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Lawyer x Criminal (Reserved)


Rebecca slumped her hand on alarm clock, stopping the annoying beeping that woke her up from slumber. Soft groan escaped her lips as woman turned on other side's and pulled covers over her head. Soft rays of sun shined through half closed blinds causing some of the bright light to fall on her face. Slowly she forced her eyes open only to be blinded by bright sunlight, after blinking few times her eyes adjusted and she could see her quite messy room clearly, clothes from yesterday still lied on laminate floor besides her bed. As another unsatisfied groan left her lips woman slowly pushed her stiff body up, her moves were groggy as she stretched her tired muscles and yawned. Unwillingly she pushed the warm blanked off of her and stood up. After a short walk she reached the bathroom, still half asleep Rebecca found the sink and washed her face with cold, almost freezing water. It refreshed her immediately. She sighed while looking up at mirror, her long, red hair were messy, sticking up at places and her face was even more messed up since she forgo to wash off the make up from yesterday, but in her opinion she still looked good. With a small shrug Rebecca turned her back on mirror and stripped out from clothes. She stepped into shower and let warm water run across her skin. Some time later she was done showering and walked out from bathroom. Rebecca's green eyes widened when she saw the time.

"God damn it!" Woman yelled while quickly gathering her clothes and pulling them on. Her sense of style was quite simple, she wasn't one of those women who would bother to look nice for someone else. Rebecca stole one last glance in mirror before grabbing car keys and rushing out from the apartment. She was wearing simple black jeans that fitted her like second skin and white loose shirt, since it was start of spring she wore a pitch black sweater over her shirt to protect her from chilly breezes that still lingered in air after winter. After long and annoying elevator ride she finally reached her car, silver Ford. She cursed under her breath while hopping in the drivers seat and shutting the door behind her. Without even thinking twice she pressed gas pedal into floor and before anyone could blink she was gone from sight. Rebecca crossed any possible speed limit, but somehow she managed to get to university on time. She was an art student in one of best school's in Boston, it was ironic, she was an artwork thief who knew everything about art, but Darren, man who taught her everything she knows, still pushed her to finish school.

After a short while Rebecca reached the classroom, as expected she was late only for few minutes. No one noticed red haired girl as she sneaked inside the lecture and took a seat near window in last row. She chuckled to herself, another fun morning. But she had no time to relax, suddenly her phone buzzed making her raise an eyebrow. It was a text from her partner in crime, Jessica. She was Darren's real daughter, she had amazing people skills so she was usually talking to clients and making deals while Rebecca did the actual job. She looked down at her phone and saw a text. Small smirk appeared on her red lips another mission was about to take place in evening, she could already feel the

excitement rush through her body. If only she had known how it would end.
Felix suddenly woke up, startled. Taking heavy breaths he looked around him, his room was dark and he could barely see a thing. He took a deep sigh as he rubbed his face with his hands, another bad dream. A quick glance at the clock beside his bed told him it was still 6:30 am. He slowly stood up and headed to the window in his room, he opened it and was greeted by the most beautiful view of the city anyone can imagine... yeah right... He always found it ironic that all the windows in his apartment has the same view, the back of the building next to him. "I really need a new place." He whispered as he headed down to the kitchen. It had been two weeks since he won his last case, and even though he was (in his opinion) a very successful lawyer. He would be lucky if he got two cases a month. But most of the cases he gets are blood chilling and mind blowing... Two weeks ago he helped a woman win the custody of her and her husband's Chiwawa dog. He made himself a cup of coffee as he sighed again, that's the thing about being a lawyer. The good cases don't come by often and when that happens you have to take any case that comes your way or you'll find yourself in a bad position and broke.

So maybe the fact that he never lost a case isn't that impressive, he thought as he sat on his favorite couch and turned on the TV. Even though he solved some pretty intense cases like bring the guy who caused his father's death to justice and he proved the innocence of a woman accused of murder and a few other really great achievements. But it's been a good while since he had any cases like that and he really yearned for a big challenge, a case that is so intense that would make him fully lose sleep. He knew that it would come sooner or later. It had to, right? His eyes darted to the photo of his mother that stood ontop of the TV. She was smiling, he really missed seeing that smile. She died about a year ago from a heart attack, the woman suffered too much but he was happy that he was able to make her happy and proud of him before she died. Seeing the man who destroyed her marriage finally going to jail for his crime gave her great peace of mind. After flipping through the channels for a while Felix didn't find anything interesting so he decided to go to his office.

After a quick shower he dressed in his favorite suit and left his apartment locking the door behind him. It was a 15 minute drive to his office but his Nissan could make it in 10 if he really sped up. As he arrived to his office he was surprise to find the door open. Taking a deep breath he walked in and found a woman sitting on a desk that is across from his. Raising an eyebrow he asked her. "Who are you?"

raising an eyebrow of her own she smiled while shaking her head. "Good Morning to you too Felix, I'm Samantha, the secretary you hired two days ago? Do I have to make the same introduction everyday? because this very situation happened yesterday too."

Felix smiled as he put a hand on his forehead. "Oh right, I'm sorry Samantha. I'm just not yet used to having a secretary here but I promise I'll remember the fact tomorrow. Any new cases? Anyone called." Samantha was in her mid-thirties, yet looked much younger than that, he had hired her because he couldn't manage all the work and the million cases on his own... Actually he just needed someone to pick on as he waited for the next case.

Samantha sighed. "It's still 7 am, so I'm afraid not. You sure are early today, want some coffee?"

"No I'm fine." He said as he took seat in his own desk, hoping against hope that today he'll finally get another case.
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Day seemed to last for forever. Rebecca could stop looking at the clock, waiting for her classes to end by each hour that passed she grew more and more impatient till she couldn't stand it anymore. She packed up her things and left in middle of last class ignoring the calls of confused teacher who was leading the lecture. Young woman was so worked up that she couldn't even sit still while driving back to apartment, she kept crossing the speed limits and driving under red lights whenever she had a chance to, she didn't even notice few times when she almost crushed into another car but even if she would have noticed she still would care. When she finally parked her car before building where she lived Rebecca took a moment to calm down, she took a deep calming breath before climbing out from her seat and locking the car behind her. People who passed by gave her strange looks when she made a mad dash towards her apartment, it always happened when she was worked up, Rebecca just couldn't sit still and had way too much energy in her. Rebecca didn't bother to use elevator, instead she used stairs and ran to 7th floor where she lived. When she reached her floor woman was still full of energy and wasn't even breathing hard. She swung the door to her apartment open, nearly making them fall from hinges. Loud bang echoed through the living room as she closed the front entrance and leaned against the wall in small hallway. Many would call her a living mess that has no sense of time and can't do anything right, maybe it was true however she still couldn't care less of what others think of her.

Wide grin appeared on her lips when she spotted familiar figure sitting on sofa in living room. "Jessica!" She almost yelled while running towards her friend. Rebecca jumped right into couch landing just besides Jessica who was watching her with amused expression on her face. "Well aren't you energetic. Just expected, you skipped the last class." Jessica looked up at clock and shook her head. "Don't tell Darren, he will kill me if he finds out. I just couldn't wait to get started." Rebecca said while standing up and walking into her bedroom that was short distance away. She could hear her friend sigh. "I know, i won't tell dad anything. Just be careful with this one, i talked to client he seems to want that painting a lot." Rebecca listened to Jessica's explanation while pulling out her 'work' clothes and stripping out from the outfit she was wearing. "Yeah, yeah. I know as always. I won't be caught, don't worry." Rebecca had never made mistakes like that before so she didn't even believe that something like that could happen. She got dressed quickly, her clothes were all black and comfortable so that she could move around. Rebecca pulled her long red hair in tight ponytail and hid them under her clothes. It took her a while to prepare the rest of things needed for the mission. Before she knew it evening came and she had to take action.

Few hours later....

Rays of bright moonlight shined through wide windows that reached all the way from ceiling to light marble floor that seemed to shine in places where white light fell on it.Rebecca moved through shadows, making no sound as it made it's way down the dark side of hallway. Expensive, beautiful artworks were hung't on wall's, they all seemed to look the same in dim light, however in dark she could tell just how different they were. Rebecca came to stop before large oak door that was pained in light grey color.to match the color of marble floor and white walls. She seemed to hesitate a bit before kneeling down before the door and checking out the lock. "Hmm...Not so complicated...." Young female murmured under her breath quietly. From first glance it was hard to tell just who she was, half of her face was covered with black scarf that hid her nose and mouth while the rest of the head was covered by same color hood that made a thick shadow fall on her face, hiding her identity completely.

Rebecca reached in her pocket and took out something similar to a key, but this key was made to open any door. Her movements were quick as she put the 'key' in lock and in matter of few seconds a satisfying click echoed through the hallway. Rebecca smiled widely under her mask and carefully pushed open the door. Her eyes landed on the target. A beautiful and very expensive looking painting that was displayed few meters away from her. Rebecca checked if her surroundings one last time before stepping into room, making sure not to activate the alarm. She had already dealt with security cameras, cutting them off so that night guard who worked in museum could see her. Woman had exactly 3 minutes till he arrives to check the cameras, by then she have to be already gone. She came to stand before the painting, her movements were careful as she lifted it off from wall and removed the frame and glass. Rebecca rolled the painting so that it would fit in special case she prepared for it. However things didn't go as smoothly as she had expected, just when she was about to replace the painting with fake one door to room burst open and FBI agents ran inside the room, pointing their guns at her.

"Stop right there! Your surrounded!" One of agents yelled. But that didn't disturb her, it had been a long day for her and she was not in a mood to be captured. 'Looks like i don't have a choice...' Rebecca adjusted the bag with painting on her shoulder and stood up from ground, slowly. Her movements were careful as she started to raise her hands in surrender when suddenly woman grabbed a gun that was hidden behind her belt and fired. She wasn't aiming for any of agents, loud noise filled the house as nearest window shattered in millions of peaces. Without hesitation she jumped out from the third floor and disappeared into shadows. She landed perfectly on her feet and managed to escape through the route she created in case if something like this happened. When Rebecca reached her car she quickly hopped inside and drove off, pulling out her phone from pocket while still scanning the road. "Jessica? We have a problem. Contact a lawyer just in case...." That was all she said before hanging up.
Felix sighed as he looked out of the window of his office, the day had gone by without anything good happening beside his chats with Samantha, in honesty he was very glad that he hired her because he was starting to go mad being alone in his office all day especially when he had no cases to work on. It was now lunch time and he decided to go out for a walk and bring some food. So he picked up his coat and left. There was no calls today as he feared, no new cases coming his way. Maybe that was because too few people have heard of him, he thought that he should probably put an advertisment in the local newspaper or on the internet. It'll cost him big time but it would really help.

He got in his car and drove to the nearest McDonald's, it was his favorite restaurant and he had a lot of good memories in it, of his father and mother. So it was always the first choice in his book even though Sam keeps giving him a hard time about the fact that he only eats junk food and that he is destroying his health etc etc... But the thing about healthy food is that he would need to learn to cook because he had no one to cook for him. And learning how to cook was out of the question. It was just not something he could become good at. He tried to cook once, he went for spaghetti because supposedly it was very simple to make and yet he again impressed himself. The spaghetti was burnt to a crisp, he had never seen anything so burnt in his life. That's when he realized that cooking is not for him.

He grabbed the food he ordered and returned to the office, Sam made an agitated face as he put her McDonald's meal infront of her but she accepted it, as he knew she would. "So I guess it's another dry day huh?" He said as he took seat on his desk.

"I'm starting to think that's the only type of days in this office." She replied after taking a bite from her burger.

"Wow thanks for the vote of confidence, I really don't know what I would do without you." He then smirked. "You don't realize it yet but I'm gonna be one of the best lawyers in our small blue planet. Need I remind you of the fact that I haven't lost a case yet?"

"Oh no, I fully realize your potential! You're an amazing dog custody lawyer." She said with a smile.

"Wow, that's a cheap shot. Dog custody cases are not that easy to win you know. And ofcourse you fail to mention the great cases I worked on." He said as he took a sip from his Pepsi.

"Alright tough guy, we'll see where you end up. But I'm not holding my breath." After she finished her meal she prepared her things and got ready to leave. "I'm going home, all this busy work is more than I can handle. I'm getting a headache."

"Yeah you keep making these jokes, one day you're gonna regret them." Then he waved her goodbye.

He stayed in his office very late that night, his mind a whirlwind of thoughts about the events that took place in his life so far. He stood up with a sigh as he glanced at the clock, it was the middle of the night and it was time to go home. Just as he was about to exit the office the phone rang. He froze at the door not believing his ears. He slapped his face just to make sure that it's really happening. He then ran to the phone and answered it.

"Hello, you're reached Felix Parks's office. How can I help you?" The voice then replied, it was a woman's voice.

"I've heard good things about you Mr. Felix, you haven't lost a case yet and you've made it through some tough ones."

Felix took a breath, "You've heard the truth then Miss..."

"It's Jessica, are you gonna be in your office? I might need to have a chat with you."

"Yes ofcourse, I'll be here all night. you can drop by anytime." He said and he gave her the address then closed the phone. A breath of relief and excitement escaped him, maybe today isn't so dry after all. He sat back at his desk.
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Loud rumble of engine echoed through the car as Rebecca went past another red light. Impatiently she tapped fingers on the wheel while taking sharp turn to left. For the first time in her life she was so nervous. Her heart was pounding rapidly against her chest, she wasn't sure if police saw her face or not. But what worried her the most was small cut on upper arm. It wasn't there before she jumped out from window. That means she probably cut herself on glass while escaping. If police had her DNA it was game over. The injury wasn't bit but deep, blood dripped down her arm onto cars floor. Rebecca disliked the sensation of warm liquid running down her arm. Thanks to adrenaline she didn't feel any pain before but now when she started to calm down, the wound started to sting causing her to shuffle around. Suddenly her phone went off. Quickly Rebecca picked it up, without even looking at who was calling.

"Anything new!?" She nearly yelled making person on other end groan. "Don't shout! I can hear you. Anyway i contacted a lawyer. His name is Felix Parks. I checked his background. He have all the cases that were given to him, not even once he had failed. That's pretty good thing, i don't know details but he is a professional. And handsome." Jessica added, she was probably smirking like Cheshire cat, clearly amused. "It's not the time to think about that! Tell me when we can meet him!" Rebecca said sounding almost desperate. Jessica was acting like typical Jessica, always checking out boys and flirting with them no matter what was the situation. "I arranged a meeting tonight. I'm already on my way to his office. I'll meet you there." That was all Jessica said before hanging up. Rebecca tossed the phone in seat besides her, not even once turning her attention away from the road. Everything seemed more or less peaceful when red and blue lights appeared in back view mirror. Loud sirens pierced through the air. Rebecca cursed, thinking that they were already after her. If police caught her now it would really be the end.

'Stop the car! Your driving too fast!' Policeman said through the speaker making her think if it was only a trap to make her stop for the to put handcuffs on her. But then again, if she didn't stop it might cause even more trouble and she really didn't need that. One swear word after another left her lips as she slowed down, stopping the car, but still keeping the engine going in case if she really needed to run for it. She could feel her heart puling in her head as police car stop't just behind her and a single man stepped out from it, walking over to her. Something felt off, if they were after her then they wouldn't send just one person! She was a professional thief and that would hurt her pride. Rebecca hid the gun and quickly removed mask and hood from her face, those things could cause suspicion, the last thing she needed.

"Miss you are crossing speed limits. May i see your drivers license?" Rebecca nearly fainted. That was all it was! She was simply driving too fast. "Y-yeah..." She nodded while ruffling through bag and pulling out driver license, she handed it over to policeman with small smile that hid a huge relief. Policeman looked over documents and after long convincing he gave in to Rebecca's charms and let her drive off with just a warning.

"That was a close call..." She murmured while parking car before lawyers office. Rebecca didn't bother to change clothes, leaving gun back in car she quickly rushed inside the building. She could hear voice talking in hallway as she came to stop before office door. Rebecca knocked before walking inside. "Your finally here! What happened to your hand?" Jessica yelled, it sure looked like she was having a good time. "Don't ask..." Rebecca murmured, not feeling so energetic. Her forest green eyes met with two blue orbs as she finally noticed man who must be the lawyer. "Hi." That was all she said before slumping down on chair besides Jessica who gave her a meaningful look. Rebecca already could read just what her friend was thinking. If she said it out loud it would be - 'I told you he is handsome.' And that was the trust he really looked like man that any woman would be after.
After the call Felix sat at his desk, waiting patiently for someone to come to his office. He sat sipping coffee from his mug. He had been playing with the idea of calling Samantha to come but he thought against it. It wouldn't really make any sense to have her come in the middle of the night and he was sure he could handle everything himself. His mind then started to wonder what kind of case is it. He would be very disappointed if it was a simple and stupid one. But for some reason he was feeling that it's a big one. He stood up and started walking around the office. To Felix it doesn't really matter if his client is guilty or innocent, in the right or in the wrong. His job was to serve them and do his best. this was a lesson he learned early on and had come to terms with it. At first it was hard to accept the possibility of representing and defending someone who is in the wrong but not anymore.

A little while later Felix flinched as the door bell rang startling him, and taking him away from his train of thoughts. "Well... this is it." He whispered to himself as he took a deep breath. He walked to the door and opened it. On the other side stood a young and pretty woman. Felix offered her a smile and said. "And you must be Jessica, please come in." He said as he made way for her to enter. She entered the room and interduced herself again. "I have hot coffee ready, care for some?" After she nodded he headed to the small kitchen and started pouring her some. He was very hesitant about the fact of having a mini-kitchen inside his office but he knew he needed one and so far, he is yet to regret it.

As he handed her the mug and they both took a seat she explained the situation, while managing to flirt with him between the lines but he was keeping his composure and being professional. She didn't know why her friend needed a lawyer and that her friend was on her way. They chatted as they waited for her arrival. When Rebecca arrived He greeted her with Jessica as she entered. He felt his heart race as he laid his eyes on her, she was very beautiful and her eyes captivated him. But quickly snapped out of it as Jessica gasped and inquired about Her injured hand. "My God that doesn't look good! What happened?" He asked. Then he stood up. "I have a disinfectant and some bandages, Should be enough to treat the wound and stop the bleeding." He said as he headed towards one of the cupboards in his office. He was glad that his back was turned to them as he blushed when Jessica told Rebecca that he's handsome. "Well I'm afraid I'm not as handsome as your friend makes me out to be." He grabbed his med-kit and started making his way towards them. "So Why not tell us what happened and what's going on Rebecca, and I promise you that I will do my best to help you, starting with treating your would if you would allow me." He said with a smile. What kind of trouble was this young beautiful lady in? it was a question that made him very curious.
"You really don't need to make a fuss over a small scratch like this. It will heal eventually." Rebecca said while putting hand over still bleeding cut, not feeling too happy about it the same as rest of the situation. Her eyes followed Felix as he walked around, carefully taking in his body language and way of speech. At some point she did find herself checking him out but quickly snapped out from those thoughts. Jessica had grown serious while eyeing the wound. She knew about the mission and those kinds of cuts could turn out as a big trouble. "Don't tell me it happened in time of mission..." Jessica whispered, growing tense. "Don't worry, we can do something about it." Rebecca murmured, not even looking at her friend. She was scared to disappoint her and even worse, pull her into the whole mess. "So it did...." Jessica groaned , leaning back into the chair while rubbing her face with hands. Rebecca turned her attention back to Felix not really knowing where to start explaining. If she told him...would he call the police? She took a deep breath, expecting the worse.

"My name is Rebecca Lewis. But most of the people in underworld know me as 'Shadow'. And yes, I am an art thief that no one can manage to caught." She started while keeping an eye contact with Felix, not even blinking once, making sure to carefully check his every reaction. "And thanks to thins little cut i might be in big trouble. I failed a mission, somehow FBI found out that i was trying to take another painting from museum. They almost arrested me but i managed to get away. They didn't see my face but while escaping i cut my arm on glass and that left behind my DNA that could be used against me."

Rebecca explained with small shrug like it wasn't a big deal, once again slipping into her carefree nature. Jessica on other hand was pale as sheet staring at her friend with blank expression on her face. "I need your help in case if police finds evidence against me." Rebecca continued while slowly standing up from her seat and walking towards Felix, her face once again turning serious and cold. "I will pay you well for the job...However, if you will tell anyone about this, specially police, i will personally make sure to bury you alive." She said with a smile, but it was no where near kind. Rebecca leaned in so her face was close to his. "Rebecca! Don't threaten your lawyer!" Jessica called out, not feeling satisfied about her actions. "I'm not threatening, only giving a friendly warning." Rebecca put on an innocent face while pulling back and starting to pace around the room. As always she couldn't sit still, doing nothing. "Anyway...this might turn out as big trouble that is why i'm here."
Felix stared at the two women as they exchanged whispers and took a sip from his coffee. He could already tell these two pretty ladies, or atleast one of them is in big trouble. He didn't want to speculate what it was as he was sure they were about to tell him. But he had a strong feeling that it's gonna be a big case. Rebecca finally started talking and Felix kept a straight face as she went on, though his mind was fully awake and is grasping every little detail she was giving not even having time to be surprised by what she was revealing. In front of him sat young pretty girl that steals art masterpieces. But just from looking at her he never would've imagined it, and that was a very good thing for his case. He truly was shocked by her words but he didn't let anything show on his face, because he could tell that she was watching him very closely. He cursed in his mind as she mentioned cutting herself while in the crime scene. He was amazed by how calm and collected this girl was after all that had happened to her. It's like she had nerves made of steel. But then again, you would need nerves of steel if you want to be a thief.

Felix didn't say even one word so far, just listening and comprehending everything being said. Then she stood up and got her face in front of his and threatened him not listening to Jessica's warning. But as she smiled at the end he returned her smile. As she started pacing he finally opened his mouth. " For future reference, I do agree with Jessica. Should I not accept your case it would probably be a good idea not to threaten your next lawyer, I don't mind it but the next one might. And I need you to understand that it doesn't matter to me if you are a guilty criminal or innocent. If I accept this case then you would be my client and my job is to do my utmost best to win your case. And I give you my word is that I will." He then took a deep breath. "You are right, Rebecca. You are indeed in big trouble. Leaving your DNA and blood sample at the crime scene is usually a criminal's last mistake." He stared at her while she paced. "DNA evidence tend to be conclusive and all the police needs to land a slam dunk case." He was silent for a moment. "Your case is not an easy one Rebecca, not at all. But it can be won. I accept it and I will do everything I can to win it." He then smiled. "After all I can't allow a beautiful girl like you to go to jail now can I."

He then grabbed a pen and paper as his face turned serious again. "Ok now I have a few questions that you need to answer. And I need you to tell me everything, all the details even if you think they are irrelevant, don't keep anything out on me." He then took another breath. " Lets start with the important question. This has happened tonight correct? right before you arrive here?" He said as he checked her clock. "Did anyone see you as you escaped? Did you meet or talk to anyone on the way?" He then looked at her. "When the police have a suspect they will check every detail about him. So what do you do for a living." He then winked. "Officially I mean. Or maybe you are a student? Also where do you keep the money you have. The police will check your bank accounts so please tell me you don't have all that money there." He then finished. "And can you please stop pacing and come so I could treat that wound. It'll heal eventually but it is in our best interest that it heals fast."
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Rebecca nodded, feeling quite relieved when Felix told her that he doesn't care if the person is innocent or not. She couldn't hold back a smirk when he told her not to threaten her own lawyer. Although she was serious before, now she kinda found it amusing. His next words however did not make her happy. She knew how serious was the situation but when he described it, it only seemed to get worse. Her smirk disappeared and frown took place as she was busy thinking of how bad things could turn out for her. For a moment she considered running but she rather left that as last opinion. If things went down to it though, she wouldn't hesitate to move to different place or even country. But living on the run didn't sound too appealing to her. As much as Rebecca had troubles trusting people she had to trust Felix. She didn't really have much choice if she didn't want to end up in jail or ran to Mexico.One thing was for sure, it won't be easy.

She raised an eyebrow when Felix suddenly flirted with her. Was that a common thing to do in conversations like this? She wasn't sure. But it still lightened a mood quite a bit and once again small smirk returned on her face. Rebecca hated when things got serious, it wasn't like her to stress over things. Felix seemed like a carefree rather confident person but in the same time he was serious at least when it came to getting work done. Rebecca couldn't help but think of him as attractive, not only on outside but his personality too made her curious. She had hard time keeping up with all the questions, but she understood that he had to know those things. Rebecca took a deep breath before starting to explain.

"It was exactly five minutes past midnight when i broke into museum. I reached hall where the painting was two minutes later. I had exactly three minutes before guards were supposed to make rounds but someone sat a trap for me and involved FBI. All of them saw me escape but i don't think that anyone saw my face. After that i went straight here but before i arrived i was stop't by police because i crossed speed limit. But i got away with only a warning." Rebecca explained, perfectly remembering every detail of mission since she checked the time often. Jessica listened to her speaking before standing up and sighing. "I will contact Darren. I'll meet you later." She said while standing up and walking to door. "Goodbye, Mr. Handsome!" She winked at Felix before disappearing from sight. Rebecca chuckled before turning her attention back to Felix. Thought about Darren knowing that she failed scared her but he would found out eventually. "Looks like you have a new nickname....Anyway. I'm an art student and my part time job is robbing mansions and museums. "Only stupid people who work for underworld keeps money in banks. We have it all in safe. It's dangerous but we rather keep away other criminals than police." Rebecca explained while still walking around the office. She stop't in her tracks when he mentioned treating her cut. Felix got a point about it healing faster. "Your right..."Rebecca nodded while taking off her hoodie and tossing it on chair, under it she was wearing a black thank top with no sleeves. The hem of her shirt had rolled up, exposing the side of her stomach and tattoo with a scorpion, quickly she pulled the shirt back down adjusting it so it wouldn't roll back up. Rebecca sat down before Felix and smiled at him. "Do what you have to do, doctor."
Felix felt relieved when he saw Rebecca's expression and that she realizes how tricky the situation is. He had dealt with big cases before, but nothing like this one. But he accepted the challenge. There were still a thousand details missing and he had so many questions for Rebecca but as she started saying the details of what happened he started taking notes. He raised his head and looked at her as she mentioned the cop stopping her for speeding. "Now that was a bit careless. He's gonna be a witness who saw you speeding near the area of the crime scene. But don't worry about it. It's not a big of a deal." Then Jessica stood up and started heading for the door as she talked. He wondered who Darren was, their leader?. He blushed a little as Jessica called him Mr.Handsome. "Goodbye Jessica." He then replied. "Sounds like it." About Rebecca's new nickname comment. He then smiled "An art student that steals art, That's... poetic, And kind of hot." He said, attempting to lighten up the mood. He nodded, relieved when she said where she keeps her money.

As she took off her hoodie he noticed the scorpion tattoo before she covered it up. He couldn't help but admire her beauty as she sat beside him and smiled. He started to wonder how could a pretty girl like her end up being a thief? What happened to her in life? He smiled back at her comment. He held her hand and examined the wound. "My God miss Rebecca this is a very serious wound. I'm afraid I'm gonna have to insist that you don't steal anything for the next few weeks. And lets be glad the wound was on your arm and... not somewhere else." Then his face turned all serious again as he reached for the disinfectant. "This might sting a little." He said as he disinfected the wound then gently started to wrap a bandage around it. "Who do you think called the FBI on you? who knew about your mission?" He then took a deep sigh. "Do you think Jessica had anything to do with it? And what about this Darren guy, who is he?" He then quickly explained. "Look I know that they are close to you and Jessica seemed like a great girl and loves you a lot. I'm just trying to cover all bases, it's my job." He finished wrapping the bandage and said. "There, good as new."

He then sat silently for a minute, deep in thought. "Rebecca this is gonna sound like a strange question but do you know anyone that really hates you? Someone who would want to see you harmed?" He then looked her in the eyes. "If things get too bad we could say that your blood sample was planted. Ofcourse it's bullshit and they will know it but they will still have to check it out. It's a delay tactic, it'll buy us some very valuable time." He then stood up and went to the kitchen, he grabbed two beer cans and then sat again beside her offering her one. He didn't wanna mention it but his curious nature was getting the best of him. "I'm sorry but I couldn't help but Notice the Nice tattoo you have, was it a scorpion?"
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Rebecca couldn't help but chuckle at his reaction on the cut. It was quite deep but wasn't that big of a deal, she have had it much worse. Some of the injury's were so serious that they left scars on her that would never heal. "So serious over such a small wound. It's nothing." She said sounding a little amused to see his reaction, but she guessed that those kinds of things weren't normal for him like they were for her. "I know that i'm in trouble because of the mistake but i can't quit stealing now. I have too many good clients waiting. Maybe i will lay low for a week or so." She said with a small shrug. She hissed softly when Felix disinfected the wound, unconsciously she clung't to his other arm, digging her nails in his shirt and holding onto it tightly. Rebecca felt her hand brush against his, he was more muscled that he looked and at some point she found herself checking him out. But she quickly snapped out from her thoughts when he asked another question. "Besides me only Darren, Jessica and client knew about the mission. And i really don't know who could have set me up. But i don't think that it was anyone from FBI, they are not smart enough to caught me. I think it was someone from underworld." She explained. Rebecca couldn't help but frown when he mentioned that Jessica could be one to blame. But she managed to keep her cool and answer to questions, but there was still hint of anger in her voice.

"Jessica wouldn't do that. For many reasons. She is like a sister to me and if she betrayed me like that not only i would go down." Rebecca sighed before continuing. "Darren is Jessica's father and man who raised me. As well he is a leader of a quite well known gang in underworld." She explained while looking at Felix with sharp gaze. When he finished bandaging her she smiled and thanked him. She was surprised of how well the wound was treated and it didn't even hurt that much, it almost seemed like he was used to patching people up. Rebecca didn't bother to pull back on the hoodie since she felt quite well without it.

She watched how he slipped into his own thoughts. Her eyes stayed on him, taking in his handsome features. Sharp jawline, strong cheekbones and perfect sea blue eyes that anyone could get lost in. Rebecca once again had to force herself to look away so she wouldn't stare at him too much. At his question she simply laughed. "I know many people who want to see me dead. I won boss of Russian mafia in poker, ever since then he wants my head on silver tray. I only cheated a little but i guess he took that personally. Oh well..." Rebecca said, clearly not bothered by the fact since she was already used to people wanting to case her down. "There are many people who hate me, but all of them need me. I'm the only one who can get the work done without messing up. Well that is till today." She watched as Felix stood up and walked to small kitchen that was attached to office. It was a very interesting and practical idea. Small grin made it's way to her face when he pulled out beer. Rebecca didn't hesitate to take a sip from bitter drink, satisfied sigh escape her lips as she enjoyed the taste. She paused when he mentioned her tattoo. It had quite a past behind it and she disliked to talk about it. "Yeah it is a scorpion. What? Wanna take a closer look?" Rebecca teased while winking. Alcohol was already starting to get it's tool on her. She was never a good drinker. Some might think that all the criminals were familiar with string drinks and could handle them but not her. Rebecca enjoyed drinking but no one ever let her. It was almost like a law in gang not to let her get any alcohol because when she was drunk things could get pretty heated.

"It's getting hot here...." She murmured while taking another swing from her drink. Few sips and she was already completely drunk. Rebecca stood up from her seat and wobbled toward Felix nearly falling in his arms. No one could ever explain what was going on with her but whenever she got hands on alcohol young woman turned into a complete mess that could kiss anyone in her way and the next morning she won't remember any of things she had done night before. She steadied herself while using Felix as a support. "So hot..." She mumbled to herself unsure if she was talking about him or herself. Her cheeks were red and eyes glassy as she stared up at him with small smirk playing on her lips, already moving in closer to his face, aiming to kiss him.
He frowned when she said she can't quit stealing. "Well you're not gonna be any good to your clients in jail are you? You're gonna play it cool for a few weeks. Live a normal life, go to school, do homework, go out and do whatever. Should you become the police's prime suspect they'll be keeping and eye on you so you're gonna be keeping your hands to yourself for a while alright?" He felt it when she held his hand and felt her nails digging in but he didn't mind it. His mind was focused registering every detail as she explained about who Darren is and who she suspects. "Someone from the underworld huh? That doesn't sound like a short list." He said with a smile that quickly turned into a frown as he felt her anger as she explained about what Jessica and Darren meant to her. "Look I'm not saying anything about them, as I told you I'm just trying to cover all the basses. I'm sorry if I stepped on your toes but it's my job." He then sighed. "So Darren is the man who raised you huh?" He said absently as he was lost in his own thoughts.

"Well that's good, accusing one of them of planting your blood on the scene should but us some time, it's just a last resort thing." He said as he took a sip from his beer. He closed his eyes, enjoying the cold taste that filled his mouth. It's strange but drinking beer helped him to relax and focus and think. It was the same with his father from what little he remembered. He would drink a few cans and still manage to stay focused enough to be labeled sober. His mother though never drank and hated it when he did. "So I'm sitting in the presence of a fearless master thief. I have to say that I'm honored." He said when a smirk. Then he raised his eyebrow as she told him if he wants to take a closer look at her tattoo. " Well I'd be an idiot and a liar if I said no." He said jokingly, giving her one of his charming smiles.

But then he noticed that she started acting strange as she drank from the beer. "It's hot? It's actually quite chilly in her. what are you talking about." He said with a giggle. Then she stood up all dizzy like and started walking towards him. "Rebecca? are you okay?" But as he finished his question she tripped and fell into his arms. "Rebecca what the hell is happening." He looked at her face which held a smirk as she got closer to him, and before he realized it they locked lips and kissed. He got lost in her kisses but his mind was confused about what was happening. After a few kisses his eyes caught a glance of the beer can and it dawned on him. He pushed her away and sat her beside him. "Oh my God Rebecca, a few sips and you're already drunk!" He shook his head. "Why didn't you say that you can't handle a drink? Jesus." He sat silently for a few seconds then whispered. "What happened to your parents Rebecca? How did you end up raised by a bastard who would use you?"
Rebecca wasn't too happy about his instructions to not seal paintings for a while and cause suspicion. She knew that he was right but she never liked when someone told her what to do. Soft sigh escaped her lips as she listened to him. Living a normal life sounded boring but she was not in any condition to refuse. It was better to keep low for a while, the less attention from police the better.But all the thoughts about that completely disappeared the more she drank. Not really caring for anything anymore, she could only concentrate on Felix. She enjoyed his every reaction. His lips were surprisingly soft and slightly cooler than hers which only made her want to kiss him more. One of her hands went around his muscled torso while other other clung't to his shirt tightly. She leaned into him, completely using Felix as a support.

She nearly lost her balance when he suddenly pushed her away and seated her besides him. Her drunk mind couldn't help but feel disappointed that he ended their fun so fast. She enjoyed the kiss quite a bit and it almost felt like it's never going to be enough. Although Felix was drinking too he could handle alcohol much better than her. He didn't seem to be effected by it at all. Slight frown formed on her face as he commented about her being drunk.

"I'm not dwank....I mean drunk." She corrected herself while standing up, trying to prove her point that she was just fine. But Rebecca only stumbled back and fell back into chair not being able to hold her balance. The young woman found it extremely funny and started to laugh, as if she was enjoying a private joke. But this situation wasn't any different from others in her opinion and she found it rather amusing. "I'm not drunk....Completely sober." She said trying to convince both Felix and herself. "I can handle a drink! I told you i'm not drunk!" Rebecca said stubbornly, refusing to admit the truth. She stop't laughing and slipped into silence when he asked about her family. It was a very painful topic and she disliked talking about it. For a while she sat there in silence staring at window.

"They were killed." She said while turning her attention to Felix, sad smile played on her lips as she tried to hide how much the topic actually hurt. "And that 'bastard' took me in when i had no where to go. he gave me a purpose in life. Without him i would probably be dead by now." She said before laughing it off. "I guess i was a troublemaker even them, running away from foster family's and everything." Rebecca's voice was playful but it hid a deep sadness behind it that she didn't like to show. Keeping her emotions hidden was easier for her. She never let herself cry or feel sad for too long, it was better to just forget and live on. "Why do you ask? Is it part of the job? I don't think that it concerns the case...." She murmured while leaning closer to Felix. "Let's not talk about all that. How about we do something fun?" Rebecca smirked but just when she was close enough to kiss him again her eyes dropped close and she slipped into deep slumber, passing out in the spot.
Felix watched her as she denied being drunk, thought he had a serious expression on his face. He knew very well that she was drunk. Then as she tried to stand up and stumbled he helped her and then she started laughing. He couldn't help but smile as he enjoyed her laughter. She looked stunning and her smile was amazing. He nodded as she started telling him she could handle a drink stubbornly. "I know! I believe you and as your lawyer I will vouch for it." He said jokingly. But as she went silent after his question he wanted to punch himself for bringing that subject up. 'Ofcourse she doesn't want to talk about her parents you idiot' He thought to himself. He felt his heart break as she told him her story. It reminded him of his loss of his father. "I'm sorry all that had happened to you, I really am." He took a deep breath. "My father was killed by a drunk driver when I was young." He then looked at her. "You're right, I shouldn't have brought any of this up... It's none of my business." The sadness he saw in her eyes, hiding behind forced laughter tore him apart.

He agreed when she suggested to drop the subject. But as she mentioned fun and started getting close to him "Oh God..." he whispered but as she was inches away from kissing him she fainted and her head fell at his chest. "Wow really? And I was actually prepared for the kiss this time..." He sat silently as she comfortably slept with her head on his chest. He thought about everything that she said, and he saw the pain that she was keeping in, he recognize it. It was the same pain he had suffered. "I won't let anything happen to you, I promise." He whispered.

He then lifted her in his hands and laid her comfortably on the sofa, took off her shoes then put a cover on her. She was sleeping soundly, she must've been exhausted. He then went to his mini-fridge and grabbed another beer then sat on the chair opposite to the sofa. He got lost in his own thoughts, his past, the case. He know that it won't be easy. But he made a promise and he fully intends to keep it. After an hour sleep finally overtook him and he fell asleep uncomfortably on the chair.
Although Rebecca was unconscious she could still feel and hear what Felix was doing. It was strange to hear him say that he won't let anything happen to her. It was like he understood the feeling, like he knew how it was to lose someone dear to you and struggle to get over it. She recalled his words about his father. And she couldn't help but wonder, if something so terrible had happened to him didn't he want revenge too? Didn't he want to find that drunk driver and return what he did to his father with double force? Although she didn't know a lot him she still wondered about those things. Rebecca felt him lift her up and carry her to sofa. She snuggled closer to him seeking his warmth. There was something very calming in a way he held her, it gave her strange feeling of safety. His strong arms only made her want to be hugged by him for forever. Thought the moment didn't last for long but she still took in every second of it. When he put her down on sofa she fell into deep slumber. She pulled knees to herself, hugging them tightly to get more warmth.

She woke up when bright light shined in her eyes. Rebecca groaned pulling the blanked over her head to hide away from morning sun. Her head was pulsing like someone had hit her hard. Slowly she pulled the covers off of her, rubbing the side of her face with one hand. She stole a glance around the room, at first she was quite confused since it clearly wasn't her house but when memory's from night before came back to her she relaxed a little. Rebecca sat up, noticing Felix that was sleeping on chair besides sofa. She couldn't quite recall what happened after he offered her beer, everything was foggy. She took a moment to look at his sleeping figure, he looked so innocent in his sleep but for some reason the sight made her heart race.

Quickly she stood up, stretching her stiff muscles. Rebecca quietly walked to small kitchen, finding a glass and pouring herself some water. She didn't want to wake Felix since it looked like he was sleeping soundly. Another quiet moan left her lips as she leaned against a counter, struggling with annoying headache. She took a sip from cold water that refreshed her a little. She put the glass against the side of her head, trying to ease the ache. Some pain killers would be just in time but she had no idea if Felix had them and she didn't want to go through his stuff just to find them. Rebecca sat back down on sofa, waiting for him to wake up. She figured that it would be rude to just leave without even saying hi.
It had been a while since Felix had any nightmares, in this one he was walking in a dark street when suddenly a car appeared out of no where and sped up towards him. He managed to see who was behind the driver seat. It was the same guy who killed his father, the guy he put behind bars. Since he avenged his father the nightmares had become much less frequent. He started breathing heavily and swinging his head left and right till he suddenly sat up, startled. He quickly started looking around him as he gasped for air. He recognized the familiar surroundings and relaxed a bit. He rubbed his forehead with his hand as memories from last night flooded into his mind... Rebecca! He focused infront of him and found her sitting there, studying him.

He was having a nasty headache but he managed a small smile as he addressed her. "Good morning Rebecca. How did you sleep? I'm sorry about the accommodations but the sofa was the best I could do." His smiled widened as he studied her, even in the morning after she woke up she still looked beautiful. Felix stood up... "How are you feeling? My head is killing me so I'm gonna get a pain killer, looks like you could use some yourself, and some coffee." He said as he headed for the kitchen he started the coffee then took some pain killers from the cupboard and a glass of water and headed towards Rebecca. "Remind me to never ever hand you a beer again." He said as he gave her the painkillers and water.
Rebecca furrowed her eyebrows when she saw how Felix seemed to be struggling in his sleep. Like he was going through something horrible. She wondered if she should wake him, he looked pale and thick layer of swat covered his forehead. His breathing too grew heavier making her slightly worried. But just when she was about to stand up and wake him up his eyes snapped open as he woke up, startled. At first he looked rather confused till his eyes met hers. Rebecca simply sat there watching him before smiling and answering his question."Morning...I slept his fine. Sofa was just fine..." She answered simply while taking a small sip from water. Felix didn't look his best ether it was because of nightmare or something else bugging him. But even then he somehow managed to look attractive. "My head weights a ton but other than that i'm feeling great..." She watched Felix as he walked to kitchen. "Coffee and painkillers sounds like paradise..." Rebecca stood up from sofa, following him inside the kitchen. She gladly took the tablet from him and gulped it down in one go, hoping that it would soon take effect and stop the uncomfortable headache that ruined her morning.

She paused when he mentioned beer, frowning a little. "Why? I can handle alcohol. I just don't remember what i did but it couldn't be that bad for you to keep me away from alcohol right?" Rebecca said stubbornly, being sure that he was just another person who for some reason didn't want her to drink. Till now everyone refused to give her alcohol and she was confused of why. "I'm pretty sure i'm a good drinker..." She said with so much confidence that a person who hadn't see her drunk would probably believe in that.

Suddenly a realization hit her. "What time is it!?" She yelled while searching for her phone, quickly looking at the screen. She had exactly twenty minutes till exam in university starts. "Shoot! i'm doomed!" She said while running around the room, collecting her things. Suddenly a message from Jessica popped on the screen. 'I talked to dad, he wants to see you this evening. P.S. I took your car since i didn't want to take the bus.' That was all the message said but it only made her panic more. Suddenly her eyes landed on Felix as an idea came to her. "Can i ask a favor of you? I really need to get to university. Can you please take me?" She asked, knowing well enough that she was bothering him but she still hoped that he would be kind enough. "Jessica took my car and i have an exam in twenty minutes...Please...I will do anything! You can ask of me to do everything for you. I just need to get to university." She begged. Usually Rebecca wouldn't care but this exam was important and professor didn't quite like her which made things harder.
Felix's mood was getting a little better as he took the painkillers and the conversation with Rebecca, the thoughts of his nightmare was slowly going away. He laughed as she wondered why he wouldn't give her alcohol, did she just say she could handle it? "Well... You really don't remember what happened? You don't remember taking off all your clothes and dancing naked all over the place?" He said with a serious face as he looked at her, he then laughed when he saw the confusion on her face. "I'm joking, that didn't really happen, thankfully." He wasn't sure why but he didn't want to tell her what really happened, maybe that's because he didn't want her to hate him because of it. " Well since you don't remember what happened, It'll be my little secret." He said teasingly as he raised his hands as she insisted. "Alright you're a good drinker, I won't deny that... Or confirm it." He took a few sips from his coffee. His phone then rang and went to answer it. After a few exchanges on the phone he closed it. "It was Samantha, my secretary. Said she can't come to work today." Today of all days... What he actually needed her, He thought as he shook his head.

He then smiled at her as she panicked when she learned her car was gone and she was going to be late for an exam. "Now that's a surprise, didn't expect you'd care so much about an exam. Did you even study for it?" He then raised his brow as she begged him and said she would do anything if he helped her. "Anything? Anything at all? maybe you should be a little more careful with what you're offering." He said deviously. "Alright here is what I want. How about dinner after your exam? Maybe a fancy Italian restaurant? So we could talk more about the case. And ofcourse you'll be paying, I may be a gentleman but a broke one." He said with a laugh. "And... you'll owe me a big ass favor. sounds like a deal?" He then grabbed his coat and they both got into his car. And he started driving. "By the way you're looking like a mess, a fine mess." He said.
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"Of course i didn't study for it! I know everything about art already. But the professor is a total jerk and i have already few warnings, one more and i will be kicked out of university and if that happened Darren would rip my head off!" Rebecca said, all in one breath. Her thoughts were still running wild, she could already see satisfied grin on Mr. Murphy's face when she would arrive late, even if it was only one minute he could not allow her to take the exam and if that happened she would be doomed for sure. Rebecca listened to his offer about dinner and she was more than okay with that. "Deal." That was all she said before grabbing a hoodie that was still laying on the chair and pulling it over her head. She hopped in passengers seat besides Felix and shut the door. "A fine mess will do. I'm pretty much always like that." Rebecca said while running a hand through her messy, red hair. She had hard time sitting still as she shuffled around, playing with her fingers and impatiently tapping her feet against the ground. But then something hit her, she was still in clothes she wore for mission yesterday. Her eyes traveled to bag that she put in back seat when she climbed in the car. The clothes she was wearing now were blood stained and had a hole in place where she cut her hand day before. She stole a quickly glance at Felix before moving over to back seat quickly. She was careful not to disturb him as she moved her legs and the rest of the body. "Dare to glance back and i will make you crush. Eyes on the rode." Rebecca warned before opening the bag and taking out spare clothes that she always carried with her in case something like this happened.

She took off her shirt and stuffed it in the bag. Rebecca made sure that her back was facing the front, another tattoo with small cross was visible in between her shoulder blades, her skin was pale so it was was hard to notice old scars that covered nearly all her back but she had accepted them and no longer cared. She quickly pulled on black t-shirt that hugged her waist and a matching jacket. Rebecca crawled back to front, once again making sure not to touch anything important. "The exam is supposed to go three hours but i will probably finish in half an hour or so. If you want to go to the restaurant then you won't have to wait for long. I know a good place not too far away." Rebecca explained while pulling her hair out from under the shirt. When the car came to stop before her university she grabbed her bag and was gone in blink of an eye, running into the building. The young woman made a mad dash towards classroom, she had exactly three minutes before class started. She burst through the door just in time and smiled in triumph. But her smile soon faded when Mr. Murphy glared at her like he wanted to burn a hole in her. Silently she took a seat near end and started to fill out the test. As expected it went quite fast and she was done before anyone else. Leaving the exam on the professors table she left the room with head held high. Rebecca walked back to Felix's car smiling proudly. "Your a real life savior you know. I could actually kiss you." She joked while getting back into the car.

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