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Fantasy Legend of Knights OOC

Miracle Corgi Miracle Corgi
It's okay for the most part, but keep in mind that the Knights were trained since childhood to be the Knight that they're representing. If you want, she could have started her training later than the rest of the Knights and that's why she struggles? If that's the case then her predecessor might have seen her and thought that she had an aptitude for the Knight's style of fighting or particularly represented the original's appearance.

That, and I'd rather the Title be tweaked a little since I'd rather them be based off of objects or things like that instead of qualities. For example, she could be Moon Knight or White Knight?
It kind of reminds me of my own Knight tbh but I don't mind XD Otherwise, I really like how you incorporated another Knight and created more backstory for the two characters. I enjoy that sort of thing. Also like the detail.

If I like a post, then that means it's accepted.

Well, when I started making my character, I hadn't only seen the 'Shield' knight and no one else's, then seeing them all wen I actually finished posting (which took several hours for some reason).

So yeah, that's why I wasn't aware of any similarities and why _Exodus_ _Exodus_ is the only one I have any affiliation with. xD
But hey, I did it so that we're only supposed to not like each other, doesn't mean we can't be secret friends. ; )

Also my guy is more actually kinda evil, hates the weak, ignores the poor, not really a people person. Not really a tactician in combat, but more of an overarching schemer on the grand scale of things. A political Assassin, even. And my weapon/combat/magic style is different.

But yeah, I went for a 'is a dick everyone but really hates himself the most' kind of guy. Very conflicted, much inner drama, such battle within, good resolve.
Well, when I started making my character, I hadn't only seen the 'Shield' knight and no one else's, then seeing them all wen I actually finished posting (which took several hours for some reason).

So yeah, that's why I wasn't aware of any similarities and why _Exodus_ _Exodus_ is the only one I have any affiliation with. xD
But hey, I did it so that we're only supposed to not like each other, doesn't mean we can't be secret friends. ; )

Also my guy is more actually kinda evil, hates the weak, ignores the poor, not really a people person. Not really a tactician in combat, but more of an overarching schemer on the grand scale of things. A political Assassin, even. And my weapon/combat/magic style is different.

But yeah, I went for a 'is a dick everyone but really hates himself the most' kind of guy. Very conflicted, much inner drama, such battle within, good resolve.
Huh, I got saw the 'secretly pacifist' thing so that's where my conclusion that they're somewhat similar came from. I don't mind since they're not exact replicas (especially considering that Veronica doesn't hate anyone, and well, you've already pointed out their differences haha) and people are naturally going to have similarities.
Huh, I got saw the 'secretly pacifist' thing so that's where my conclusion that they're somewhat similar came from. I don't mind since they're not exact replicas (especially considering that Veronica doesn't hate anyone, and well, you've already pointed out their differences haha) and people are naturally going to have similarities.

Right right, I would say Veronica is more pacifist than Marx though. Marx prefers to not use violence, whilst your knight actually hates it. But either way, perhaps we have something in common with our less than charming appearances yet good intentions? Perhaps the two could have something more? All these secrets going around, what's one more, eh? ; )

Can't wait for the start though! Speaking of which, when will that happen?
Right right, I would say Veronica is more pacifist than Marx though. Marx prefers to not use violence, whilst your knight actually hates it. But either way, perhaps we have something in common with our less than charming appearances yet good intentions? Perhaps the two could have something more? All these secrets going around, what's one more, eh? ; )

Can't wait for the start though! Speaking of which, when will that happen?
Once I'm finished with the lore page and the opening post. So either today or tomorrow.
I saw it, but I forgot to include my response XD What did you have in mind?

Well I'm not sure, honestly. I have no idea how they would interact to begin with. They're both more than smart enough to see through each other's facade, it's just a case of how they both would choose to handle the other with this knowledge.

Perhaps it's a love in denial, each one keeping up the act in case they are wrong, unwilling to reveal their secret and maybe even be embarrassed. Or maybe they lead double lives, opening up to each other in secret and acting all normal as if they were just the knights of legend the rest of the time? Or maybe they try to cast off their legend for the sake of love. We can take this any which way. : )
I just want you guys to know I'm lurking on this.. also, goodnight even though time zones exist!
Good night :3

Well I'm not sure, honestly. I have no idea how they would interact to begin with. They're both more than smart enough to see through each other's facade, it's just a case of how they both would choose to handle the other with this knowledge.

Perhaps it's a love in denial, each one keeping up the act in case they are wrong, unwilling to reveal their secret and maybe even be embarrassed. Or maybe they lead double lives, opening up to each other in secret and acting all normal as if they were just the knights of legend the rest of the time? Or maybe they try to cast off their legend for the sake of love. We can take this any which way. : )
Or maybe it's a part of their fake personalities that they're always in a relationship with each other and they use that as a way to build a friendship behind closed doors and vent to each other about how mean they're forced to be? I could see that happening.
Good night :3

Or maybe it's a part of their fake personalities that they're always in a relationship with each other and they use that as a way to build a friendship behind closed doors and vent to each other about how mean they're forced to be? I could see that happening.

Ooh yeah, that's a good one as well! The terribly terrifying duo lovers actually become friends? Nice, nice. : D
Miracle Corgi Miracle Corgi
It's okay for the most part, but keep in mind that the Knights were trained since childhood to be the Knight that they're representing. If you want, she could have started her training later than the rest of the Knights and that's why she struggles? If that's the case then her predecessor might have seen her and thought that she had an aptitude for the Knight's style of fighting or particularly represented the original's appearance.

That, and I'd rather the Title be tweaked a little since I'd rather them be based off of objects or things like that instead of qualities. For example, she could be Moon Knight or White Knight?

OOF SORRY I didn't realize I messed up so much, I try to stick as close as I can to the directions usually, sorry! I can easily change her knight title, White Knight is cool, Moon Knight is pretty sick too. If it's okay, I might swipe the title of Moon Knight and have it to where her predecessor saw a birthmark on her or something, and saw that she was active at night, etc. and picked her? Like, She could've been picked at a very young age as a child, but was still a street rat, and then because she's a stubborn she's still a total slob/selfish mess now
OOF SORRY I didn't realize I messed up so much, I try to stick as close as I can to the directions usually, sorry! I can easily change her knight title, White Knight is cool, Moon Knight is pretty sick too. If it's okay, I might swipe the title of Moon Knight and have it to where her predecessor saw a birthmark on her or something, and saw that she was active at night, etc. and picked her? Like, She could've been picked at a very young age as a child, but was still a street rat, and then because she's a stubborn she's still a total slob/selfish mess now
No worries! I know that I hadn't put much up in the direction of lore and whatnot so hopefully the stuff I wrote will help others make things easier. Sounds good to me! I just like offering up suggestions XD It's up to you :3

Ooh yeah, that's a good one as well! The terribly terrifying duo lovers actually become friends? Nice, nice. : D
I could also see Veronica starting to fall in love with him for real because they can be open with each other like they are.
No worries! I know that I hadn't put much up in the direction of lore and whatnot so hopefully the stuff I wrote will help others make things easier. Sounds good to me! I just like offering up suggestions XD It's up to you :3

I could also see Veronica starting to fall in love with him for real because they can be open with each other like they are.

Ill put some edits into her sheet and let you know if thats better! I just got ahead of myself!
Ahh finally done with my character. Hopefully it's good enough but if not, please let me know! I'll change her up immediately ^-^

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