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Fantasy Lakoria High School

Name: Samantha (Sammy/Sam) Rose

Gender: Female

Age: 15

School year: Sophomore

Species: Shapeshifter

Power(s): She can shift into any animal, mythical or not and can change her hair color/eye color as well.

Sexuality: Bisexual/Straight


Long, brown hair down to her butt with red streaks in the front of her hair. Blue eyes (Ignore the amberish-brown.) with soft, light pink lips. Sam usually dresses casually with jeggings/skinny jeans and T-Shirts, occasionally a light jacket like the one shown below or a sweatshirt.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/57a8c4a8e7176_ScreenShot2015-09-20at9.03.14AM.png.2cede9f1281701a1967e4c5b070c29ce.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="75730" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/57a8c4a8e7176_ScreenShot2015-09-20at9.03.14AM.png.2cede9f1281701a1967e4c5b070c29ce.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Samantha is very loving and sweet, she loves all characters of people even if they seem to not like her she will attempt a friendship anyway. She loves meeting new types of people wether they are human, neko, or any other type of creature, they always fascinate her to the point she is in awe. Though people may see Sam as this amazing, sweet, young girl she has a rather dark side that she will let loose when someone bothers her deeply, gets on her nerves repeatedly, or messes with the ones she loves. She makes friends easily and falls in love easily therefore it's fairly easy to let that side of her shine through, but don't worry, Sam doesn't bite - Much.

Samantha doesn't really have a very interesting past, she came from a good family with good parents that always looked after her and all life's events that came her way just to make sure that she was alright. Her father was a wolf and her mother was a mix of many other types of creatures, therefore when they -- Had her, she was a shapeshifter. She always confused her family with her looks or with the animals she became but then they caught on. Her father died when she was 10 and her mother seemed to push her away after that but when she writes letters to her mom she's alway supportive and sends one back. (When her father died she lived with her grandparents to give her mother some mourning time but her mother never called for her back.

Extras: Always open and looking for someone to talk to, hug, and make friends with.



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Anastasia Valerius


Gender || Female

Age || 18

School year || Senior

Species || Demi-God, Child of Roman God Janus, God of Beginnings, Transitions, and Endings

|| Powers ||

- Portal Creation

- Omniscience

Sexuality || Pansexual

Personality || Anastasia is a deep thinker. She spends most of her time thinking rather than speaking. Her actions towards others are gentle and kind. She is very compassionate and is a good person to talk to when one needs advice or is feeling down; she always knows just what to say. She speaks her mind when she finds it necessary and keeps her thoughts to herself when it would be wiser to do so. She isn't afraid of much and is usually in a calm state. Despite ever being outnumbered or if the odds aren't in her favor, she doesn't back down. She's brave and prefers to do what is right in a moral sense.

|| Likes ||

- Playing Chess

- Listening to music

- Hearing stories

- Comforting another

|| Dislikes ||

- Being underestimated or made fun of

- The inability to get lost

- Colors

- Violence

Fear || Not knowing her own story. While Anastasia does know "everything" technically, she doesn't know anything about herself including her future. Anything directly connected to her, she can't know such as someone's feelings for her. She hates not knowing.

Backstory || Anastasia grew up in Italy, about 50 miles from Rome. Most of the people in the area had long since denounced the roman way of life including religion but Anastasia had her own way of following it. Of course, her mother had told her that her father was Janus when she was old enough to understand. Sometimes Janus would visit, at least once a year and he taught her how to use her powers. She never hated him for leaving them but respected him for doing what was right.

Other || Anastasia is blind as a bat. While she does have the equivalent of all-seeing eyes, she can't actually see anything. She carries around a black cane with a key embedded into the top of it she uses to get around.



"My name? why would you need to know that? it's not like you'll be alive long enough to remember it. ...but. if you must have something to call me... let it be- Daten Shi. it means Fallen angel....what? not good enough for you? foolish child. then let it be known, the only name I've ever been called is Princess of the Dead"

City Of Birth:

"whoever said I came from somewhere? is it not true that though we all come from separate places this world is one in the same? I guess you people enjoy calling me a 'drifter' though..."


"As old as time yet as young as the wind that blows from the sea... in other words, Tis' not important."


"Female and I thought that were rather obvious?..."


"I have no time to spend on such trivial things as... 'love'..."

Station(Knight, Royalty, Citizen etc.):

"I clearly stated this before.... Drifter. are you that deaf as to ask me twice?..."

Appearance(Anime not preferable):









"I've been described as many things...cold, harsh, deadly, pianful, dark, hideous, a monster. or occasionally... the most beautiful thing they ever saw, before they died that is."


"I carry with me nothing but my bare hands... oh? this? it's just-... a trinket from somewhere.... or do you really think I could kill someone with a rosario? I guess it is rather pretty though... Deus misereatur... May God have mercy... that's what's etched into it, and the gemstone you see within it... you won't find one like it anywhere else..."

Abilities(Magical and Physical):

"It wouldn't be very fun if I told you, would it?... it shall be revealed, but you are in the best mind to hope it isn't, for when it is... that is the time of your demise."

Race(Wizard, Warrior, Alchemist etc.):

"For the time being that information shall be kept to me and only me..."


"that- is something I am not willing to discuss at this point in time... nor am I willing to answer any more of these... useless questions..."


"now I believe it's time for you to die. it's been a... 'pleasure' but I'm afraid I'll have to leave you now."

Name: Nyx

Gender: Male

Age: 16


School year: Sophomore

(Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, or Senior)

Species: Half Vamp- Half Human

(Human, ghoul, vampire, fairy, werewolf, etc.)

Blood Manipulation/Blood magic, Illusion Magic, Daggers when needed And can Parkour to get around. Is skilled in most types of combat

Blood helps him heal faster then normal people. Has a Panther Familiar Named Richard and knows some blood alchemy. Different types of blood gives him different powers

(if you choose human, specify why your character is special)

Sexuality: Bi, tips towards the males mostly


Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/57a8c4c09e229_Bitchtittys.jpg.e4e0044036f0cb1d64a904cd6d924dbd.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="76686" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/57a8c4c09e229_Bitchtittys.jpg.e4e0044036f0cb1d64a904cd6d924dbd.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(Please upload a picture and a small description)


Tends to be a pretty calm, laid back character... but isn't as nice if you get on the bad side of him.

He will also do anything to get what he wants.

Backstory: Nyx's mother died while giving birth to him, this made Nyx's father deeply upset until he met another woman who would go on to become Nyx's stepmother. Nyx hated his stepmother and she returned the hate, constantly picking on Nyx and making his life a living hell. His father was oblivious to what Nyx's stepmother was doing and she made sure to keep it that way. Nyx's father did care about Nyx a lot, seeing him as the last surviving piece of his wife.


Name: Nyxen

Gender: Male

Age: Kitten

School year: Stray cat

Species: Vampire Kitty

Powers: None (unless you count being cute)



<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/Yang-The-Cat-v1.0.9-2-250x160.jpg.55035187c052e55354e8d84b8263b4d1.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="83755" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/Yang-The-Cat-v1.0.9-2-250x160.jpg.55035187c052e55354e8d84b8263b4d1.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Is annoyed all the time due to being a cat, And will attack anything or anyone. Hates Cats puns

Backstory: Nyxen is a cat, that was once a Normal vampire called Nyx

Extras: Nyxen happens whenever Nyx Drinks Fairy blood



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Name: Jenie

Gender: Female

Age: 16,000 (16)

School year: Freshman

Species: Genie


  • Tellaportation
  • shape-shifting
  • grant wishes
  • turn invisible
  • Biokinsis

Sexuality: straight

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/red.jpeg.f8a321b60973cf4aa36dd7b7305e76fe.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="76693" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/red.jpeg.f8a321b60973cf4aa36dd7b7305e76fe.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: funny, pranks from time to time, nice, shy

Backstory: She was born a genie and has had several 'masters' until one set her free. She was so excited but didn't really fit in until Lakoria high recruted her.

Extras:the top of her outfit covers the is a normal low-cut style.



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Alexandria Felix Justice





School year:

Freshmen (Very High classes, she is extraordinarily smart.)




Manipulation. This ability is mostly contained in the elements, and would have to have a decent amount available of each to be able to use or wield the specific element.





Alexandria stands at roughly 5'4, with a small frame. She often walks and moves very formally, though she makes it so she stays unnoticed in any type of crowd.


Alexandria is often a stand-offish type, being the one who watches instead of listens. She has what seems like a cold attitude when only being brutally honest to people who have asked her opinion or if her input is needed. Having such a cold front makes it hard for her to show anyone caring or compassion. She often is the type who would rather think things logically, not emotionally, making her seem heartless in situations where anything cruel will happen in the end. Many can say she gives of a military type but, that is the only thing they would end up knowing since they wouldn't get close enough to find out anything else about her.


Alexandria is originally from a foreign country, transferring into the school later in the year since her single father had an important job change in ironically in the military. They had decided that she would be mainly be taking care of the beautiful home while her father was out on duty. She had a reason to be so stand off and cold to people, when she was 10, her own mother was killed in a wreck from a drunk driver. In the end, they were sued, going bankrupt, her father was placed in the military for extra money while she was looked over by her mothers friend. As soon as she reached old enough to take care of herself, she began to stay at their home until she was 12, finding that she could move things when she spilled a large glass of water, making it all form into one spot. She had shown her father the next time she had seen him, instead of anger, he became protective, not wanting to loose another person. He began to teach her to be like him, to act like she was in the military, like everyone is an enemy. When they recently moved into a bigger and more beautiful house since the government was being nice, they decided to enroll her into the Lakoria High School, for people like her.


She will be transferring in late as a new student to make to more flowing if you accept her
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Name: Kagura

Gender: Female

Age: 17

School year: senior


Elemental spirit/Spirit Queen


*Mastery of Fire Element's

*Mastery of Water Element's

*Mastery of Ice Element's

*Mastery of Electricity Element's (lightning included)

*Mastery of Earth Element's

*Mastery of Wind Element's

*Can move quickly where the human eye cant follow

*Can walk and run without making a sound

*Can feel when someone is near, when she's being followed, or if someone is looking at her.





Kagura stand's at 5'7, being quite tall for a girl as others would say. She has long blue hair with elf like ears and blue wings. She is often seen wearing the outfit in the picture, though she might change later on. She has noticeable 'Tatoos' though they are just paint to express herself


Kagura is a usually calm person, talking down on others and believing there is no point in a Human's life. She can get very cocky at times and when she make's a promise, she is sure to keep it, even if it causes her to get herself hurt. She always stands straight and sit's with her back straight, due to her parent's making her be 'proper' for a girl her age.


Kagura as a child couldn't feel any emotion what so ever, making everyone quite afraid of her emotionless face. The only emotion she ever felt was lonelyness and pain,causing her to be the way she is. Her parent's forced her to be a 'proper lady' considering she was their only child and her village's future (since she was born into the royal family).


Name: Tenia Van Leshur

Gender: Female

Age: 15

School year: Junior

Species: Elemental Spirit

Power(s): Can control the element Ice,

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Appearance: Misty white hair that has a shade of blue that is usually tied into twintails. Pale skin and where's a long sleeved white top and a skirt, accented with black laced trims. Has a birthmark on her lower nape shaped like a crystal

Personality:Small but powerful, never underestimate her just because of her small frame. She only appears shy and distant at first but is really sweet and energetic once you get to know her. She cares deeply for others and will risk almost everything for the people she loves. She’s scary as hell when she’s annoyed and angry and can freeze you into oblivion. She's more or less a tsundere and will almost never admit that she was wrong about anything, making her seem as stubborn as a rock. She hates the feeling of being alone; don't ever leave her.

Backstory: Is an old friend of Rea Shawcross.The reason she's in Lakoria was to find Rea whom she has long been searching fro. She experienced extreme seclusion at a young age and for the first stages of her life she wasn't able to control her powers right. The rest is TBR

Extras: Has a familiar named Nemna; a silver Siberian tiger that originated from the spirit realm.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/maria_arusu_1_2283.png.40653c033f475d55c6cb8e7ca8855dfc.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="77045" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/maria_arusu_1_2283.png.40653c033f475d55c6cb8e7ca8855dfc.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Enki Limbason





School year:





Enki can use fire magic:

red fire - Slight damage and speed boosts

blue flame - high damage, can only be put out by Holy water.

purple fire - Illusions and mind games. Doesn't burn and only effects the person that was touched with it.

He can place the flames in the blood stream causing the effects of each on, as well as using them as fire balls. He can also use his fire to make a set of fire armour, what ever touches it gets set on fire. He also has a fire arm made of his purple fire as his human arm was cut off to stop enball killing someone.

Enki is a necromancer who can summon devils from the underworld to help him with tasks, even if they seem scary they are quite nice unless you make them mad then they grow to human sized devils who can rip you apart with there deadly claws. Ones called Maka and the others called Chloe. They are twins and they both look like this:





<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/RPNATION.jpg.d04def436771cfdf52c1a66b078a92e7.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="77365" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/RPNATION.jpg.d04def436771cfdf52c1a66b078a92e7.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Enki is a relaxed dude who is highly interested in the opposite sex as it was forbidden for him to talk to them as a child. Enki is willing to fight for what he believes in and his devils will help him out as long as he feeds them his own blood. He is relaxed most of the time unless you insult him or his devils, or what he believes in. Enki has a hidden anger that has been sealed inside him.


He was born in a satanic church, once born Enki was locked away from the outside world, he was taught in the ways of necromancy. At the age of 5 he was given 2 devils, Chloe and Jim, how ever Jim refused to do as Enki's master said and so his master killed him, this fuelled Enki with rage which is always inside him ready for it if he needed it. Then at the age of 9 he was granted with Maka and this delighted Chloe as they where sisters. Chloe always liked him however the same as Jim, Maka would not listen to Enki master, he tried to kill her. Chloe was crying out, heart broken at how this monster was going to kill her sister, she cried at how she was willing to do anything for him to stop this, he slapped her away and this is when Enki stepped in the way, Enki's master told him that if he didn't move he would punish him, he refused and got abused, after almost making Enki die he targeted Maka which pushed Enki's rage over the limits and he killed him. Maka then trusted him that he wouldn't need to rely on her so she joined him and Chloe.

After that Enki ran away from the church before they could find out what happened, he went to a all male school for many years and learned the most of the stuff, however the church found out where they were and chased us away, we moved really far away and that's when he found this school and where he could possibly be myself, and meet new people that wont freak if he have my devils.

Also during my time in the satanic church he leaned sword play and a bit of fire magic. Not enough to use it safely.

Devil powers:

They can carry Enki by holding him, they can fly as they have wings.

They can use fire magic .

Can talk to devil Prince's to revive Enki's soul

Have extremely sharp claws that can like a sword

The Exiled Sword:

this sword enhances the all speed aspects of the owner, physically and mentally. It allows Enki to move 5 times faster than he would be with out it, it also improves his reflexes, he also can think and register 4 times faster than he could normally. It also improves his strength allowing him to lift 3 times his body weight (11 stone). The weapon is bonded to his skin when summoned and will not break. He can summon this sword with his will and thought.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/maka.png.08a92013f7822d41e079c511fb564c1c.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="77364" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/maka.png.08a92013f7822d41e079c511fb564c1c.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: James Een

"My name's James."

Gender: Male

"If it ain't obvious enough..."


"Hope you don't mind my age."

School Year: Senior

"Senior, not Senior Citizen."

Species: Human

"Oh you're an elf? Well i'm just human."

Power: Technological-like stuff. Using a gadget he calls, well, Gadget, he can form objects by using the battery's power, the objets being a transparent teal. The power creates the objects. He got this thing from some elf dude. (@LegenDarius (:3) )

"I use this thing as a power... technically."

Sexuality: Pansexual

"I don't really care what gender one person is..."


A Semi-Muscular, average guy. Weight 174 lb (his muscle putting on 20 lb) Height 5'11

His tie is Teal and Black checkered, he also keeps the jacket unbuttoned.


Personality: A quiet, smart, composed guy. He is usually rational about things and will get Serious and Intimidating when needed. He's somewhat insecure, though. Listening to not much music, and when he does it's usually techno stuff. He mainly reads Mystery type books, aswell as fantasy

books (ex. Eon by Alison Goodman)

"Do I have to really tell? Just monitor me more..."[/color][/color]

Backstory: When he was young, he usually had a decent life. Getting a pretty good computer, all that. Although, later in his life, his school social life began to get intercepted by bullies. Making fun of his Un-Natural hair, love of computers, high quality personality, all of that junk, he'd get a bit troubled and more violent. Eventually he broke, flipping one of them over the edge of a 3 Floor staircase, and the other a curbstomp. He got suspended, and had gotten revoked from most of his privileges. After that, he ran to his uncles, the only guy who seemed to understand him the most. He recieved his gadget and went to this school.

Theme: [media]
[/media] @Kyzaba @PhoenixFire13
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Name: Rin Kyonggi / Aki

Gender: Female


16 / 200 +

School year:



Possed Human


*As Rin she can make blades grow from her arms and only her arms

*As Rin she is very accurate even able to cut the wings off a fly without killing it.

*Aki can grow blades from any part of her body of any shape and size.

*Aki has a much more wild fighting style and very unpredictable it seems like she's dancing.








Rin is calm and cool always thinking ahead and planning even in a conversation she plans what's best to say sometimes over thinking it. She has a big heart but seems cold due to her natural monotone voice and blank look. Aki is the excat opposite of Rin never thinking before running into a fight which ends up causing a lot of problems. She does what she wants tends to be flirty and cocky. She is very sadistic and a bit of a masochist. The two go together about as well as fire and ice but yet they try to get along sometimes. But Aki is always trying to start as fight it's what she lives for and will pick a fight with whoever whenever for whatever.


Rin was a normal girl before she wandered into a forest getting lost she heard a voice calling her she found a strange knife laying on the ground. It spoke to her telling her to stab herself of course Rin was cautious and refused. That's when a group of men came and demanded the knife before she had a chance to respond they attacked her saying they couldn't have any witnesses. She ran but didn't get far before the men caught her she was going to die the voice spoke again telling her to stab herself now she had no choice she was out of options she stabbed herself. Rin felt a surge of energy then blacked out she saw herself but with different hair waking up she saw the men were dead she later learned the voice and other her was a demon trapped in the blade but now it was inside her. Afterwards she spoke to the demon and it called it's self Aki Rin made an agreement with the demon Aki would help RIn protect herself and Rin would handle all the talking and make sure Aki didn't go on a killing spree.


Aki only comes out if Rin let's her or Rin falls unconscious. Rin only comes back if Aki falls unconscious or lets her. Her hair changes color when she becomes Aki.

Jay Delon

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual

Where you live: Dorm

Year: Sophomore

Species: Human

Powers/gifts: Can heal many different illnesses/most wounds, but only once per day. Anything else he does is within the boundaries of ordinary medicine, ex: making ice packs or giving out pills. Can exercise minor control over a small flock of pigeons. Most recently, thanks to drinking the blood potion, he's gained a regenerative magic, which takes the form or orange wisps, and the ability to use orange bolts of light for multiple purposes.

Likes: Sweets, cheer, birds, fixing up people, and causing mischief.

Dislikes: Rain, rudeness, bitter foods, and most mammals.

Personality: An energetic and slightly mischievous guy, who is willing to interact with anyone. He has a cheerful personality, and likes candy. He's a bit of a nut sometimes, and thinks he can mentally communicate with birds. (They don't do much back). As of now, he's become a bit more cautious and mature, mostly to help keep Nyx out of trouble.



Backstory: Ever since he was pushed into he world, Jay was already causing mischief. He would grab and anyone as a baby, biting or otherwise causing havic. Ironically, though, he was born with an extraordinary healing power. While it seems to counteract his boorish and outgoing personality, it helps him out when his pranks hurt people. At a young age of 10, one of his pranks caused a school bus to crash. He could only heal one person and had to rely on authorities for help. Because of this, he's learned how to help people without his powers, but on the flip side, gained some insecurity about being unable to help people. Then, at the age of 13, another one of his pranks gone wrong caused a flock of pigeons to be hurt, so Jay helped them all recover, one by one. Since then they've been ever loyal, like wild, flying, pooping hamsters. He thinks he can talk to them, though he is a bit loony. Jay's toned down the pranks since he joined Lakoria, though pranks like the tomato one still stand testament to Jay's mischief. During his time at the school, he's evolved to a more cautious personality, mostly to kerp Nyx out of trouble.

Mid-RP Edit: Jay has concocted a potion, using 2 liters of his blood. The potion has given him a newer, regenerative healing power in addition to his one heal. He's less helpless too. Now, he has gained a power to fire small arcane bolts.

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animefan374 said:
can i please join?
I know I'm not a admin or anything, but you don't need to ask, just use this template and fill it then, then someone will accept or give you things to change :)





School year:

(Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, or Senior)


(Human, ghoul, vampire, fairy, werewolf, etc.)


(if you choose human, specify why your character is special)




(Please upload a picture and a small description)


(One paragraph minimum)


(One paragraph minimum of the character's past, including any particular events that are important to the character)




Doesn't really remember his old name, instead simply goes by Columbus




Actual age? Somewhere between 200-400 years old.

He looks about 17 however

School year:

Sophomore, schools weren't really a thing when he was alive, but he was smart enough to be allowed second year.




(Updating this so I can actually explain what I'm having him doing :P )

He previously had powers to connect to spirits and gain their powers, abilities, memories and ect. However, due to his recent actions and a traumatic experience involving this power, it has begun to work differently. He can draw on memories, experiences and such from his own blurry past, however these will only last a few seconds and will leave him exhausted in some way typically. (You can tell he's using it as his eyes will become a lighter, almost glowing, shade of blue)

His actual set of 'real abilities' are as follows:

  • Magic Rerouting: (This is gonna sound really bad but trust me, ICC the reason he chose this power makes sense ) Due to the marks on his back, his magic usage works differently. Instead of drawing from some magic pool, and ability he uses will do some sort of harm to him. From cuts to bruises, any active magic use will require some sort of harm.
  • Copy/Paste Magic (Sue me, I'm terrible with names :P ): He can copy and edit materials and things to shape them into something else. These things are never as good as the original, but can be controlled mentally (Without using his body) but this will make him use magic, so in order to avoid harm, he doesn't really use that aspect of this ability
  • Strengthening/Range: He can not only strengthen materials, but he can also make all kinds of ranged attacks. From blasts, to pulses, even to blade shapes, he can do it all, however, this is the ability that does him the most harm, so once again, minimal use.





The clothes he died in and was later revived in.


What he looks like when he allows the magic that keeps his human appearance together


He's a quiet and shy at first glance, however that's simply because he's more focused on collecting his thoughts and figuring out what to do with his new life. He's actually really outgoing, he loves trying new things, loves feeling small things like grass under his foot and air on his skin, he values them more than ever in his life and wants to take it all in. He's also fairly open, things like personal space, dirt or even nudity doesn't bother him.

To sum him up, he's a bit like a dumb and eager little brother who doesn't really get things, but will pretend to.


From what he remembers, Columbus was happy in his past life. He had a beautiful family and home, the land was plentiful and the gods provided for his tribe. He thinks he was special, some kind of connection between the spirits and his tribe, though most of those interactions are blurry. The only true thing he can remember is his joy, and how he died. He knows there was fire and panic, people ran and screamed while Columbus himself began to panic, he was calling for a girl, one he felt protective of. He saw her, in the corner of a house crying, he got her out but looked up to see a flaming pillar come towards his vision as he reached the edge of the building.

He remembers waking up once more, this time in front of a scary man with robes things are also blurry here, he remembers doing terrible things though...Things he'd rather not dwell on. He woke up one last time to see himself covered in blood, not his blood but the strange mans, he looked up to see two people muttering strange things and then there was a blinding flash of light. He was normal again. They told him he had been the mans zombie servant, but they freed him. He was no longer a zombie, but not completely human. Left confused and scared, they took him in and began to help him try to be reintroduced to the world


  • Columbus is semi-amnesiac, he doesn't remember much of his past, and what he does remember is blurry and confusing.
  • His magic has a gold and black tint to it.
  • Nearly everything about him (Including endurance, strength,heart rate, breathing, ect.) is controlled by magic, so anti-magic anything is harmful to him.
  • Has identity issues
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Name: Kino "Kit" Arata

Gender: male

Age: 14


School year:



Animal Morph (white fox)


Fox-like hearing and smell, transformation into a white fox kit, animal communication




<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/dsfsdfd.png.f70b1e39459efa1479ccb5eed3de992b.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="79039" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/dsfsdfd.png.f70b1e39459efa1479ccb5eed3de992b.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Kino is pretty small for his age, only standing about 5 foot 2, with snow white hair, white fox ears that peek out from his hair, and a bushy fox tail. Kino usually wears a turtleneck shirt, in a color of slate grey, cloudy grey, or white, and a pair of jeans with large pockets. The only thing colorful about him are his bright blue eyes and the pen and notebook he carries, which are cyan blue.


Kino is shy, usually preferring to keep to himself and read. He gets bullied a lot so he's very sensitive with a low self-confidence. If you're nice to him, however, he warms up and becomes a funny, silly, if quiet companion who is loyal and will not hesitate to stick up for you, even if he does so quietly. He's always willing to comfort those who are crying, because no one was there for him, he thought that others shouldn't go through that pain. Rather than hardening Kino, the bullying has made him sweeter.


Kino has been bullied his whole life. From elementary school to middle school, taunts like "shrimp!" "Crybaby!" "Wimp!" "Loser!" And "weirdo" have followed him from school to school (he's transferred three times). He never had any friends but his brother, Kolby, who went off to college. This year, he's hoping to at least make one friend, maybe even join a club....


He speaks with a bit of a stutter at first, but when he warms up to you, he has a soft spoken educated pattern of speech.



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Seraph Nemmi





School year:





Moon Pendant : Temporary Werewolf Control, Using this she can transform into a Werewolf at anytime for a short amount of time and remain in control. It takes a lot of toll on her and she usually ends up passing out after a full usage. Can use it once a day for the full 10 minute limit.

Night of the Full Moon : Usually would be the only time she would transform into a Werewolf, Seraph on these nights cannot control herself as a Werewolf. Resulting in fatal injuries to those around her. She usually keeps herself locked up tight

Natural Strength : When not transformed she has this great strength that would surprise any Human, though it is nothing compared to when she is transformed. Same goes for speed and reactions, she greater proficiency in both but as a Werewolf it's monstrous.




<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/RivenReflection.jpg.8bf1d109af50c15bc8aabfe004c1e997.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="79065" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/RivenReflection.jpg.8bf1d109af50c15bc8aabfe004c1e997.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>
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She's now used to wearing not so much clothing, it usually ends up getting ripped to shreds so she sticks to sports wear or something loose. She has never been seen to wear anything formal also. She keeps her white hair tied up and when she transforms her Red Eyes become Green, her Werewolf fur is Silver like her hair.


Sera for Short. She usually does well on her own as she has had to for a while, being a Werewolf you don't get too many friends. She seems pretty rock solid on the outside and serious, but when you eventually befriend and get to know he she'll relax a little bit more, becoming slightly playful and showing more of a "girly" side. She is pretty Tomboy-ish, not the type to wear dresses and isn't too ashamed to show off her strength instead of her grace.

She's not really quick to anger, she can tolerate a lot as she's used to it all now. She doesn't get bothered by insults, though this may also be a flaw as when her friends are insulted she doesn't see a problem - and can sometimes be pretty insensitive.


She knew her parents for most of her childhood, only started developing the Werewolf curse later on. They were too afraid of her after the incident with her Older Brother, he's dead now and they ran off. She was in that house all her life until the High School found her.

The only reason she developed the Werewolf curse was because of a Vacation the Family went on, they had bought a Pendant from this Lady, it wasn't just an ordinary pendant though. Seraph carried it most after that, she always had it as a matter of fact, and it grabbed onto her, she never knew why it grabbed onto her specifically after being given it. She had gotten rid of it though, until she realised that it didn't matter, the curse had now become part of her. The Pendant still had some use though, she managed to find it again, took a while, she buried it in the middle of no where and spent a week digging it up.

She was once in a relationship with an Elf Male, but he was killed and feasted on by Vampires whilst she was in her cage to protect him from herself - but in the end she couldn't protect him. After that she became a little more enclosed, this is why you only see her soft side once you get to know her, though it will take a while even then. There is a lot of hard surface to dig through.





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Name: Felix Grimsferd

Gender: Male

Age: 17


School year: Sophomore

(Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, or Senior)

Species: Demigod

(Human, ghoul, vampire, fairy, werewolf, etc.)

Power(s): Can create illusions (Sound, Image, Smell, and Light physical contact)

(if you choose human, specify why your character is special)

Sexuality: Straight


Appearance: (Look at profile pic) Average height, Muscular but with a thin frame

(Please upload a picture and a small description)

Personality: Mischievous, Loyal to those he considers friends, Cautious, Does not like to fight and when he gets involved with one he uses trickery to escape or confuse his opponent

(One paragraph minimum)

Backstory: His mother died when he was 9, he never knew his father, when his mother was alive she vaguely talked about him being a demigod, mainly when she was drunk. When his mother died the pain and grief somehow activated the non-human part of his brain and allowed him to create illusions. He has used this to live alone since then until he got an invitation to Lakoria High.

(One paragraph minimum of the character's past, including any particular events that are important to the character)

Extras: Demigod, Son of the Norse God Loki, Has a human mother

Name: Laefon Rein

Gender: Male

Age: 17

School year: Senior

Species: Human


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/Laefon.jpg.d42921b43244bb43447f5213c76c81f6.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="79114" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/Laefon.jpg.d42921b43244bb43447f5213c76c81f6.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Power(s): Laefon while living on his own began to discover he had a power. This first came to his attention when a grizzly bear nearly had him for an afternoon snack. Just as the bear paw touched his arm when clawing at him he thought of the bears arm just popping like a balloon, and that is pretty much what it did. Laefon had caused the grizzlies arm to explode. Since then he has been able to cause internal combustion within any physical piece of matter. Little does Laefon know this is the cause of him being able to access all of his brain instead of just a small piece like most humans. As he use his power more he will learn many other things that the brain as a whole is capable of, but for now making things explode into pieces is enough. One disadvantage to this power is that Laefon must first touch the item that he is going to destroy. Once he does though, he can make it go boom anytime he feels like it. Along with internal combustion, Laefon is had become a very fast runner, having to hunt for his food when ever he was hungry. That was about the only time he purposely did anything to physically demanding. His top speed at a full sprint was around 60 mph. Normally this would be labeled supernatural, but his total control over his brain allowed him to take the restrictions off his muscles so that he could use them their full strength. This enabled him to run faster and become stronger than any regular human ever could be. Despite all the power he is capable of using he hardly uses his strengths unless he absolutely has to.

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Personality: Laefon is very neutral when it comes to well , everything. He really doesn't particularly like to many things nor does he particularly dislike anything, and if he does like or dislike something he probably won't take the time to tell you. He's extremely lazy, but will do pretty much what ever everyone else is doing just to blend and avoid explain why he doesn't want to do anything. Hes is very smart, but his laziness keeps him from trying hard at anything especially if he doesn't have to. You'll he him say things out loud or make comments on whats going on around him. He doesn't really talk to people when he talks he just talks, pretty much saying whatever is on is mind at that very moment.

Backstory:When Laefon was little he was diagnosed with short term memory loss, even though his memory was fine, he just remembered what he was paying attention to and nothing else. Laefon never went to school or had any studies, but his common sense and pure intelligence makes up for what he never was actually taught. At age 10 wandered away from home, he didn't run away, he simply wandered off. He was found by a family of campers 4 years later that took him to the police. No one knew who he was so he was sent a foster home, where he would be adopted by an older couple that could not have any children of their own. They did their best to home school him and some how he made it to the 12th grade. His parents felt it would be could for him to develop social skills and learn to interact with other people his age. A lot of the Laefon's past is unknown to him and everyone else.



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Name: Miyuki Aurora Luneve

Gender: female

Age: 14

School Year: Willow's pet

Species: Frost Leopard/kemonomimi shifter

Power(s): Frost powers (Leaves a trail of frost wherever she goes, can control ice), shifting (Can shift between leopard and kemonomimi forms)

Sexuality: bisexual


Frost Leopard




Personality: Miyu is very shy and quiet, with a lot of trust issues. She is very sweet to people she likes but will be cold and careless towards others. She wont reveal her kemonomimi form to most people.

Backstory: Miyuki's parents were killed by hunters when she was 6. This caused Miyu's deep mistrust of most people. She remains in leopard form for fear of how people might react. The zoo keepers found her a couple months after her parents died, and not knowing she was a shifter kemonomimi added her to their collection of mythical creatures. She has remained at the zoo as their Frost Leopard attraction for the past seven years.

Extras: She is very cuddly <3

Name: Hina

Gender: Female

Age: 14


School year: Hak's Pet

(Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, or Senior)

Species: Snow Tiger (Hybrid)

(Human, ghoul, vampire, fairy, werewolf, etc.)

Power(s): (Being KAWAII :3) (Probs just their to make Willow Jealous ;) )

(if you choose human, specify why your character is special)

Sexuality: Straight (Only feels love towards Hak)





Hina is very upfront and mean at points, mostly because she loves Hak and doesn't want anyone else touching him, but throughout the RP as it goes along, I'll make it so she learns how to be friendly with some people :3


Well, Idk find out in RP LOL.


Too Fecking cute, idk actually
Name:Leon Yosif

Gender: Male

Age: 17

School year: Junior

Species: Centaur

Power(s): Leon has super-strength and a amazing connection to nature. His natural link to nature allows Leon to access nature magic which allows Leon to control things like vines or help a plant grow. He can't however create or destroy nature using this magic. His magical abilities also has its limits because it takes a lot out of Leon to use this magic to do anything other than allow a plant to mature faster. If he uses plants as a method of attacking, it puts extreme strain onto his body and will sometimes tire him to the point in which he can barely stand.


Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/14596-360396243.jpg.1fb12907d1c6b559b9699ce18c742b4d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="79495" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/14596-360396243.jpg.1fb12907d1c6b559b9699ce18c742b4d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> (with the lower half of a brown stallion and just imagine a set of basic glasses with a black frame)

(Please upload a picture and a small description)


Despite Leon's bulky look, he isn't a lumbering beast. In fact, he's quite the opposite. He puts school first and wants to become a exemplary student and tries to put his work first instead of parties and that one cute girl in his math class. However, Leon has his occasional outburst...maybe not occasional...just try not to get the big guy angry, okay? This does make Leon's rowdy side show a bit as he'll occasionally goof off (not in class however) and might act like a dork to get a good laugh out of his friends. Most of the time however, Leon is just at the desk in his room, reading or taking notes for that big test coming up next week.

Backstory: Leon's life started off well, he was young, had a father, a mother, and that's all he wanted. He loved both of his parents very much but one day his mother and father got into a very heated argument when he was younger, resulting in his mother leaving. His father could personally had cared less about this and raised Leon by himself. Leon grew up with the occasional rebellion against his father, but would usually end up calming down the next day. Now, Leon is accepting of the fact that his mother is gone, there's really no telling where she could have gone. he also accepts that now, he needs to find a way to not only support himself but his father. There's not much Leon can do now but study up and hopefully become a successful...something (he still hasn't worked that part out just yet).


  • Owns a bow, quiver of arrows, and spear and knows how to use them
  • Doesn't always give out rides on his back (don't try to jump onto his back either, not unless you want two hooves to the head)
  • In times of extreme anger, Leon might actually begin to snort like a wild stallion



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Name: Rhianna

Gender: Female

Age: 18


School year: Senior

(Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, or Senior)

Species: Shadow

(Human, ghoul, vampire, fairy, werewolf, etc.)


(if you choose human, specify why your character is special) Blend in with surroundings.

Become a shadow.


Striking fear in people with just a glance.

Sexuality: straight



(Please upload a picture and a small description)<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/image.jpg.b72eeaae2d4b56d98ded08c286ee1dab.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="79539" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/image.jpg.b72eeaae2d4b56d98ded08c286ee1dab.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Just wears mainly black ALLLLL the time, she is pale, and has a nice slim figure. And long raven black, straight hair. Her eyes do occasionally glow blue depending on her emotion.

Personality: She's: Cold, silent, mysterious. But on the inside she somewhat kinder and sarcastic. And she has a dark humor. She likes dark things and music and is generally found in a c dark corner. And if somebody picks a fight with her she chooses to ignorant or get physical, depending on what the fights about. And she gets mean quickly due to her short temper.

(One paragraph minimum)

Backstory: Before she was a shadow, everything was great. Good family, nice friends. Then in 7th grade her family got into a car accident. Driving off the edge of a bridge. None survived. She changed a lot and her friends quickly left her. She became very dark and committed suicide at 9th grade..... But somehow instead of moving on she became a half shadow.

(One paragraph minimum of the character's past, including any particular events that are important to the character)





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N a m e

Kurotani Yato

[Last, First]

A g e


G e n d e r


B i r t h d a y

January 22nd

S e x u a l i t y


[Can't talk to girls, however]

G r a d e


A p p e a r a n c e

Yato only stands to be about 5'4 and is highly insecure about that. His hair resembles that of a mullet, reaching down to his upper back in a scruffy, spiky manner. He often always wears a black beaning over his head to avoid his hair being all over the place. His signature headphones remained either over his ears, or around his neck for when he needs to block someone out, which happens frequently. He weighs around the same as a girl, but has more muscle and is better toned than some of the opposite gender...and maybe even some of the same. Yato's eyes are sharp, but round, carrying a honey-brown color to them and long bottom lashes. His jaw is rounded, and he has a snaggle tooth when smiling. His clothing consists of baggy, long shirts and large hoodies as well. A lot of times he'll be seen wearing long shorts, but favors jeans more. His shoes are always the same. He carries himself with a lazy demeanor and slumped shoulders, a mean and irritated expression often slapped on his face.

S p e c i e s


A b i l i t i e s

Yato was born gifted with a strange, burning aura, which he has complete control of. The aura is a pinkish red and surrounds his body at his command. The aura is very tangible, but can also be turned solid to use as a weapon. However, Yato prefers fighting with a baseball bat, and just using the aura to make it stronger. This aura is very powerful and can break almost anything if he uses enough effort. It can be thrown at a target, or can ooze around another to strangle them. The aura grants him speed and other heightened skills. Yato is creative with his abilities, and likes to have fun. For example, he'll shape his hand in the form of a gun and pretend he's shooting at his target with a real one, despite the bullets just being hardened aura. The aura, however, can pierce the person he's "shooting" at.

P e r s o n a l i t y

Yato is a temperamental, hard-headed, stubborn, grouchy, and animal-fearing teen with a passion for skateboarding. He enjoys a good fight, and is difficult to get along with because of his overpowering tendencies. He feels as though he must always come out on top, much to the annoyance of others. Yato in competitive and ill-mannered, often calling others by randomly given nicknames based on their appearances. He also has a height complex, and thinks that any time someone insults him, or makes a comment that can be taken as an insult they're deriving it from his height. He is quick to jump to conclusions, and thinks he's always right. This would be a sign of his self-centered and stubborn personality. Yato is also afraid of girls, and doesn't know how to react to them when in conversation. He tends to stray from their paths and stick to the male crowds. He is sometimes cocky, but knows when he can't win...and will back down...hesitantly. He is terrified of any animal and will run when face-to-face with one. Chipmunks, dogs, cats, anything...he'll run like a girl. Yato isn't very intelligent, and doesn't keep up his grades very often.

B a c k s t o r y

Yato grew up without any parents or siblings, but he never acknowledges that he was alone. In his mind, he was just free and got to do whatever he wanted to do. The reason for these conditions would be because of how poor his parents were before giving birth, so when the boy entered the world, they left him wrapped in a blanket on someone's doorstep. However, what they didn't know was that no one lived there...so that was a fail. Instead of being taken in by a loving family, Yato was found by a group of thugs, which took him in and raised him. Well, their boss raised him. Yato grew to be very close with the leader, and eventually got his own ranking as second in command. No one really took that seriously though. I mean, he was just a kid. After being caught stealing from a convenience store, Yato was placed in a temporary home with a lovely couple who had always wanted a son, but they couldn't conceive. This wasn't any permanent arrangement, and would only last until an agency could fit him into their system. Yato didn't know this, however, and ran away to find Kyousuke, his gang leader. And he did, indeed, find him. Kyousuke was explained the situation, and decided to escape to another city with Yato, which they did. And ever since, Yato has been living with Kyousuke in a small, run down apartment where the rent is cheap. Kyousuke is also the one who sparked Yato's love for skateboarding. They're both very good at it. Although, Kyousuke's better - Yato denies this. Every now and then, Kyousuke and Yato call up some of the old gang members to check in on them and see how everything is going. They're all basically one big happy family. Sometimes the others even come in to visit them on their own, bringing food and drinks to party.



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