~Ɯɛℓcσмɛ тσ мʏ Иιɢнтмαяɛ~ Ƥяιƨσи ЯƤ~

I stopped momentarily when shaine growled.. I figured I would just do something else, something that didn't include noise, so I wouldn't upset him..., I got out my pad and a pencil and began sketching.. I wass a great drawer, I'd even planned on going to art college at one stage, but then all this shit happned..I looked around.. My drawing was slowly taking shape as shaine, my pad was full of sketches of him..
Sarea looked through the bars and looked at Eve she whispered, "You like Shaine don't you" she said shuffling her feet a little, She waited for a response.
I shook my head quickly, not wanting her to find out, but it was pretty obvious because I was blushing like a tomatoe,, I kept my head down and carried on drawing
Sarea smirked and laughed softly, "Its okay, you don't have to tell me even though i can see you do in your blushing face" Sarea said then leaned against the bar.
"Okay okay!!!, just.. Don't tell him, please" I said, a hint of sadness in my voice, he could never find out that I liked him, he would hate me for it.. I just knew he would hate me for it.. "You can't tell!" I said again, sounding more frantic this time..
Sarea smirked and chuckled, "I wont tell him your little secret, so calm down" Sarea said, she accidentally cut her arm on the bar making her bleed she smiled as she made the blood run up and down her arm.
Sarea smirked then looked at her, "Oh, i just cut it on the bar, just a small accident" she said still making the blood run up and down her arm.
"Eew, stop it!, that's gross!" I hissed, trying to avert my eyes from the cut on her arm, blood didn't go down well with my gag reflex, so I knew if I looked at her any longer, I would throw up, so I shuffled around so I was facing the wall and carried on with my drawing of shaine
Sarea laughed and wiped the blood she held a cloth to it and the blood stopped, she was bored she decided to try to sleep or at least just relax on the bed. She faced the darkened wall and sighed.
My drawing was now starting to resemble shaine, I hoped to give it to him when I was done, but that was just foolish.. I bit my lip, trying to think of how to apoligise to him later, but after I woke him up, he probably wouldn't speak.. I was such a prick sometimes, yes shaine was hard to get along with, but so was I, and that's what had brought us together really.. Same therapy sessions..
Sarea tossed and turned she couldn't fall asleep, and when ever should could fall asleep she would have nightmare, which she was having one right now, she screamed and went into a spasm, the cops came in and held her down.
"NO SCREAMING" I cried out suddenly, alerted, I dropped my pad and pencil and covered my ears, I began to rock, with my head inbetween my knees "STOP SCREAMING!" I yelled, it was too much noise, far too much.. I carried on rocking and tried to cover my ears.. "No please!! Stop!!"
Sarea woke up and looked at the cops and jumped, her eyes flickered to all the cops in the room. They made sure she was calm and Sarea sat in the corner rocking back and forth.
Tears were running down my face, that was too much noise, "p-please, don't scream again, I d-dont like it" I stuttered, trying not to choke on my own tears, I kept my head between my knees.. Rocking
I opened my eyes suddenly as I heard screaming.. I got to my hands abs knees, crawling to the bars.

"Shut the f*** up!!" I growled, my voice so deep and rough my words could be mistaken for growls.
Sarea didn't respond she frantically rubbed her upper arm rocking, she saw something that in her mind was real but in the real world it wasn't she has Schizophernia. she jumped and cried into her legs, "No, get away from me"
I turned to look at shaine, still crying, then back to the other girl "please, shut up!, we don't like it!!!" I hissed.. If she carried on, I wouldn't talk for the rest of the day, noise scared me, especially when it was loud and too much..
Sarea then heard his voice echo she growled and looked at him, "Tell me to shut the f**k up again i will rip your f**cking head off!" she yelled.
I whimpered.. That was enough shouting.. I didn't mind shaine every now and then, because I knew he couldn't help it.. But this was way too much.. "You touch him and I'll murder you!" I cried out.. She was getting on my nerves now, nobody threatened my friends..
" I TOLD you not to say anything!!!!!!!!!!!" I cried.. I thought I could trust her.. No.. No I was wrong I couldn't... "HE IS NOT MY BOYfRIEND YOU BITCH!" I screamed.. My whole body was shaking, at the thought of shaine finding out that I liked him, he would hate me.. "Shaine please!, don't listen to her!"
Sarea looked at Shaine, "You should check her f**cking sketch book she had drawings of you on all the pages!!" Sarea barked out her words.
I bowed my head, tears falling onto the floor, I couldn't deny that.. But I shut the book anyway and shoved it back under my bed.. "Shutupshutupshutup!" I said, a little more quiet, I couldn't be arsed shouting anymore, I was just crying too much..

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