Land of Destiny

No idea

The character hasn't said a thing.

Aantum said something about not getting paid by fine sweets
I suppose, but slaves aren't Aantum's type of thing.

One of you is free to, but consult Aantum first, since that guy is still on his property, and he'll need to cure the poison
I really don't mean to be a bother, but I feel that lately there is more conflict between players going on than anything else and the rp hasn't really progressed much. Sorry.

Just wanted to put that out there
No need for apologies.

Sir Arrogance threw a monkey wrench in everything when he arrived, and they definitely don't see eye-to-eye

Aantum just captured a spirit, so that's a lead

If you're pushing for progression, try to push in your plans. We have to react to what happens
It's mostly conflict between characters, which I find adds a bit of spice. And the plot is actually coming along now.

Also, don't forget, while Aantum's character may come close, you are the real god of this roleplay. If you dont like something, you can always try your hand at a solution.
Kylesar1 said:
No need for apologies.
Sir Arrogance threw a monkey wrench in everything when he arrived, and they definitely don't see eye-to-eye

Aantum just captured a spirit, so that's a lead

If you're pushing for progression, try to push in your plans. We have to react to what happens
I want so much to insult you, but I will use my will-power. My character, whom you love to nickname in and out of the roleplay as 'Sir Arrogance' just really doesn't like people (especially petty mortals thinking they are better than he) I believe most of the conflict was my (and my character) desperately trying to get all the attention, sorry about that. Although, to what he is to do know, that the spirit has been kindly killed, because he apparently can't swing a sword, and now he is just in the middle of nowhere with nobody with him, so as a heads up, that might cause him to become tainted and evil.

@Kylesar1 I really sounded insulty, but I promise you, it's mostly just my teenage disgust for the world (again sorry for that).
You can go ahead and throw insults. There's not much damage to be done over the internet. You will take away 0% of my life points

I never said your character can't swing a sword. It's just that your character is pulling cartwheels in mid-air when a simple sidestep would've done just fine, considering that he saw the attack coming from the front. Those moves would get someone killed on the battlefield, as their head would be completely exposed while in a cartwheel, where the guard is down. The fact that no armor is being worn amplifies those statements. It's Aantum's intuition as an army general, and his knowledge as elves being naturally weaker than humans, going head up against a spirit, who uses 100% of human strength, which will easily overpower an elf in hand-to-hand, who as a species are naturally weaker than humans as is.

That's not to mention that, since the spirit is choosing to use daggers, he's definitely trained in hand-to-hand, and moves fast. Since it's a spirit, it can use magic by default.

I told you I use logic when it comes to battles. With logic, I see Sir Arrogance winning in practically zero battles against the spirit. If I believed him to win that battle, Aantum would've left him alone. Plus like I keep saying, the sword seemed like it would banish the spirit, and he needed that lead. Losing the spirit is losing the lead.

What could Aantum say? Being nice to him is extremely unrealistic given the circumstances, and being hostile to him is fuel on the fire. Loneliness leading to evilness isn't exactly surprising to me (or to Aantum) considering he's carrying a potion specifically to kill himself. If he wants to go evil or kill himself, Aantum's not gonna stop him. How would he know anyways? He's not a mind reader. If you want him to say something to Aantum, then by all means, go ahead. You act as if Aantum is a million miles away. he's walking away. He's not about to engage in conversation with someone he doesn't like

Sir Arrogance is the name Aantum gave to him, and it sticks. The whole "especially petty mortals thinking they are better than he" elitism doesn't exactly help. That's basically the definition of arrogance: exaggerating one's own abilities or importance. Why is Aantum obligated to work with someone who doesn't even like people? If someone broke into my house and asks for stuff he doesn't really need, trading insults back, questioning motives, and feeding lies to basically everybody, all while expressing a dislike for my entire species, I'd have 0 reasons to like them. Period. Aantum doesn't respect him enough to use his real name.
I wasn't saying that you just called my character 'Sir Arrogence' outside of the roleplay, which I find offensive, but whatever... Gerus will enjoy being evil, since you know, he kinda doesn't like humans and everything, and this kingdom is kinda oppressing his people and everything...
Hunnyhelp said:
I wasn't saying that you just called my character 'Sir Arrogence' outside of the roleplay, which I find offensive, but whatever... Gerus will enjoy being evil, since you know, he kinda doesn't like humans and everything, and this kingdom is kinda oppressing his people and everything...
Good life decision.
Oppressing his people how?

Don't elves keep to themselves anyways, not messing with humans?

If you want him to go evil, then go ahead. Aantum's not gonna stop him, what with the whole "him not liking mortals" thing
Prehasps you didn't read... His people lost many in a war against the kingdom, and are constantly involved in conflicts as they try to become independent. They rarely follow the rules of the kingdom, and Gerus (although his hate for the actual kingdom is actually very minor(compared to his people (he is using humans as a derogatory term, because I really can't call you old man, because Gerus is like 200 years old, and I couldn't think of anything better that didn't involve vulgar terms) )) constantly tries for peace, but the bureaucracy of the kingdom doesn't let him up (A.K.A the queen not recognizing him), so he gets frustrated sometimes.

(Again, (this is the logical side of my brain speaking) please do not that this as insult (I meant disgust as august, but couldn't spell it) I am young and have several firey emotions)
Hunnyhelp said:
Prehasps you didn't read... His people lost many in a war against the kingdom, and are constantly involved in conflicts as they try to become independent. They rarely follow the rules of the kingdom, and Gerus (although his hate for the actual kingdom is actually very minor(compared to his people (he is using humans as a derogatory term, because I really can't call you old man, because Gerus is like 200 years old, and I couldn't think of anything better that didn't involve vulgar terms) )) constantly tries for peace, but the bureaucracy of the kingdom doesn't let him up (A.K.A the queen not recognizing him), so he gets frustrated sometimes.
(Again, (this is the logical side of my brain speaking) please do not that this as insult (I meant disgust as august, but couldn't spell it) I am young and have several firey emotions)
I believe it stated in the rules that vulgar name-calling was fine.

And what are all these powerful youthly emotions that you keep referring to? According to your profile information I'm the same age as you. That is unless you course you're a female. Then I can most certainly understand
Gabauchi said:
I believe it stated in the rules that vulgar name-calling was fine.
Well, I am just 13 so... Yeah vulgar language really wouldn't be good for me, I also believed that it did say no vulgar language (I must have confused it with an other roleplay... (FML))

Not female, just have a lot of things going on in my life, bringing less than peaceful emotions out... I believe if we wish to take this farther we should PM each other (sorry guys that have to scroll through this).
Hunnyhelp said:
Well, I am just 13 so... Yeah vulgar language really wouldn't be good for me, I also believed that it did say no vulgar language (I must have confused it with an other roleplay... (FML))
Not female, just have a lot of things going on in my life, bringing less than peaceful emotions out... I believe if we wish to take this farther we should PM each other (sorry guys that have to scroll through this).
Vulgar language is totally fine
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