[Legends of the Modern Age (Scion)] [Legends of the Modern Age (Scion)] Domain of Leisure

Yeah, Libby's a bit arrogant. She's used to her decisions automatically being the "right" ones by virtue of being the most intelligent person in the room. Of course, she's been dealing with mortals before this, so she's in for a rude awakening.

...also, she figured a "sphinx or siren" argument would take forever...
I fully support someone else making decisions, especially when other languages are involved... Or thought is required. Grisl isn't good with either of those.
From my POV:

1) It's a shame we never got to do much beyond the "explore the park, and then combat"

2) My character sucks in combat

3) People, including me, were a bit slow in responding

Points 2, and 3, are not problems related to you as a ST, so that's something for us to work on. But point 1 is relevant. When we discussed what we were going to do, the initial idea was to split up, so some of us went to try and talk to the wereravens/hawks, and the others would go to the park. That kinda fell through when we got tot he park, and things rolled into a combat.
I didn't expect you all to go to the park immediately was the thing there. I expected someone to go and meet the falcons or the hyenas in their territory, since I knew that the wolves were gathering there already. That said, it would have helped if someone had pointed that out as I time-skipped.
That was my character's plan all along, he knows he's not great at this fighty stuff... And that was what we discussed, but the others wanted to go to the park first to get some info from Theo. No worries now, it was a case of miscommunication on both sides.
Got a quick question for @shepsquared. If I pick up the level 2 PSP purview of Hero's Geas, do you pick what the geas that affects me and what bonus I get, or do I?
Right now I'm leaning towards you picking with my feedback, but I won't have access to the books until later. What do you want?
I was thinking of a geas that requires me to offer up hospitality to anyone that asks for it, but in exchange I get bonuses to my Athletics skill.

Or, it could be something along the lines of my refusal to eat any kind of bird. That one may be more appropriate.
If I remember correctly, the only Geas one could choose with the Hero's Geas is a Legendary Geas.


Checked and yes, it's a Legendary Geas.

When a Scion purchases this power, he must immediately choose a single geas, either one that is general in nature or one appropriate to his divine parent. This is a Legendary Geas (see p. 17 for details on this Geas). For advice in choosing a geas, and the penalties for breaking them, see “Geasa,” pp. 16-20.

Additionally, any time the Scion purchases a Boon from a Purview other than his parent’s, he may choose to assume a geas appropriate to a God of the Tuatha associated with that Purview. Doing so allows him to purchase the geas as though it were from his divine parent. Breaking such a geas is a terrible choice, though, for not only does it have the normal penalties for breaking a geas, but it also denies the Scion the use of that Boon until his enech is restored.

Those bound by the Legendary geas regain Legend at double the normal rate for as long as that geas is upheld. Additionally, each time he upholds his geas in such a fashion that his life is made more difficult, or there is some sacrifice involved for doing so, he also regains a point of Legend. Woe to the hero who breaks a Legendary geas, however, for until he regains enech, he loses a dot of Legend, reducing his Legend pool and denying him access to Boons that require a Legend of that level.
That is why I am interested in getting that Boon, despite the potential trouble I'll be opening myself up for.

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