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Futuristic Large Scale Sci-Fi Strategy Idea

Name:Victor Liya Voichek




Occupation and Rank In Nation:Leader of the Emmerian Nation



  • Parrents (Desseas)
  • Older Brother(Alive)


Allegiance to Internal Faction:


Bio:Victor was born in the city of Anea the Central City of Emmeria as his Mother died wen Giving Birth Too him as wen he reach the age of 14 he has seen his father Pilot planes as he was in the Emmerina Air Force,as Victore hase wish he could be in it and that was his Goal,as years have pass and became a Ace Pilot in the Emmerian Military as at that Time emmeria was in Crisis as at that time his father have died aswell because of Some Dissies,as wen he reach the age of 26 the Current leader of the emmerian Nation "Markov solvik" has died and need of a person too take his place,as Victore saw the chance he could have if he was elected and knew what was Wrong with Emmeria and knew how too fix it and aswell he whanted control,after long Political debates Victore was choosen as the Leader of Gracemeria,as the first thing he said was "As our nation has been through strong desision but now this will all end"he says and after 3 Months Emmeria became Better place and Mostly Military,as Victor is still a Ace Pilot as he is aswell the squadron leader of the "9th tactical Fighter squadron" named "Strigon"as his Fighter Plane is A Hevy Moded PAK-FA one of the Emmerian High Tec Fighter Planes.



Oops forgot some stuff xD i will fill it up
Name: Delphine Amalia Astreides

Gender: Female

Age: 47

Title (If Any): Celestial Empress of the Vallar Imperium.

Occupation and Rank In Nation: Head of State and effective ruler of the Government of the Imperium, also serves as the Head of the Elder Council.

Nation: The Vallar Imperium

Family (If Any): Prince Consort Nicholas, Crown Prince Harkon, Crown Princess Iulia, Princess Astrid, and Princess Illyria



Allegiance to Internal Faction: The Imperialists

Religion: Pantheon of the Divines

Bio: Delphine was born to Celestial Emperor Wilhem Harkon Astreides (IV) and Empress Elizavetta Iulianna Pleiades, as their eldest child. Delphine was raised from the day of her birth to succeed her father as Celestial Empress of the Vallar Imperium, a prospect that unfortunately caused her mother's assassination and sent the Imperium into a fifteen year civil war in which her father would ultimately be victorious but the nation would forever be changed. Throughout the war Delphine lead a very public life, being the rallying call for the Loyalist faction in the Imperium, giving a surge of hope to the beleaguered people as the civil war continued and millions died. Throughout that time she was tutored in the ways of statecraft, strategy and economics as well as the best ways to rebuild once the war would end. Many believed she would inherit a state that was in a perpetual state of internal conflict... this would not be the case. At a false summit put on by her father, the rebel leaders and their backers were assassinated when the Imperial Special Forces detonated bombs and filled the air with bullets ending the effective resistance of the war.

By the age of twenty, five years after the war Delphine was considered the most eligible bacherlorette in the Imperium if not the world. Soon courtiers and gentlemen from all the Noble Houses were courting the young Crown Princess. Though after another two years of nothing proving fruitful, Delphine met Duke Nicholas von Heimdar, at a ball that her father was hosting and the two, just like the fairy tales fell madly in love at the first sight of one another. Within the year the two were happily married and by age 26 the Crown Princess had two children, a son and a daughter. Celestial Emperor Wilhelm (IV) became very ill and soon died and at the young age of 27 Delphine Astreides became the first Celestial Empress in over eighty years as Celestial Empress Delphine (II) of Great House Astreides.

Twenty years... that is how long she has reigned. Five children and a marriage that is still just as loving and tender as the first day the two met. Since her coronation two decades ago, Delphine has overseen the expansion of the Vallar Imperium to the Summer Isles and the establishment of the Colonial Estates to the north of the Imperium as well as the creation of the Client State to the west in the Seventh Circle Syndicate. The development of the education system allowing the literacy rate to skyrocket from near sixty percent to above ninety five percent. Healthcare is now heavily privatized and the minimum wage was tripled and stands very strongly at Twenty Five Credits an hour. Her reign is being considered the opening of the Third Golden Age of the Imperium. Most recently she has take to being more scholarly and has studied the religious texts of the Divine Pantheon more closely believing in their words and the peace they can bring. However this inspiration has been tempered by a faction within the Imperium that believes it is time to bring the Imperium's Gods to another realm, in a Fifth Crusade... all previous Crusades have achieved their goals and many citizens within the Imperium are starting to believe now is the time for another expansion and the subjugation of other realms. The Celestial Empress however is torn on Peace and Prosperity or the possibility of war. For now... celebrations will be held and the time for those questions are in the future.
So um we're just waiting for the Rp to start right? Or will that be done at a later time?
Writing my two main leaders now, may take a break for dinner and post a bit later tonight. Once I get that done I'll be ready to begin.
Name: Atkin Hale

Gender: Male

Age: 33

Title: CEO of Seventh Circle Armory

Occupation and Rank In Nation: Chief Executive Officer, Ambassador

Nation: Vallar Imperium Client State (SCS)

Appearance: See attached image.

Allegiance to Internal Faction: The Imperialists

Religion: None

Bio: Atkin was 23 when his father, Durrant Hale stepped down from his CEO position and handed the title down to his son. Atkin immediately revised the Syndicate's policies and budget allocation. Rather than developing the same weapons off a 20 year old warhorse, Atkin distributed large chunks of the Syndicate's funding toward research and development. In a few short years, he revolutionized the face of modern weaponry and effectively doubled Seventh Circle's market value by increasing exports to their powerful mother state, the Vallar Imperium.

With all of the extra funding, Atkin militarized the Syndicate's police force and staffed, trained and armed a small army with full vehicular and naval support in a few short years. Domestically, Atkin is known for his benevolence toward his employees granting fair wages, hours and vacations to his subordinates.

In the present day, Atkin serves as a diplomat and ambassador for his client state as well as the CEO of the Seventh Circle Syndicate. He enjoys a round of golf every Sunday, fine tobacco products and imported alcohol from around the globe. His confidence in state of the art technology leaves himself with few bodyguards compared to the rest of the world leaders.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/Syndicate_2012-05-03_03-00-38-83.jpg.30c91313cfac615ce468f6c8845ac95f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="33813" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/Syndicate_2012-05-03_03-00-38-83.jpg.30c91313cfac615ce468f6c8845ac95f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



  • Syndicate_2012-05-03_03-00-38-83.jpg
    108.1 KB · Views: 10
The characters should be piled into one pm until they are needed. And I will try to thnk of a better bio for my three leaders.
Post here first, as was done with nations (as we've been doing) til later, kk?

Not sure what's going on yet but y'know.
I decided to look at all the people watching the thread, and couldn't help but realize a couple had not made either a nation or a character to be in an existing nation, or both. The only one I can remember without looking back was @Brwler.
Name: Rashid Akuzbar

Gender: Male

Age: 36

Title (If Any): Guild Master, CEO of Triton Industries

Occupation and Rank In Nation: Head of the Merchant Council and Board of Directors

Nation: The Free States of Frenidod

Family (If Any): Adara Akuzbar (Sister),

Appearance: A scrawny figure adorned in the traditional blue and golden wraps and robes of his home culture rather the black suits of his contemporaries. A black beard coats his face with short hair of the same shade. He carries no rings or jewelry and keeps very good posture. His complexion is a light brown, a trait unique to his desert homeland in Frenidod.

Allegiance to Internal Faction: Triton Industries

Religion: deity veneration: Rakatow


Born to an improvised family and the son of a fisherman, Rashid is the only member of the merchant council that wasn’t born into his wealth. His home island of Eraktu was one of the most desolate and barren in Frenidod, forcing Rashid to learn how to extract every bit of value out of everything he ever owned. Most of his spare time was spent at the local library where he studied books on economics and navigation, knowing they were the most two valued skills in the Frenidod. His mother died at an early age from exposure to radioactive fish after a nearby nuclear power plant leaked into the nearby ocean and contaminated the food supply for his entire island. Rashid, his father, and his sister were forced to move to a nearby factory island where his father found work as a low level factory worker.

After his father was killed in an explosion accident working for Grentinu Munitions Co, Rashid was forced to find work as a deck hand on a small trading ship under the command of a Captain Viridian., Rashid quickly rose through the ranks from cabin boy to navigator and quickly became good friends with the ship’s Captain. Together they were able to gradually build up a larger and larger trade fleet and eventually gather enough wealth to start their own company. Rashid and Viridian went on to co-found Trident Industries with Akuzabar taking position as CEO and Viridian taking position as General manager of the fleet. Akuzabar has recently returned to his old home of Eraktu where he has established Tridents Industry’s new headquarters and where he now pursues research in underwater resource extraction and colonization.

With the recent event of the conglomerate of Frenidod’s leading CEOs coming together and establishing themselves as the regions new rulers, Akuzabar represented Trident Industry in 3 year period known as “the negotiations”. With his unique background and experience Akuzabar became a mediator between his fellow CEOs and the city mayors and county governors. He was able to prevent an all-out war between the corporate mercenary armies and the locals through a deal known as the “Three Conditions”. The first was that local islands will each get a representative in the form of a head Merchant that will vouch for them in a council of the collective region and companies. The second was that the companies could never form a professional navy and in return the locals would never form an actual land army or militia. The third and final condition was that Akuzabar was to lead this council as the head CEO and the speaker for their new found nation with the ancient title of Guild Master. Akuzabar’s first action in his new position of power was to appoint Viridian as the Admiral of Frenidod’s new naval force. As Guild Master Akuzabar holds only a fraction of an increase of power in the overall council, but for the workers and merchants he is the embodiment of the perfect Frenidod citizen; crafty, stingy, and the ability to turn a pile of dust into gold.

(I'll swap out descriptions with pictures if I find any that fit my descriptions)

Name: Qaniqueg Viridian

Gender: Male

Age: 59

Title (If Any): “Admiral”-Current, “General Manager of the Fleet”, “Salted”

Occupation and Rank In Nation: Admiral of the Frenidod professional Navy.

Nation: The Free States of Frenidod

Family (If Any): Elizana Viridian (Wife)

Appearance: A very large man, about 6ft 8’’ in size and the shoulder width of a Forecastle. Covered head to toe in tribal tattoos; including the face, arms, chest, back, legs, neck. His most prominent is a pair of White Jaws engulfing a black spot on his shoulder. A scraggly white beard and bald head. Very tanned complexion with toned muscles and a body that looks very young for his age.

Allegiance to Internal Faction: Trident Industries, his friend Akuzabar

Religion: Salt


Born on one of the more primitive islands of Frenidod, Qaniqeug (an aboriginal name meaning “born from the waves”) had always found his calling in the oceans of the world. At the age of 9 he stowed away on a visiting merchant vessel “The Rouge Wave”, where he was later caught and forced into work as a Cabin boy. For fifteen years he served on the vessel despite numerous offers to take him back home or drop him off at an island of his choosing. In his teen years he began to establish his reputation as a stoic individual, speaking very seldom to his crewmates and dinning only on what he was able to catch and prepare himself, a tradition he keeps to this day.

He also chose to follow the traditional teachings of the old God Salt; lord of the sea, patron deity of adventurers, and the God of storytelling. Part of this tradition is to gain a tattoo for every different event that happens in your life. By their later ages followers of salt become living story books, bearing their achievements and failures on their skin for life. Viridian was able to acquire enough tattoos and respect to earn himself the title of first mate and inherited the ship he had served on his whole life when his captain was killed in a fight with raiders. Viridian proved himself a strong leader and eventually earned recognition as “Salted” captain by completing the trials of Salt (a process known as earning your Teeth and is rewarded with the tattoo of a white shark Jaw). Viridian chose to have his jaws anointed around a black spot on his shoulder that was branded onto him when he was young stowaway, a representation of his life story from cabin boy to Captain.

During his journey he met a young Akuzabar and offered this outsider a position in mostly aboriginal crew. Viridian recognized the boy’s potential and promoted him to navigator after only a few years of sailing. Together they were able to acquire more ships and enough crew to create their own small fleet. After the establishment of Trident Industries Viridian took the helm of managing the trade and escort fleets for the company. During the Negotiations Viridian reluctantly accepted the position as admiral of the newly established Frenidod navy. During this time he also met his wife Elizana who was serving as a representative for his native island. As of late Viridian has begun leading patrol attack fleets in the hunt of rouge mercenaries and has been trying to bring tribal exiles back into the fold. He makes his headquarters on the “Leviathan” a capital ship currently under construction in the Frenidod dock yard. As of late Viridian had disappeared from contact while hunting down pirates in the eastern area of the Frenidod territory and rumors claim he had been killed or capture. Akuzabar remains optimistic on the matter “He will return, even if has to swim back to shore”.
Something is nagging at me. I think someone gave a name to the civil war in the Coalition, but I can't remeber what it was or what page it was on.

Arch, I may fill in that role for you. What's a fourth character when I already have three? But I will be making it tomorrow. And for that matter, I may not be on and replying much tomorrow.
Beowulf said:
Something is nagging at me. I think someone gave a name to the civil war in the Coalition, but I can't remeber what it was or what page it was on.
Arch, I may fill in that role for you. What's a fourth character when I already have three? But I will be making it tomorrow. And for that matter, I may not be on and replying much tomorrow.
I called it the Unification War.

I am back after seeing the moive Interstellar you all must see it at some point. I am rather speechless.

In terms of starting this. Once everyone has made a Character I will start a PM as an In Character event at the Grand Coronation Celebratory Ball and Dinner if that is okay with everyone. I will clearly get it ready and invite you all, as for posting order, Major Nations will be first in posting then Minor Nations. I will begin as it is my event. Thank you all and I will set it up tomorrow.
Name: Nomad War-Blade

Gender: Male

Age: 29

Title (If Any): High King

Occupation and Rank In Nation: King

Nation: Sondheim

Family (If Any): None, but searching for a wife.


Allegiance to Internal Faction: He is loyal to the end to his people.

Religion: Christianity

Bio: Nomad was never much for the life of royalty. He always preferred a normal life. His childhood was that of a normal child, not privileged or deprived, as Sondheim was beginning to grow into what was predicted to be its golden age. However, he was his father's only heir, and had to take the throne when his father died of an unknown disease named Olan. When he did, the people and the Council doubted him greatly. He was only 18 at the time, and prayed for wisdom, and the strength to govern his people. It wasn't long before he found his country under siege by the Alraki, a splinter group of terrorists who tried to destroy the entirety of Sondheim and its people, and build a new country on its ashes. Nomad dedicated his men to stopping them, but they had yet to reveal they're greatest threat. It was a great feared beast in Sondheim, from which the terrorists took they're name. It could destroy entire cities. Nomad demonstrated his unending love for his people that day by nearly sacrificing himself to save a woman and small child. Though he nearly died, his men managed to save the country. From that day, no man has ever questioned his rule, and the country lives in peace.

How's that?

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Name: Alexandra Karlsen Magnussen

Gender: Female

Age: 28

Title (If Any): President Alexandra of The Republic of Nordheim

Occupation and Rank In Nation: President and head of state

Nation: Republic of Nordheim

Family (If Any): Two fathers


Allegiance to Internal Faction: The Teknokrat Party

Religion: Atheism

Bio: As a young girl, Alexandra has from early on showed interest in politics. Having grown up in a liberal family in Olborg, her two married fathers have been an inspiration to her to reach further for equal rights for everyone, as well as being open-minded towards others. Already from the beginning of when she joined politics, at the age of 14, she was quickly accepted and from then grew popular between her fellow political members. At the age of 19, she was for the first time elected into the government, as a representative of the Liberal Party. She was in government for a single mandate, before the Liberal Party had a dispute over their principles. The party divided into two new parties; the New Liberal Party, and the Teknokrat party, in which the latter she was appointed Leader of the party. At the age of 23 her party was elected in the government, although not achieving majority before her 2nd mandate, where her party won with 71% of the votes. Opponents claimed fraud and corruption, but she and everyone else knew this was false.

To this day, she's cheered upon as one of the greatest leaders of all time in Nordheim.

Still working on this, just posting it so I can work on it from several devices
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looks okay?


ColonelScout312 said:
I would suggest putting that request in the sign up thread for tour kingdom.
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