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Fantasy Legend of Knights OOC

There's this great thing you guys can do.

It's called 'getting it'. I know, crazy right?

It's better than Skype in every single way now as it recentky even got screenshare, along with everything else Skype has but better. It would allow for easy ooc chatting and voice (and I wouldn't mind rapping for y'all either).
There's this great thing you guys can do.

It's called 'getting it'. I know, crazy right?

It's better than Skype in every single way now as it recentky even got screenshare, along with everything else Skype has but better. It would allow for easy ooc chatting and voice (and I wouldn't mind rapping for y'all either).

The reason i dont have it cause it doesnt work on my computer.
Whoah guess who totally didn't get notifications from OOC for some reason? that's right, this girl. but I'm reading this responses and like shaking my head and falling back into my chair y'all got me WEAK and I'm sorry if I'm replying so fast there's just so much hype
also sorry if Ada is confident one second and then self conscious the next, I'm still trying to figure out her dynamic within the group
Here is David's horse
Whoah guess who totally didn't get notifications from OOC for some reason? that's right, this girl. but I'm reading this responses and like shaking my head and falling back into my chair y'all got me WEAK and I'm sorry if I'm replying so fast there's just so much hype
also sorry if Ada is confident one second and then self conscious the next, I'm still trying to figure out her dynamic within the group

Ima slay yo two-timing ass if you mess with mah boi! xD
Make her be all high and mighty with others and then get really hurt when anyone ever says the slightest thing about her. xP
It seems Void ain't having none of you people's shit. We go in and we go hard, bedroom style lads!
The Grilled Charlie The Grilled Charlie , Im going to make this point now, not just to you but the lot of you, but this is the first time the Green Knight, the new one, has ever attended one of these meetings, as his character sheet suggest, he has just come out of the forest.
Oh apologies, the way your guy talked in your first post, I just assumed he had been to those meetings before. Quote: "So what are we shouting about today? City dwellers? Murdering more folks are we? Eh?" I honestly skimmed some of the posts, because I was so far behind on posts, due to school. Won't happen again!
Oh apologies, the way your guy talked in your first post, I just assumed he had been to those meetings before. Quote: "So what are we shouting about today? City dwellers? Murdering more folks are we? Eh?" I honestly skimmed some of the posts, because I was so far behind on posts, due to school. Won't happen again!

I'm behind, too, but that's because I don't have an approved CS yet. At the rate we're going, I'm starting to wonder if I'll actually catch up or not.
I love how the green knight thinks he can start setting demands with the entire council of knights. xD

Old man shield or not, you ain't gonna keep that forest for long if you manage to piss us all off lmao XD

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