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Fantasy Lakoria High School

Nyxen looked up at the snake and was met by the creepy smile it had on it's face. 'I..I wouldn't eat me if I were you. I don't think I taste nice. But I might actually, I wonder how kitten tastes... Anyway, I wouldn't eat me if I were you. It's not something I'd recommend.' Nyxen looked away from the snake, avoiding eye contact with it. Not sure how to stop the anaconda if it did decide to eat him

'I would like to spend more time with you as well. You're right though, I think I will try and talk to him. He has to listen to me after I've been so loyal to him, right?' Richard smiled at Jackal as she moved at a faster pace, quickly catching up with the cart. Though before she could say anything, Nyx started talking. 'Holy crap, you're still here Richard. I thought I got rid of you already. Oh well, I guess I can that now.' Nyxen silently willed Richard to disappear. 'I swear I have the worst memory sometimes'

@Magical Squid Senpai
Lotusy said:
Jay cried tears of joy as Columbus called him his favorite intern. "Y-yessir," he sniffled, fist clenched in an almost celebratory manner. He harkended to his boss's mournful tale about being pushed out by Pluto Corp, the largest drug traffiking business in town, then suddenly - "Yessir, Yessir! Amen! I'll do my- wait, what?" The moisture quickly disappeared from Jay's eyes as Columbus mentioned that he'd be laid off. "Nonono! This can't be happening!" He quickly shot up from his spot in the bushes. "NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!" With a defeated sigh, he collapsed to the ground again. "Oh, glorious dreams of toast! How could you possibly be beaten by the cruel, cruel world of drugs? I cannot stand for this!" Jay quickly whirled around to face Columbus. "Boss! You may not hire me anymore, but I must do one last favor for this company! Would you aide me in hunting down that bastardous drug lord, and join me in putting his head on a stake? Say you will, boss!"
Columbus smacked Jay in the face, "You foolish fool! We are a respectable company, and I will not allow you to run our name through the dirt by killing another owner! Even if they are snake scum..." He shook his head before looking back up at Jay, "Pluto may be a problem, but I will never stoop to his level. I am disgusted by you intern, here, take your last paycheck and leave..." Columbus gave Jay a check for -870 dollars. He then cleared his throat and extended his hand, "Now pay up..."

"Ohmy!" Jay reeled as he received a hard smack in the face by Columbus. As he turned his eyes back up again, they burned with disgust. He (melodramatically) wiped the blood from his face, which only kinda smeared it even more. "I can't believe you, boss," he spat, glaring back at Columbus. "Can't you realize that revenge is the only answer? Even if it means mounting his head on the wall, I'll do it! I swear! He's taken too many lives with the spells his drugs, and-" Jay began to choke up, as his eyes became more moist than a poorly-made fried chicken dinner - which was to say, very. "I've *sniff* even done drugs, too." A small choked sob welled out from Jay, and he quickly grabbed the check and used it to dab up his tears, covering it in blood, tears, and disgustingly enough, snot. "I can't... I can't even..." With that, he fell face-first, meeting the ground with a sickening thud. Ten long seconds of silence passed, and Jay suddenly sprang up, face tearless with no sign of any crying. "Much better. What did I miss?"

(I think Jay conveniently getting retrograde amnesia is the new headcanon... how about it?)

Dom wasn't entirely confused now, what the hell was Aptual doing? What the hell did she mean that his leg was comfy? Wasn't that something that cat do and said? "Do you need to see a psychiatrist?" He asked her with a tilted head. @metalcity
"I'm not a kid so nope I'm not hearing some guy story when I don't feel or want to talk to him, simple as that." He said to her before bonking her head with his fist but he knew it wouldn't hurt a lot. "I want to go eat some sweets so I'll see ya later." He started to walk away, knowing that talking about sweets will get her to come. @metalcity
"Owie!" She reacted to the fist, she latched onto his leg harder as he started to fall "Be careful! I'm still here!" She called out, trying to secure her grip. When he heard about the sweets her grip became a little loose. "Sweets..." Aptual started to droll on Dom's leg.

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Columbus shook his head at Jay, walking away out form the bush, "I'm not dealing with this again, I'll have my lawyers contact you Jay..." He walked out from the bush, looking at the skeleton with the name tag on it and gasping, "OH MY GOD! IT'S AN IMPOSTOR!" He jumped on the bones, tumbling through the sidewalk and making a dust cloud, it cleared up for a moment to reveal Columbus with skeletal hands around his neck as he was being choked out. They tussled once more, making a dust cloud again to reveal Columbus putting the skeleton in a headlock. The cloud was made one last time to reveal Columbus standing above the skeleton with a femur in his hand, scratches and dirt covering him from head to toe.

He let out a yell and walked back over to Laika and Soul, waving a bone in front of Soul,
"I brought this to you! It's the result of a ten year battle of good and evil!"

@Nonalaka @XXXIwolf
Soul Holloway

Soul watches Columbus wrestle with the imposter. She drops a sweat seeing Columbus stand victorious before offering Soul the femur. She sniffs it and licks Cloumbus hand as thanks before biting on the offered bone and crunching on it. Soul wags her bushy tail and climbs on Columbus' left shoulder.

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Jay grumbles as Columbus suddenly turned sour and said he'd set a lawyer on him. Honestly, he didn't even know how Columbus got a lawyer, or what just happened - in fact, the only thing he was feeling was a craving for grapefruit juices. As he steps out of the bushes, late to Columbus's brawl with the classroom skeleton, he gasps at the sight of Mr. Skeletal all ruined on the ground. "Oh my!" Jay quickly rushed over to the pile of plastic bones, putting them together until all he was missing was a femur. "Darn," he muttered, before sticking the apple where the femur had orginally been. With a smooth sweep, he picked the skeleton up before walking over to Columbus. As he got closer, he saw something distinctly bushier - no, furrier on Columbus's shoulder, causing him to gasp again. "Columbro! You're starting to mold! I think it's- oh, wait." As he got closer, Jay realized that the figure on Columbus's shoulder was, in fact, actually a small wolf. "Oh, hi there," he said softly, stooping a bit to look at the wolf. "I know he's dead, but I wouldn't go eating his corpse yet, you know? Like, one hundred years old and all..." Jay extended a hand to Soul, before stopping himself. "Sorry, may I? Pet you, I mean? Or can you understand me?"

Soul Holloway

Soul looks at the man speaking to him named Jay while nibbling on the femur handed to by Columbus. She stood silent for almost three minutes just staring at Jay. Soul finally sniffs his hand and crawls on Jay's stretched out hand. She sniffs his hair trying to imprint Jay's scent before wagging her bushy tail. Soul rubs her cheek against Jay's and before grabbing his face with her tiny paws and licks his cheek up to his hair giving Jay a cow lick. In other words she approves of Jay.

Jay smiled as Soul decided to crawl onto his hand, laughing a bit as he felt the fur on his skin. "Hah, that tickles a bit!" He laughed a bit more as she licked his face, then finally controlled himself. "Oh, geez." A hand went up to steady Soul as he kneeled down, rummaging amongst Mr. Skeletal's remains. After a short search, he came up with the apple, then offered it to Soul as he stood back up. "Sorry about that," he said softly. "But anyways, do you want this? The bone is a bunch of plastic from a classroom set, so I'd imagine this tastes much better."

@XXXIwolf @Nonalaka
Soul Holloway

Soul drops the femur and reaches for the Apple Jay has offered her. She looks at Jay and chirps a, "Kyu!" Sound as a thank you. She smiles and nuzzles her cheek against Jay's before returning to the red apple and taking a bite out of it. Once she gulps, Soul's eyes lit up with how delicious the Apple tasted. Unable to hold herself back she munches faster on the apple.

Columbus gasps and snatches the apple away from Soul, "No, don't eat that! I've seen enough Snow White to know the apple is poison!" He puts a piece of toast in the pup's mouth before smiling, "My work here is done! No need to thank me...You know what, to celebrate, I think I'm gonna do something I swore I would do a long time ago..."

@Nonalaka @XXXIwolf @Lotusy
GingerBread said:
Nyxen looked up at the snake and was met by the creepy smile it had on it's face. 'I..I wouldn't eat me if I were you. I don't think I taste nice. But I might actually, I wonder how kitten tastes... Anyway, I wouldn't eat me if I were you. It's not something I'd recommend.' Nyxen looked away from the snake, avoiding eye contact with it. Not sure how to stop the anaconda if it did decide to eat him

'I would like to spend more time with you as well. You're right though, I think I will try and talk to him. He has to listen to me after I've been so loyal to him, right?' Richard smiled at Jackal as she moved at a faster pace, quickly catching up with the cart. Though before she could say anything, Nyx started talking. 'Holy crap, you're still here Richard. I thought I got rid of you already. Oh well, I guess I can that now.' Nyxen silently willed Richard to disappear. 'I swear I have the worst memory sometimes'

@Magical Squid Senpai
'Kittens taste good. That I know. But I won't eat you. Cause your actually a human.'

Jackal stopped dead in his tracks when Richard was so rudely taken away. He gasped. 'No! Madam Richard!' He then glared at the shopping cart that held Nyx. 'That is it! I will not stand for this!' He ran after Pluto and the cart and hopped on. He pulled Nyx from the anaconda and held him down. Seeing as poor Nyx was only a kitten and Jackal was already a pretty big cat, Nyx would probably rather be with the anaconda. 'How dare you treat her like this! I demand that you bring her back this instant! You cannot treat her like this. Have you no shame!? You fool! Give her back now!!' He growled down at the smaller feline, anger clear across his face.

Soul Ho

LokiofSP said:
Columbus gasps and snatches the apple away from Soul, "No, don't eat that! I've seen enough Snow White to know the apple is poison!" He puts a piece of toast in the pup's mouth before smiling, "My work here is done! No need to thank me...You know what, to celebrate, I think I'm gonna do something I swore I would do a long time ago..."

@Nonalaka @XXXIwolf @Lotusy
Soul Holloway

Soul was upset her Apple was taken away from her before it was replaced with toast from Columbus. She munches on it content eating it up. The toast sure filled up her belly. Bread always seems to fill her that way. Alas something made Soul stiffen and start hopping off of Jay and run around.


@LokiofSP @Nonalaka
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~*Laika Flynn*~

Laika looked at them all as the pup moved from shoulder to shoulder, wondering why a wolf would be out here without a pack to be with "Are you lost?" She asked the small wolf that was on Columbus' shoulder, since Laika could understand dog speak, after all, having a wolf's soul, she pretty much was one.



Nyxen was shocked when Jackal rushed over to him, knocked him down and then pinned him down, stopping him from moving. Even though he wouldn't admit it, Nyxen was slightly unnerved that Jackal, who had been kissing up to him only moments before, was the one doing it and that he looked ready to kill. Give who back? Who's her? I just took away Richard. He's a man. And why do you care? He's not sentient, he's just there to do what I tell him to do. Nothing more nothing less, though he is kind of useless nowadays. Maybe I should permanently get rid of him.... Nyxen looked up at Jackal with confusion that melted into cat-tion as he saw the anger on Jackal's face that was plain as day. But could you get off me now, Because I have no idea what you're on about. And I'm not going to lie, you're kinda unnerving me right now, so could you also lay off the catnip

@Magical Squid Senpai
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Jay stared in confusion, then horror (for the fifth time that day), as Columbus decided to take out his apple and replace it with toast. "Oh, no! Watch out-!" He triet to catch Soul as she hopped off his shoulder and away, but to no avail. "That was a mean trick, Columbro! But on the other hand, it's a great marketing tool," he said, muttering the last part under his breath. "Well, better stop it before it runs off." He was about to pick up Laika and throw her at Soul, but though better of it, as that usually only worked with Columbus. Instead, he held his fingers to his mouth and let out a sharp whistle, which attracted the attention of Democritus. After the call, the remaining pigeons filed in messily beside him, jostling and knocking each other over. "Alright, men! Atten-tion!" Jay barked, holding a hand to his head in a salute.

The pigeons fell silent, and Rutherford fell on his side.

"I need a favor from you. You see that pup? The one that's hopping off? Help her out - and do it gently, too!" The pigeons squawked and flew off, knocking into each other as they did, and Jay followed in hot pursuit.

After a few seconds, he pugeon squad hovered over Soul, and Democritus began to bark orders in bird speak. "Dalton, cover the sides! Pauli and Aufbau, cut her off! We need to steer her towards a classroom!" Of course, none of the other birds responded, instead choosing to coo madly. Rutherford struggled to say something in return, his primitive brain not quite suited to lanugage. "Take... crap! We... make shit on?" Democritus shook his little pigeon head angrily. "For the love of god, no! Don't just shit on everything you see - whoa, Dalton, look out!" As Democritus was angrily reprimanding Rutherford, Dalton had managed to swoop in front of Soul, colliding against her with a soft thud. Whatever was going on with Soul, she would feel the effects of toast wearing off. The other pigeons fluttered to the ground wih a startled expression on their faces, and as Jay quickly pulled up behind them, his jaw dropped. "Dalton, you're a-? ah, nevermind." Instead, he scooped Soul up, staring down at Dalton with something akin to curiosity. "Huh. Never knew. Anyways, are you ok?" He asked the wolf in his hands? "I promise that wasn't anything bad, just my friend trying to market his brand..."

@XXXIwolf @Nonalaka
Soul Holloway

Soul became dazed by the affects unsure what was happening. She shakes her head to try and snap into focus. Soul felt herself lifted Jay's arms as he explains what just happened. Soul was indeed angry but sighs. She figured she'd forgive Columbus and Jay. It's not like she knew anybody around here yet. Soul climbs on Jay's shoulder and stays there figuring for now he was trustworthy. "Kyu." She simply replies understanding the means behind the toast mess.

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While the pigeons were still trying to sort out the conundrum of Dalton's gender (as half of them didn't even know what gender was in the first place), Jay made sure Soul was set on his shoulder before he walked back. He was glad hat he wolf obviously didn't have any hard feelings towards him, but at the same time, he had to get back to his boss. The memories in Jay's head were all fuzzy, but he vaguely remembers burying bodies and fighting with Columbus... damn, he really needed a grapefruit right now. "Sorry to make you wait," he said, as he jogged back with a hand still holding Soul in place. "I'm sorry that the toast is gone, boss," Jay reported, lifting the hand on Soul for a salute. "I don't know how she did it, but I guess you can say she wolfed it down pretty quickly, eh?"

@XXXIwolf @Nonalaka
Soul Holloway

Soul rides on Jay's shoulder back to Columbus. As Jay reports to Columbus adding a silly pun, Soul groans and twitches her tail slightly out of irritation before biting on the nearest part of Jay's body. In this case was the arm or ear. Soul bites Jay's ear for a second for making a wolf pun.

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Columbus had been rubbing his chin for a few moments before he gasped out loud, "Oh my god, I just realized something! This was supposed to be a field trip...What happened to Mrs.Winters? Do you think she's dead? Should we have a funeral? Is there going to be cake at the funeral? Oh! I call dibs on the first slice of dead person cake!"

@XXXIwolf @Nonalaka
Jay's hand suddenly went to his ear as Soul bit it for making a bad pun. "Oowwowow!!" He yelled, clutching onto Soul with one hand and his ear with the other. "Okay, okay, I'm sorry," he chuckled, smoothing down Soul's fur. "Yeesh. You sure have some teeth, don't you?" As Columbus mentioned Mrs. Winters, Jay gasped dramatically. "Oh, right! I totally forgot about that old coot-"


"Er, our fantastic senior teacher, I mean. Haha. Damn, she's still alive," Jay cursed under his breath. "That woman really needs to find her chill." Now, eating Mrs. Winters funeral cake wasn't an option- not like it was in the first place. Instead, though, a thought instantly came to mind as he looked back at Columbus. "But hey, aren't you dead, too? What about your dead person cake? What if we bake you into a cake?" Jay suddenly started drooling, fingers twitching at the sight of Columbus. "What do you think, Soul? He toast-ed you, right? Wouldn't you say making him into a piece of confection - is his just desserts?!"

@XXXIwolf @Nonalaka

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