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Fantasy Legend of Knights OOC

Yeah, and the knight most accustomed to waging wars and storming fortified bases is used to attacking things however he likes.

He's used to fucking people's shit up. xP

I've given up on tags

Lol same. I fucked up the tags once and saw everyone else had abandoned theirs, so I pulled a Void and went "ahh fuck em."
Ya know, zombies, necromancers, vampires, those kind of things.
Supernatural, I'd say but while there is necromancers (rare but still), I don't think there would be vampires in this story if that's what you're asking. So a necromancer could raise up zombies but I think that's as far as diversity in humanoid species goes.
Kloudy Kloudy , just curious, but I've worked with NekoQueen49 NekoQueen49 with my character, an she mentioned the fact that our characters would exist as knights in a time of peace. Has he Siegel during this time?

Hell if I know. I was just using that as an excuse to slip in that my character is good at seiging defended places. I'm gonna assume yes until disproven. If not, then perhaps Void merely dealt with the more serious rebellions and uprisings from various fiefdoms within the kingdom, dealing with those armies and such.
I tried putting somthing of the sort with the army and I was told there was no army to fight, so I had to change it to a villain who summoned zombies.
It would not be unrealistic to say various earls who control areas of the kingdom for king (such as a leader per city) to rise up against their king. Traitors looking to betray their king for the chance of taking everything themselves, or those who simply don't like how the Knights are running things. And of course, they all have their own armies given their status. So to say there is never an army to fight would be wrong as this kingdom is definitely not a utopia and everyone isn't all fine with each other. The bandit situation being testament to that.

What I really wanna see is a war between the knights. They each would have their own army (as real knights generally did) and sides will be taken, hostilities raised. A war to split the city in half. Perhaps one half loyal to the king, the other half believing the king to be u fit for rule. Just an idea. ; )
Again I suggested the idea, and NekoQueen49 NekoQueen49 said otherwise.

Though I do like the traitor idea, I myself might bring up a villian from Louis's past.

Though I think civil war would be a whole new rp, thus defeating the purpose of this rp.
I mean, aside from this bandit thing and just living the life of a knight, does this rp actually have a plot? If so, I think I may have missed it.

My idea was a suggestion for how we could proceed should there be a lack of future planning. We don't have to do it, but it'd be fun. Plus we would then get to see how each knight reacts and struggles with the decision of who to back. Will they honour their legend and choose the side that their legend would pick, or would their personal feelings finally push them to choose the side they believe is right? I'd say that's keeping very in touch with the theme for this rp.
I think what you say defeats the purpose of this rp.

I believe, and this is my opinion, that the purpose is more how does a band of people that are radically differnt deal with a crisis or situation, how they do they work together when they're personality is so differnt? There's your conflict, there's ya plot.

I can come with a villian if we really need one.
I think what you say defeats the purpose of this rp.

I believe, and this is my opinion, that the purpose is more how does a band of people that are radically differnt deal with a crisis or situation, how they do they work together when they're personality is so differnt? There's your conflict, there's ya plot.

I can come with a villian if we really need one.

Well, you haven't actually given a plot there, you've just stated a concept. What are we fighting? What's the crisis? Bandits are hardly an endgame crisis.

And my idea totally fits into what you're saying anyway. Half the knights, all who are contrasting in some way, work together to defeat the other half. Perhaps some will switch sides as they give in to their real personalities, or lapse into their fake ones. They still struggle with their real personalities and the scenario I've stated can definitely be considered a crisis.

I'd say this only progresses the current rp, in my opinion. But hey, if the gm has something else in mind then all's fair in love and war.
I do have something in mind, actually. Something Elekra and I had discussed actually XD I just didn't want to state I had now had a plot since I wanted it to be a surprise. I like to blindside people but that was my mistake this time, sorry.

Anyway, I hadn't thought of the nobles trying to uprise. Maybe that could be used for a future plot but for the sake of fairness and me telling Elekra before to change his CS for my ideas, I don't think we could have it set in the past tense.

I do enjoy the civil war idea considering it would take a very special situation for all of these people and personalities to cooperate. A situation that had occurred but hard to replicate. In the future (if we get that far) I would love to input that. That, and a time where the Knights abandon their surface personalities. If there comes a time that we get to a civil war, I think that should be the time for them to do that.
Elekta Kount Elekta Kount Kloudy Kloudy
Imma just saying this now, but if they'res no one coming with me then there's not much of a point there. I'd like to ask for someone to come with me.
We need at least one guy with me, Im also thinking we can do battle so I get a chance to show case the Forest Knight's strength. Once it's over, find some evidence of a bigger threat and then send that person back while the green knight stays to heal that part of the forest.

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