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Futuristic Large Scale Sci-Fi Strategy Idea

ColonelScout312 said:
The sign up thread I think should be specific to each planet.
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*Each Country considering we are all on one planet.

ALSO EVERYONE! You should post in the Coronation Celebratory Ball PM In Character. It will be a fun and interesting way for out leaders to meet if they haven't officially and to get to see one another.
Ummmmmmmmmm, I dunno bout that but I made a looooooooooooooot of suggestions most agreed with a while back but I'm not sure you saw when it was reposted, ummmmmmmm, we gotta get a thread up soon though and... Well... Yeah.
Yeah. Also, sorry, I meant country. My brain just decided to go "you know how you all decided to do one planet? I'm gonna mess you up and make you write planet instead of country. Ha!"

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Just found out that my age on here is wrooooong, fantastiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiic~


Country nation planet time.

Still doing my forms, still on first emperor, haven't even finished personality yet, fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck.

Sorry I always take so long.
Maven said:
*Each Country considering we are all on one planet.
ALSO EVERYONE! You should post in the Coronation Celebratory Ball PM In Character. It will be a fun and interesting way for out leaders to meet if they haven't officially and to get to see one another.
I'll do it when I have time
Well im back early i will post mi CS in the PM and i will post On the other wen i finish this paper work

So that PM IC is the Temporary too keep us Intertain till the Main Thread IC is up?
Archdemon said:
I guess so. If anyone wishes to speak to Archdemon at the party you may do so now.
Yeah. I want everyone to post their "arrival." Then my character will welcome everyone and usher you all into a Private State Dinner without most of the other guests, that is where formal introductions will take place, we eat and then we join the others in the Ball Room.
Hey.....what you guys think wen you see this guy?

(Those ho know him,...shhhhh xD )

The first thing is Correct but he is not from Bully but This is the Senator and one Though Senator xD from MGR

Okay, so then did we decide on having a sign up for each planet then the roleplay thread? Cause if we did, then we might want to figure out our OOC threads, and how to explain that the roleplay is linked.

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  • osObKhP6Cys5XKIy7snZvDNtEwEuIOT0hA74RbZ3I66xSc6BIi0jg0OIWh9VOPy_BcXPLHU716VgV2kcZzNsx-Fsr8ERh_aM1WhSX08fzEotmHH44vLeohZWg5l8WolFTQ
    Name: Eirexandor Rovenne

    Full Name: Romulus Eirexandor Sevinne Rovanne I

    Title: Conqueror-Emperor Eirexander Rovenne

    Full Title: Conqueror-Emperor of the Great Empire of Collodia, Romulus Eirexandor Sevinne Rovanne I, Prince of Borrandov and General of the Military of the Great Empire of Collodia

    Age: 29 Years, going on 30

    Gender: Male

    Birth Date: Dizimbre (December) 31st

    Appearance: Eirexander is about 6'5" with a long slender body and thickly muscled arms, though his height is almost equally distributed, his legs give him more height than his upper body, surprisingly enough, he is the shortest of his family, where his siblings are all around 6'7"-6'11" due to a strand of genes that gives them extreme height. His skin is oddly pale, compared once again to his siblings, despite the fact that he spends most of his time outside, even with the rays that hit Collodia directly in Fol, Zōmer, and Zperang, he has never kept a tan for long and usually burns before he tans. His hair reaches his shoulder blades, though in the front his hair is rather short, he usually ties his hair up and when Solivae tells him to cut it because it "looks odd, the way [his] hair is only long in the back.", he responds by saying that he likes it and refers to it as his "Battle Mane".
    Both of his eyes were an aquatic blue, as seen in aquariums or oceans with large amounts of salt and minerals, though it's easy to see his left eye is shielded by an eye patch, and if one were to look underneath, you would see his eye is completely blind, foggy to the point that it appears like his iris and pupil have disappeared from his eye entirely. The scar that accompanies his blind eye drifts inwards diagonally to the right on his eyelid and almost onto his scalp where it is thinnest, and down to the left, where it runs down the top of his left cheek to a point almost level with his nose.

    Eirexander is typically seen adorned with various types of rings, piercings, necklaces, just metal in general, he's never been seen without it by anyone other than the workers of the House, and Solivae. If seen with a weapon he's bound to be wearing his "battle mitts", which is often, as he is a bit awkward about his hands, which has started wars due to his refusal to shake hands without his gloves.

    Personality: Eirexandor is a calm guy, typically just keeping an eye on Collodia's people and intervening when riots started or when civil war could occur, he is well-liked by the people and very active in his empire, where peace has been maintained for some time since he and Solivae have been in power. Though very much inclined to avoid interacting with people due to his bacteria phobia, he's brought his fear down to direct contact with his hands over time, which makes him able to be more friendly with his people. With the nation's debt now cleared by Solivae's direction and Eirex's personal connection with all classes, he can safely say he's happy with Collodia's status, even with the winter, their system is keeping the people well maintained and peaceful, and whenever the Conqueror comes around nowadays, instead of running to hide from the snow-haired heir to Borrandov's throne, the citizens respond with a friendly demeanor, and a smile to the Conqeror-Emperor.
  • [/media]Song: Muse-Knights of Cydonia

  • 289906-boy_super.png
    Name: Solivae Scovarre

    Full Name: Solivae Cararran Scovarre

    Title: Advisor-Emperor Doctor Solivae Cararran Scovarre of the Great Empire of Collodia, Mechanics expert of Callientov, and Head of the Government of the Great Empire of Collodia

    Age: 33 Years

    Gender: Male

    Birth Date: Xünn (June) 15th

    Appearance: Solivae is exactly 5'11" with pale blonde hair and greenish eyes, an his muscular build is anything but impressive, in fact, he's rather dainty for a man... Or he would be if he wasn't a Callientovan, who are notorious for their burly women due to the fact that they were the ones to fight wars back when the men were the only ones with an education, and spent less time focused on strength. The man has white skin, not at all too pale but not a single bit tan, as he never really leave the House, but isn't a hermit that hides in the dark, he's simply rather frail for Collodia's people residing in the Crown State, Molorid, where the House resides.

    Personility: Solivae is a calm, soft-spoken man, he always tries to think things through and rarely ever gets mad unless Eirexandor does something dangerous or potentially life-threatening to the people, which has happened less and less as the man matured, and is rare now, though the sense of humor maintained by the other emperor irritates Solivae beyond belief, despite this he has never had any real problem with anyone. One problem would be how he is highly susceptible to illness, though he's extremely friendly, due to his upbringing he gets ill or has an allergy attack nearly 95% of the time, he has to wear a mask when he leaves or just not leave the House, and he typically chooses the latter. He is liked by a good percentage of the people, but due to the fact that he is easily ill-stricken and tends to be weak in general some say he's not fit to be emperor, though he and Eirexandor make a powerful duo and without Solivae the economy could easily collapse and the Conqueror would be overwhelmed.


My PC is glitching but here ya go.

Have at ye.

I coulda done better.

Not sure how great I did but... Thought I'd... Post here first? That cool?

Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a few other forms to finish, OHGODWHATHAVEIDONETOMYSEEEEEEEELFBAAAIIIII.
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OOC of the Ball Event. The Empress has departed the dinning room and is now in a Council Chamber. The other Heads of State are all who remain in that Dinning Room, all of you are welcome to rejoin the other guests in the Ballroom though.
Aye, Maven~

Still wondering when the actual rp will be put together though, I mean, I'm not busy at all this weekend so I'd be chill but y'know.
Terrorist attack in one of my major cities. I am convening an Emergency Elder Council Meeting while the other Heads of State mingle in the Dinning room, they can also move to the Ballroom if that would help you all. Otherwise yeah.
Maven said:
Grand Marshall Valentine erupted, "You don't think that the Imperium's Military has solely relied on you do you? I..." She was cut off by Delphine raising her hand. "Mr. Hale, you serve at the pleasure of this Council but also at my pleasure. Your Client status with the Imperium is non-negotiable. You will instruct your people to make arrangements to seal your borders and keep your weapons within the Imperium... This is non-negotiable and failure to comply will see the Imperium... shall we say, Acquire the Syndicate, by force if necessary. These desperate times call for desperate measures. You will still be held to Client Fees for the duration, and tighter regulations will be imposed. That or you will be removed from the position of Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and be replaced by someone willing to comply with this Council's wishes. Again I reiterate this is until the Golden Dawn has been dealt justice, then we may renegotiate a loosening of restrictions and possibly allowing the Syndicate to sell to our allies. But until then you will do as we have asked..." She narrowed her eyes and leaned forward, "Do you understand?" Delphine hated what was happening and wished there had been another way, she was hoping to release the Syndicate to trade with the Imperium's allies tonight but circumstances had changed. "Furthermore pay your respects to the families of the thirty thousand people killed by bombs manufactured and produced by the Syndicate... our intelligence knows the Golden Dawn was supplied by someone in your state and not a breech of security in the Imperium's home territories." She added nodding to the Guild Masters of Assassins and Thieves and to the Minister of Intelligence.

Also plans of building a Hadron Collider.

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