't even remember why I became a Warrior? I don't remember any goals of mine, any dreams, anything. The monotony and self-loathing at the day to day have ruined it for me. For the longest time, I never looked forward to the next day." He gives Absol a kind glance. "Though, thanks to you, I suspect that I'll have at least one thing to look forward to everyday."



Proxy was walking around in it's normal gijinka form not really in the mood to transform into anyone else at that moment. Proxy had just got finished working at the Pokedaycare in the city. Proxy really enjoyed helping with all the baby pokemon that stayed there. But right now Proxy was heading home walking through the park wondering if it should go mess with anyone or just continue on its way.

Proxy saw something in the distance that made it grin. Ah look who it is. It's Hide. Proxy hadn't messed with Hide alot recently and felt that it should go for it. Transforming into the Gijinka Proxy walked right up to it and grinned at Hide.

"Hey, what's up?" Proxy said in Hides' voice. Mostly Proxy wanted to see how Hide would react to seeing himself just walking up and talking to him like this. It thought it would be funny to see.



Zebstrika was walking down the street, not sure where his feet will take him today. He was listening to his music like usual and closed his eyes to listen to the beat better. Zeb bopped his head to the beat, weirdly enough he found a way not to run into anything. 'Today is a nice day for a walk.' He thought and opened his eyes for a minute to look at the bright sky. @Acethekidd
~ Absol ~

She felt a sort of swelling pride hearing him say he was looking forward to seeing her again. "Glad to be of help to at least someone," she said cheerfully before rising from her seat, taking a glance at the time. She turned to look at Colby, before looking at the empty glasses on the coffee table. "I think I should be getting going soon. I don't want to overstay my welcome, but first would you mind if I did clean up? It's the least I can do for all you've done today." Before Colby could reply though, she went ahead and picked up the glasses and put them in the sink, already starting to clean them.


~ Hide ~

Hide was left mouth agape at hearing Proxy. His sucker that he had gotten out from his secret candy stash nearly fell out as he stared flabbergasted at the copycat. It took a good minute or so before he snapped out of the initial shock and quickly stepped back from Proxy. Accusingly he pointed a finger at it, getting a few stares from a few passerby as he yelled "ARE YOU MY LONG LOST COUSIN?!"
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Proxy tried it's hardest to not laugh at the Raichu's reaction to it's form but it couldn't help it. Proxy wrapped its arms around its stomach as it laughed loudly and with heart. Hide would see as it's body turned a silver color, almost like an evolution but reverse, and was back to its original form. The girl before Hide finally stopped laughing but giggled every now and then.

"That was so funny!" Proxy giggled grinning happily. "Naw it's just me Hide." it giggled at him. Proxy had been hoping that Hide's reaction would be hilarious and he didn't disappoint. It was hilarious. Proxy hoped that Hide would have a good humor about this. Some pokemon just didn't have a sense of humor at all. Sometimes they attacked it over these innocent pranks and Proxy didn't like that at all. It was just innocent fun.

Colby opened his mouth to say she didn't need to do anything, but before he could utter a sound, she had already gotten up and started cleaning. With a resigned sigh, be got up and picked up the plates on the table, then moved into the kitchen and put them next to the sink for Absol to wash. He then rummaged about in a cabinet and pulled out a rag, stood next to Absol, and motioned for her to hand him the stuff she cleaned so he could dry them.


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