Land of Destiny

Now I know how to do it as well, haha

Do you guys think that there should be some sort of quest maybe so that the rp doesn't take place in the town for the whole time?
I think the .ain objective of our characters should be to find and stop Gaven, while Gaven's objective is to capture the Queens grandchild and bring forth his god.

I feel like Aantum's potions should have potion caps or slight after effects. Like, there is only much the body can physically handle, or that drinking potions so and so might do this after the effects wear off.
I'm all for it, but I need some kind of example

He is maxed out at 4

I plan on retiring him very soon anyways
For example, hawkeye potion could cause slightly blurred vision and sluggish movements if used in excess, the effects increasing with each use, as well as decreasing the potions effectiveness.

After it wears off of course
Since the battle between Aantum and Gerus doesn't seem to be going anywhere, do you mind if Marcos tries to reason with Gerus? Since he's also an elf and all?
I'm just done fighting someone that has a potion to make himself better than everyone else... Besides, Gerus has a meeting (that he doesn't know about) with a magic messenger.
Elven Speed and Elven Reflexes aren't superior to a humans. Stop treating elves as almighty

I swear you say they're better archers, mages, and now faster moving and reacting. Elves are not superior in every fashion, hence the reason they can't win a war against the inferior humans
Sorry, just have to make my character able to fight against your all-mighty cap off a potion and become God!

Also the fact that there is say 2,000 Elves in the battlefield and say 3 million humans invading from all sides
Kylesar1 said:
Elven Speed and Elven Reflexes aren't superior to a humans. Stop treating elves as almighty
I swear you say they're better archers, mages, and now faster moving and reacting. Elves are not superior in every fashion, hence the reason they can't win a war against the inferior humans
For example, a lumbering 9'11" human get's into an argument with an elf about manliness and they get into a lumberjack competition, and the human wrecks both the elf and his forest
We've had a dick measuring contest ever since your character started claiming superiority against humans in every damn way possible. Speed, magic, archery, sight, reflexes. Dispelling a 35 acre magic circle without effort, despite on the CS having no history with such magic. Also, the golden swords from before. Where did those come from? They're not on the CS either, as neither a weapon or as a conjuring spell, which he hasn't mentioned having a history in either.

Like I said, if elves were superior in every way, they would be able to win the war. They wouldn't be able to stand against the Elves's onslaught of arrows and magic, and their faster moving and faster reacting soldiers. Your logic doesn't follow your story.

You're also making bullshit-ass military statistics that don't make sense and is mentioned nowhere. It takes 3 entire countries to have a number that big, and you're talking about 1 kingdom with that many soldiers. On top of that, who the hell would send 3 MILLION soldiers against a force of 2,000. Either you're spouting bullshit, exaggerating the victim card, or insulting human intelligence.

I'll just withdraw from this RP so you can have fun killing off the inferior-in-every-way humans. Good luck everybody, fighting a guy who can dispel a magic circle 35 acres big effortlessly with no training, is faster, better at magic, better at archery, sees further, and can react faster than you can swing.................. Teaming up with a guy who summons powerful ass spirits.

Hell, next he'll be using fire magic, despite being weak to it.
I apologize for being god-modded, like I said I am not normally like this, I really have no idea how I became so enraged. If any of you have a wish for me to leave, and maybe @Kylesar returning, just say so, and I will withdraw from the roleplay. I realize how much of a drag I have been on the roleplay and how I have turned the RP into a 1v1. On second thought maybe I should withdraw myself, maybe I'm not mature enough for it...

Also, my character can not even stand next to a fire without dying or running away, much less summon it.

(Also I don't see the ability to summon bows and potions on his whimp anywhere in your cs... But maybe I didn't read it correctly)
I agree that the in character conflict does infact add some good drama to the roleplay, but the OOC conflict is becoming a little inconvenient for everyone else. I also agree that Aantum is fairly godly.

@Kylesar1 @Hunnyhelp
I stuck to my CS the entire time

The discussion was going into introducing backlash to compensate for excessive usage.

The RP won't advance if we argue that much. For the plot, it's better if one of us drops.
You two both should stop complaining about how the others characters are too op and try to find a solution in which there is a better balance.

Also, geek, you should advertise some new positions, as the kings men should be characters.
What I meant was that Aantum had said the king had sent some of his best men. I think it would be kinda lame if they were NPC's.
Maybe I could create an other character, the total opposite of Gerus, underpowered, totally loyal, and obsessed with fire magic?

@Gabauchi @Fearlesslygeek

@Kylesar1 , I am sorry you feel that way, and I hope that one day we can resolve our differences in opinions. 'Till that day, I will remember you as the overpowered potion maker (I'm kidding).
Or, a powerful pyromaniac with a complete disregard for all battle etiquette. One of the kings men.

And the thing that makes Kylesar "op" is that his attacks are highly varied with little drawbacks. But its difficult to put drawbacks on something so simply effective as his magic.
But remember, potions nor summoning objects on whim is not magic, as stated when Gerus wanted to fight him.
Why does it matter? I retired him, so this argument is moot

Potions aren't magic. I gave a massive explanation on why when he tried to say that it is. There are some that say summoning equipment isn't magic. Some say it is. Intents and purposes are irrelevant. It either is or its not.

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