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Fantasy Lakoria High School

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I've been drawing my character is it possible for my certain cursed werewolf to have powers and have three forms? like when she's very weak she goes in a like a small wolf form like a stuffed animal or something?
XXXIwolf said:
@LokiofSP I edited my character sheet.
Your character is accepted, and there are more of us besides Loki, you know. Welcome to the RP! I'll make someone else give the crackpost speech since I'm a bit tied up right now.

Edt: Nvm, I'll do it.

Anyways, for a while now, the admin team has been doing disclaimers for this RP. We're pretty crazy and crack-posty here. I mean, we have cupcake-baking kittens, crazy gorgon drug lords, toast that defies physics, and other stuff. It's pretty funny, so I hope you and you character can be as hilariously ignorant/situationally ironic as the rest of us!
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Haha thank you. The intro sounded serious so I figured be serious. I'm glad to know it's mellow and comical. xD The only question is since this story seems to far how should I enter or should I just randomly pop up?
@XXXIwolf Currently none of us are at the school. Aptual (@Nonalaka) where by the steps of the museum but just had class rooms air dropped on them.

The students of Lakoria high were kidnapped by their history teacher and taken on a fun field trip to the museum, however most people have left.
@metalcity Thank you. I know I should probably read what's going on but it's going to take me forever. I will try to catch up on what is happening when I have the time.
Excuse me, @XXXIwolf, but I'm going to have to stop you for a bit.

Usually, I'm not a stickler for the rules past acceptance, but I really think I need to enforce them in this situation. Specifically, these two:

PhoenixFire13 said:
- All posts in the RPing tab should include name of your character, regardless of how short the post is.
- Tag the RPer(s) you are interacting with in all your posts, including in the OOC chat
Oh, and please don't be so cringy.

Your most recent post had neither of these. Mostly these rules are in effect for the sake of clarity, and so that people can understand who you're talking to.
@Lotusy sorry and thanks. I edited what I think needs to be done although I'm not quite sure what you mean on the first rule. I hope I edited right.
XXXIwolf said:
@Lotusy sorry and thanks. I edited what I think needs to be done although I'm not quite sure what you mean on the first rule. I hope I edited right.
The first rule simply means to add the name of your character. I usually don't enforce it, but I'm not sure people will understand who you're talking about when you mention a "chibi wolf".
Ras said:
Name: Ras Silas Gideon
Gender: can manifest himself as either male or female depending how how he wants to look or who he is appearing before

Age: Unknown (appears 18)

School year: Senior

Species: primordial being

Power(s): Death and destruction embodiment: Ras is the embodiment of death and destruction itself, he brings destruction and death where ever he goes: everything withers, decays, rots, erodes, corrupts, breaks, cracks, crushes, disintegrates, explodes or implodes into nothingness and oblivion. Being the embodiment of death and destruction means that Ras can easily kill others, reap their souls when they die and take their souls to the afterlife. He can decide where a soul will go after death. And as death, Ras has absolute control over death and all things dead, allowing him to have limitless control everything and everyone that is dead, and as well manipulate all things related to death and destruction.

One magic: Closely conforming to the classic image of magicians, a western mage uses mana as energy, and requires spells, incantations, and catalysts to activate magic. The two languages of incantation are Latin and Ancient Greek, with the former being more common and the latter being solely used for High Ancient – high-level magic.

Sexuality: bisexual

Appearance: Ras can manifest himself as either male or female, and many different appearances, sometimes he will appear before a dying mortal as the person they loved most in life before reaping their soul. A two common forms is known as mistress death and Lord death

the appearance of the former is a rather young, petite teenage girl of a slender build who stands at a rather below-average height, with a wild and aggressive appearance, which fits her personality. She had a short face with soft and subtle, soothing almost features, she had black nails and Sclera, red eyes and a reptilian slit pupil, long dreadlocked white hair which reached down past her thigh. A noticeable trait in her appearance is a long, thin scar running down the left side of his face and across his left eye, inflicted on her by one of the older primordial beings. Ras had a ghostly white skin tone. She had abnormally sharp teeth; Ras had a multitude of scars from previous battles in her past. Following her intense battle with the primordial being of heat, Ras gained a cross-shaped scar across her entire upper body, a result of the two fatal wounds the man dealt to her during their altercations. Her tail is made of a black metallic substance, exoskeletal and bony with obvious protruding joints and a sharp pointed tip. Folded on her back are large pitch black feathered wings that are about twice her own height in wingspan usually hidden under her coat. View attachment 266429

The latter is quite similar except as a male Ras manifests as a tall, muscular man with a wild and aggressive appearance, which fits his personality. He had a long face with pronounced cheekbones, and pronounced, hairless brow ridges. He had black nails and Sclera, red eyes and a reptilian slit pupil, long dreadlocked white hair which reached down past his thigh. A noticeable trait in his appearance is a long, thin scar running down the left side of his face and across his left eye, inflicted on him by one of the older primordial beings. Ras had a ghostly white skin tone. He had abnormally sharp teeth; Ras had a multitude of scars from previous battles in his past. Following his intense battle with the primordial being of heat, Ras gained a cross-shaped scar across his entire upper body, a result of the two fatal wounds the man dealt to him during their altercations. His tail is made of a black metallic substance, exoskeletal and bony with obvious protruding joints and a sharp pointed tip. Folded on his back are large pitch black feathered wings that are about twice his own height in wingspan usually hidden under his coat. View attachment 266431

Personality: Although he is known to be a violent fighter, Ras's actions tend to be for the best. Ras lives for battle, and enjoys a good fight more than anything. He even holds back in an effort to make any fight last longer. He claims injury and death are nothing but the price one pays for a good fight. Despite his tendency to be brutal, Ras usually stops a fight if his opponent is too injured to fight back, claiming he is not interested in fighting "weaklings who can't fight anymore", and he does not feel obligated to deal a death blow to anyone who cannot fight any longer. However, he will unhesitatingly kill his opponent if they refuse to end their fight, such as during his battles with primordial beings. He also takes his title as Death seriously, telling a creation magic user that there is nothing that man there is nothing he can create that he cannot destroy because the power his title implies is not to be taken lightly.

Backstory: Due to the complicated nature of his age it is unknown how and when Ras came into being. Ras does not remember how old he is, and said that he could be as old, or even older than the creator. Ras mentioned that he was there when the first beasts were created, and even, as he said, "personally found them entertaining."

Normally, Ras is kept locked and chained in a magical coffin 600 feet under the Earth. Only being released hwhen something major was planned such as the Great Flood. It is unknown why such precautions were taken; the original belief was that he was too powerful and dangerous to allow to roam free, but as Ras has been free for multiple years with no major catastrophes, the fear appears to be unfounded.

Extras: Ras's wings and tail are extremely sensitive
Right, so I have problems with this.

First off, you don't have the secret word.

But second the powers you have are ridiculous.

Ras said:
" Death and destruction embodiment: Ras is the embodiment of death and destruction itself, he brings destruction and death where ever he goes: everything withers, decays, rots, erodes, corrupts, breaks, cracks, crushes, disintegrates, explodes or implodes into nothingness and oblivion. Being the embodiment of death and destruction means that Ras can easily kill others, reap their souls when they die and take their souls to the afterlife. He can decide where a soul will go after death. And as death, Ras has absolute control over death and all things dead, allowing him to have limitless control everything and everyone that is dead, and as well manipulate all things related to death and destruction. "
I honestly can't think of a way you could improve this power, it's just way too overpowered. "Being the embodiment of death and destruction means that Ras can easily kill others" this isn't a rp where you can just kill people. Hell this is a high school, there's no room for death here. And I don't personally see how this could even fit into a group rp without causing problems. I can't accept this, knowing that it could badly affect someone else's roleplaying experience. And the other power you listed isn't even descriptive, it litterally just says magic, that's a really broad term.

Secondly, your character doesn't seem to fit into the style of this rp. We're not a serious Rp in the slightest (Though yes we have had a couple of serious moments, but for the most part we're not serious) so bringing a character that's literally death into this doesn't work. Especially with the personality you've gave him.

Ras said:
Although he is known to be a violent fighter, Ras's actions tend to be for the best. Ras lives for battle, and enjoys a good fight more than anything. He even holds back in an effort to make any fight last longer. He claims injury and death are nothing but the price one pays for a good fight. Despite his tendency to be brutal, Ras usually stops a fight if his opponent is too injured to fight back, claiming he is not interested in fighting "weaklings who can't fight anymore", and he does not feel obligated to deal a death blow to anyone who cannot fight any longer. However, he will unhesitatingly kill his opponent if they refuse to end their fight, such as during his battles with primordial beings. He also takes his title as Death seriously, telling a creation magic user that there is nothing that man there is nothing he can create that he cannot destroy because the power his title implies is not to be taken lightly.
This, at least to me, sets him up for many problems, especially with his powers that you've given him. I personally don't think this character would even work well in a serious Rp. He is way too powerful to even be fun to interact with and I see people going out of their way to avoid him.

So for the First time since I've been an admin, I'm going to reject your character. I simply can't allow it. So I'm sorry, but I honestly don't think there's a way you could make this character fit in better.
XXXIwolf said:
Soul Holloway

Soul turns to face the girl next to Columbus. Soul walks up to Laika and hugs her right leg and pressing her cheek against Laika's skin. Soul looks up boring her violet eyes into Laika's. For now you Soul was a stray pet or a plushie with no speech, no owner and lost. All Soul can use is is her body language in her small wolf plush form.

Are you saying that Soul is an actual plushie right now?
GingerBread said:
Are you saying that Soul is an actual plushie right now?
Well her third form looks like a plushie but a live one. Unless I'm only suppose to keep it as an animal?
XXXIwolf said:
Well her third form looks like a plushie but a live one. Unless I'm only suppose to keep it as an animal?
No it's fine, I just wanted to check. I got a bit confused about whether or not Soul was an actual plush.

Though if she is, would you mind adding that to your Cs, just so I can't get confused again :)
GingerBread said:
No it's fine, I just wanted to check. I got a bit confused about whether or not Soul was an actual plush.
Though if she is, would you mind adding that to your Cs, just so I can't get confused again :)
Sure thing. I think I might update my character to make it detailed so everyone knows the idea. I didn't expect this place to be detailed. The other RP I'm doing is so mellow and I'm a noob. Anyways thanks for telling me. If I confuse anybody again I'll try my best to clarify.

@GingerBread I updated my Cs I hope it Clarifys things better.
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Comet said:
Name: Caden Blake Chambers
Gender: Female

Age: 17

School year:





Can control storms and snow. She can make storms, and make anything that has to do with snow or ice.




Human form:


Griffin form:


Caden is a strawberry red-head with green and yellow eyes, red perfect pouty lips and flawless skin. When she goes griffin, her hair color turns white, giving the feathers a white cloudy color. You can see a hint of ginger in her feathers, but you have to look very close at it.


Caden is a sorta shy girl. She tends to stick to herself, but she will get snappy if someone she doesn't like get near her and start to talk to her. Her predatory side comes out when she goes griffin, but she doesn't turn into a griffin a lot since the transformation hurts so bad. She can't be in mid change for long cause it will kill her, too much pain sending her into shock then death cause she has to have the energy in order to change. Once you get to know her, she's a sweet kid. She has a southern drawl, growing up there, saying "Ya'll" And "Howdy" A lot, but that's because of how she grew up. She's not much of a girly girl, although she dresses like one, she doesn't act like one.


She didn't really have much of a past. She doesn't know how she got in this world to be exact, all she knew was that she grew up with a "adopted" family, not knowing who she was until one dreadful night that she was old enough to change. Her parents held her through that night, making everything okay until she fully shifted over. When she found out she was a griffin, she cried with fear, ice shocks shooting out from her, almost killing her family. Her little brother was in that room with her, giving him really bad frostbite and almost making him die cause she made it so cold. For days, her whole town was in a snowstorm cause of her sorrow, depressed that she almost killed her family and that she wasn't normal. After she got over the sorrow that she was what she was, she was found by Lakoria, and now she goes there to help her control her powers better.


Hey man, your Character sheet looks pretty good, but I do have a couple of problems with it. For one you haven't got the secret word and could I ask you to tone down the powers since they seem like a bit much

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