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    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fantasy Lakoria High School







School year:





Healing Blood

The left side of Pluto.

Pluto can heal others but he can't heal himself. He would need to use another gorgons blood.

Poisonous Blood

The right side of Pluto.

Slow and painful. Pluto never uses it because he forgets he has it.

Petrifying Gaze

He can turn anyone to stone with just one glare. But sadly it is not instant. It starts from the bottom and slowly works its way up. So any prey could have enough time to escape. The stone speeds up depending on how he feels.

~if he tries = slow

~nervous = a little bit faster but not enough.

~angry = fast

His mother was disappointed.

He knows a spell that can change people back. He does not need to look you in the eye for it to happen.

Poison Generation

Plutos breath can be poison. He doesn't use it very often as he doesn't like it. When he is nervous, he might accidentally breath it out. You would have to be face to face with him in order for it to really get to you. He could blow it at you. It can slowly kill you.

The antidote is made out of a bunch of different things, such as...

Vampire blood

Mermaid hair

Skin of a mummy


Black cat hair

A touch of dandruff

Breast milk of a Gorgon mother

Plutos blood

And many more. The first sip taste like the best chocolate milk in the world! It immediately takes away the pain of the pioson. Then the next taste literally punches your insides. It will hurt for a bit. The last taste will be the worst thing you've ever tasted. It will last for an hour, you will not be able to get rid of it until the hour is up. Plutos Mom made it taste like that for fun.

Pluto keeps an almost never ending supply of it in his room. He always keeps a bottle with him.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/b1e9031f60625b3cca57a77f966caa98.jpg.9f354f89d1fb5317fae24e2f14874a61.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="93309" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/b1e9031f60625b3cca57a77f966caa98.jpg.9f354f89d1fb5317fae24e2f14874a61.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Retractable Claws:

It only happens when he is in gorgon form. He has not yet mastered it yet.


In gorgon form, Pluto can lift up something like the weight of a small car. But he can not lift it over his head or throw it. He is able to use his heavey war hammer and never be slowed down.




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In both forms he is only 5'4.

Gorgon form:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/_20151130_214355.JPG.7aa75b2df3fb0174174c6739b364b5eb.JPG" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="88779" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/_20151130_214355.JPG.7aa75b2df3fb0174174c6739b364b5eb.JPG" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

From the waist down he has the tail. From the waist up he has a regular human chest and face. In gorgon form his hair changes to snakes. The snakes are a little above his shoulders, if you were to stand far away they would look like a mess of curls.

The snakes are blue.

His eyes in gorgon form are all white. They turn red when he is startled or turning people to stone.

If Pluto is going to transform, then he will take off his pants. He is always wearing xxL tee-shirts. They are big enough and long enough to cover everything that needs to be covered.

He has three forms.

Full gorgon:

Tail, snake hair, white eyes.

Half gorgon:

Is a firm he is usually in. Body is human, snake hair.


Regular human.


Due to the lack of compassion and caring in his family, Pluto has had to teach himself that not everyone is asshole. He has always been nicer than everyone else in his family. He is nice, caring, always wanting to help people, he's kind of just normal. He can be a little sarcastic at times, almost a little too salty. He's not entirely evil.


His mother named him Pluto because she hated him and she was lazy. He doesn't know who his real father is because his mother's legs were kind of open 24 hours a day. She used to tell him that his father was a Greek god and he was just busy with other important things.

Pluto has taken care of himself almost all though out his childhood. He comes from a long line of gorgons that have the stone stare, some can even control stone and other elements. So it was kind of a shock when they all found out he could barely catch a sloth!

When he was 15 he had his first boyfriend! But that guy was a huge jerk so Pluto turned him into stone. He now stays there in the park where dogs can pee on the statue as much as they want.


~He loves hugs, likes wrapping his tail around the person, but not too tight!

He is also up for cuddling.

~Hates being picked up.

~The snakes have a mind of their own. If they think you look like a jerk then they will hiss at you. They might try to bite you if you get too close. They all talk to Pluto and have their own names.


~A lot of people come up to him and ask him if he can turn someone they don't like into stone. He always says no!

Everyone in Plutos family can summon a weapon of their own. His mother can summon a Scythe, his uncle can summon two golden shot guns. Pluto can summon a sledgehammer. When he is angry or really needs it, he can summon his war hammer.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/4e43b64506f6602d29f30837fc23d406.jpg.93ee3fe59b94d4c8d148bd14b3f7e74b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="93307" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/4e43b64506f6602d29f30837fc23d406.jpg.93ee3fe59b94d4c8d148bd14b3f7e74b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>




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Maria Victoria Clarke






School year:

(Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, or Senior)



(Human, ghoul, vampire, fairy, werewolf, etc.)

Half Demon, half human


(if you choose human, specify why your character is special)

There is more where that came from:

Maria is able to get small things like daggers and other stuff of that size from no actual source. This makes her being able to throw her daggers nearly permanently and also makes her getting her chocolate cheaper.

Now you see me, now you don't:

Maria is able to vanish for a short time, giving her the possibility to change position.

Just a little bit closer:

Maria is able to teleport over short distances (5 yards/ 5 meters, whatever you prefer). This gives her, just as the prior mentioned ability does, a chance for a quick position change while fighting.





(Please upload a picture and a small description)

Maria has white hair and light blue to white eyes, which turn red when she uses one of her abilities. She looks rather fragile, which hides her tough nature.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/sakuya_by_atom_ix-d39r9z9.jpg.8b7f95d20dca6bda96be5910310eb18b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="88811" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/sakuya_by_atom_ix-d39r9z9.jpg.8b7f95d20dca6bda96be5910310eb18b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


(One paragraph minimum)

For those, who don't know her, Maria may seem arrogant. But if you get known to her, you find her to be a very playful and jocular person, who cares about her friends and would give everything to protect them. No matter what situation she's in, Maria will never loose her humor. There is always a fitting joke in her eyes. She seems to take nothing really serious, which is not true and makes others sometimes underestimate her.


(One paragraph minimum of the character's past, including any particular events that are important to the character)

Maria was born in a noble family and risen under good conditions. Shortly after Maria turned 14, there was a raid on the coach she and her parents were travelling in. She had to watch her father being killed cruelly and her mother getting ravaged and killed. After that, Maria actually got killed herself, but found herself waking up later in a brush. She felt stronger than before and quickly learnt, which new powers were within her body. Later she found out, that her in her thirst for revenge she defied the death and turned to a demon partially.



Maria is able to play the piano pretty good




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Name: Rodney Rowkin

Gender: Male

Age: 18

School year: Senior

Species: Human

Power(s): Genius in physical fitness and martial arts. He uses black magic in order to enhance his physical prowess.

Sexuality: Straight male


Personality: Rodney is a very ambitious American boy. He's brash and brazen without the slightest bit of humility. His redeeming quality is that he is loyal to his friends and would go to the ends of the earth to give them a helping hand. He also never backs down from a challenge.

Backstory: Living in Arizona, USA, he had a promising future in the field of athletic training. His father wanted him to go to Sports Medicine School but he did not like that one bit, reasoning that he already has the knowledge and skill in the field of athletic training. His father realizing that, he wanted his son to go to a more exciting school before his college days, so he gathered his connections and sent his son to the great Lakoria High School as a senior student!

Extras: The secret word is... Lakota.
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Name: Yuuki Valliere

Gender: Female

Age: 16


School year: Junior

(Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, or Senior)

Species: Pureblood Vampire

(Human, ghoul, vampire, fairy, werewolf, etc.)


-Regeneration - After drinking blood it is faster

-Charm - Can manipulate beings by placing them in a trance. This is done by staring into their eyes. For weak beings like untrained humans, after staring into their eyes, any command Yuuki has for them is absolute. They will be in the trance state until she releases them. For normal and strong, she can only give them one command and it has to be given while she is staring into their eyes.

-Transform into a bat - She can transform into a bat, whether fully or halfway through.

-Blood manipulation - Yuuki can manipulate the blood of beings that she has fed from.

-Enhanced senses

(if you choose human, specify why your character is special)

Sexuality: Nobody knows if she is interested in anything or not



Yuuki is a short vampire at 5 feet and always has a cheeky smile on her face. She always wears red as it is her favourite colour. Her eyes are blood red, piercing others people's eyes when they stare into them, like looking into their soul. Her hair is honey brown in colour and have soft curls, which ends at her upper back. When she is serious she looks almost like a scary french doll, with a slight smile.

(Please upload a picture and a small description)

Personality: Yuuki is kind of like a psychopath in the sense that she loves doing things to see how people react and playing with their minds. For example, she would sometimes create trouble just to see how it unfolds. If she finds something interesting to watch, she doesn't care about what happens. Yuuki doesn't care about what people think of her and so will let people think what they want to think, also to watch what they would do.

Despite being so crazy, she is not cold-hearted. Though it is difficult for her to let people in, once she deduces that somebody is good, or has no ill will, she will be a loyal friend to the end, putting her absolute trust in that person.

Yuuki also doesn't care for rules and does whatever she wants. However, despite her being a little psychopathic, she still has morals.

(One paragraph minimum)

Backstory: Yuuki is a direct descendant of the original vampire, with pure blood. To preserve the purity of the vampire blood, the eldest male and female siblings have to be betrothed. However, since Yuuki is the second daughter, she is free from that burden, unless her older sister is unable to carry on the pureblood line.

Because of her personality, she has been suspended from school because of accusations of her having other students as slaves and blackmailing them for their blood. She made no comment on that accusation, neither object nor agree, and hence was charged as guilty. Because of such events happening, Yuuki is constantly away from school.

However, being pureblood meant she had been forced to learn finish all the content taught in school when she was young, and hence, she can catch up in school. Being from the Valliere family, she does not need to attend school, but of course, because of her personality, she goes for fun.

(One paragraph minimum of the character's past, including any particular events that are important to the character)

Extras: Yuuki loves cereals, ice cream and lollipops. She eats them most of the time, even when not supposed to. She just loves the taste even though vampires don't need food.

Yuuki has to eat a pill to go out during the day. Without that, she will be severely weakened and it takes a lot of effort just to move. Other weaknesses include stakes and holy water.


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Name: Kain

Gender: Male

Age: 18

School year:





-Extremely sensitive to blood, can smell a bleeding wound from nearly a block away

-Soon after feasting on blood, becomes gorged. Physical strength greatly enhanced but loses many senses of control

-Nearly blind in sunlight, extremely sensitive to light

-When not feasting on blood, has a small affinity to magic, can cast orbs of fire






Rather large, around 7 feet tall.

When not gorged in blood, looks almost like a human, though with heavy fur along most of his body.

Has horns protruding from his skull, giving him a demonic appearance though not related at all to demons.


Nearly completely a beast, Kain acts rather impulsively. Severely lacking in concentration or wit needed to focus on study, he instead relies on his physical prowess to be "successful". Although his wary human parents cheer his sport hobbies on, Kain has little interest for them.

Although not likely to tear someones face off in class, he acts aggressively when confronted and hates being pressed for too many questions. In friends and companions, he hopes to see an equal strength and passion for hunting as he does.


Born to a mysterious family, Kain never had the chance to meet his parents. On a charity mission, a holy woman found a beast with vague semblances of a child trying to take her food. Seeing past the childs fur and fangs, she realized his plight. The woman would house, feed, and eventually adopt him (In opposition of the voices of the church) purely out of love.She eventually married and decided to try and give him a formal education in Lakoria. Now though, as Kain matures, he begins to shape his own story.

Soon after moving, he was kept inside to reacquaint himself to the new environment. His family was well aware of his insatiable bloodlust and thus strictly imposed a heavy religious belief on him. Kain obediently stuck to the tenets of the church though now that he is free to make his own decisions the temptation to hunt for blood is overwhelming. Not having had an incident for more than 3 years, Kain enters school wary.


Has an intense hobby of collecting and painting snail shells
Name: Yoshitake Fei Long

Gender: Male

Age: 16

School year:





(Brute Strenght : He Can Lift Over 2 Tons While In His Human Form And Over 10 Tons When He Transform Into A Werewolf.

Super Agile And Enhanced Speed : He's Fast Enough To Catch Up With A Moving Car.

Great Durability : Although He's Just A 16 Years Old Teenage Boy , But His Body Can Withstand Being Hit By A Fast Moving Train Without Any Fatal Injuries.

Strong Sense Of Smell And Hearing Due To His Werewolf DNA.

His Swordsmanship Skill Is His Trump Card When He Faces An Enemy Stronger Than Him Or An Enemy That's Of The Same Species As Him(Supernatural).

He Can Wield Up To 3 Swords.

He Can Summons Up To Maximum 9 Swords (Swords summoning magic passed down by his mother , A Chinese Mage)




<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/Hamlet.(Mabinogi).full.848550.jpg.4c7d098c66f66fa64ffe9ee08b030868.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="90885" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/Hamlet.(Mabinogi).full.848550.jpg.4c7d098c66f66fa64ffe9ee08b030868.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


(He's a happy go lucky guy who always seems to have something in his mind. He's cheerful and have a lot of things to say and he likes to joke around even when everyone around him is not interested in joking at the moment.)


(His Name FeiLong Means Flying Dragon , His father Yoshitake Furuchi(a werewolf) has always hope his son can live his life bravely as a werewolf that will go around the world showing how dominant he is without fear.FeiLong lost his parent when he was 9 and had lived alone for 7 years)


(FeiLong Has a great sense of humor that can last as long as there's people around him. Although he can summon up to 9 swords , all of the swords he summoned is of the same size and shape (as seen in the appearance)<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/Hamlet.(Mabinogi).full.848550.jpg.69bfb3e9936d95469ce01a6c13ef8b79.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="90886" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/Hamlet.(Mabinogi).full.848550.jpg.69bfb3e9936d95469ce01a6c13ef8b79.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Luke

Gender: male



School year:





can turn blood into weapons






antisocial, dark


He's observant, conceited and impatient. But this is all just a facade, a mechanism to deal with his horrifying past.

He was born and grew up in a broken family in an important community, he lived without worry until he was about 8 years old, but at that point life changed drastically.

He lost his sister in an epidemic and was now part of a sinister clan. While obstructed by many he had to survive in a bizarre world. But with his charm and perseverance, he managed to crush all that's in the way and overpower anybody who's a hinderance. This has turned him into the man he is today.

While haunted by memories of the past, he now works on travelling and surviving of nature. By doing so, he hopes to forget about the past and finally find significant other he has never had.


Name: Yeri

Gender: Female

Age: 16

School year: Junior

Species: Demon


- If Yeri is in her demon form and you look into her eyes she can hypnotise and control you.
(With permission from other character.)

- Can create blue fire which doesn't work like normal fire, it can only be put out with holy water and spreads much quicker than normal fire.

- She can create portals to alternate universes which she can create with her imagination. She can also use her portals to travel.

- She can levitate and moves objects at her own will.

- She can move incredibly fast in her demon form.

Sexuality: Heterosexual


has dimples when she smiles and very faint freckles. Is quite short.

When in her Demon form her hair will start to turn black at the ends and her eyes will go red and look empty (she loses control.) She will also grow fangs in her demon form.


Human form:

Whilst in her human form Yeri is a very caring and bubbly person. Always willing to help others and hates to see them sad or hurt. She can get hurt easily and often feels lonely despite being surrounded by people because her heart is clouded and is slightly corrupted due to being a demon. Although she can come off as she at first Yeri is always willing to make new friends (more revealed in RP)

Demon form:

Whilst in her demon form Yeri is completely careless and will have her mind set on destroying anything that gets in her way. She is very hard to get through to while in her demon form as she feels no emotion towards anyone even those she has dearly cared for in her human form. The only way to get Yeri back from her demon form is to spray her with holy water which she will normally carry around just in case.


The only thing that Yeri can remember from her lifetime is when she was 14 she was at the beach when she fell off of a tall cliff and "died."

She is not really sure herself how she came back to life but all she knows now is that she is a demon. She is constantly happy and helping people as if to say sorry for the damage she know she will cause if she loses control. She is very hesitant to tell people she is a demon because she is not sure they will react positively. She tries extremely hard to keep calm and collected as her temper is one of the main causes that she goes into her demon form. She just wants people to except her for who she is.


Always carries holy water with her and will often give a small jar of holy water to her close friends because she doesn't want to hurt them.

Lakota c:
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Name: Maeko

Gender: Female

Age: 18

School year: Senior

Species: Human/witch hybrid

Power(s): Can up to three summon powerful fox spirits to aid her and can cast/manipulate fire, turning it to a black hue when she does so

Sexuality: Straight

Appearance: Black and red ombre long silky hair, deep red eyes, pale skin, gentle face

Personality: Maeko has always been a kind girl that normally kept to herself; Maeko loves animals dearly, especially foxes. Where she grew up, there were always foxes spread throughout the wooded areas and she loved sneaking around there to watch how beautifully they went about their days. Maeko can be talkative but or quiet/shy, depending on whom she is talking to.

Backstory: Although Maeko is pure at heart with no malicious intentions, growing up, everyone always thought otherwise due to the way she looks. Maeko, whom always wears black and red, didn't have many friends because her peers thought of her as a 'dark girl'. Not only did her peers stay away from her on their own, their parents didn't want their children to associate with her either. The last thing Maeko ever wanted to do was scare off people and make them feel as though they were unsafe, so she transferred schools in hopes to be more accepted in this new building and not scare off her peers once more. Despite not having many friends, Maeko was thankful that she had her supportive family by her side.

Extras: Maeko is still very new to her powers, just recently learning about them through her parents. Her parents felt as if it was better for her to not know about them until the age of 18. Now that she's of age, Maeko is consistently practicing her abilities and growing everyday.

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  • Name: Harmony Grapes

    Gender: Male (she's a trans female though)

    Age: 16

    School year: Sophmore

    Species: Shape-shifter

    Sexuality: Heterosexual (likes males)

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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/image.jpeg.e50aecab75cea376a6759aa687d20d57.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="92456" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/image.jpeg.e50aecab75cea376a6759aa687d20d57.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Name: Erick Imminetia Lakota

Gender: male (for now)

Age: 16 in looks

School Year: Sophomore

Species: fallen angel

Powers: the creation of matter (can summon objects from nothing)

Pyrokinetic, though only weakly.

Constantly radiates heat.

Sexuality: Panromantic, but asexual

Personality: calm, cool and calculated but with the mind of a man from the 19th century, gets very flustered at any mention of sex or romance.

Story: Erick once caused havoc making "deals" and stealing souls from any human who got close. Now stuck in the body of a teenager and cursed to never take another soul he has decided to reluctantly join school and see what all the fuss is about.

Regrets the woman (yes you read right) he once was and is trying to make up for aLl the souls he past and gain his wings once again.

Extra: when he blushes Erick's cheeks turn red like embers.

Has the voices of every single soul he stole in his head, constantly belittling him.



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Name: Charlye Smith

Gender: Female


School year:Junior

Species: Fairy: Dark Sorceress

Power(s): She's level one in magick




Blue eyes, olive skin, black short hair

(In Max power)

Greenish gray skin, pitch black eyes, purple hair


She's very bubbly and appears sweet, but in hindsight shes kinda dark and pretty much evil In max power she's devious, evil and a stone cold bitch, She can become heartless in an instant. she can be a hopeless romantic with the thought of meeting someone who shares interest with her.

Backstory:She's the great granddaughter of an evil witch that was kill during witch trails for killing young women for their blood and beauty. She's half human which is the reason she has diffuclty controlling her magic. She lived with her human father who took her away from her mother to cleanse her from her witch history. When she found out she was so consumed with anger that she accidentally almost killed her father. To save him from herself, she applied to this school in hopes to get accepted.

Extras:Illusion and dark. Like voodooism, spirit summoning etc. She owns a axe

Lakota "
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  • Name: shamahari "jackal" fuzukoto

Gender: male



School year:





Shapeshift, super speed and agility, animalistic senses,claws, in between cat and human form




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In between form:


cat form:


His hair is raven black and his eyes are light silver blue.

Often Sometimes he takes the form of a enormous fluffy black cat, a snake,a crow, or a horse


Jackal is often a bit moody and awkward with a slight temper, he enjoys being free and is a little wild at heart, he doesn't often care what others think often by himself due to his various cat like tendencies. Jackal can be a bit territorial, but he also has a soft,kinder and loyal side most people just don't see at first due to his exterior and appearance. He has a strong sense of loyalty. He can be stubborn and when he sets his mind on something there's no changing it.

He can be a bit forward and sometimes a flirt. He's also known to pretend to be a good natured air head sometimes so people don't expect his michevious darker nature.


Jackal was born in a small forest village located in a hidden land known as star's light end. When he was small his parents we're killed in fire so the village elder raised him. When he turned 11 he left the village traveling by his mentor and older brother, konai to the house of a relative they never heard of and moved in with her.


Jackal can play the violen and he's a skilled artist and tracker.




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Name: Maximillian Carther.

Gender: Male

Age: 18

School year: Sophomore.

Species: Human (or is he?)


- Pure Darkness control, he is able to use darkness in its purest form, its unstable, powerful and destructive form. He has amazing control over it, capable of making weapons and whatnot with control over it.

- Can infuse himself with darkness for a great physical boost, in both speed and strength

- Can control it remarkably well.

- Can make an armor made of pure darkness around him, increases his defense and power even more.

- Overusage not only tires him out, it hurts him the more darkness he has stored, he has to constantly use up his generated energy or else the strain on his body will only get bigger. He can easily lose control and go berserk by overusage too.

Sexuality: Heterosexual.


Out of armor:

In armor:

Personality: Maximillian doesn't take shit from anyone, he will call someone out on being an arse, and will do it with satisfaction. He is respectful of others, kind to his friends, he will do anything to help those he likes, he is often sarcastic and witty with his friends.

He is pretty quiet at first however, oftentimes not engaging in conversation without being spoken to by someone else first. But he will step in if he sees someone getting bullied or disrespected, wanting to help, the question is, will it help or just makes things worse?

Backstory: Max was never really popular, he used to be bullied at pre school, getting his ass beat was common, but he never backed down, and with time, he became able to actually do something about it. He would oftentimes try to help others who were bullied, but some times it would backfire.

He lived his life with his Grandmother, he never met his parents, and his grandma refused to talk about them, he soon gave up on trying to find more about them, and decided to focus on his own life instead of chasing ghosts, he lived a troublesome life, with fights being picked with him on a constant basis, a true troublemaker, even if he didn't want trouble, it'd find him.

It wasn't until he was 15 years old, when he stood up against a gang of misfits who wanted to mug a girl he liked, he got his ass beat out of him, a broken arm and a dislocated knee, his darkness power awoke, with a unstoppable rage, as he nearly killed all of them in a rage, he left them broke, he tried his best to hide it, he'd quickly transfer from school to school, until he transferred to Lakoria, now who knows what misadventures await him in this prestigious school?

Lakota "
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Kat saka





School year:





Kat has a magical cigarette, its powers it that it can change into different weapons. Such as a chain scythe or a sword or a mace, stuff like that. It changes weapons, everything apart range weapons. Kat is proficient in the ones labelled above and here: chain scythe, sword and a mace. However he can use all other types of weapons but he wont be able to use them correctly and his attacks will be slow. He can also only use the weapons while the cigarette would be lit, when the cigarette runs out his weapons disappear. So in the middle of combat he will probably need to roll up a new cigarette to continue fighting. To make new cigarettes he needs to use a secret magical chant on a box with the components to roll a cigarette. He always carries two magical boxes with him all the time.




<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/c8927bc9673960eb2998474a9ab265d8.jpg.1d6de86752021e6d5a2566e503221602.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="96430" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/c8927bc9673960eb2998474a9ab265d8.jpg.1d6de86752021e6d5a2566e503221602.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


When by himself Kat is a emotional person, he reflex's on what he has done during the day and judges himself for his actions, good or bad. When around men he is uncaring and would happily kill, he has no problem being verbally aggressive and doesn't mind trying to start fights. However Kat is a white knight kinda man, he will always stick up for women no matter if they are in the wrong. He will never try to hurt a women in anyway, even if he is being abused he will not fight back. They could try and kill him and he would not do anything. He will always be on the women's side.


Kat was raised in a fighting dojo, he was only taught how to fight using a few weapons. As time progressed he managed to leave the dojo and started to go to school and play games with other students, using his fighting skills he accidentally beat up many other students fighting. He got detentions a lot, but he always respected females, he would also get detentions to fighting males 'abusing' females, such as playing games. Even if they were childish relationships he would beat up someone for just holding hands with the female. He eventually got kicked out due to fighting to often. He then applied to many schools, trying to keep a good education. However one of the schools he joined was magical, with out even realising he got into that school and went unknowing about the magical side. Each student was given a magical weapon based off passed experiences. Due to Kat fighting many people, the teachers treated him like a thug so they gave him a cigarette. They explained its powers and kat could us his old weapons from the dojo to fight, then through his training at the magical school and his dojo he made his favourite weapon, a chain scythe and he made some weapons from playing on the play grounds, like a long sword and a mace. He became proficient in these three weapons and could use them well. During the magical school he got more and more into fights due to males getting more aggressive, even if the females could protect them selves kat still fought for them. He then found a male sexually abusing a female and Kat ended up killing the male and all of his close friends. The female ended her own life and Kat was blamed for killing all of them, and was accused of assaulting the female. Causing him to be expelled and was going to be arrested but there was no proof he did anything to the female, only the males. And killing wasn't that big of a deal at this school but was still considered bad. Kat wondered for awhile and then started applying for new schools, he ended up applying for Lakoria.


(optional) Secret word is " Lakota "

@GingerBread @Lotusy



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Name: Korvox Vorvex

Gender: Male



School year:



Half Demon-Half Lighting Elemental

Power(s): (source List of Elemental Abilities)

  • Quintessence Force -Can generate whitish-blue lightning that also contains pure life energy.
  • Electrokinesis - control, generate or absorb electric fields and shoot lightning bolts.
  • Activation & Deactivation - turn stuff on and off.
  • Electrical Absorption - absorb electricity.
  • Electric Mimicry -transform entire body into a lightning-like being of pure electrical energy
  • Electrical Transportation - teleport with lightning.
  • Energy Blast - create blasts of energy.
  • Slow Regeneration(only activates in response to burns)- in terms of his burns 1st degree burns will heal in 4-8 hours, 2nd degree will heal in 1-2 weeks, and from 3rd degree will heal after a 5-8 weeks


1) Using his power quickly heats up his body and will cause burns all over his body with prolong use

1a) 1-20% of his body converted to lighting will give him 1st degree burns in 7 minute, 2nd degree in 10 minutes, 3rd degree after 15 minutes, incineration of his body after 20 minutes (equaling death)

1b) 21-50% of his body converted to lighting- 1st degree in 5 minute, 2nd degree after 7 minutes, 3rd degree after 10 minutes, and self incineration after 15 minutes

1c) 51-70% of his body converted to lighting- 2nd degree in 3 minutes, 3rd degree after 6, and self incineration after 7 minutes.

1d) 71-100% of his body converted- 3rd degree in 4 minutes and 30 seconds after those 4 minutes will result in self incineration

2) Immune to all forms of Healing magic/powers outside his regenration

3) Fire, lava, and any other form magic/power that generates heat




6'2/205lb/short red hair/tone body/average build/'Elf like' face/Bone white skin


He is reckless, short tempered, and always 'arm in arm' with some form of trouble. Whether it be starting fights, inflaming a situation, or just simply just breaking all the rules without discretion. He is quite flirty and see himself as a playboy and very hyper. Loves making noise for silence annoys him and he loves being in the spotlight. He has no reasoning for this other than he finds it fun. Though there is a softer, tamer side to him, but only when with someone he cares.

Backstory: Orphan since he was born with his mother's death due to birth. He was raised most of his life in a run down orphanage till it burn down when he was 10. After that he lived life in some unnamed forest till recently when a some campers (elves) found him and brought him into town and to the authorities to get his paperwork, and take custody of him. After they got him adjusted to living with other people they enrolled him into Lakoria High. Lakota
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Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.jpeg.a008a79cad9afa70daf8d07ce54bd031.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="97206" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.jpeg.a008a79cad9afa70daf8d07ce54bd031.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

"........? Why are you staring at me? Stop it..."

"Ironic name isn't it? Do you even know what it means?"


Sean Fitzgerald

"You should really pay attention if you can't even know if I'm man or woman..."



"Can't age, been like this for hundreds of years."


Looks 18 ((He's quite ancient, he's around 800 years))

"I've been in school before, I'm just relearning the modern way of thinking as its a different time, also I just moved here."

School year:


"I'm gonna suck your blood! Blah! There's your answer."



"Okay...... Make a guess, I'm a vampire! Now what powers do I have?"


Enhanced Hearing

Enhanced strength

Enhanced Perception

Enhanced speed

Enhance body resistance to physical damage

Immunity from diseases

Able to use illusion magic

Has the ability to retract his wings into his back

"O_O ummmmmmmmm why do you wanna known that?"


Homosexual ((He was Bisexual but that changed for some unknown reason))



Sean is a very calm and collected person, he doesn't really talk much but that doesn't mean he's shy or anything. He seems like a bad character just by his looks alone but he isn't really, he, in fact, is quite friendly with those who don't treat him like a monster. He does have a dark side to him as he gets quite angry at the torture of one who's been through a lot as he too was one of those poor souls and still kinda is. He is quite fond of story telling as most people don't have a chance to ask what many historical people were really like, he's met quite a few of them.


Sean was born in the province of Ulster in the island known today as Ireland. He was well known in the tribe as a spirited young man as he grew older but this was quickly undone when he was bitten, he stayed around for awhile but the tribe's investigation to the many disturbances led him to leave and travel around the Isle for a while, staying out of sunlight and traveling in the dark. There was hardly any travelers so he resorted to the blood of animals, it tastes terrible.

A few hundred years later he went to England once ships were available and lived in the wonderful city of London for quite awhile, serving the military under many different names under the years as they would expect a vampire if his name was never crossed out in the couple hundred years he would serve. He served in the Hundred Years' War, he was apart of the American Revolution as a red coat.

He even served in World War One, he was assigned to the trenches also known as no man's land. He saw many of his die by German fire, and he was in the last siege of the war too before Germany fell to the alliance. It was also the war where he got his eye shot out in an attempt to reach the German side of the trenches, nothing's faster than a bullet.

World War Two was a different story, he's seen the horrors of hitter and the nazis. He was at the battle of Normandy, he's labored a couple concentration camps, and was there when Berlin fell.

Recently he moved to Lakoria high school from another high school in which he attended.


Yes he wears an eyepatch.

The secret password is "Lakota" sorry I kinda remembered what it was but I've been working on this for like two hours so sorry about that.



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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/C2KHEe9.png.26704834877524fdbc411660c416a4f9.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="97325" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/C2KHEe9.png.26704834877524fdbc411660c416a4f9.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Ami (No last name known)

Age: 16

Race: Breadling

"Breadlings (homo panis) are humanoid creatures. they have different body structures, so one can have a animals tail while another one has white eyes or such. They do not feel emotions. Breadlings have the ability to immediately sense and collect any bread in their surrounding area. A Breadling will never be seen while doing so. they are able to dematerialize the bread and store it as long as they want. Bread is a breadlings highest good. they always strengthen two ability of them, may it be magic, muscle strength or just cuteness, any time they collect bread. "


As a Breadling, Ami will improve her cuteness, just as her intelligence when collecting bread. Intelligence means her ability to understand complex systems and similar, such as machine plans, medical structure's, and so on. Her cuteness works as a sirens one's, but she does not use that.

Hobbies :

reading, getting bread, experiments.

Likes / Dislikes


-dumb people

+experiments (especially with technology, robots and such)


+the word Lakota

Extra: She always keeps a tablet with her which she takes notes on.
Personality: Ami is a Breadling, which means she cannot feel. that makes her appear cold, but her sheer cuteness makes up for that. Just as a siren, people fall for her quickly, which she does not intend to use. She could be made to feel by a person, if he acts right.

Sexuality: Heterosexual
History: Ami's parents died when she was young. she lived alone with her sister, Zilla, until she was thirteen. She then traveled around and found a group of adventures which she joined. She met her best friend, Daniel Fleetwood, who died as she turned 15 in a bandits ambush. She decided to visit the school to improve her already impressive knowledge.


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Name: xren castilvous

Gender: male



School year:



demon/ghoul hybrid


contract spells, element darkness and shadows,super strength and speed, he has retractable claws and fangs,




he stands 7ft with a lean build and pale skin. purple hair and two different colored eyes. the left a light blue and the right a dark purple. he has no pulse or body temperature and seems rather dead despite his looks and behavior.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/xren2.jpg.bc0a00b20b67109bb3448b37b8b51bad.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="97347" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/xren2.jpg.bc0a00b20b67109bb3448b37b8b51bad.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/xren3.jpg.b8724d62c802b0695ee2e3bec371323a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="97348" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/xren3.jpg.b8724d62c802b0695ee2e3bec371323a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


cruel, rude, selfish, evil, sadistic, morbid, depressive, naughty, flirty, mischievous,exc..


he comes from a rich faimly and he's the one who actually named jackal, he's been through alot of bloodshed and he's utterly used to it. his parents aren't actually even his parents they're a poor foolish couple who asked satan for a child in exchange for their souls and they ended up with this hybrid orphan whom they raised into a spoiled and selfish person. as to how he met jackal is a bit different, he was traveling and found the shifter wandering around.

they were both kids at the time when they made the contract, jackal is his loyal pet in exchange to saving the shifter's elder brother's life and it's been that way since. One day he and jackal got into some trouble,jackal thinks he was killed off but xren ended up inhabiting Jackal's body due to a spell. Xren can't live without jackal for his physical body was destroyed and he requires jackal to fill his needs.


he likes the taste of candy despite needing to eat human flesh. When he takes over Jackal's body he makes jackal turn into him and even the powers completely switch.

Lakota<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/xren4.jpg.17241b11d33fb378eb83bce276850eaf.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="97349" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/xren4.jpg.17241b11d33fb378eb83bce276850eaf.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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school year fresman

species:changling assassin

power{s}:has aecan abiltys cnt control can shape shit only masterd few forms has masterd all assins abilities


looks:5 foot 9 inches slim keeps face coverd with hood most of the time only carries plasmatic hidden blades at all times

personaitty:very qoiet but when speaks its blunt and yo point has a good mind sharp wit and siver tounge will defend the weak with out hestion and with out thought of own safety

backstory:his past is mistry to him all he has is locket he cnt open and the name of this school written in green ink on a small scrap of paechment hopeing to learn moreabout him self he waits out side the lage iron gate hopping to get in


Height: 5'6"

Weight: 128 lbs

Eye Color: Red and yellow

Hair Color: Black

Elizabeth Myers

Sometimes, I wonder why I bother with talking to people.


Being raised in the manner in which Elizabeth was raised in, it would be surprising to not find her like this. Her personality revolves mostly around deceit and organized chaos. Though that's usually not what many people see in her, mostly because she never bothers with getting close to anyone anymore.

To most, Elizabeth seems like a polite, innocent, and borderline shy young woman. However, stick with her long enough, and you would realize that this is simply a guise. Her reason for this? Well, who wouldn't be friendly and kind to a polite and innocent person? That's the question Elizabeth asks herself. And that would be the main reason as to why she does this. To manipulate people so they could become her friend. Because who would want enemies rather than allies? However, this peachy and almost angelic qualities usually get thrown away if the situation calls for it.

Her more natural personality is one of pure seriousness and concentration. An analytical thinker by heart, she tries to find the answer to anything, no matter how hard it is to acquire. Elizabeth, when in this 'true' state, she won't exactly put up with everyone's complaining and would rather knee-cap them to shut them up. This is, obviously and exaggeration, but she would still do something such as slapping the person in question. Her excellent perception of her surroundings feed into her analytical brain, often taking note of everything around her, and using it against anyone without a second thought.

This 'true' personality would often bleed into her fake one, if her surroundings get too obnoxious or there was too much ignorance in the crowd.

However, through all of this, Elizabeth still has a strong sense of justice, even if some of her methods could come off as a little bit 'extreme'.


Being born into a high-class family represents a high standard of life, right? That's what Elizabeth thought as well. Until she derailed her life by herself at least.

As implied earlier, Elizabeth was born into a high-class family with high expectations of her. A 'normal' life. Seemed like an ideal path, without any of the supernaturals getting in the way. However, normal school life wasn't really her thing, and she was often found wandering around, exploring the area. Exploration, led to mischief. And mischief, either led her to a lecture or some new skills. Elizabeth soon became quite decent at combat and navigating through the streets of her city. However, one day, she messed with the wrong people, or beings.

Spirits in disguise. Who thought those would exist? Or the supernatural beings in general. It was a normal day, finished all the homework given to her, and now it gave Elizabeth some outside time. Pickpocketing hasn't really been her strong suit, but she tried to anyways. Stealing from a couple 'sketchy' people would never be a great idea. Especially if they had some sort of nasty aura around them. But alas, Elizabeth still attempted to steal from them, and they caught on quite quickly.

Getting away was quite easy, only problem, was that she jeopardized the family. How they tracked her down? She didn't know. All Elizabeth knew however, that someone close to her died only a few days after the failed pickpocketing attempt.

Elizabeth grew frighteningly cynical to the world, and mostly blamed herself for this. The next year was dedicated to tracking down the people who were responsible, and dealing her own twisted justice. She fell into a downwards spiral from this, and her old self couldn't be recovered. Simply used used as a mask in the modern day.

However, she soon got what she wished, and she felt like she lost something far greater than what she gained. Elizabeth could never recover that natural happy attitude she once had. But she didn't dwindle on this thought for too long, for she had more important things to think about.



  • Hand-to-hand combat
  • Climbing
  • Persuasion
  • Acting
  • Tactical analysis


Hemokinesis - Hemokinesis is the fancy way to say blood manipulation. However, Elizabeth is only able to manipulate her own blood, or blood she sees. Which means, no, she can't fully control someone's movements. Hemokinesis has many applications, from an enhanced physiology, simple manipulation, self movement, and etc.



Age: 16

School Year: Junior

Gender: Female

Species: Metahuman

Sexuality: Bisexual

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{'Aight, this is Nathan Clarke V2:

Since pretty much everything before was all combat centred, most of Nathan's been overhauled entirely to suit a more casual tone, besides I got a completely different creative outburst tonight.}

Nathan Clarke

Gender: Male



School year:





Nathan is capable of rendering himself invisible for a certain amount of time, usually around a minute. It takes some effort to remain invisible, and staying cloaked for longer periods of time without resting leads to torturous migraines, preventing him from using his power.



Nathan wears little more than a collar shirt and trousers, the more he wears, the more effort it takes to turn invisible (not suggesting anything there).


Nathan tends to get paranoid at the best of times, and will rarely trust anyone completely. While being susceptible to pressure, actions like charming or flirting only makes him more nervous and untrusting than he already is. Despite this, he's not a complete nervous wreck, and still has a good slice of faith for those he's close to.


Ever since he discovered his power at the age of fifteen, Nathan has been fighting the hardest battle of his life.

To not use his power to sneak into the girls' changing room.

Well, to his credit, he never did, but more out of fear that his power would fail him at the most inopportune time if he tried.

Apart from that, Nathan's life was about as ordinary as ordinary could get up into his great discovery, his power helped him out of some tight spots in his life, but it wasn't long before he started 'experimenting' with his newfound ability.

After being caught stealing jewellery off a counter when a migraine sunk in, Nathan was forced to flee his home and buy an apartment well away from local authorities.

Knowing loan sharks and stolen goods wouldn't last as a viable form of finance much longer, Nathan began searching desperately for a place to settle down and live out the rest of his life.


Nathan is able to cope with migraines much longer when he is determined to get something done, but will still eventually pass out.

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