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Fantasy Lakoria High School

Magical Squid Senpai] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/22231-oceanbunny/ said:
@OceanBunny[/URL] you keep calling Pluto plutten! It's funny
this is character sign up xD I think your in the wrong chat

Name: Dalton Valix

Gender: Male

Age: 16


School year: Junior

(Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, or Senior)

Species: Demon

(Human, ghoul, vampire, fairy, werewolf, etc.)

Power(s): Capable of breaking the sound bearer with will power within a 3ft of him (also can run at the speed of sound), power has mad him go half-deaf and made several scars on his body from the high pressure airwaves released from the area where the sound breaks. Little less than average strength but very high agility and good stamina.

(if you choose human, specify why your character is special)

Sexuality: Indiffrent


Appearance: 5'8/electric blue eyes/scrawny/Pitch black skin/short green hair/24 (1-2&1/2ft) scars that criscoss in diagnals across his body

(Please upload a picture and a small description)

Personality: Usually quite and keeps to himself, quite smart but usually lazy and doesn't do much work. Enjoys taking naps and snacking on chips. Usually carries a duffle bag filled with nothing but bags of chips (normally 30-45 bags) which he refills everyday. Also enjoys walking around and sight seeing while humming or whistling, though he normally cant hear the soothing and/or sweet 'music he makes with it at times. Overall He is lazy, very mellow, and quite a carefree fellow.

(One paragraph minimum)

Backstory: Lived pretty quite life most the time except when he was practicing control over his power, which has severely injured him many times and almost killed him on a few accounts, which he finally managed to control after 6 years of training. He grew up on the country side majority of life and has always just seemed to drift along with life. Now he had enrolled into this new school on a simple hunch there might be a excellent napping place there.

(One paragraph minimum of the character's past, including any particular events that are important to the character)


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Aptual Spetual





School year:





All information needed can be found here - Werewolf Physiology - it says what a werewolf is, powers they have and what each power does. However Aptuel does not have a hunting instinct and likes like a "normal" person with out going on killing sprees.

She can also communicate with anything that is adorable!




<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/11420715_1444604412509435_579780840_n.jpg.29a350c3d1e2ac36903648dbccaf40eb.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="107310" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/11420715_1444604412509435_579780840_n.jpg.29a350c3d1e2ac36903648dbccaf40eb.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Aptual is mostly happy, she is random and playful to everyone. She can be bossy and act needy at times. She hates being in a bad mood or slightly emotional, this triggers her werewolf side turning her into a large fluffy monster. Her werewolf mode doesn't make her angry or blood thirsty, she can continue to be a happy person. Overall she is a happy person.


Like most werewolf's, Aptual lived her life running from hunters. But this never stopped her from being happy, she got to explore more and more world and the threat of hunters became less and less of a worry as she saw more of the world. Eventually she decided that she needed to be taught how to be more normal and moved to the city and started to try live as a normal person, then she moved to the school.

(I know this is bland but I cant write back stories that are not depressing)


loves food

@GingerBread :P




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metalcity said:
Aptual Spetual





School year:





All information needed can be found here - Werewolf Physiology - it says what a werewolf is, powers they have and what each power does. However Aptuel does not have a hunting instinct and likes like a "normal" person with out going on killing sprees.




View attachment 239609


Aptual is mostly happy, she is random and playful to everyone. She hates being in a bad mood or slightly emotional, this triggers her werewolf side turning her into a large fluffy monster. Her werewolf mode doesn't make her angry or blood thirsty, she can continue to be a happy person. Overall she is a happy person.


Like most werewolf's, Aptual lived her life running from hunters. But this never stopped her from being happy, she got to explore more and more world and the threat of hunters became less and less of a worry as she saw more of the world. Eventually she decided that she needed to be taught how to be more normal and moved to the city and started to try live as a normal person, then she moved to the school.

(I know this is bland but I cant write back stories that are not depressing)


loves food

@GingerBread :P

No. You're not accepted. I don't like your face :P

Also it's three in the morning Steve, why you still up?
GingerBread said:
No. You're not accepted. I don't like your face :P
Also it's three in the morning Steve, why you still up?
coz I wanted to get this up and make my first post, so am I accepted or not? xD
(The lore in the bio and such may consist with existing rules, and I will change that if need be)

Warren Atkinson

Gender: Male

Age: 17

School year: Junior

Species: Reaper

Power(s): Functional immortality, e.g. he can die, but not permanently. As is the case with Reapers, Warren possesses a scythe which can harvest the souls of living humans. HOWEVER, he has not nearly reached that level of skill and ability, so thus far, it's really just a stick. As mentioned above, high-class reapers can turn into an intangible being that is quite powerful. Warren is quite obviously not high-class. He can also potentially see into the very souls of beings, and can decipher certain things from that, such as being able to see their emotions, etc. (though once again, he has not honed such an ability for it to be consistent nor practical).

Sexuality: Heterosexual





Warren is a rather laid-back individual, not really caring about superficial qualities when making friends (barring certain examples explained later). He is outgoing, yet tactless, and he sometimes ends up offending someone unintentionally. Because of the way he was raised, Warren has a slight prejudice towards certain types of undead creatures, e.g. vampires, due to the fact that they have effectively cheated death. As he is a Reaper, this does not stand with him on a fundamental level.

Reapers are promised every morally-neutral soul, but the wicked and good are reserved for demons and angels, respectively. Reapers are given a small percentage of these souls as well, like a sharecropping system. However, they see the amount as minuscule, and because of this Warren and his kin hold a negative disposition towards both factions, seeing them as "free-loaders" and "thieves."

Backstory: Warren Atkinson was born into a family of 3; His father Thomas, mother Claudia, and older sister Janine. What most people don't know, however, is that the Atkinson lineage is notorious amongst the astral planes of existence as Reapers; Servants of the Netherworld tasked with the harvesting and policing of souls. The Atkinsons are "nobility" of sorts, and are an offshoot of the Grimm Family, the highest tier of all Reapers. Warren's sister is a recognized prodigy of the community, and is renowned for her aptitude with the necromantic arts. Warren's ability, on the other hand, pales in comparison to his older sibling.

His parents are adamant on making sure that the family's reputation stays intact, and has since sent Warren to the school in order to train him correctly, and ensure that he lives up to the family's expectations. Warren isn't exactly keen on harvesting souls for the rest of eternity yet, but he is willing to do whatever it takes to appease his family, and bring honor to the Atkinson name.

Extras: As Warren becomes more experienced, his power will increase, and as such, so will his scythe's. He is vehemently attached to the weapon, and keeps it with him at all times.

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Name: Ambrosine Harpyia

Gender: Female

Age: 18

School year: Senior

Species: Harpy

Power(s): Flight, Storm manipulation, Sonic screams, Advanced immune system

Sexuality: straight



Ambrosine usually cuts her hair short, as to not get in her eyes. She has one brown eye (Fake) and one green eye (Real). She wears a collar around her neck that her mother gave her when she was still very young. She usually wears clothes that will give her freedom of movement, like dresses or skirts. She only looks like this in her human form.


In her true form, she has large, brilliant wings springing from her back and sharp talons protruding from where her feet once were. Her nails are also much sharper. She usually wears thin clothes while in this form, in order to have as much freedom as possible.


Ambrosine is quiet and shy while in class or when first meeting another person. Once you get to know her or see her out of class, she is loud, in your face, and very cheerful. She does have bad days though where she doesn't trust anyone around her, not even her friends.


Ambrosine was born to the harpy Podarce and the god Aeolus, king of the winds. She was abandoned on the side of Mt. Olympus and found by a farmer and his family. They raised her as their own, until they saw her true form. The farmer attacked her, injuring her eye bad enough that it had to be removed. She quickly left Greece and looked for a place to call her own. She soon found Lakoria when she was just fifteen, four years after the attack.


She is scared of regular humans and even her friends at times. She tries to hide that fear behind a smile. (Lakota)
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Koziak Redd





School year:





Kitsune Physiology

-Fox Fire Manipulation

  • Koziak's fox fire takes the form of lightning. He learned how to expel it from not only his tail and mouth but from his entire body. Koziak does run out of internal fox fire, so to recharge he'll either have to absorb from an external force or just rest for awhile. So in his case an external force would be like a power outlet or anything with electricity.

-Illusion Manipulation

  • Koziak's illusion manipulation only allows Illusionary environment. Which allows him to cast area-effect illusions that alters the appearance of their environment, either to hide things from view or add them. These illusions can last as long as he wants until he either runs out of energy or losses focus. While using this he won't be able to use any other abilities, and his movement will be limited.


  • Koziak is able to change his size




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Koziak is the calm and relaxed type. No matter what type of situation he's in he always has a calm expression. His sense of humor is somewhat low so it takes a lot to make him actually laugh. He makes smart comments and rude remarks without a care in the world. He's also somewhat deceptive.


Koziak ead young when his parents abandoned him. He was forced to live on the streets and try to survive on his own. To protect himself he practice his Kitsune abilities and learned swordsmanship. When he reached the age of 14 Koziak surpassed his master. He traveled the world alone, and decided to go where he will be welcomed.


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Jaielle Spencer Weatherly




17 years old

School year:





[Magic Powers] Magic users essentially have unlimited possibilities for how they use their power, with only their skill, personal power-level, imagination/knowledge, and/or morality to define the borders. In Jaielle's case, she uses both light and dark magic but tends to end up rather drained if it's not within her affinity (meaning fire). If anything, any magic she cast must be fire-oriented or it will be impossible for her to cast it. She has an incredible knowledge of mystical artifacts, spellbooks, and charms. There's a slight inkling of psionic manipulation, she can use psychic/mental abilities such as empathy, telepathy, and telekinesis. Empathy, however, tends to be rather a curse since she has no control over that ability and tends to become overwhelmed. Telepathy can only be used when she's emotionally or mentally attuned to the person she's using in on. As for telekinesis, it can only be used in dire situations as it only seems to function when her emotions are at its strongest.

[Fire Manipualtion] The ability to control and generate fire to the user’s will. Jaielle is able to conjure flame and is even semi-resistant to heat because of it. Her body temperature is slightly above average due to her affinity. However, should her body heat up beyond 105 degrees then her body tends to give out. Flaming, fire-based form of teleportation, is also involved due to demonic nature.





Jaielle has silken, ebony hair that curls gracefully from her head and to her hips and wide, bright, eerie sapphire eyes with dark and thick lashes that brush gently across her naturally rosy cheeks with each blink of her innocent-looking eyes. She has a porcelain complexion, beautiful ivory that contrasts greatly with her full, rose-colored lips, angelic features, and perfectly arched, delicate, dark brows. Her figure is composed of slim shoulders, toned and slender arms, perky, 36C breasts, slender waist, wide hips, a full and luscious bottom, and long and lightly muscled legs.


Jaielle is a calm and composed young woman; she thinks everything through before acting and is in no way rash or impulsive. She's loyal to those she cares about, but she doesn't trust very easily. There is always a seed of doubt within her until she's positive of a person's motives. Jaielle is also cunning, sly, and ambitious, but she uses her mind before underhanded tactics to get what she wants. She's in no way arrogant- Spoiled, yes. What rich kid isn't?- but she's humble and funny. She enjoys time with her loved ones better than being praised by acquaintances. When there is nothing to do and her friends are busy, she's either reading, writing songs, or visiting the creatures in the forest near her home. She's brave, but not in a reckless way. She doesn't dash head-on into a situation without preparation. Once a person becomes important to her, she'll protect them with a fierceness that's rare for her to display. Her temper is one thing she's famous for, and she has no qualms in using sarcastic and witty remarks before her powers to disarm those against her. Her quick mind, sharp tongue, cold disposition, flawless beauty, and soul-searching eyes makes her a force to be reckoned with. She's not the type to take lies or betrayals kindly, and she always lashes out retaliation ten times worse than what was issued to her. No matter who the culprit.


Jaielle was a miracle child for her parents. It had been predicted that Corinne (her mother) wouldn't have children after her accident two years after her marriage to Neculai (Jaielle's father). For that reason, Corinne had been shunned from her family. After hearing of Jaielle's unexpected conception, Corinne's family wanted to become acquainted with the Weatherly heiress. Despite past tension between them, Jaielle brought them all together. Jaielle's parents and grandparents were killed in an explosion that happened in France during their trip to visit Corinne's parents. Jaielle, devastated by the loss, threw herself into her studies as if she were possessed. It took months for her uncle, appointed her guardian after her parent's death, that she was truly able to mourn and attempt to live her life happily. He enrolled her in the school in hopes that she would open her heart to others besides himself.


She has two best friends that she has not seen since her parents died when she was fifteen. Their names are Hadrian Merrik Laine and Derek Rhett Noire. Hadrian is a demon while Derek is a vampire. The picture above shows Derek (on the left), Jaielle (in the center), and Hadrian (on the right).


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Name: Steve

Gender: Female

Age: 13

School year: Sophomore

Species: Elven-Dwarf

Power(s): BattleCry Chant, attracts other females.

Sexuality : Bi-curious


Personality: Fun, bouncy person thats ready to kill anyone.

Backstory: Was took in by Metalcity and shortly after forcefully raped again and again until I was obedient to his command.

Extras; She has no friends and this guy called gingerbread participated in the back story's event.
Name: Ryan Winterborne

Gender: Male

Age: 16


School year: Sophomore

(Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, or Senior)

Species: Human/Golem

(Human, ghoul, vampire, fairy, werewolf, etc.)

Power(s): Manipulation of Rocks and Plants

(if you choose human, specify why your character is special)

Sexuality: Asexual/Aromantic


Appearance: Ryan in human form is a lanky guy who stands at 6'1 tall with long green hair tied into a low pony tail and equally green eyes. He can be found most of the time in a white button up shirt and light brown jeans.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/N.jpg.a83386d96349d01ef1b9014bb14e6a8d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="112161" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/N.jpg.a83386d96349d01ef1b9014bb14e6a8d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Ryan's Golem form: An assembly of separate boulders held together by ancient tree roots. The rocks are diamond-hard and can withstand strong physical attacks. His left arm is basically his shield. The red ruby on his chest and on his shield are his power source.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c877e5e42_GreatGolem.png.0f9374f6584b8f181e5ac30142474f4f.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="112160" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c877e5e42_GreatGolem.png.0f9374f6584b8f181e5ac30142474f4f.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(Please upload a picture and a small description)

Personality: Ryan is an outgoing guy. He likes to poke fun of any and everybody around him but doesn't know when to stop and simply cannot be bothered about others' sensitivity. He listens to and only to people he respects, otherwise, he does not take kindly to being ordered around. He gets bored very fast and is not the devoted type of person which is why he doesn't like relationships. It is hard for him to lose control of his mild temper but once he does, his Golem mode will be bent over destruction.

(One paragraph minimum)

Backstory: Ryan's parents died on his first birthday. He was then taken in by his grandparents but they also died in his next birthday. In the span of 5 years, 5 more of his relatives dies, all on his birthday. Ryan was then bought by a human experiment laboratory as a guinea pig. During the two years that he was locked up there and was subjected to all the tests, Ryan became immune to all attacks, be they physical or metal. Surprisingly, he survived all preliminary tests to qualify for the final project in which he was turned into a Golem. Unable to control his newfound power, he killed all of the mad scientists and escaped.

(One paragraph minimum of the character's past, including any particular events that are important to the character)





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Name: Guy Manson (Also known as Man Guyson)

The Retch
Gender: Male



School year:



Human... Kind of...

Unholy abomination in disguise as a human

Guy Manson has the unique power to disappear in the shadows, and somehow teleport to nearby shadows! He's really good at hide and seek!

-Able to maintain the appearance of a human

-Able to create a unique voice for this disguise and develop a personality for it

-Can summon bolts of black magic to harm enemies

-Uses shadows to teleport when in a safe position

-Can morph between this form and his true form at will

-Exists partly in an extraplanar dimension, if killed in the mortal world, he will eventually reform

-Weak against light, water, and mirrors. If attacked with any of these, his extraplanar self is harmed aswell.




Guy Manson takes the appearance of an almost overly generic 18 year old kid. With a buzzcut and flat face, there isn't much to say about him. He is completely normal

His true form, an albino beast with miniscule eyes, blade like body and abnormally skinny:


Guy Manson is a completely normal guy! If you keep questioning him about him acting not normal, he will deny it wholeheartedly, maybe even get angry! Guy Manson loves doing regular things that people do, like reading books in the library, hanging out in the park, playing frisby by yourself!

Guy Manson acts overly cautious and paranoid whenever he meets someone new. However, once he develops some familiarity, he becomes eager for a friendship since its a normal thing for normal humans to do!

The Retch takes on this personality partly out of misunderstanding of human behavior and part as desperation in trying to make others believe he is a human

Its real personality is one of deception, mischievousness, and treachery. He takes great joy in making others infuriated

Guy Manson was born in a town not far from Lakoria. His parents were nice and managed to get enough money to send him off to earn an education. You go Guy Manson!

Outcast from his society of demented nightmares for stealing from his high lord, The Retch wandered across the endless planes of his dimension. It was not until he stumbled across an outworld tinkerer working on a device to transmit existence between worlds that his luck changed. Stealing the device from the strange creature, The Retch finally found a way into the mortal realm. If he could find a way to link his world and this one, his crimes would be forgiven... Or he could rule the world of the mortal realm for his own gain...

Sometimes mixes his name up between Man Guyson, Guy Manson, Man Guy, Guy Guy, John Smith, and Human Puppet. The last one is pretty rare.

If discovered, he will try to act natural and placate the one who found out. If that doesn't work out, he will become aggressive.
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Name: River Young

Gender: Male

Age: 14

Species: Elementel

Year: Freshman

Power: To morph into, morph out of and manipulate water with telekinesis (turns into a puddle when scared) (cannont create water)

Personality: Nervous, Friendly, quiet, creative

Sexuality: straight

History: River was adopted at a age younger then he remembers and is being looked after a foster mother. Home schooled, his foster parent decided now River was old enough for high school, River should get out and make some friends instead of staying inside. but because he has little to no interaction to any one but his foster River is not very social. to any one he doesn't know he almost doesn't exists and he is happy keeping it that way, but if you mannage to break the ice he is a great person.



please correct my character. I am new to the site
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Zerachiel "Zera" Iscariot




Unknown, though his aging seems to have been suspended around 18. 5 years since he appeared on earth.

School year




Literally meaning "Burning Ones", the seraphim are creatures of legend. According to the myths, they're the six-winged angels of the highest celestial hierarchy, wrought in flames and omnipotent before all but God himself.


Zerachiel's powers are at the present incredibly weak in comparison to what he's read about in legends. His wings have lost shape to the point that they're no longer even wings, but tendrils of light that simply hover about in the air behind him. The light that once was a halo has gone completely, and the only hint that it once existed is the dim glow that seems to reside behind his eyes, as if his soul is on fire.


  • Furious Judgment - Pyromancy, in essence. Zerachiel can conjure white fire against his opponents, and even deliver it with explosive effect when at his current strongest. The magic is very unstable and unpredictable though, and more often than not Zerachiel ends up burning himself with it. He has a difficult time controlling it in general, and will often use it unintentionally, and rarely ever do what he aims to. Thankfully, alongside this power comes a degree of resistance to heat and fire, which has saved his life on multiple occasions.
  • Archaic State - Zerachiel can channel all of his available energy and regain a tiny portion of his lost might for a limited time. During this time, the tendrils behind him stitch themselves together to form two wings, and the light behind his eyes grows ever brighter, even forming a gold corona around his head. His physical strength grows exponentially, and he can wield his holy fire much more effectively during this time.
  • Minor Abilities - Levitation, or flight in his Archaic State. Light generation. Very weak telekinesis.

The biggest issue for him, is that he has a very weak grip on both understanding and controlling his abilities.




Despite his powerful physique, Zera kind of looks like a twig. His body is almost sickly skinny and pale, which, considering how powerful he's supposed to be, might reflect his current condition very well. He stands at 5'7'' in height, but grows to 5'10'' while in his Archaic State.

His body is riddled with piercings and tattoos that he got in some sort of rebellious trance once he found out what legend made him out to be. Defying destiny further by style choice, his naturally completely white hair has had some darker stripes dyed in there.


Friendly but misplaced, Zera wishes for nothing but good for most people he's met, but he sometimes encounter misunderstandings with other people. He simply has a tough time communicating effectively. For example, he might compliment a stranger and call them beautiful, yet still have absolutely no romantic intent.

He's a bit of a rebel though, and unless it's something he's agreed on, he absolutely hates being told what to do. That doesn't mean he can't work in a team, but he much prefers to get things done on his own. Unless you get to know him, he can often be perceived as a angry or lonely person, but he just lacks a healthy dose of tact.

Far from shy, Zera wouldn't be fazed with approaching anyone or standing in front of a crowd, but whether he'd have anything important or interesting to say is another matter. What makes matters worse, is that he can be completely oblivious to whether he's being awkward or not. He just says what comes to mind.


A small piece of a long gone culture, a lone survivor of a dead race and a remnant of an old world. That's all Zerachiel knew for certain he was when he woke up at the bottom of a crater near the east coast of Mexico. Everything was hidden by mist in his mind, which for every second since that very moment has grown thicker. The people who helped him out of the hole claimed he'd appeared like a comet and smashed into the ground with six wings and a halo above his head, but it seemed to slowly fade away until he finally awoke.

His amnesia was complete and total, he could not even remember his name. Instead, he was given a new one by these people. These "catholics", as they told him. They told him he was some sign of the "second coming", and they made him read all sorts of scriptures. It never made sense to him, and the day when they finally told him that he had to go meet some fellow dressed in white with a funny hat, he decided that he'd had enough and simply left.

Instead, he choose to pretty much the exact opposite of what those people had spoken of. Hiding his "wings" beneath his clothing he could move pretty naturally, and finding the bad sides of society wasn't exactly difficult. The biggest part of his first year on earth was filled with drugs, alcohol, and well... you get the picture.

When he'd finally tired of that, and figured that maybe reading up on what could possibly be his past was a good idea, his chance had already slipped. Whoever those specific people who'd saved him were, they were long gone from Mexico. And with that, Zera was lost.

The next two years were spent traveling to his heart's content. What he was looking for, he was unsure, but eventually a new path came to him. He learned of Lakoria High, a school for special individuals. If nothing else, he imagined that this could be one way to learn of his past.



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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/image.jpeg.bde640257a7d3349f8a8c7c9ee0f086e.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="116043" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/image.jpeg.bde640257a7d3349f8a8c7c9ee0f086e.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Name-jack ross




School year-sophomore


Personality-mysterious, (has a distinct southern drawl) humorous, laid back, likes to get into fights, Kind of flirty.

Backstory-his parents were killed as a child by another werewolf so he lived in an orphanage until he was 15, he got adopted by a strict family who forced him into going to a new school for the first time.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/image.jpeg.c86ac269fbfb8088c807f74f0f735598.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="116040" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/image.jpeg.c86ac269fbfb8088c807f74f0f735598.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Noah Jackson

Gender: Male

Age: 14

School year: Freshman

Species: Reaper


1. Can sense when someone is going to die.

2. Can harvest the souls of living creatures that are near to death with a Scythe

3. Short range teleportation (about 5-15ft)

4. Is able to psychically manfest themeselfs in someones dreams

5. Can transform into a crow




Personality: He is kind, kinder than most other people especially to those ones close to death he tends to comfort those ones the most as he knows they need it for what is about to come, he never gets angry often but when he does he tends not to use his abilities as he knows he shouldn't harvest the souls of people who are not close to death, he can be a bit sarcastic sometimes but he does it in a jokingly manner and never wants to offened anyone.

Backstory: Born on November 14th 2001 Noah in life was kind and helpful to those who wanted it he never answered back to anyone who he knew was telling him something important he took advice carefully as well and always stuck by the rules to those alot of people liked him aswell besides the odd few dilenquents whom he knew to never give trouble but on Janaury 13th 2016 he was killed by a gunman that entered him home and shot up his entirely family.

Death himself took an inerest into Noah as he liked him when he was alive and Death himself searched the enite of the afterlife in hopes to find Noah eventually he did but Noah was broken mentally he was practically a hollow shell incapable of feeling happy but he didn't show this on the outside as he seemed as happy as he could possibly be.


Death spoke to Noah and talked about how he knew his situation Death proposed a deal to Noah saying that if Noah became a Reaper he could help people again by giving them a peaceful death Noah accepted his offer and well here we are now.



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