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Fantasy Lakoria High School







School Year:















Nice,caring,kind,mean,hash,nice,tomboy act,caring


does not like to talk about it's to sad to talk about it(TAT)(TAT)(TAT)(TAT)(TAT)(TAT)(:'()(:'()(:'()(TAT)(TAT)(:'()(TAT)(:'()


has a pet cat and her name is rose:

@Blacknife I'm not sure. I accepted you, but someone else didn't. I'll check back and see what happened. Get back to you in a sec.

Edit: Apparently your power needs to be magical or something. Just say something like he can summon building materials from thin air and I'm sure you'll be fine.
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Name: John Abraus

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Species: Human

School Year: Freshman

Power: None really, however, is a good engineer. In the traditional studies, students at his old school learnt about "machine spirits" ghosts that inhabited mechanical contraptions. In that class he learnt how to soothe them, make them work for him... Or enrage them to attack anyone, a shock to the users of it. His most famous moment was when he agitated the spirit of a car so greatly, it chased him through out the school. He considers these to be his only friends at the moment. Hates intelligent A.I. due to them controlling these spirits. His body has been changed to allow this, making it more machine than man. The only organic components in his body is his chest, allowing his torso to be disattached from the rest of his body.

Personality: John is a bit of an average guy, who is somewhat closed off to other people. He hates to interact too much with others, especially "mutants" (anything other than human) However, when you do get his trust, he will do anything to protect his friends. Anything.

Backstory: A child born into mechanics, he was raised to basically build contraptions for other people. By the time he was 12, a few family members and him built a full working tank, complete with a working cannon. However, this backfired and exploded, causing his body to take severe damage, being replaced with various machine parts. At age 14, he was taught to disregard anything and anyone that was not human, however, did not fully follow his lessons. He had befriended a "psyker" (that's what they call psychics) and had been best friends with him for a few years. Because of this, he was forced out of his old school, causing a deep bitterness with people in general. He has a little pet from his home, a human sized creature with no name. (Name and appearance for it will be revealed :3)

Favorite Quote: "Please go away..."<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/image.jpg.e1e5a3440565d7b8f8e345cefc60b513.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="80935" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/image.jpg.e1e5a3440565d7b8f8e345cefc60b513.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Emma (Em) Merigold

Age: 14

Gender: Female

Species: Human (Witch)

School Year: Freshman


"The Spicy Chemist"

Emma is an alchemist of a high order. She carries many ingredients around, and if she wants to brew a potion, she can in a second. Her potions can do things from invigorating allies, to slowing enemies, to turning people into rabbits. Her powers aren't fully realized, so sometimes her concoctions have unintended consequences. Her potions each require a magical incantation to be used, giving them a totally different effect than what would usually happen. (For example if she magicked (words) a bit of copper, it would blow up. Copper usually doesn't blow up. I read what happened before with the other people's applications. This magical, I swear.)

"Orange Juice Berserker"

The specific type of citric acid found in oranges and some orange flavorings heightens her physical powers. Whenever she drinks orange juice, she goes on a 10-minute hyper craze.

Personality: A zany, energetic, and intelligent young girl. Her memory and quick improvisations have helped her create all sorts of potions. She's a bit crazy, preferring to create potions and cackle like a mad scientist in her free time. She really loves that evil laugh.

Backstory: Emma was found abandoned in a forest by three witches. The witches, Glenda, Grenda, and Bobette all vowed to have her continue their tradition of witches. Spells, hexes, and blood seals never really worked for Emma. However, she loved making potions. At the ripe age of 6, she blew up the witches' hut. At 7, she blew up the next hut. The witches had to find an insurance company offering explosive insurance. What a hassle. Eventually, at the age of 12 and 5 destroyed huts later, the witches send her of to a middle school. A young girl raised by witches, from a young age, she always knew how to make potions. As she went to middle school and learned about all of the different elements, she learned why the potions did what they did. With a combination of magic herbs, eyeballs, and a bit of Francium, she blew up her first school. First. Definitely not last. Chain reactions, amirite? Eventually, she found her way to Lakoria, after devastating her last school in a blast or massive proportions. She hopes this is the last of her explosive career.

Extra: Boom!


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Name: Mira Straum

Gender: Female

Age: 15

School year: Sophomore (she skipped a grade, and because of her power can understand complex math/physics problems, enabling her to take very advanced classes)

Species: Human

Power(s): The ability to detect and understand knowledge in more than four dimensions.

Most humans discern only three dimensions, a position, and the length, width, and height of all matter is also observable. We can't understand and "see" the fourth dimension like we can, and therefore can't manipulate or control it, causing humans to only be able to go chronologically through time. She can, however, visually see representations of time, as well as the fifth dimension. The fifth dimension, which she can see visually are space-based shapes and matter, with their size and appearance mapped over a fourth-dimensional timeline. Although the higher dimension are not clearly understood, she can feel them unlike normal humans. This ability can make her far more knowledgable about things through time. She can't however, focus on a particular person (which means she can't use her powers for anything like seeing the future or traveling through her own timeline, etc.). Her ability just gives her more observable knowledge of the universe than most. She can however, transform her form and go into different dimensions. This however, drains her, and she can't do it too often.

Sexuality: Pansexual



Short layered black hair (short in the front and longer in the back)

Large dark brown eyes

Usually doesn't smile

Wears her school-uniform most of the time, or something that includes cardigans or white blouses (formal and modest)

Rimless glasses

Short (5'2), skinny.

Personality: She is like a flower. Water her, take care of her, and she blooms. Because she has recently been transported to this school, she is genuinely frightened and delusional for the time being. She has been at the school long enough to regain some of her original personality: quiet but outgoing (she has joined a clubs and advanced classes), can be sympathetic but too sensitive and emotional at times, introspective, very smart, but can be judgemental and passive-egressive when she doesn't approve of someone, comes off as shy or nervous most of the time. She can thoughtful, but sometimes she thinks about things small things to much. She is very hard on herself and others. Has a sense of adventure that her boldness feeds. She is logical, but she lies more than average, and is also (as mentioned before) pansexual and hates herself for it, and as a result, she has low self-esteem and generally dislikes herself. This is why she tends to antisocial.

Because she can see in multiple dimensions but is still suspended in the fourth so she only moves chronologically, she lives her life like everyone else, except with much broader and unique way of thinking. A side effect of this power is her mood swings and feeling depressed frequently.

Backstory: She was born in California, and is half-Japanese half-Indian. In elementary school, she began to feel the presence of more dimensions, and because of this became more emotional and wanted more human contact. She became pansexual. In middle school she became homeschooled because of her sister's epilepsy symptoms. In high school she couldn't make friends for a while but then got into clubs and advanced classes where she met her friends. Traumatic childhood experiences: Molested when she was 8, became suicidal at 15 (the stress of keeping straight A's in high school and additionally her strange mental capabilities were making her even more emotional than a normal teenager). For months before her transfer she hated herself, and finally she gave up and became apathetic. She imagined a world with more options, a fantasy world. Her ability to see through higher dimensions enabled her to gain access to the school, with the cost of never being able to see her family and friends again.


Likes: Hot tea, chocolate, (other types of food that remind her of her old life), sweaters, her watch (which seems to run at the same rate), and the books she's discovered in this world (she started learning immediately), funny and sweet people, cats.

Dislikes: Reminders of home, spiders, failing a class.
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Name: John Torque


Gender: Male



School year:





He comes from a blood line of arcane engineers. They have the power to create machines out of mass using arcane magic. For example: Use power on the ground to make a bike. Mass of bike=to hole in ground.




<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/f8cb1ab3.jpg.ab1c5a7837aa46c7ed48166396f863d8.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="81003" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/f8cb1ab3.jpg.ab1c5a7837aa46c7ed48166396f863d8.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(Minus the facial hair)


Very innocent and light-hearted. Is rather non violent. He has always wanted to help others rather than hurt. He can deal with a lot of abuse and shrugs it of and even when he hits his breaking point he wont get physically violent. He gets embarrassed very quickly as he doesn't socialize much and hasn't for a long time.


John grew up in a small town on the outskirts of a major industrial city. He didn't have a father to raise him and help out around the house so from a a very young age he started to fix things to take the load of his mother. His neighbor was a well know engineer and and after his mother died he toke him in and trained him as his apprentice. He still attended school but never enjoyed it as other kids would bully and make fun of him for always being so dirty. This caused him to be beaten up a lot but he never raised a hand against any of them. After he finished his apprenticeship and new how things worked he discovered that he was able to crate machines and the like from mass of other objects. He discovered this when his instincts kikced in while a little girl was about to be run down. After this little indecent this school for "gifted" students contacted him and the rest is soon to be history.


Tends to do a lot of odd things for non-humans like sharpening a werewolf teeth(Has done this more than once) And cant use his powers to hurt anyone (as a moral choice)



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Don't know if its too late to enroll, but I'll give it a shot:

Name: Ray Kaiden

Nickname: Ray

Gender: Male

Year: Junior

Species: Human

Powers: "wisping", its a cross between teleportation and super speed. Some would classify it as supper speed to the point of teleportation. Also includes turning invisible and phasing through objects. It is the manifestation of a connection between the 'wisp' and another reality, which they will never give details to, the space within which acts differently than our 'standard' 3D space

Sexuality: Strait


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/57a8c53002d92_animeguy2.jpg.d6b74b838733c75df258f3f6a94b8298.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="81011" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/57a8c53002d92_animeguy2.jpg.d6b74b838733c75df258f3f6a94b8298.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Fast paced (duh), and very friendly (especially with the ladies). He has very good manners and generally tries hard in school. He looks out for the younger students. Going back to fast paced, he is known to talk about/concentrate on some other task ahead of him (e.g. he's doing homework while thinking about meeting up with a friend, but then when he's with the friend he's thinking about getting back to homework. He tries very hard to not do this, but sometimes, he can't help it). Has a very care-free attitude. Very laid back.

Backstory: Ray grew up pretty normally until his powers awakened. Then he began to struggle with staying in this reality. He was recently accepted into Lakoria high school and it probably saved his life

Extras: mostly said under personality, but he looks out for people, especially those younger students. Trying to do too much can get him into trouble sometimes...

Edited for a better timeline. Also in order to add "lakota" to the text, right there, before these words :3



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Name: Ichiro Moto

Gender: Male



School year:





Great fighting abilities and he uses his skateboard to move in a faster pace when in fight scenarios. Strength beyond human from the all the training.






Ichiro is a usually social and optimistic inside conversation. Ichiro tends to prevent violence but has quite a temper inside of him. He never likes to see others peer pressured. But can fall into easily if it happens to him. He's a very lovable kid and tries to show affection easily without second thoughts.


Ichiro has an abnormally violent history. His father use to abuse him at age 12 to handle his horrible marriage. His father would strike his back with a whip until blood will start dripping all down his back. Ichiro would escape the brutal thoughts by learning his fighting skills at a local class. Eventually came across a skateboard and picked up on learning very quickly. Ichiro can use it to his advantage from to leave home. When his father wasn't striking or raising his voice in his face, he'd be training at the local gym or skateboarding around small town he was raised in. Ichiro would keep to himself while in public schools but would sneak pass teachers when they tried to examining him too closely so his scars weren't visible. One night he couldn't handle being abuse anymore and stepped to his father. Shortly after he stood. Ichiro directly hit him in the face.The worse mistake he's ever made, shortly after father grabbed his right leg and snapped it. So he's currently injured until he's 17 from the extreme bone fracture. Now he waits in foster care. Hoping for a drastic change in life.


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I'm sorry!! I just tried to make it so his fighting skills and his strength were created for a reason. xD Not just out of the blue. Also, I wanted him to become anti-violent for a reason. @AngelofDebt I hope to get accepted I hope it's not too weird.
Name: Leo, Seth, and Archie Wells

Gender: male

Age: 14 (freshmen)

Species: Chimera (three headed beast)

Sexuality: Straight

Appearance: see below


Leo is the lion, strong and athletic, with a crazy set of hair. He is a "Lion Standard", proud and extremely loyal. Very cliché. His personality is that of a knight.

Likes: Attention, Praise

Dislikes: Cats, Archie, People mocking him, Responsibility

Seth is the goat, demonic, lazy, and gluttonous. After a small pact with the devil, he can shoot fireblasts and turn his skin to metal. He is able to eat anything in front of him. Anything. In comparison to Leo, his personality is based more on desire and hoarding, or defense. Very laid back until his power is threatened.

Likes: Food

Dislikes: Interruptions, Pain

Archie is the snake. He's poisonous and cunning, with an acid spray for his special ability. His personality is much more deceiving, it's all, "How does this benefit me?" He's not evil, just very calculating.

Likes: Control, Blackmail, making fun of Leo

Dislikes: Bad grammar, Irrelevance to a conversation


LARS(Leo, Archie, and Seth) was supposed to be triplets, but at birth were combined into a single entity with three functioning personalities. Since they could not fully develop fully, each took on the traits of a specific animal, thus why he is called the Chimera. When he was Five, Seth was wandering the hospital grounds, and accidentally stumbled into a dark room with a pentagram inscribed on the floor. He stumbled into the center of the inscription and somehow reached an agreement with the ghastly figure in the center for power but an insatiable hunger. Ten minutes later, Seth chewed through the wall and escaped to a foster home. He was adopted by a snake charmer where LARS( under Archie) learned how to spit poison from the residential cobra. Many years later, Leo realized that he barely had control, and had gained nothing special. He then reached an agreement with Seth and Archie to let him have main control of their body. Two months before enrolling in high school, Leo figured out how to transform into the chimera, but shortly figured out that transforming consumed way too much energy, and he needed practice.

Edit: I added likes and dislikes

Lakota<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/image.jpg.14d07522f69bfd09904e4789b89dfe2a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="81296" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/image.jpg.14d07522f69bfd09904e4789b89dfe2a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Ja'Zi Ro

Gender: Male

Age: 18

School year: Senior




-Able to control clouds of miasma and disease

-Breathe expels a dark flame that not only burns but also toxifies

-Immune to disease, but extremely sensitive to light, water, and antibiotics





Usually stands upright, about the same height as a human. However, his scales are warped and bent from the countless diseases and toxins in his bodies. In order to interact with people, he usually wears a full body hazmat-like suit that blocks all afflictions, but limits his movement


-Extremely neurotic and nervous

-Always takes extremely detailed precautions and safety measures

-Hates exposing his face

-Very elitist and antagonistic to strangers

-Very warm towards friends, though usually harbors elitism


- Ja'Zi Ro was born in a distant wasteland, with the ground covered in ash and death. However, for him, it was home and he was happy. His father, a frost dragon was a complete foreigner to the place. However when he met Ja'Zi Ro's mother, a spirit of the land, he instantly fell in love and stayed to raise a child. But, not long after Ja'Zi Ro was born, his mother disappeared. With nowhere else to go, Ja'Zi Ro's father returned to civilization. Since then, Ja'Zi Ro has tried desperately to fit in. His literally toxic nature made him unapproachable without the use of an unsightly hazard suit. Now moving to a new school, already given up on making friends, he looks forward to finishing the agonizing years of highschool.
Name: Donagan (Don) Richason

Gender: boy

Age: 14


School year:





1. His tentacles can attack at a far distance.

2. His tentacles can launch him in the air, or shoot him forward.

3.He straightens a pretend tie to transform

(if you choose human, specify why your character is special)

Sexuality: straight







"Apologies, I wanted to show you. Please don't run away."

Personality: Dark, humorous, and mysterious. after all, he saved "you know who" from death.

He gave him his thanks by giving Don his powers. The tentacles are weapons used to kill of demons.

I'll get to that later."

(One paragraph minimum)

Backstory:He was only 12 at the time and after seeing "him" getting mauled by demons, he took matters into his own hands and beat the demons off him. Without hesitation, the demons looked at him and began to attack. Within seconds, "he" rose up protecting Don from the demons. Scared then and scared now, he went to Lakoria high, hoping he could be taught the ways of slender.

(One paragraph minimum of the character's past, including any particular events that are important to the character)

Extras: nope LAKORIA

please highlight the extras section.

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Name: Salvia Nerva

Gender: Male

Age: 14

School year:Freshman


Power(s)/ Skills:

He possesses a monstrous level charisma and an inhuman prowess for manipulation that is extraordinary and effective in causing suffering and destruction towards everything around him. He has deductive reasoning and is an excellent talker who always knows what to say at the right moment. He can gain anything he wants without limitations and fear through his charismatic manipulation of others, this includes wealth, power, loyal friends, allies, etc.




On the surface, Salvia is a well-mannered, charismatic and compassionate young boy. He possesses a myriad of favorable traits and can easily overwhelm individuals with his seemingly loveable nature. However appearances can be quite deceiving, Within this contrived exterior, however, Savia callously delivers destruction and suffering to those who happen to fall prey to his schemes. Even before the experiments in his tenure at Sentum 511, Salvia still exhibits psychopathic tendencies. For example, most of his murders have been premeditated and calculated. The world is his playground and he plays dirty!


● Salvia Nerva's past was rather rotten at the start, He was born in a facility that was meant for experimentation on Humans contrived by a group of Humans with their own twisted goal. His parents were nothing special, In his own words he's stated that "They were like pigs, Nothing more than just breeding material". With his other four "siblings" they were locked in a room with nothing to do but his doll but suddenly a thought probed into his mind and so he talked to the others which caused them to fight amongest themselves as he playfully watched in amusement.

They were allowed to have "Recess" which allowed them to explore a Wing of a facility to a certain extent, But usually this never interested the boy, Instead he took his time elsewhere and talked to his care takers in which he conversed with, this process repeated until a month passed till he was strong enough for experimentation as the scientists began poking around with his brain to see if they could unlock the rest of his locked potential but unknowingly to them it was already unlocked at the very beginning, Salvia was just hiding it from them.

Two years passed of this process continuing with some of the staff members vanishing mysteriously which caused the tension in the facility to be unbearably high, There were no signs of improvement with Salvia like they were expecting but instead signs of Mental illness and panic attacks when it rains caused by the excessive poking around his brain causing him to be branded a failure by the people who experimented on him despite the likeness they had towards his masked persona towards them. Salvia realized that they would likely kill him soon and sighed, His enjoyment was coming to an end and so he decided to end it with one word, This word was enough to cause everyone to spiral in a fit of insanity and bloodlust, His siblings were well included as they all attacked each other, Going at each other's necks likes starved wolves. Everything went as he intended, All the lies he planted for the past two years bore fruit and like a domino effect blossomed into a field of blood and fire. Salvia watched it all with unwavering eyes at a distance outside, The burning bodies of his family didn't effect him in the slightest all expect for a slight grin that creeped up his face with pleasure.

Though his actions did attract attention by the local police apartment when someone saw a pillar of smoke rising from a supposed animal reserve, this of course brought the police and the FBI to investigate the cause and found Salvia. A few years passed and lot of legal trouble later, Salvia was transferred to Lakoria High School until they could find an orphanage that would take him in(Which seems unlikely).


Weapon(s):Böker SM-10T Tanto Knife

Handheld 700K Volt Taser

Both of which are stored inside his stuff animal to easily sneak past most security checkpoints, These weapons and essentially a few others can stored for easy access which likely explains why he carries it everywhere he goes?

Likes: Books, Chess, Go, Lemons and his stuffed Rabbit

Dislikes: The Rain, The headache that never goes away.


Possesses an extraordinary level of charisma and intelligence.

An Expert with knives.

Manipulating people to do his bidding.

Expert murderer.


Mentally Ill(Sees things that aren't really there?) and physically weak due to his childlike body(Don't underestimate him though!).

Cries like a child if his stuffed toy is taken from him (Not advised though, He can harbor a pretty nasty grudge).

Has some sort of panic attack when it rains which causes his head to hurt in a unbelievable fashion.

Theme song: [media]

" Lakota "
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Name: Lars Willow


Gender: Male

Age: 17

School year: Senior

Species: Werewolf

Power(s): can shape shift into a wolf or wolf-like shape at will, however loses control of this during a full moon.

He also has an enhanced sense of smell and more endurance and faster healing than a human. Is also quite physically strong.


Average height with a somewhat muscular build, Lars has long, dirty blond hair and orange-brown eyes. His ears are slightly pointed and he has a larger than average amount of body hair (all blond however). He tends to dress in band shirts and skinny jeans (almost always black) with heavy duty boots. He sports a number of piercings and the beginnings of stubble. In his wolf shape he is a large, golden brown wolf with dark orange eyes, he still has his piercings in this form.

Personality: Lars is a laid back and easygoing guy, although can often be wary around new people. He can get over excited about music and can talk at people for damn near hours about songs he likes. As friendly as he is, he rarely opens up about his own problems, much preferring to listen and offer advice to others, as he finds himself burdensome for complaining.

Backstory: Lars was raised by his mother (a witch) after being born from a one night fling with a werewolf. His childhood was more or less uneventful, his mother doing her best to take care of him. By all accounts he would have had a good and happy childhood if not for the bullying he received at school. From a young age he was picked on for his oddities and developed an anxiety disorder from the years of unkindness. This bullying and anxiety only got worse as he progressed into his teenage years, resulting in him being badly hurt from an abusive relationship with an older student. He was pulled from the school when his mother received a letter from Lakoria, where she soon sent him.
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Pretty self explanatory. A nice blue tunic with multiple belts to hold his gear. He has a quiver to hold his arrows too.







School year:





Has a great eye for archery.

Has the ability to slow time momentarily to aim better.

Pretty quick.




Destiny is a kind, caring person. He is very passionate at protecting the ones he loves. Just because he constantly wields a bow and arrow, doesn't mean he's deadly. Well... He is but that's not the point. He likes people generally and has a keen eye for detail. If something's wrong, he'll know and try find out more.




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Mizore Takashi





School year:



Fire Demon


  • Can radiate extreme heat from any part of her body
  • Can withstand heat up to 1000 degrees
  • Can manipulate fire
  • Can smell souls and tell if you have a pure soul or not
  • Has the option of eating a being's soul when they die


Heterosexual, but when she's trying to get something she wants by using flirtation, etc. she swings both ways



She has dark black hair, with small white highlights here and there. She also has a pale, creamy complexion, with dark grey eyes. She wears an eye patch over her left eye due to an accident where her left eye was badly damaged.


She has a calm, intelligent personality. She usually doesn't express her true feelings or opinions about anything, and often pretends not to care. However, if you get to know her on the inside, she does have a few soft spots. She strongly dislikes speaking about herself, as she trusts no one.


She was raised by her parents, who were also fire demons. She had a pretty normal life, for a demon, until her 6th birthday, when she was severely injured when a human child stabbed a butter knife into her eye. She grew up wearing her eye patch, and she began to feel protective of it. She then tried to go to many human schools, without much luck. Now, she tries for a school more suited to her.


She has excellent senses.


@Lotusy I think I've got it now sorry for not having it the first time I didn't read the tiny text :D
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Name: Dhaylian Motryn

Gender: Male

Age: 15

School year: Sophomore (Transfer)

Species: Elf/Pixie Cross

“I am NOT A FAIRYYYYYY!” *huff* *huff *

Sexuality: Pansexual

Human Appearance:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/img-thing.jpg.1e33feb1363d4a7530ca2f64c42427c0.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="83475" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/img-thing.jpg.1e33feb1363d4a7530ca2f64c42427c0.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Natural Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/1ea501a75c309d0507f6952f953cc520.jpg.d9d2b1ecad12697759b618a3815a6308.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="83476" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/1ea501a75c309d0507f6952f953cc520.jpg.d9d2b1ecad12697759b618a3815a6308.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

He is incredibly bubbly and loves meeting other people. He tends to be unintentionally extremely obnoxious. However, when he gets angry he tends to use magic, in simply awful ways and his inner trickster comes out. He is typically relatively happy, unless he is rejected, then he is depressed all day and tends to mope.


Dhaylian has always been alone. His clan abandoned him and his mother attempted to kill him due to his mixed blood. Directly after getting thrown out of his clan, he landed up in modern day New York. He was a beggar, barely scraping by. He was taken in by a very wealthy gentleman who treated him like a son. That same man sold him as a slave to a gambler arena, a place where people fight each other to live and their owners profit from their wins. Dhaylian never lost, otherwise he’d be dead. His benefactor would take his dead opponent and carve them up for Dal to eat. So, for three years, Dal was a cannibal to the human race (As he had gained a human form when he first arrived and couldn’t shift back). Dal eventually killed his master, taking his place as an AreanMaster. Dal then became a mafia lord of drugs and illegal fighting pits for a good eight years, until he became infatuated with one of his fighters, Lillian. He eventually married her and quit his dark job. They even moved to Washington state and bought a house.

However, the FBI tracked him down and attempted to bring him in. Lillian was killed in the process. This angered him so much he was able to shift into his fairy form and ensure their demise. Devastated, he fled back to the land of the Faye, where he lived in seclusion with his fries friends. Until he summoned enough courage to return to the land of man. However, on his way through the dimension warp, his warp hole was tampered with. The result gave Dhaylian severe amnesia to where he believes he is still a normal fairy boy teenager, and that nothing ever happened. However, when fighting Nyx, it unblocked some of the memories. Now he is aware he did it, but he acts as if it has nothing to do with him. That will change.


He can use healing and plant-based magicsssssssss

He doesn’t understand that people can die and things can break.

He also has no idea how to work technology in any degree, phones are a special type of sorcery.




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(I hope this is not too late to sign up. Also I'm not sure how to insert the "secret word" but I think I did it right.)

Name: Raven Solis/Corvus

Gender: Male

Age: 17

School year: Senior

Species: Human

Power(s): Raven is the last surviving heir to the Solis family. The Solis family inherited a legacy that would be passed down from generation to generation; that legacy, was a gift from immortals who visited Raven's ancestor and granted them a power no mere mortal would ever have the privilege to receive. That ancestor was deemed by these immortals the title of "Corvus", which means "The Raven", and was initially created to be one of their four horsemen. As an ambassador of death, Corvus was given the abilities of immortals; allowing him to become a supreme assassin. Amongst enhanced agility, speed, and strength, each of the four horsemen were given a unique ability. Corvus' special ability is the mastery of illusions. With this power, Corvus is able to mess with the minds of others, and create illusions and hallucinations that immobilize his prey. How this works is Corvus hones on the biggest fears of his prey and turns them into a twisted reality. The victims see things that aren't actually there, but feel as though every bit of it is real. These illusions can cause headaches and sometimes even minor seizures.

Sexuality: Heterosexual



Normal Form:


Corvus Form:


Raven's personality is rather complex. He is mostly quiet although he has no problem talking. He mainly always thinks to himself, and contemplates over anything he views as one of his problems. He often times stays distant and is especially distant towards females.

Backstory: Raven Solis is a name that is bestowed upon the only child of the Solis family. Initially the rule of the Solis family is for the father to marry a worthy bearer of his only child who would become the next heir to the title of Corvus, and Raven is the newest Corvus. In order for the title of Corvus to be transferred from one to the next, a series of rituals must take place. These rituals allow the power to leave the former host and emerge inside the new one. All the extensive knowledge and training is then immediately transferred and the full transformation is complete. To this very day, Corvus is still taking orders from the immortals via his mind as being part of the four horsemen, and thus assassinates according to their will. These immortals fear certain people who can threaten their existence, and thus are sentenced to death. As a child, Raven had a very odd life due to the legacy of Corvus. He never really knew his father well and he remembers how caring but frightened his mother always was. At only the age of 7, the title of Corvus was then passed onto him by his father and shortly thereafter his father died. Mixed with emotions, he continued to try to live a normal life with his mother until she was killed in a hit-and-run car accident while Raven was in school. Angered by the man's sins, Raven made his first kill at the age of 9, which sealed his fate as Corvus. Lakoria scouts found him and took him in, studying him and trying to teach him normal human behavior for years until they considered him ready for society. As a test, they allowed him to re-enter the normal world and he spent his first three years of high school there. Everything was going well until Raven managed to fall in love with a girl there. They had a perfect relationship up until his Junior year, where he found out that his girlfriend (Ariel) had cheated on him and was constantly flirting behind his back. Enraged by the feelings of distrust and betrayal, Raven killed the man who Ariel cheated with. After this, Lakoria took him in to permanently attend the school. Broken and now distrusting, Raven was fully succumb to the immortals demands and began his career as Corvus. During the day he attended school but at night he snuck out and soothed his cravings as Corvus.

Extras: Raven can turn into Corvus at any given time. When he does this, a puff of smoke surrounds him and he then takes the form of Corvus. Raven also has a strong distrust and a form of resentment towards females due to his last girlfriend. He views love as a curse to humanity, and a lie to the world. He sees it as a tool used to control others, and thus despises it. As you read on he will often times have many dialogues where he contemplates love. He may one day learn to love another woman, but for right now he is bitter. Raven also tends to vent his frustration through music. He secretly can play the piano and sing amazingly. These are talents that are contracted from being somewhat an immortal, and he tends to do these things when no one is around.

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Name: Soren Lonewind

Gender: Male

Age: 18

School year: Senior

Species: Human


  • Soothsayer ~ Soren is able to communicate with spirits and utilize his soul to traverse their realm in his vicinity.
  • Soul Transcendence ~ Soren is able to rest himself and channel his energies with his surroundings to mend all injuries and replenish his energy.
  • Runic Affinity ~ Soren taps into his power through runes as his runes are what binds him to the spirit realm where he draws upon his power and his knowledge.

Sexuality: A-Sexual

Appearance: Pale faced with golden eyes. Tattooed with black (not red) markings and patterns all over his body that each are inscribed with runes. The pattern that covers his body is fully one larger rune that grants him his stronger power to heal himself physically, mentally, and spiritually through meditation. His hair is snow white and has been since his youth. He stands six feet and three inches tall and weighs just under two hundred pounds with a body of sheer muscle. While learning his spiritual and runic powers, he developed high skills with a staff. His staff is not only for combat purposes, but for his own physical health, as he does heavily drain himself as he inscribes runes on himself as well as his spirit communication.



Personality: Soren is a very old soul. His ability to communicate with spirits really aged him mentally and intellectually. He is very intelligent and conversational, loving to talk about the philosophies of life and it's purpose. He's a good conversationalist, very realistic, and is not one to shy away from being approached for whatever reason. He's fairly flirtatious, despite his lack of sexual or romantic desires.

Backstory: Much of Soren's history is shrouded in mystery. The reason behind this was because Soren was raised in a monastery far in some remote forest. While in the monastery, Soren learned how to communicate with spirits by inscribing runes on his body. This allowed him to access his own soul and wander the spirit realm to find ancient souls for which to commune. However his teachers noticed that this drained his body which was frail at the time. As such, they exposed him to another magical ability After tattooing a rune pattern that covered his whole body, he was able to regenerate himself to full capacity. Once this was done, he was better able to roam the spirit world and it was able to learn more than any other before him in the knowledge of life itself and the balance of the world with magic. It was also through the spirit realm he learned how to fight in ancient martial arts with a polearm such as his staff as well as hand combat. He transferred over to his new high school, Lakota High, when he turned eighteen and entered in as a senior.
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Name: Wylo

Gender: Male

Age: 17

School year: Junior

Species: Human

Power(s): Wylo is under the influence of a demon named Wylo (coincidentally so..)

-Wylo (human) and Wylo (demon) are two separate entities

-Extremely accurate and swift with the bow and arrow

-Arrows can harm anyone but if Wylo sees you as an enemy they are poisonous, sapping your life force (not permanently. When the fighting stops, the arrows dissolve and return their stolen life force)

Sexuality: Straight

Appearance: Human Wylo<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/c04e72059596dfe71d301b7bb3a01a9e.jpg.552be7b25357e8c5e101d2a6fd7f66fc.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="84327" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/c04e72059596dfe71d301b7bb3a01a9e.jpg.552be7b25357e8c5e101d2a6fd7f66fc.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Demon Wylo<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/7d98e5846d2d602318358ddc0bcd5348.jpg.729c8d99d042aa4868dee57e19473978.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="84328" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/7d98e5846d2d602318358ddc0bcd5348.jpg.729c8d99d042aa4868dee57e19473978.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Wylo Human:

Wylo is a bit quiet. That is, when he feels uncomfortable or deep in thought. Once he gets to know people, he'll open up a bit more to others. He generally happy-go-lucky around his good friends and whatnot. He is undying loyal and would put his own life before anyone he cares about deeply. His relationship with Demon Wylo is odd. Sort of a love-hate, except extreme love, and extreme hate.

Demon Wylo:

Demon Wylo is very protective of Human Wylo for two reasons. Emotional connection, as he shares emotions with his host and also because he needs his host to survive. However, because he is a demon, he would much rather be in complete control of human Wylo even if it is against his will. Demon Wylo is fueled by negative feelings as well as conflict or fighting. Human Wylo knows that if his demon took full control, no one was safe. So there is a mutual feeling of protection but also a struggle for control between the two.

In RP I will indicate who is in control. If demon Wylo is in full control I will indicate. If not, then I'll say it's Human Wylo

Backstory: (Human Wylo) Wylo didn't get his name from his parents. He got it from the demon. Wylo was a normal boy with a kind family, who treated him well. He led a happy life. Unfortunately, a demon, desperate to find a host before he vanished from existence decided that he had finally found a perfect human. However, Wylo's conscience was too pure for him to get inside, so the demon needed a way to create an opening. A moment where he could feed off negative emotions and enter his body. As a result, the demon brutally murdered Wylo's parents in front of him. The mixture of fear, horror, and rage, was exactly what the demon needed to get inside. Once he did, he wiped out all of Wylo's memories, including his own name. When Wylo woke up, he knew nothing, not even the fact that the demon inside him had just killed his parents. Wylo heard the voice inside him and asked what his name was, because he couldn't remember. In a whisper, the demon responded,

"I am Wylo. You are Wylo. Wylo is Us"

Extras: Serious injury to Human Wylo will give Demon Wylo an opening to suddenly start taking control.



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Name: Hide

Gender: Male

Age: 16

School year: Junior

Species: Electric Purple Dusk Rose Dryad

Power(s): Electrokinesis and Florakinesis


Flower Garden, Flowers erupt from the ground that are controllable by the user, they cause a slight paralysation effect based off opponents resistance.

Flower Float, Flowers hover around the user that can allow the user to fly.

Flower Spear, Flowers form a controllable spear that can be thrown, causes spiritual damage.

Flower Regrow, Passive effect, when near flowers user regains health very slowly.

Flower Cloak, Passive effect, when near flower the user is hard to find if chosen.

Electric Field, Static forms a cloud around the user, lightning can also strike if the user chooses.

Electric Spear, Lightning forms a spear that can be thrown, causes high physical damage, also paralyses.

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Appearance: Hide has purple hair with mismatched yellow and purple eyes, He wears and a thin black sweater that is way too big for him with grey patterned lines, his cheeks are always tinted a slight pink, he stands 5'11, with a body mass of 135lbs. He has a small Electric Purple Dusk Flower growing from the left side of his head just above his ear.


Personality: Hide is a rather delicate person, just like the flower he was born from, he tends too shy away from everybody, and always acts sheepish, which has earned him the nickname "Lil Bunny," which he will only let his friends call him. He is very protective of his friends, and will transform into a more daring personality if they are threatened, even willing to kill for them. He enjoys gaining knowledge, which means he has read many books, he has knowledge on many different subjects, his favorite subject is science, which he has university degree in chemistry.

Backstory: Hide was a rather small and weak flower, he relied on his ability to hide and paralyse hunters, eventually he became a human after two hundred years of growing. After facing a tribulation of lightning, he emerged a small five year old with a replica flower on his head, hours after the birth of Hides human body, the government picked him up and made him grow flowers in special garden made for him until he was eleven, if he didn't fill his flower quota he would be whipped and tortured him. The year of his eleventh birthday the garden he was living in was attacked by a terrorist group, he escaped and lived on the streets for a further three years, until he turned fourteen. At fourteen he was adopted and lived with a human family for two years. At sixteen he eventually realised it was too dangerous to live without protection, he found out about Lakota Academy, and decided to go there

Extras: Hide does not requires food, he can live off sunlight, but requires water.

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  • Name: Leah Del'Vecchio (Del-vek-io)

    Gender: F

    Age: 15

    School year: Sophmore

    Species: Human

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Name: Johnny Goode

Gender: Male

Age: 16

School Year: Sophomore

Species: Troll

Powers: Unnatural strength and regenerative healing

Sexuality: Hetero

Appearance: https://trompillon.files.wordpress.com/2012/03/troll.jpg

His normal appearance is tall and bulky with short, brown hair and green eyes. His skin is light brown and he has a bit of an under bite. His true appearance is like pic related, except with actual clothes instead of rinky dink loincloth.

Personality: A bit on the quiet side, he is loyal to his friends and tries to avoid any violence for the most part.

Story: Johnny Goode is just your average troll. Raised by troll mom and troll dad, he grew up in a gated community targeted specifically for trolls. Growing up among his kind, he didn't see many humans until he started high school. Or vampires, or werewolves, or, you get it. Even after a year, he is having trouble remembering some of the quirks of the many species. He is hoping to get into the carpentry business like his troll dad.

Extra: Doesn't like being called an ogre or orc. Makes good gumbo.

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