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Fandom Legend of Zelda RP thread


Flame Demon

Autistic Ace Vampire
Roleplay Type(s)
A few rules before we start

No one liners, I don't expect a super long post, but give others something to work with.
Keep OOC out of this thread
Drama in rp is accepted, but keep is dealable
Otherwise just follow the site rules
A group of six seemingly random people get brought to a hidden realm created by the goddess Hylia herself "Welcome, I have called you here for a very important reason, Ganon has risen once again, but he has kidnapped all the heroes who could oppose him." Hylia explains and she adds "You do not know each other, might not even come from the same time, but you are the best option there is to defeat Ganon."

Rosalyn pinches the bridge of her nose, glad to be out of a very annoying situation, but still, she didn't usually work with others, let alone men "Why us?" she asks, seems to be a valid question though, since she had indeed neither met them or anything at all, plus, there must be more qualified people to stop Ganon, aside from her, the one who appears to be able to use magic looks capable enough, same with the, what she guesses, knight.

Before she had been brought wherever it wad they are now she had been on a city, assassinating a man who had, on multiple occassions stared at whatever vai entered Garudo Town, then she had robbed him of his most prized possessions before she was spotted, so she ran, all in all she supposed that being there was better then outrunning guards.

DovahBeat DovahBeat Obsidian Obsidian MangoGoGo MangoGoGo Acethekidd Acethekidd SerenityAngel SerenityAngel
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It was a normal day. The usual sounds of the birds chirping and leaves rustling and children’s laughter. The warm sunlight danced across her face and filled her with a sense of peace. She had closed the little shop for a while to enjoy the weather and fresh air she had needed after the suffocating trip to castle town. So many noises had run in her ears that the quiet and soft sounds were a welcome break.

While she was no longer a child that could permanently reside within the Kokiri village, she did often stay there in her old home. Her fingers gently traced over her most prized possession, calming down further as her fingertips gently grazed the soft wood. Tracing the tiny holes and trying to decide what to play or to make one up on her own.

She had been laying on the green grass by the roots of the Great Deku Tree and enjoying the warm sun and fresh air that blew across in a gentile breeze. Then, it suddenly stopped. Everything. There was no sound for a solid two minutes and the warmth of the sun had left and she could no longer feel the wind nor even smell it. Instead she heard silence then that was filled with voices, five of them.

The hylian girl quickly got up from the floor and listened intently. Her heart raced as she feared that she was left without a way to speak but she had to at least try. thankfully, she kept her ocarina in her hands so she could at least get someone’s attention but would anyone be able to understand her. That was when she felt it, the familiar tapping against the side of her neck to let her know that her faithful fairy companion was there with her. Her voice. Via.
Vaemion jolted awake, and scrambled to his feet, pointing the pointy end of his antler-staff towards the other humanoids with him on instinct. Until he heard the voice of Hylia, which kind of explained a lot and he relaxed some, no longer pointing his staff at them.
Since the question he wanted to ask was already verbalized by someone else, he waited without saying anything.
Instead, he took a good long look at those he supposed he'd have to work with. A diverse crowd, that's for sure.
It was then that Swip, his pine marten companion, made his presence known to Vaemion by scurrying up his back onto his shoulders.
"Yeah, weird day huh, Swip?" He mumbled to the small creature, patting his head softly.
Brandon’s day started early with meditation, a few exercises to loosen up his body, and one final check to make sure he had all his belongings before he set out. He was hoping to make it to the next town before the afternoon and start looking for some jobs since his Rupee bag was feeling a little light. He mounted his trusty steed and began his trek south.

He wasn’t too far into his days trek when he noticed a bright light descend from the sky. It held his gaze until it gently fell right in front of him. Before he could react the light suddenly got brighter, blinding Brandon. By the time Brandon was able to open his eyes he found himself in a place he did not recognize with four other people he didn’t recognize, “Wait, where…?” His question was cut off when the voice of Hylia.

There was so much going on his senses were being overloaded, “Wait, wait, wait, what do you mean heroes have been kidnapped? Where are we?” he looked at the four others, “and…who exactly are you?” he was sure he has never seen in his life.
Far across the fields of Hyrule, the legions of the Calamity churned, surging over the lands upon a relentless wave of devastation. Where were they headed, one might wonder? The Castle. The great shining citadel towering over the whole kingdom, ancestal home of the Royal Family and the famed impervious fortress, bathed in the golden rays of the Goddess' light. The Calamity has sought only one goal this whole war, to reach and conquer the castle, and decimate all that stand between them and it. While the Princess and her Chosen Knight seek alliances with the other tribes across Hyrule, the Royal Army holds back the tide of the monster hordes, led by the King himself.

"A message from the King," a runner gasps as he appears before Syprus. "It is written here."

Syprus, atop his warhorse and faithful stead, reaches down and takes the note. Syprus, and the rest of the Royal Battlemages, are to charge ahead and use their magic to break through the frontline of the calamitous horde. Syprus nods to the messenger before he flees away on yet another errand, and Syprus turns to the battle ahead. While anyone else might think twice about charging ahead right into the maw of the beast, Syprus itched with excitement. The all too familiar rush, the magic in his veins, coarsed through him as he pushed his horse forwards, quickly building speed. The elements, as they have always done, sing to him, enveloping him with their power, and Syprus embraces them eagerly. With one raised hand, Syprus sends out of arc of emerald green lightning whipping ahead of him, striking upon the front of the monster horde before exploding in fiery burst, hot burning plasma splattering across the frontlines and melting any beast it rains upon.

Just as Syprus was about to summon yet another blast of elemental fury, his vision was suddenly sundered by a blinding flash of golden light, the very same light that rains upon the Castle and every other place held sacred throughout the Kingdom. Hylia's light. And as soon as he was blinded, he found himself not upon the battlefields of Hyrule, but elsewhere. He quickly pulled upon Rapadash's reins, forcing his stead to rear up as he came to a shrieking halt. Only once Rapadash was yet again on all fours, and stood still, did Syprus hear the wondrous voice of his Goddess.

It was... so beautiful. One might be forgiven for not even listening to her words, so transfixed would one be by something so fantastically bewitching. It took Syprus a few moments to register what the Goddess had even said. "Ganon," he mutters to himself. "What is Ganon?"
Hylia looks at the heroes one by one, guess she should answer them one by one too, as to not make it more confusing, though she notes that she girl with the fairy hasn't said a word yet and the forest spirit had probably seen more crazy things.

She first turns towards the assassin, Rosalyn, and explains "To get into the realm that the heroes are locked up in you will need specific items, since all of you have some sort of connection to the hero you can get them, that is also why you can now communicate with me through the goddess statues."

She then turns to the knight, who wasn't really making a good first impression right now "We are in a realm I made for the purpose of bringing you all together, as for who everyone is, I think a knight like yourself might benefit from showing some manners towards the others, you do not know them, chances are they never met a knight."

She turns to Syprus "Ganondorf, also known as Calamity Ganon to some of you." she explains "You are safe here, but whatever monsters are out there are not led by him, he has hidden himself away from the material world and I cannot open the realm. The very first hero knew him as Demise, who is also the one who cursed the hero and Zelda, thus creating tje endless cycle."

Rosalyn sighs and thinks to herself "Men", looking a tad unimpressed with the guy though she turns to Hylia and she frowns, wondering what the goddess meant by that exactly? She can't help but stiffle a laugh when the knight gets somewhat scolded for his lack of manners "I mean, I've met a selective mute once, also a knight, who has more manners then you do.", it's then that she notices movements under her cloak, since it reaches the ground, so she moves it to see her fox companion, which she picks up to calm it down a bit, as the sudden bright light had startled her.

DovahBeat DovahBeat Obsidian Obsidian MangoGoGo MangoGoGo SerenityAngel SerenityAngel Acethekidd Acethekidd
The voice of the goddess was like nothing she had ever heard before. It was soft and comforting but also powerful and dangerous. Was this really the goddess Hylia? Why was she summoned? She can’t see, she cane even speak without Via translating. Why would the goddess choose her of all people? Someone clearly broken and defective. However, there were five others from the sounds of their voices.

Each voice she heard was so unique and each one confident and strong. They held no fear in their voices and they seemed to be just as confused as she. They all wanted answers to the same questions she had and let them voice them while she waited and listened.

Via, her fairy companion and her voice, sat on her shoulder and watched, and waited and especially watched her charge for any cues she wanted to speak so she could be ready to speak on her behalf. So far, everything was answered for her.

While the explanation seemed plausible, she still could not shake the confusion why or how she could handle anything that could save link or anyone for that matter. The others she could understand, but herself, not a chance. Perhaps she meant to summon someone else and she got in the way? No. She shook her head to shake that thought from her. The goddess would never make such a mistake. Surely there was a reason. She trusted the goddess and her reasoning, though she may not know everything, she would understand if and or when the time came.

There was one thing she had to ask though, so she carefully raised her hand to ask for permission to speak. Once acknowledged she moved her hands quickly, gracefully and purposefully while Via spoke in time, “It is not my place to question your judgement, great goddess Hylia, so I only ask how exactly we can save the heros so that we may, in turn, be saved from what comes?” Via asked as she remained sat upon the girl’s shoulder, choosing to remain where the girl knew her exact place and that she would not be harmed or disappear from her and be left unable to communicate.

Her hand movements wasted nothing on time and her white eyes stared straight ahead, unfixed on anything at all. Her long, pointed ears twitched with each voice and each time someone spoke as if to catch their sound properly and tune in to them. From what she heard there were four males and one female, besides herself, but that is all she presumed without being able to touch them and know them personally.
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Milo blinked, taking in his surroundings with wide-eyed confusion. Just moments ago, he had been in the midst of performing a lively tune for a group of sailors on a bustling port town, and now he found himself in a place that seemed unfamiliar to him.

As Hylia spoke, Milo's confusion only deepened. Ganon? Heroes? Kidnappings? It all sounded like a plot straight out of one of the epic tales he loved to sing about, but here he was, apparently thrust into the heart of the story itself.

His fingers absentmindedly strummed the strings of his harp, a nervous habit that helped him gather his thoughts. "Um... excuse me, ma'am," he began, addressing the goddess with a mixture of and uncertainty. "I'm not quite sure how I ended up here or what any of this means... I mean, I'm just a bard, you see. Singing songs, I'm not exactly hero material."

Milo glanced around at the others, noticing the varying expressions on their faces. But regardless of their backgrounds or abilities, they were all here for a reason, apparently chosen by the goddess herself.

Taking a deep breath, Milo straightened his posture "But if you believe that I can help defeat Ganon...i'll try my best" he declared, his voice was shake, uncertainty lingering in his heart. After all, if there was one thing he had learned from his travels, it was that sometimes, even the most unlikely heroes could rise to the occasion when the need was greatest.
Hylia smiles slightly "While it may be true that not everyone here can fight or wishes to fight, I choose you for your skills, each one of you has something that will help on the journey, I cannot help you beyond my capabilities, I cannot join you, thus am unable to provide you with equipment, tools etc." she explains, it was their journey "And you may not have the time to free each hero before Ganon grows too strong, if need be you will need to defeat him yourself.". She looks at the one who has a fairy to speak for her and floats over "Young one, I can use my magic to heal you so that you may speak, if you wish to speak anyway, some places you will head to will find it strange to see a fairy." she explains.

Rosalyn nods slightly, she followed it so far, in her Hyrule fairies were mostly found at the great fairy fountains and not anywhere else "Luna wait!" she says when her fox companion jumps down to chase the fairy in a playful manner "No, she needs that fairy, it's not a toy, don't give me that look!" she scolds her animal companion and she looks at the blind girl "Sorry, Luna likes chasing fairies, they usually don't mind playing with her, but I'll try to restrain her for now.". It's not as if Luna will try to eat the fairies, she was raised better then that, but as mentioned before, they didn't encounter many fairies.

SerenityAngel SerenityAngel Acethekidd Acethekidd DovahBeat DovahBeat Obsidian Obsidian MangoGoGo MangoGoGo
The mission itself seemed very straight forward but the best laid plans go awry, so perhaps having a simple plan was better than something detailed? She knew that the goddess had chosen wisely. She may not know what skills she can offer, but if the goddess believed in her and this group, then she also believed.

The tiny fairy, Via, stayed sat on her partner’s shoulder and watched for any cues from her to speak. However, it seemed her interpreter role was about to disappear as the goddess made the girl an offer she could not and would never refuse.

The goddess herself, offered to give back the girl’s voice. Something she hadn’t had in so many years. The broken girl’s non-functioning white eyes started to water and tears fell soon after. The goddess had, basically, offered the girl her life back as a boon for no reason in exchange for going on this quest to destroy Ganon. So, without any hesitation, or even a thought, she nodded her head fervently, holding her hands together and interlacing her fingers she looked to be begging and pleading for the goddess to do as she promised.

Via, the fairy, stood up in surprise that she would be absolved of one of her jobs. She wouldn’t have to watch the girl constantly and have to speak to others if she really didn’t want to. The girl she was connected to would be able to speak her own mind and allow her to express herself on her own. She stood up on the girl’s shoulder quickly and even flew up in hope, “Really!?” She asked, “You’d do that for her? Thank you! Oh, thank you great goddess Hylia!”

When the fox jumps to play with the fairy, Via quickly dives under the girl’s hair to protect herself. She was startled and this startled her companion who raised her hand to protect Via. But only by gently guarding near her neck where the fairy was hiding. But, upon hearing that the fox meant no harm, both the girl and the fairy relaxed with a bit of a sigh. She turned to the female voice not belonging to the goddess and gently touched her fingertips to her lower lip then extended that same hand toward her in a gesture, literally saying ‘thank you’ in sign language.

Flame Demon Flame Demon Acethekidd Acethekidd DovahBeat DovahBeat Obsidian Obsidian MangoGoGo MangoGoGo
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Vaemion watched with mild interest, slightly perplexed by these people. He hadn't been around people much, preferring the company of animals over the humanoid races. It was... a bit of a culture shock if he was being honest.

But still begs the question, what can they do to stop the demon king? He was a shapeshifter unfamiliar with most civilization, being asked to save basically civilization.

With a frustrated sigh he spoke up. "Okay, alright. But how are we supposed to save everyone, hm? A little more direction would be nice."

Flame Demon Flame Demon Acethekidd Acethekidd Obsidian Obsidian MangoGoGo MangoGoGo SerenityAngel SerenityAngel
Rosa smiles "It's no problem, usually the fairies I see don't talk, but Luna just likes playing with them, I once found her asleep surrounded by fairies, maybe she finds them comforting." she says before walking back to her previous spot. Her pet fox had weird habits she supposed, but she never really found them weird, after all, what other fox had a moon marking on it's head.

She then realized something and frowns "I got a question, how are the guys supposed to get into my hometown? Men aren't allowed in there and I doubt Riju would change her mind if I tell her why they might have to enter.", though getting disguises wasn't an issue she supposed, she had a discount basically everywhere, but one guy sneaking in would've been easier then four, though the guys might not even want to crossdress to get in.

"It's no trouble at all," Hylia says "life hasn't been fair for a lot of people, but I am hoping to find a gift for everyone that may help on your journey. What I'm asking you in no small task after all, so I can give you this and I do not need anything in return." she explains and clarifies while putting her hand in front of Alabast's throat to heal it and her hand starts to glow. She had yet to find gifts for the others though, maybe she could think of something after the quest was finished, since most of them were pretty good of when it came to that.

At Rosalyn's question she almost laughs, right, Garudo Town, never really any different no matter where you go "I'm certain you will think of something for getting them in, if they feel comfortable with a disguise anyway, if not then they'll have to stay at the bazaar.".

She thinks about the next question, she herself didn't even know exactly everything, Ganon was very careful "As for how, each world, so to speak, has an item which can be used to open the realm the Demon King has trapped them in, however, the person going inside is not likely to come back out, there's a darkness there that will drive most people insane. The heroes have the trifirce of courage that protects them from it." Hylia explains to the forest spirit "You would also be affected by it. Ganon has done that to ensure no one can stop his plans."

DovahBeat DovahBeat Obsidian Obsidian MangoGoGo MangoGoGo Acethekidd Acethekidd SerenityAngel SerenityAngel
A gentile warmth spread in her throat, like a soothing heated scarf or wrap. Like the sensation of warm tea sliding down her throat. She didn’t know how she would sound now after so long being silent and unable to make even a peep. She hadn’t even tried to speak or even scream for years now. She figured she was bound to be a bit rusty when using unused muscles after so long.

Once the warmth faded and she guessed that the healing was done, the girl gently touched her neck with the tips of her trembling fingers. She opened her mouth as if to say something but she honestly didn’t know what to say. It would be the first words she’ll have said since the last scream she uttered from childhood. It meant a lot more to her than anyone could understand. She didn’t know what she should say and she was honestly scared of how she would sound.

Via flew in front of the girl under her care, facing her, wanting and waiting to hear the girl speak for the first time. She saw the look of almost fear on her face and in those unworking, white eyes. “You can do it! Say something Anything! Please?” She asked and gently touched the girl’s cheek, “Let it out. Please say anything.”

The girl looked past the desperate fairy, to the all-mighty goddess Hylia and finally, with a strained and child-like voice that almost sounded like she had been gargling salt and rocks for months but any could tell that the voice would eventually get stronger and become something pleasant once practiced, spoke the only two words that she could express herself, “Thank you.”

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