~Ɯɛℓcσмɛ тσ мʏ Иιɢнтмαяɛ~ Ƥяιƨσи ЯƤ~

Mew okay


Sarea didn't go to sleep she never went to sleep she couldn't she had insomnia. Sarea sighed and rubbed her baggy eyes, she rolled off the bed she scooted over to the bars and sat there looking at the cops pass.
I looked up at the sound of another inmate stirring.. I hoped it was him.. I really did.. I sighed from my spot in the floor "goodmorning" I muttered..that was a stupid rule here, we had to say god morning to atleast 1 person every single morning, I'd managed to stop crying by now, but my voice was deep and gruff, like an old blokes..
Sarea sighed she grabbed something from under the bed, it was a knife. Sarea started drawing crap on the wall with the knife, she even had a day count for how long she has been in which was 1 year and 5 months.
I didn't persist to talk to whoever that was.. Soon enough, I began to hear scratching on the wall.. No.. That was too much noise, way too much "hey you, don't mean to be rude but can you cut that out?!, its too loud" I said quietly.. I didn't want to offend them, but I didn't want to be a pussy about it, either
Sarea heard the girl and just to be a b****h them kept on writing on the wall, she started to cut the bars with the knife making it make a annoying high pitch whine, she smirked.
I squealed at the shrill sound of what appeared to be a knife upon bars of her cell "p..please, its way too much noise for me.. It makes my ears hurt..!" I whimpered, trying to clamp my hands over my ears to block out all of the scratching I wasn't going to carry on asking, I would just get violent if she didn't stop, simple as
Sarea sighed and stopped, "Fine" she said, scrapping the bar one last time, she grabbed the box and put the knife in she sighed once more and sat back at the bars.
"Thankyou, like, a lot" I said. That was nice of her.. It did take two times of me asking but, at least she aknoladged the fact that I wanted her to stop, I sat back again an resmumed my usual hunched position, maybe that's why my knees always hurt.. It affected the way I walked aswell.. I sighed, really hoping he would walk by somtime soon, I just wanted to see shaines face, just say hi to him.. It wasn't much was it?
Sarea felt like starting a conversation, even though she liked it quiet she sighed, "Im Sarea" she said rolling her black cuffs up sighing once more.
Not may people wanted to talk to me here, but she seemed nice "pretty name, I'm evlyn, but you can call me eve" I said quietly, trying not to make too much noise, as it was still quite early in the morning, I was considerate of others who were still asleep
"Thanks, your name is pretty as well" Sarea said sighing and stuck her head out a little to see the girl, "How long have you been in this H*ll?" she asked using h*ll to describe prison.
I crawled forwards to look at the girl.. "I don't even know.. Its all so disorientating sometimes.. Roughly about 2 years now, I think.. And you?, how long have you been here?" I asked slowly.. Not wanting to be too curious, incase I offended her
Sarea sighed and looked back at the wall, "One year and 5 months but i have been her plenty of times" she said looking at her.
(ill just jump in >.<)


I sat alone in the corner of my cell, like I usually did. I kept my head down, my long greasy hair covering my pale white face. I hated here. I couldnt be who i wanted. I had to follow all of the stupid rules.

However, although i hated it her, it was better than home. Here, i didnt get abused. And here, i was often alone.
I nodded "so you know what its like then huh?" I said, I sounded pretty desgusted, I hated it here.. It was so horrible.. It wasn't fair, I didn't think it was, anyways, I kept thinking about shaine, about how everything would be better if he just walked by, or even woke up so I could talk to him, it beats talking to strangers

I soon got board of waiting for shaine "shaaaaaaiiiiiinnnnneee" I moaned, I just needed to speak to him, jesus.. He was the only person I felt comfortable with here, he was the closest I had to a best friend
Sorry, i was doin sometin

Sarea sighed and then the cells opened, they had to go to the commons and she hated it there, she sighed again and stayed in her spot where the bars were.

I sat alone in the corner of my cell, like I usually did. I hardly ever slept, and when i did, it was in the corner... I kept my head down, my long greasy hair covering my pale white face. I hated here. I couldnt be who i wanted. I had to follow all of the stupid rules.

However, although i hated it her, it was better than home. Here, i didnt get abused. And here, i was often alone.
(sorry, meant to post something else.... im not thinking straight.......)

I lifted my head up as i heard my name... I just sighed heavily, not in the mood right now. I liked her and all that, but she was a little clingy, and she was not like me... Although she looked like me, in spirit, we were completley differant...
Sarea stood up and stretched, "I'd rather be back at the Asylum then here" she said and slowly walked passed Shaine's cell sighing.
I knew shaine, and if he was in a mood, I knew he would reply, so I didn't talk after that, just stretched my legs out and started to hum softly to myself.. It always helped me to relax.. Even if shaine wasn't talking, I was still his friends, we were just messed up, like anybody ele here
I growled as i heard her humming. That was another reason i sometimes didnt like her... She hummed.... I brought my legs up to my chest, wrapped my arms around my knees and rested my head on my knees. I closed my eyes, sighing. I just wanted to be free, that was all.
Sarea sighed she then walked back to her cell, she covered her ears when she hummed, she just wanted it to be quiet. 
double post She has a crush on Shaine as well....... :3

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