[Legends of the Modern Age (Scion)] [Legends of the Modern Age (Scion)] Domain of Leisure

It's not about how likely you are to be in a relationship, it's about how unlikely you are to be in a relationship and how fast that train will derail with the most collateral damage.
I'm ready for the next chapter to start. I want to thwap some bad guys!
I've got to admit, most people ask before joining a game.

Story threads and character approval happening tomorrow, I need my sleep
So, does Raven get laughed out of the sky, or just shot down?
ST my personal life is exploding at the moment, can you proceed without Kenji in the labyrinth thread for the next week?
It should go up over the next 2 weeks as I get back to uni and my work scales back to reasonable levels. Beyond that, you could poke the people who tend to lag a bit in their posts, as there are circumstances where that makes me hesitate to move the game forward.

Edit: Yeah, Kaji can fall into the background for a bit. No worries there
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Where do people get the extra -3 health level?!

As Hero Scions, we all have -0, -1, -1, -2, -2, -4, Inc, and a number of dying HLs equal to our Stamina, as a base.

With 1 dot of Epic Stamina, your HLs look like this:

-0, -0, -0, -1, -1, -3, Inc, and a number of dying HLs equal to your Stamina

With 2 dots of Epic Stamina, your HLs look like this:

-0, -0, -0, -0, -0, -2, Inc, and a number of dying HLs equal to your Stamina
I got mine from a cereal box. It was a secret toy surprise advertised on the box. It also came with stickers.

Actually, I am glad you pointed that out since I only had the base health levels. I was never very good at figuring them out with epics. I'll fix mine so Grisl is more Grisl-ly.
@shepsquared I apologize for my lack of involvement in the game, I'm afraid I'll have to drop out as to not keep others waiting, so sorry for any inconvenience and hope you all have fun.
And Grisl admits to flirting. Admitting it is the first step.

Sorry to see you go, Lord-Leafar!
That is hardly an admission, but more of an attempt to manipulate you into thinking she has been flirting with you. It seemed to work. One way to know for sure is to ask someone very knowledgable in such matters or seek out an oracle.

Oh. Look. There is one right in front of you!
*blinks* Woah, peeps need to look over the combat stats they listed, some don't make sense I'm afraid. RSC has it right, there aren't any -3 Wound Penalties in the game, each E.Stamina point at Hero-Level eliminates the corresponding Wound Penalty, so that's:

E.Sta 1 (No more -1 Penalties) (You should have 3 "0" Levels)

E.Sta 2 (No more -2 Penalties) (You should have 5 "0" Levels)

E.Sta 3 (No more -4 Penalties, meaning no more penalties, period) (You should have 6 "0" Levels)

Also, remember, we're still at Legend 3, so that's 9 Legend Points available to us.
[QUOTE="Lord-Leafar]@shepsquared I apologize for my lack of involvement in the game, I'm afraid I'll have to drop out as to not keep others waiting, so sorry for any inconvenience and hope you all have fun.

There is a spot for you should your schedule change.

Foolish13 said:
*blinks* Woah, peeps need to look over the combat stats they listed, some don't make sense I'm afraid. RSC has it right, there aren't any -3 Wound Penalties in the game, each E.Stamina point at Hero-Level eliminates the corresponding Wound Penalty, so that's:
E.Sta 1 (No more -1 Penalties) (You should have 3 "0" Levels)

E.Sta 2 (No more -2 Penalties) (You should have 5 "0" Levels)

E.Sta 3 (No more -4 Penalties, meaning no more penalties, period) (You should have 6 "0" Levels)

Also, remember, we're still at Legend 3, so that's 9 Legend Points available to us.
This. If the more combat savvy players can keep me and the others honest there will be bonuses.

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