Hydro Dragon
- One on One
- Group
SkylaLocation: The Desert Nation
Current Weather: Clear
Current Time: August 29th, 1337.
Skyla put a finger on her chin in thought. It was a big step in thinking of a name for what essentially seemed like a pet. She stood there for a minute as Yaxas looked at her with anticipation. After a minute or two of deliberation, Skyla spoke, "How about... Tourmaline? Since you have pink fur and a Tourmaline's color can be pink."
Tourmaline jumped with excitement and joy, "(I love it! My name is Tourmaline~!)" Tourmaline jumped into Skyla's arms and Skyla instinctively hugged the little sprite, "By the way, Tourmaline, are you a girl or a boy?" Tourmaline looked at Skyla with a shocked look but it was clearly was a joking way, "(Tourmaline is offended! How can master not know??)" Skyla fumbled her words, "Wh- I'm sorry, it's just so hard to tell and-" Skyla realized, "Wait... you're teasing me aren't aren't you?" Tourmaline nodded, "(Tourmaline is a male Yaxas! Actually, most of us Yaxas are male, which is why we're so rare in the first place.)"

Current Weather: Clear
Current Time: August 29th, 1337.
Skyla put a finger on her chin in thought. It was a big step in thinking of a name for what essentially seemed like a pet. She stood there for a minute as Yaxas looked at her with anticipation. After a minute or two of deliberation, Skyla spoke, "How about... Tourmaline? Since you have pink fur and a Tourmaline's color can be pink."
Tourmaline jumped with excitement and joy, "(I love it! My name is Tourmaline~!)" Tourmaline jumped into Skyla's arms and Skyla instinctively hugged the little sprite, "By the way, Tourmaline, are you a girl or a boy?" Tourmaline looked at Skyla with a shocked look but it was clearly was a joking way, "(Tourmaline is offended! How can master not know??)" Skyla fumbled her words, "Wh- I'm sorry, it's just so hard to tell and-" Skyla realized, "Wait... you're teasing me aren't aren't you?" Tourmaline nodded, "(Tourmaline is a male Yaxas! Actually, most of us Yaxas are male, which is why we're so rare in the first place.)"
Sia & JuliusLocation: Bounty Hunter's Association, Ironshire
Current Weather: Clear
Current Time: August 29th, 1337.
Julius looked at Eliezer, "Well, Rei's been ranked at SS. Not many are that strong or good enough to take him on."
Sia crossed her leg one over the other, "Seems we need to implicate more strict rulesets. Something like members must take on at least 2 or 3 a week. Higher ranks get a little more leniency on par with the difficulty of the bounty." Julius looked at Sia and nodded, "It's a good start, aye." He looked to Eliezer, "Well, my French speaking friend, your thoughts?"
Meanwhile...The location was what seemed like a dusty warehouse. There were a couple of guys patrolling between the aisles of boxes, some empty and some full, "Well? What's the haul this week?" One guy said, he had a low and sinister voice. "I dunno, man. Rei's been acting a little strange lately. I mean, ordering us to find these strange gears and shit? The fuck's that all about?" The second guy replied, his voice was gruff and could cut through the air. "Man, when are we gonna see action? Like real action? I can't sit in this dusty fucking warehouse all day, my trigger finger icthin', man."
The second guy smacked the first guy upside the head, "Don't you go causin' trouble for us now, we don't need that attention from the Guard much less those panzies in the Bounty Hunter association. You make trouble for us now, it'll be a hundred time harder to move the product through here. So just relax and wait for orders like a good little boy, 'kay?" The first guy rubbed the back of his and groaned as they both continued walking.

Current Weather: Clear
Current Time: August 29th, 1337.
Julius looked at Eliezer, "Well, Rei's been ranked at SS. Not many are that strong or good enough to take him on."
Sia crossed her leg one over the other, "Seems we need to implicate more strict rulesets. Something like members must take on at least 2 or 3 a week. Higher ranks get a little more leniency on par with the difficulty of the bounty." Julius looked at Sia and nodded, "It's a good start, aye." He looked to Eliezer, "Well, my French speaking friend, your thoughts?"
Meanwhile...The location was what seemed like a dusty warehouse. There were a couple of guys patrolling between the aisles of boxes, some empty and some full, "Well? What's the haul this week?" One guy said, he had a low and sinister voice. "I dunno, man. Rei's been acting a little strange lately. I mean, ordering us to find these strange gears and shit? The fuck's that all about?" The second guy replied, his voice was gruff and could cut through the air. "Man, when are we gonna see action? Like real action? I can't sit in this dusty fucking warehouse all day, my trigger finger icthin', man."
The second guy smacked the first guy upside the head, "Don't you go causin' trouble for us now, we don't need that attention from the Guard much less those panzies in the Bounty Hunter association. You make trouble for us now, it'll be a hundred time harder to move the product through here. So just relax and wait for orders like a good little boy, 'kay?" The first guy rubbed the back of his and groaned as they both continued walking.
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