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Fantasy Lakoria High School

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[QUOTE="Magical Squid Senpai]A mesinger for who?

Yo boi Kappa!

Just kidding, it was for you, I just REALLY like seeing the Kappa face, it's satisfying
[QUOTE="Magical Squid Senpai]I meant from.

Oh. Well like JUST before you came, there was this creepy doctor guy who did experiments on people that made them sick and killed them.

He's probably related to the cult somehow
@OceanBunny i thought i posted what the blood did and then asked everyone what they thought it meant and you said it should turn him into a literal kitten

Why do women get such good memory, it isn't fair xD
Well you said it would make you docile like a kitten.. Im not sure who said it should be a literal kitten, wasn't me, but then you said vampire kitten and I tried to get you to add wings xD @GingerBread
Yo, @GreenEyedStranger. I'm here to say some things that I'd rather not say, but the current situation has forced my hand. What I'll say here might be some of the shittiest and most hurtful things I've ever typed, but I'm trying my best not to be a douche about it. I'm probably going to look like an ass anyways, but just know that I'm not doing it for the sake of being an ass. Forgive me in advance.

Anyways, straight to the point: We're going to have to ask you to limit the amount of characters you can play. I've already talked with @GingerBread about this, and I've gotten some agreement from him. There are simply too many different characters, and it's a bit of a hassle to know them all. While I understand that you have good intentions and want to weave a good story, there is a certain point where we'll need to respectfully cut you off. This is, after all, a group RP. There are plenty of other stories out there waiting to be written, but you're co-authoring this one with everyone else. And that means being on the same level as everyone else. Though some of the NPCs you made at first were necessary to Ja'zi's plot development, eventually, the sheer amount of them had us tied up and the RP required a huge kickstart to get running again. The one-character rule is in place for a reason, after all, to prevent occasions like this from arising. If you would like NPCs operated, feel free to ask an admin to do it. However, creating so many NPCs and leaving them really hurt the RP a few weeks ago.

Now to address a counter-argument I know is out there: You've had college apps. While I personally don't know the pain of these, you probably do now. I understand that you must have been bogged down. However, next time an urgent situation comes up like that, there are definitely a few options that could have been taken instead. For example, could have called the admins and given them a basic plotline for the NPCs to follow. When managing previous events of this size like the demon invasion or zoo raid, admins helped the transition, much more smoothly than if Phoenix or I, creators of each event, had handled them ourselves.

Of course, this is still about character management. It also brings me to my final point which i stated earlier: We're all equals. If we allow you to have multiple characters, no doubt everyone will one more characters. This RP just can't make an exception. It's like the fly-soup thing. Everyone will want some.

Now, on the other hand, if you want to run another event like the last one with multiple NPCs, feel free to ask admins to help you out.

Sorry for having to write the shitty critique-side of Lotusy here. I'll promise to never do it in the future. Once again, forgive me.
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GreenEyedStranger said:
Fine then. Who can control the characters that I created? I dont want to just poof them out of existence
I'll leave that up to some other admins besides me to decide. An option I'm putting on the table: You could finish the interaction and hold them until the next event, then release them.
GreenEyedStranger said:
Alright. I wasnt planning on them being long term characters, thats why I thought it'd be ok...
Unfortunately, no. You would either have to kill off Ja'zi Ro or bind them together.
I guess you really don't like me now.

I'll come up with something to deal with this, if no admin wants to control these characters. Also, the monsters I control aren't really characters. Would they fall into the powers category? This is sort of his specialty anyways

Just to add a few more points to @Lotusy 's post (I'm not as nice, can you blame me i am a ginger after all)

Really if you want to start a event that will end up involving most of the other Rpers you should make sure it's okay first, Cause right now @metalcity is trying to do a event so if we have both going at the same time then one will just miss out or both will become a mess

Also the rule for multiple characters, no matter how short term they are, is to stop things becoming too complicated or to stop it slowing down everyone else if you're interacting with most of the people. Another thing is if you have too many characters it sometimes ends up taking up most of the Rp, which can be unfair on others especially if you're not that active, which could be because of many variable, like for me I'm in england so if i want to be active i have to stay up late which i can't always do.

That's all i really have to say on the multiple characters at the moment, don't think i'm being a dick, i'm just not that empathetic. The ideas seem cool but the bottom line is: Check with the admins first if you're planning to do a event make sure it's okay and most of the time we'll help you out (I just complain and nitpick :P ) and improve it or make it so it's easier to do.

Now i'm going to say it would be best if you pulled the plug on this event for a while as @metalcity is also going to be doing a event soon and in all fairness his started before yours did. But when you do start it back up, check with the admins first. It's what we're here for to help and to keep order, I'm probably the meanest one out of us, everyone else is nice. So don't be afraid to ask and Do ask because even if we say no, we'll tell you why we said no and you can take that and improve your idea so that we say yes. It might not be anything wrong with the event you've planned but more with the timing of it.
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GreenEyedStranger said:
I guess you really don't like me now.
I'll come up with something to deal with this, if no admin wants to control these characters. Also, the monsters I control aren't really characters. Would they fall into the powers category? This is sort of his specialty anyways
I would put a limit on it like only one monster or something. Otherwise it becomes too Op and difficult to manage
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Alright. This won't be an event for anyone more than Squid Senpai, and not even for more than a few pages.

I'm so used to other types of roleplay, controlling one character is unusual, but I can manage. I'll try to be obscure as possible to not interrupt metalcities event.

And not to be rude, but I think you're a bit nicer than Lotusy ;P

Not implying that he wasnt
GreenEyedStranger said:
I guess you really don't like me now.
I'll come up with something to deal with this, if no admin wants to control these characters. Also, the monsters I control aren't really characters. Would they fall into the powers category? This is sort of his specialty anyways
I never said that I didn't like you. I said that I would have to stop you from adding new characters. This is only being hard on you for the sake of the RP. My opinion of you is not affected by this.

The monsters he creates are part of his powers so they're fine. It makes sense, it's not like he pulls giant ash trees out of nowhere. However, don't spread them out too far.

By the way, here's another option: If you want characters for your cult, why not recruit them from out current character base?

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