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Fantasy Legend of Knights OOC

Sorry I didn't post at all guys, I wasn't getting any notifications for some reason.

Yeah, this has been happening a lot on rpn. I can feel the rp posts I'm missing everywhere, even though I'm supposed to be being updated.

Also, where do I go now? xD Do the knights have their own castles and stuff? Or should the attack squad just meet outside the village itself? You can tell I hadn't completely thought this through lmao xD
Just like the void knight.

Now I get the feeling the green knight's going to be on his own. That's okay, he'll take care of this himself.
Just like the void knight.

Now I get the feeling the green knight's going to be on his own. That's okay, he'll take care of this himself.

At least the Void Knight has been doing something for the kingdom, instead of sitting on his ass in some forest. : P
Who said he's done nothing? He's been doing plenty.

Void has been crushing rebellions and conquering new territories for the kingdom. Forrest Gump over there has been crushing bandits and conquering thieves.

Not to mention that you never turn up to the meetings, I'm wondering if we really even need the Green Knight around?
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While you squabble with man, the Green Knight fights with monsters and beasts on top of man.

Your sorry ass can play general instead of getting his ass kicked by monsters thanks to the green knight.
While you squabble with man, the Green Knight fights with monsters and beasts on top of man.

Your sorry ass can play general instead of getting his ass kicked by monsters thanks to the green knight.

Oh sure, you can claim to fight monsters and play fight with some animal. It's not like I was singlehandedly defeating armies myself or anything.

But at least I did my goddamn job. I did as the king asked, I have slain those who rose against us. All you had to do was keep the animals safe, the bloody animals! You are the guardian of the forest, of nature, and you can't even do that. You're more of a villain than I could ever be, you fake.

Perhaps the Last Companion should have accompanied the rest of his friends into death...

(I'm totally getting into this xD)
Without the forest, man would be nothing. Without nature, you would not have an army. Just remember that when your playing general next time.
Without the forest, man would be nothing. Without nature, you would not have an army. Just remember that when your playing general next time.

Is that it? That's your comeback? "O-oh, without me y-you can't do anything! I'm important, I swear!"


There's a reason why I have people following me, whilst you have no one. We have no time for the boy's scouts knight, we're too busy doing YOUR job.
Hey guys im not going to be able RP here because im not going to be able to RP as much because of work. Sorry guys.
Still got no idea where I should be going now.

NekoQueen49 NekoQueen49 halp
What? You got yourself into this mess.

If it helps, then the Knights do get a castle to themselves. Most would be near the King's but Void's would probably be near the edge of the city since the King wouldn't want... him near his abode and sugarcoats it so that it's under the guise of being able to defend the city better.
What? You got yourself into this mess.

If it helps, then the Knights do get a castle to themselves. Most would be near the King's but Void's would probably be near the edge of the city since the King wouldn't want... him near his abode and sugarcoats it so that it's under the guise of being able to defend the city better.

Plus it would make it easier to send his troops out on offensive missions, being able to mobilise his soldiers without having to navigate the whole city.

Right, to my crib we go!
How did this crew -ever- work together for the greater good? lol
Desperate times call for desperate solutions?

Plus I think that the original Knights had a background with each other and had gained a mutual respect through interactions that this generation never had the opportunity for. And, the personalities that they have to abide by are rather... limited. This is because it's a combination of the people's expectations of the Knight and also because after so many generations putting their own spin on it only the basis of the original Knight remains. It's kind of become twisted after a generational version of the telephone game.
I think we're waiting on a timeskip tbh. The next day needs to come so we can explain away the fact we've prepared for this new plan of action.

I intend on grabbing my dudes for our assault, but idk about the rest of you, so we'll need time to marshal out forces.
Woah woah woah, why am I just now finally getting notifications? I never saw those other ones.

That's been happening a lot lately, from what I've seen. RPN is a little fickle on the notification front. I circumvent it by keeping a thread list in my private workshop and checking into the plot and discussion threads every morning.

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