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Fantasy Lakoria High School

~*Laika Flynn*~

Turning her attention away from the toast people, she looked around to see if her class was anywhere to be found. Of course, that was a bad idea, since one of those toast people was running straight for her and maybe she could have dodged if she had have noticed sooner. Catching a glimpse of the guy now running in her direction her eyes widened as she went to take a step back "W-Wait W-" she wasn't quick enough as he ran straight into her knocking her onto the ground, she let a yelp in surprise as it happened. Did he.... purposely steer into her? It sure as heck looked like it, now on the ground she stared at whoever had ran into her, rubbing the side of her neck with her hand.


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Jay's eyes widened in horror (for the fourth time that day) as Columbus decided to - well, strip. "OH, GOD!" His hands quickly shot up to protect his face. "Oh good god, Columbro! Stripping like that - it's indecent! It's horrid! I can't believe - oh, you're wearing a hoodie." Jay lowered his hands after a small peek revealed that Columbus was not, in fact, Cinna-momma returning from the strip club to haunt him. "Geez Louise. Almost gave me a heart attack. I'm a taken boy, you know, and Nyx is the only one who can-"

Jay's words were cut off abruptly as a piece of toast shot out from the air and into Columbus's mouth. In the split second that it happened, one word flashed through Jay's mind - divine retribution. Okay, that was two words. He had no idea where the thought came from, or why an evil toast baron like Columbus would deserve a fate like this - but he digressed. In slow-motion, he reached for Columbus, but the other boy was already running down the stairs, about to plow into another girl. Jay reached his hand out in slow motion, almost suspensefully... but he definitely couldn't make it in time. It was almost like a terribly-filmed drama movie, with Jay's mouth open wide enough to fit a whole c - arrier pigeon in it. "NOOOOOOO...!"

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@Columbus shot up and patted his body in thankfulness, he looked to the girl on the ground in thanks, "Thank you miss! Anime rules dictated that I couldn't stop running until I ran into a girl or made it to class, you just happened to be closer!" He extended a hand, "I feel like I should help you because you're a non-NPC you seem a little shaken up. I'm not that bad, promise, I just sell toast and stuff!"


~*Laika Flynn*~

She looked at him with an even more confused expression and a raised eyebrow ".....W-What?" Was all that fell out of her mouth at first as the boy patted himself off and extended his hand to her. "A-Anime rules?" That was a thing? Nothing that was coming from the boys mouth was making much sense to her at this moment, probably because she hit her head or well his words were just confusing to her. All she knew was this place was a heck of a lot different than home.

Grabbing the hand in front of her she had finally processed his words "U-Uhm, you're welcome? and uh, thanks as well" she said with a nod to this toast seller, trusting his words, how bad could a guy who sells toast be??


Columbus appeared in a suit once more and snapped his fingers once more at Jay, "Employee! Give this woman a lifetime supply of toast on the double, we can't let this get out to the public!" He tore away the suit once more and clapped his hands, "Anyways, my name is Columbus! I'm a zombie and the coolest person at the school, don't check that with anybody because they'll beat me up! Anyways who are you? Don't leave me please, I'm desperate for validation from people..."

@Nonalaka @Lotusy
"Employee - what - I can't even -?" Jay sputtered, trying and failing to grasp onto the situation. "What do you mean, employee? Wait, why is this suit on me?" He stretched out his arms, inspecting the business suit that just suddenly appeared on him. "Y-you know what, fine! Sure, I'm an Employee, but how am I supposed to get the toa-" His words caught in his throat as a huge shadow suddenly engulfed the three of them. Looking up, it turned out the ten pigeons were trying and straining, but successfully carrying a huge crate of toast in an attempt to be meaningful plot devices as per Columbus's orders. Then, with some not-so-graceful squawks and caws, the crate snapped free from its restraints, plunging to a smashing halt next to the three students, burying them in toast. In a fit of desperation, Jay clamped his mouth shut, trying to hold himself away from the toast as long as he could.

'Who is this new kid? Are they all just growing out of the damn ground!?'

'I thought we were going to the museum?'

'No, we were going to look for the person i love most!.'

'Jason, I told you already, Sasuke is not real.'

'But he could be!! We haven't looked hard enough!!' He sobbed. 'And I wasn't even talking about him! I was talking about jay!'

Pluto leaned against the cart and watched the new kid stuff his face.

'The damn brat is eating all our food!!'

Pluto smiled at the guy. "As Aptual has said, my name is Pluto! Also yes I go to the school near here. It's very.... Nice."

'Hey, should we make a run for it?'

@metalcity @GingerBread @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII @Knight Artorias
Nyx took a moment to glare up at Jason You even think about going out with Jay and I'll put you through all of hell ten times over. He's mine and no one else's. You got that? Nyxen then flopped down on his side in the cart. Yes, let's just leg it before they notice I'm here. Who knows what other sort of inhumane torture they'll put me through next! By the way when I say leg it, I mean you push the cart as fast as you can while I lay back and relax. Where's that cat I was using my pillow before? He was comfortable

@Magical Squid Senpai @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII @Knight Artorias @metalcity

~*Laika Flynn*~

She blinked a few times as she stared at the boy....A life time supply of toast? He was kidding, right? The food would go bad before she even made a dent in the pile! Laika continued to stare at him as he introduced himself.... A zombie? She wasn't allowed to watch to many movies back home but she had seen what a zombie was in them before....she tilted her head as her eyes examined his form. Well, looked like real zombies were different, and he didn't bite a chunk out of her arm so they must be very different... That was a good thing of course, she'd obviously like to keep all of her appendages and limbs intact. She looked at him a bit confused when he said don't leave him, not the immediate thing you'd say to a girl you just ran over like a snow plough, bit she was confused and a bit lost and this guys was from her school apparently, so she decided to stick with those two for a while. With a gentle nod of the head she then introduced herself "Laika Flynn, I'm a wolf spirit and I've just joined the school this morning..." She said before the shadow rose above them, causing her to look up, it looked kind of magical at first, seeing all these wings carrying a package like little angels, of course the grace of the object fell fast when its realised it was a bunch of pigeons carrying a box of burnt bread. Not only the grace of the object fell, the object, fell, drowning the trio in toast. Woah he wasn't kidding, quickly shutting her eyes as the toast surrounded her, she then popped her head out of the top of the pile, a slice of toast balancing on her head "W-What am I supposed to do with all this?!" She said looking all around her, sure she was a dog so she liked food...but this, this was more than a bit excessive.


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"Wow she is way to obssesed with cute things best not let her find out fluffy exsists." Noah thought internally cringing at what ner reaction woud be like if she ever met a hellhound even though the might have a terrifying name they were actually kind of cute looking they basically looked like black labradours with a slight red tint in there eyeris nothing really scary about them.

@Magical Squid Senpai @GingerBread @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII @metalcity
Columbus's head popped up from under the mountain of bread. He growled at Jay as he brushed the toast pieces of his expensive Gucci suit, "You idiot! I meant for it to be delivered to her house, why must you be so incompetent?! You're fired!" He turned back to Laika with an apologetic smile, "So sorry, interns you know? Can never find any good ones now a days..." He tore off the suit once more and threw it into the growing pile of rip-off suits on the street.

He gasped at the sight of the toast on her head,
"Be careful! If that gets into your mouth, you'll be held captive under it's spell! We need to call a professional to deal with it...Though I wish it didn't have to come to this..." He pulled out a full blown 70's style cell phone from his hoodie and dialed a number. It rung a few times before he connected to somebody, "Hello? Kevin, is Steve there? What do you mean he's still looking for his dog?! I need him right now though! Fine, I'll deal with it myself this time, but he's paying double next time!"

He hung up and turned back to Laika and Jay, "I have bad news, I have to deal with this myself, and I have no idea what to do... This might get messy..."


~*Laika Flynn*~

"Its fine really..." Laika looked back at him with a questioning expression on her face, even if they were delivered to her home she still wouldn't be able to eat all that! She raised a brow at his next statement as she stared at the ridiculously old phone he had, where did he even get that?, wait a minute, she couldn't even eat the god damn toast? What was the point of having it then?! Pouting a little for a moment, she moved her hand near the top of her head almost touching the toast "C-Can't I just move it myself?" She asked looking between the two.


Jay waved his arms frantically as Laika tried to touch the toast on top of her head. "NONONO! DON'T - I mean, you really don't want to do that!" As Jay tried to convince Laika not to touch the toast, his flock of pigeons alighted beside the pile of toast, staring at it fearfully. "Look, I don't know how to explain it to you, just don't - er, here. Hey, boys! Can one of you help little ol' Jay with a toast problem?" The pigeons backed away in fear, with Jay's sweetened words being no incentive for them to come closer. "That wasn't a suggestion," Jay said sternly, his face bearing an unsettling glare. The pigeons gulped collectively, and quickly huddled in a pigeon-gaggle. After a few intense squawks and caws, the pushed an unwilling Rutherford to the front, fearfully trying to escape back into the huddle. Without missing a beat, Jay grabbed his pigeon. "Look, this is what happens. Just - hold still!" He quickly shived a piece of toast into the pigeon's mouth, and with a muffled squawk, Rutherford shot off at speeds rivalling Dr. Schmetterling when huffing Jerome. "I think that's the best demonstration. Really, don't touch it."

After that, Jay quickly turned back to Columbus. "Hold on, why do you need to do that? Why not just, like, bring in a whole bunch of schoolgirls to crash into - no wait, actually, that's against the law." He scratched his chin before coming up with another idea. "I know! What if we just airlift a whole bunch of classrooms over here? I mean, what could go wrong with a hundred metric tons of brick and concrete coming down at terminal velocity?"


~*Laika Flynn*~

Just as she was about to touch it she heard the other boy that was yet to introduce himself screeching at her to stop, her hand paused in place as he spoke. She stared at him curiously as he force fed the pigeon, which she felt truly sorry for as it had the toast stuffed in his mouth. She watched the pigeon to see what this was all about before he shot off at high speeds, making her jump back a bit "W-What the-" ah, right, so that's why Columbus ran into her earlier with the whole anime rule thing. She slowly lowered her hand from her head, it was obviously in her best interests now to not touch the crazy cursed toast. But now how was she supposed to get out of all this. Apparently the best plan that was on offer was airlifting a building. No. Nononono what if it fell on them?! "W-What?! What if it drops and we get squished?!, no amount of toast is going to cushion the blow of a building collapsing on you, and She really did not want to become a human pancake but then again, these too seemed to know how to handle the toast thing she guessed.


"YEAH, YOU HEARD ME DAVID! I NEED LIKE, FIFTY CLASSROOMS AIRDROPPED ON MY SPOT RIGHT NOW" He put away his phone and smiled at Laika and Jay, "Way ahead of you guys, just ordered the airdrop!" It was then that an even darker shadow came over them, only to be joined by forty-nine more. Columbus smiled as he looked upwards, "Okay David, drop them!" The classrooms came crashing down quickly, approaching the three of them quickly...

"Woohoo! That's how it's done!" Celebration was the only thing on Jay's mind as Columbus's immensly successful buisness dropped fifty classrooms on their area. "Oh, what a time to be alive!" His pigeons also cooed racously before dispersing, scattering and flying away from the quickly-plummeting buildings. Meanwhile, while celebrating, Jay was actually mindlessly drawing a piece of toast ever-closer to his mouth - until he took a bite out of it. His legs quickly seized up, and he soon shot out of the toast pile. While running, he also shoved a piece of toast into Columbus's mouth, but refrained from doing so to Laika because that would end his toast-streak. "Mmph mmf-mm mmmmph!" He yelled as the quickly became a glint in the distance.

'Ya'll need to chill. I'm not gonna date Jay! I'm gonna marry him!!'

This girl scares me.'

Narupo sat on top of Plutos head and looked Jason square in the face. 'Who is Jay? Why do you wanna take another man's boyfriend? You heartless bastard.'

'Wow, get out of my face you damn orange creamsicle!'

Jackal jumped up next to Nyx and purred as he cuddled up with him.

Pluto gave Aptual a worried look. "Please calm down before you get yourself. Yes, you will get to see him...maybe. Anyway, we gotta goooo, nooow." He slowly pulled the cart away from the two. "It was nice meeting you guys! Sorry to run but Lord fluffbottom the third needs his beauty sleep!"

@GingerBread @metalcity @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII @Knight Artorias
You won't be able to even think if you keep going on like that Jason. Jay. Is. Mine. And. Only. Mine. Try and change that and, well, find out what happens Jason Nyx looked up briefly at Jason to glare at him. Nyxen then scooted closer to Jackal, so that he could lay his head on top of him. You're actually kinda soft and fluffy. Best Pillow, I've ever had. Ten out of ten, would use as a pillow again.

@Magical Squid Senpai @metalcity @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII @Knight Artorias
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~*Laika Flynn*~

Laika watched Columbus as he called for the classrooms, fifty of them?? Did they really need that many?! Looking up she could see them arriving, looking like an army of angry concrete giants as they fell, Laika went to start moving before to two boys she was with ate the weird toast and shot out infront of her "Y-You're just gonna leave me here?!" She called as she went to run as well, obviously not as fast as the toast filled maniacs. The classrooms all crashed down, causing her to shriek in surprise as she jumped forward the buildings all landing inches behind her. Hyperventaling for a moment after her near death experience she looked in the direction they ran off in "W-What the hell?!! I almost died there!" She called before walking in the direction they were heading to catch up with them.


Aptual held a sad smiled on her face as the boy took the kitten away. "O-oh, bye then! Thanks for letting me play with your kitten." She waved at the two. She turned to Dom with a more cheerful smile "I think we made some new best friends! I can't wait to meet them again." Aptual turned to face Noah. "So Noah, what are you? You look pretty human." Aptual asked, she got close to him and carefully paced herself around him. Making sure to hunt for any strange features on him.

"I'm a Reaper, I kill old people for a living." Noah said with no hint of sarcasm or irony he just put it extremely bluntly "Now for what I can do it's kinda complicated as I haven't mastered all the things I can do yet only the stuff that Death has taught me to do and as for Death he is kind of like my adopted father he has been since I kinda sorta got shot in the head and my head went practically everywhere." Noah happens to be great at parties as he says everthing incredibly bluntly.

Aptual laughed "Thats funny! And I'm a demonic little brat that likes to harass animals!" she laughed out in a fit, going along with the boys joke. She started to calm down from their 'jokes' and took in a deep breath to fully calm down "Now you told us that hilarious joke, do you mind telling us what you really are?" Aptual giggled a little, thinking back to less than a minute ago when he joked.

Noah looked at Aptual a bit confused and then realised that she thought he was 'joking' he sighed and went on to repeat himself "I literally just told you what I am, I am a repear I harvest the souls of people who are close to dying but don't worry Aptual you have a good..." Noah paused as he looked her up and down trying to figure out when she will die "...okay seems I can't tell when you are going to die guessing death hasnt't let me have that little ability yet" Noah said this time not being so blunt with his words.

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Aptual laughed again "I get it! you can stop with that joke! what if I go first? I'm a werewolf. And that guy over there is a vampire! ahhhh, so spooky." Aptual giggled as she pointed at Dom. "Now could you please share what you are?" Aptual asked, shaking a little.


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