Hydro Dragon
- One on One
- Group
SkylaLocation: ???, Realm of Death(?)
Current Weather: Clear
Current Time: August 28th, 1337.
The Dragon looked over to Rai, "The tone in your your voice is understandable. Perhaps I can alleviate your suspicions."
Skyla looked over at Rai, "You're right but maybe this dragon has some answers that I-- that we need. Plus.. I have a feeling that he's gonna useful in the long run.." She looked to the dragon, "Alright, enlighten us." The Dragon looked back over to Skyla, "My desire to speak with you was born from the result of our battle, Qahnaarin. I merely wish respectfully ask a favor of you." Skyla crossed her arms, "Okay... what kind of favor?"
"For countless years, I've roamed the Realm of Death, in unintended service to the Death Knight. Before this, I roamed the skies above Atheria. I desire to return there..." Skyla sighed, "Well... what's stopping you?" The Dragon lowered its head, "I fear that my time has taken its toll upon. I share a bond with this dreaded place. If I ventured far from the Realm of Death, my strength would begin to wane until I was no more."
Skyla nodded slightly, "Okay and how exactly do you expect me to help you?" The Dragon raised it head to look at Rai and Skyla, "I will place my name with you and grant you the right to call my name from Atheria. Do for me this simple honor and I will fight at your side as your Grah-Zeymahzin, your Ally, and imbue your weapon with a powerful enchantment."

Current Weather: Clear
Current Time: August 28th, 1337.
The Dragon looked over to Rai, "The tone in your your voice is understandable. Perhaps I can alleviate your suspicions."
Skyla looked over at Rai, "You're right but maybe this dragon has some answers that I-- that we need. Plus.. I have a feeling that he's gonna useful in the long run.." She looked to the dragon, "Alright, enlighten us." The Dragon looked back over to Skyla, "My desire to speak with you was born from the result of our battle, Qahnaarin. I merely wish respectfully ask a favor of you." Skyla crossed her arms, "Okay... what kind of favor?"
"For countless years, I've roamed the Realm of Death, in unintended service to the Death Knight. Before this, I roamed the skies above Atheria. I desire to return there..." Skyla sighed, "Well... what's stopping you?" The Dragon lowered its head, "I fear that my time has taken its toll upon. I share a bond with this dreaded place. If I ventured far from the Realm of Death, my strength would begin to wane until I was no more."
Skyla nodded slightly, "Okay and how exactly do you expect me to help you?" The Dragon raised it head to look at Rai and Skyla, "I will place my name with you and grant you the right to call my name from Atheria. Do for me this simple honor and I will fight at your side as your Grah-Zeymahzin, your Ally, and imbue your weapon with a powerful enchantment."