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Fantasy Lakoria High School

Jackal shook his head as he tended to raven."He's not dead,just unconscious. If he was dead I would be able to smell it and he wouldn't have a pulse....now if you're truely concerned I'd suggest getting me the first aid kit!" He snapped in response,pupils thinning and he made a low feline's hiss.




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mewbot5408 said:
Jackal shook his head as he tended to raven."He's not dead,just unconscious. If he was dead I would be able to smell it and he wouldn't have a pulse....now if you're truely concerned I'd suggest getting me the first aid kit!" He snapped in response,pupils thinning and he made a low feline's hiss.



(PS: My character is faking death. Nyx isn't supposed to know he isn't dead)

mewbot5408 said:
Jackal shook his head as he tended to raven."He's not dead,just unconscious. If he was dead I would be able to smell it and he wouldn't have a pulse....now if you're truely concerned I'd suggest getting me the first aid kit!" He snapped in response,pupils thinning and he made a low feline's hiss.



Nyx grabbed the boy by the collar, pulling him closer so that they were face to face "Don't lie to me" Nyx said as he threw the boy towards the ground "I killed...... I killed him myself" Nyx admitted, sounding guilty and sad at the fact.

@Sicarius (OOC character comments in OOC only unless with a Ic post :) ) @mewbot5408
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Jackal looked at him with a annoyed expression."why would I have a reason to lie about something so obvious?" He muttered then sighed. "Just trust me or leave me be...I know a bit about these things and honestly the bleeding is not gonna stop itself."



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"Because a lot of people hate me and would love to hurt me in anyway possible" Nyx explained, glaring at the boy "So making me think that he's alive and getting my hopes up just so you could crush them is what you're doing. I'm not a moron like you" Nyx said, as he brought back his foot to kick the boy.

@Sicarius @mewbot5408
Emma "Well, Kaine, It's good to know your name, though I'd much rather call you Reverse Phone Robber," she said, paughing a bit to herself. After a while, she turned back to Kaine. "Just kidding, Kaine." She sauntered offto the lunchroom, theowing a glance over her shoulder every once in while to check on Kaine. "So is there anything you want to do, or would you like to head to lunch with me?"

Jackal stood back up and wiped his mouth which was bleeding due to he had bit his lip."I don't even know you...it would be a waste of my time. Believe what you want!Also if you're going to throw a tantrum and hit me again,get out of here and leave me to work! " he snapped after he smacked nyx hard on the face leaving a claw mark,tears sliding down his cheeks and his was extremely frustrated. It was obvious that jackal was being truely honest in his own words.



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Nyx slowly brought a hand up to where he had just been clawed as if he didn't believe it had just happened "Leave Now!" Nyx commanded glaring directly at the boy as he bent down and picked up his daggers, not breaking eye contact with the boy.


Jackal shook his head and had already picked up the first aid kit and went over to raven,sitting down next to opening the kit and took out some medicine. He looked to nyx shaking his head."nothing you can say or do can change my mind. I'm not letting this guy suffer longer, he needs treatment and he needs it now...I Don't want to see anymore death than I have. It's sickening, you have no idea what they did to my people..Just like I have no clue what you've been through. I don't know why those people hurt you but ...Just please at least leave me be until I'm done , later if it helps you can take it out on me all you want.."



"Nyx stop he's just trying to help!" Willow said rushing over to the boys and dropping Nyx's secret santa gift in the process. "This can't be Jay.. I saw him walk away myself and he hasn't come back." She said, trying to calm Nyx down. "Can that Raven boy change his appearance?" She wondered aloud, confused by the boys appearance. "If you need any medicinal plants just let me know." She told Jackal as Miyuki came up beside her and Nyx.

@Sicarius @GingerBread @mewbot5408
"Fine you know what? I don't care if you want to bandage up a dead man, you go ahead" Nyx said as he sheathed his daggers and walked out of the music room, Ignoring everything Willow said to him, not wanting to listen to her after He had just killed 'Jay'.

Nyx was keeping His head pointed towards the floor so no one would be able to see his tear stained face
I Don't care anymore, i knew this would happen if i started caring, but i thought i could stop him from dying. But i was the one who caused it Nyx thought as he walked towards the dorms, ignoring everyone.

When he got to his dorm, Nyx opened the door and walked in throwing his daggers at the wall, firmly implanting them in the wall before he walked over to his bed and just fell into it
I promise i'm never going to open up or get close to anyone ever again Nyx mentally promised himself as he cocooned himself in his bed cover.
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@OceanBunny @mewbot5408

"Ugggh..." Raven let out a groan of pain as he sat up from blacking out. He woke up right before Nyx left, and waited until he had done so. The illusion faded, and Raven turned back to his old self. He took a few minutes to allow his vision to clear up, and once it did he looked around until he saw Willow and Jackal staring down at him. "What do you want?" He tried to ask sternly, but came out weak. "Agh!" Raven began to cough violently as blood shot out from out of his mouth. The stab wounds in his chest seemed pretty severe, so obviously he wasn't going anywhere. He laid himself back down very gently and stared at the ceiling. That little vampire actually stabbed me!
'Miyuki go look for the real Jay.' Willow instructed Miyuki through their mental bond before moving to kneel beside the boys. 'Im on it.' Miyuki replied before racing back the towards the courtyard. "Is there anything I can do?" Willow asked Jackal.

@Sicarius @mewbot5408

Reaching the coutyard Miyuki sniffed the air and headed towards Jay's scent. Spotting him she ran over and butted his hand, hoping to get his attention without having to shift.

@Lotusy @Lynx1996
"Thanks,willow." He said and cleaned up the blood and applied medicineraven's injuries. When he Sat up jackal quickly pushed him back down."Don't move! I'm still working! You'll bleed to death if ya do!" He hissed and continued to with the process."yeah, could you please get some anesthetic? He's gonna need stitches,"




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"If only I could..." He muttered to himself as he laid back down on the floor. He looked at Willow in a questioning way, wondering what she was doing here with this boy. In fact, who was this boy? He had never seen him before, but apparently now he and Willow were attending to him. He had no other option but to just lay there, so he did so; staring at Willow silently.

@OceanBunny @mewbot5408
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"Well, I'm kind of a girly guy. At least, enough to wear a two-piecer cheer outfit." Jay stared out into space, horrible recollections if middle school cheer all coming back to him. "Yea, don't get mr a cheer costume. Bad memories." He suddenly broke out of his memories when a very familiar snow leopard butted his hand. "Hey, Miyuki," he said, raising his hand in greeting. "What's up?"

@Lynx1996 @OceanBunny
Jackal pulled out the needle and thread with a sigh after injecting the anesthetic."raven, right? You can call me,jackal. you got mangled pretty bad, I saw you fighting with that vampire. It's pretty cool you have powers of illusion but you be a bit more careful getting into fights." He commented as he sewed up the deep injuries."That should do it, " he said after he was done and held out a hand to help raven up with a purr."here,let's move you to the couch. I'm sure you don't want to just lay on the floor."




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Reluctantly, Raven grabbed Jackal's hand and allowed himself to be hoisted up. "I wasn't fighting, I was deceiving. I just didn't expect that pale boy to stab me after what he had seen. I was merely caught off guard. He held his chest, and slowly began to walk away, when something in him made him stop. Without knowing why, he found himself turning around to face Jackal. "Thanks..." Raven said before his eyes widened, surprised that he had actually been grateful for the treatment. He then looked at Willow and noticed Miyuki was missing. "I think your cat left." He said, trying to be sociable despite his lack in the ability to properly conversate.

@mewbot5408 @OceanBunny
Jackal smiled and nodded."not a problem,I'm just glad you're okay. " jackal answered with a small mrrow at the end and exhaled then noticed the busted up piano touching it, tilting his head. He then noticed a violen not far from it and picked it up studying it. He had a serious expression and held it properly,playing quickly and beautifully as if he were a professional then stopped. "Lovely..not as good as old marionette(his own violen ) but this girl plays wonderfully."Jackal whispered then looked back to raven. "Sorry,I get a bit distracted at times.."




Emma Emma laughed. "Me? Buy you lunch? What a gentleman," she said mockingly, throwing him a smile while she did. "Only if you insist on it, Kaine." She threw him a look over her shoulder, then talked some more. "Well, I'll only do it if you can smile for an hour. Can you do that?" she asked.


Kaine cringed, but his hunger was worth more to him than his pride. He choked out a hideous smile, with all his yellow razor fangs exposed with red gums.

He muttered through clenched teeth

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