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Fantasy Legacies: World at War - OOC

This is where i'll also experiment with using checks in these kinds of situations.

I'm sure Alpha will explain better but basically a check is a d20 roll and if you roll high (you're usually not told what the DC is by the DM) your character will see/feel/hear something, usually described by the DM.
Speaking of, AlphaBlueWolf AlphaBlueWolf SharkBark SharkBark roll a perception check pleeeease (and thank you)

For the purposes of the experimental feature, these checks will not be affected by any modifiers (for the time being).
I think that's how I'll do those. I'll reply to your roll with a message like that to let you know in a natural way that they essentially failed the check.

You can incorporate this information in your next post or not, it's up to you.
I think that's how I'll do those. I'll reply to your roll with a message like that to let you know in a natural way that they essentially failed the check.

You can incorporate this information in your next post or not, it's up to you.
The replying to the roll thing is really cool! It lets you know the impact of your roll in a bit of a mysterious way, not you just flat out telling us "dang, you suck bro". 😭
The replying to the roll thing is really cool! It lets you know the impact of your roll in a bit of a mysterious way, not you just flat out telling us "dang, you suck bro". 😭
Its the best thing i could think of lol

This is where i'll also experiment with using checks in these kinds of situations.

I'm sure Alpha will explain better but basically a check is a d20 roll and if you roll high (you're usually not told what the DC is by the DM) your character will see/feel/hear something, usually described by the DM.
Actually, you're pretty spot on. Not really anything else I can add.

Speaking of, AlphaBlueWolf AlphaBlueWolf SharkBark SharkBark roll a perception check pleeeease (and thank you)

For the purposes of the experimental feature, these checks will not be affected by any modifiers (for the time being).

If you wanted to add modifiers we could do intelligence or wisdom modifiers. For dnd every ability is affected by your base six stats. So, like perception in dnd is an ability founded in wisdom, so it uses the wisdom modifier. Just for thought.

Speaking of stats, can you give me a crash course again on how to come up with the stats? Like what's the limit on the total points we can have, and what's the limit for each individual stat? Figured I should get Mateo and Cora done on that front since we'll be using the stats during this. And its been a long time since I did one so I kinda forgot lol
Actually, you're pretty spot on. Not really anything else I can add.


If you wanted to add modifiers we could do intelligence or wisdom modifiers. For dnd every ability is affected by your base six stats. So, like perception in dnd is an ability founded in wisdom, so it uses the wisdom modifier. Just for thought.

Speaking of stats, can you give me a crash course again on how to come up with the stats? Like what's the limit on the total points we can have, and what's the limit for each individual stat? Figured I should get Mateo and Cora done on that front since we'll be using the stats during this. And its been a long time since I did one so I kinda forgot lol
I think I said the limit was +5 and I think it was for every point above the standard 10 baseline.

Or if you wanted, you could have no modifiers and have passive abilities that gave you modifiers. In which case, the limit on those are basically limitless, within reason ofc.

I have some (Actually most of my recent characters) follow the latter rule.

If you wanted to add modifiers we could do intelligence or wisdom modifiers. For dnd every ability is affected by your base six stats. So, like perception in dnd is an ability founded in wisdom, so it uses the wisdom modifier. Just for thought.
Maybe, we'll see how this Check stuff goes.

Its good to have a side story running like this because then it becomes a testing ground for stuff that may get implemented in the main RP lol
I think I said the limit was +5 and I think it was for every point above the standard 10 baseline.

Or if you wanted, you could have no modifiers and have passive abilities that gave you modifiers. In which case, the limit on those are basically limitless, within reason ofc.

I have some (Actually most of my recent characters) follow the latter rule.
So max would then be 15 for each stat?

Maybe, we'll see how this Check stuff goes.

Its good to have a side story running like this because then it becomes a testing ground for stuff that may get implemented in the main RP lol
Definitely. It also helps for me because its an avenue to get me back into the swing of things that's not too high stakes and also not too involved with multiple characters a post.
Also I love the perception rolls. 5 and 6 for Rai and Skyla and 9 and 10 for Mateo and Cora. Why does it just wanna go one up each time lol
I might work on more bounty hunters for the good ol BHA SharkBark SharkBark lol
I'd love to see more of the BHA. Can't wait to see what you have to show.

On another note, there's some huge pressurs n my laptop screen, so I might not be able to post for a bit. Or at the very least, I'll have to go back to posting from my phone.
I'd love to see more of the BHA. Can't wait to see what you have to show.

On another note, there's some huge pressurs n my laptop screen, so I might not be able to post for a bit. Or at the very least, I'll have to go back to posting from my phone.
Aww alrighty.
A preview of the ultimate ability of the hunter im working on now;

"Time to go All-In!"
Roulette Shark - Baal places a 'Bet' on all allies, including himself, if any ally with a Bet is attacked, they gain 1 'Blind Bet' token. Allies with a Blind Bet Token can spend the token instead of using a spell slot. If a token is spent this way, Baal gains two Gambler's Tokens and Baal immediately follows-up with an attack of his own that deals 1d6 radiant damage.

Blind Bet Tokens only last until they are spent or the battle ends. Allies cannot gain more than 1 Blind Bet Token per battle.
I'd love to see more of the BHA. Can't wait to see what you have to show.

On another note, there's some huge pressurs n my laptop screen, so I might not be able to post for a bit. Or at the very least, I'll have to go back to posting from my phone.
Damn that sucks. Hope you can get it fixed. Posting on phones sucks.
Kumii Kumii

Baal's combat system is really cool. The gambling stuff really adds some flair to it. Lowkey, I'd like to see how it fares in battle.

Also, not to be the spelling police, but in his relationship tab, at the end of his girlfriends segment. You wrote that she joined him as a Bunty hunter. Just a slight mistake, but I wanted to let you know.
Kumii Kumii

Baal's combat system is really cool. The gambling stuff really adds some flair to it. Lowkey, I'd like to see how it fares in battle.

Also, not to be the spelling police, but in his relationship tab, at the end of his girlfriends segment. You wrote that she joined him as a Bunty hunter. Just a slight mistake, but I wanted to let you know.
Nope. She's a Bunty Hunter.

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