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Fantasy Lakoria High School

"A bacon sandwich? I mean, you could get anything you want and you want a bacon sandwich...You sir are a genius! You can get like, one free bacon sandwich a year for the rest of your life! Maybe I should tell my secret Santa that I want a bacon sandwich... Hm..."

Nyx was able to regain his balance, when he looked back to 'Jay' he felt his heart twinge as he saw 'Jay's' hands bleeding and the agony he sounded like he was in What have i done Nyx thought horrified until he came to a realization Jay's braver than this, he wouldn't be acting like this Nyx thought, remembering the last time he tried to kill Jay and how brave he seemed to be about the whole situation.

As Nyx became sure that this wasn't Jay, he started to get angry
"How dare you" Nyx growled out "You dare to take Jay's form?" Nyx asked as he felt anger coursing through him before he started charging towards 'Jay' one dagger raised to stab and the other ready to sever any limb that got in his way "DIE IMPOSTER!"

"NOOOOOOOOO!!!" Raven said as he let out a blood curling scream. Knowing that Nyx had finally seen through his trickery, Raven decided to use a little psychology and mess with Nyx's mind. He made his illusion more intense, and changed the way his form of Jay looked. Jay's eyes were now solid white as if they were rolled back in his head, and his mouth was gaping open. Blood began to pour from his eyes, and seconds later Jay's shirt changed into a white shirt covered in blood. Instead of bracing himself, Raven allowed himself to fall to his knees to add on to the affect. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAGHHH!!! YOU BETRAYED ME!!!" He screamed louder, using a technique in his voice to make it sound like blood was stuck in his throat. Raven then made two daggers identical to Nyx's appear in his chest and he let out a final scream before letting his head down.

Emma Emma say down against the wall, letting out a whistling tune. She sat like this for a while before she heard a loud roar tear through the air, bolting upright. She put her hand to her head and saw a charging beast, running straight towards her and the droms. "Another disgruntled customer, courtesy of Emma Inc," she said while grinning. She took out two potions, holding them behind her back as a preparation.

Nyx stopped as he heard Jay scream out in pain I..... I wasn't wrong about it was I? This can't be Jay Nyx thought, confident that it wasn't until a nagging voice in the back of his head told him otherwise He hasn't fought back.... Jay doesn't ever fight back. How well do you really know him Nyx tried to shut out the doubt in his head but to no avail, the voice kept tormenting him The best thing would be to put him out of his misery, give him a quick death Nyx thought, closing his Eyes and looking away as he plunged the dagger towards 'Jay's' neck.

A crackle was heard as Nyx's dagger dug into Raven's neck. He was shocked that Nyx went that far, but he could tell Raven was definitely getting to him. Raven closed is eyes as if to accept his fate, hoping to see the light of death as his soul was removed from his body. Instead, there was a brief light, which was then shut out by the voices of the immortals. You are not done on this world... not yet. The pain in Raven's body surged throughout him. Although he most certainly could tolerate it, his current state rendered his movements useless. He decided to fake a climactic death, and he yelped while taking a "final breath". "I...thought you loved...me..." He said in a very weak voice, still posing as Jay. When Nyx pulled out the daggers, "Jay's" body tumbled to the floor. Blood gushing from his neck.

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Enki nodded "Bacon sandwiches solve all of our problems, there like a good luck charm." He stated still nodding well, hunger problems... He thought to himself.

@LokiofSP (sorry!!! was gonna reply but did something else and forgot)

Kaine growled as he skid to a stop and started scouting outside. Seeing Emma standing as if presenting outside the dorm, he knew it was her. He started approaching on two feet, stomping forward menacingly with fangs bare

"What do you want?!"

He asked again in a fierce tone
"All of our problems...? So let's say there's this vampire right? And he wants to fight me and stuff, and he keeps beating me and telling me to get stronger, do you think that if I throw a bacon sandwich at him he'll stop?"

As Nyx saw 'Jay's' body fall to the floor with blood gushing from his neck, he fell to his Knees dropping his daggers either side of him as he lowered his head as tears began to roll down his face "I'm....Sorry Jay" Nyx choked out, unable to mentally deal with killing his boyfriend a second time.


Raven lay on the ground, waiting for Nyx to leave. He heard him whimpering as he mourned over the ominous death of his beloved boyfriend. Keeping himself in check, Raven held back a smile to retain his death pose. Losing blood rapidly, Raven didn't have to wait long for Nyx to leave before getting back up. He wasn't going to be going anywhere... he was already growing unconscious.
Nyx didn't even know how to react to this, while he was sitting crying and mourning 'Jay's death' A small part of his mind started berating him You should've just killed him when you first had the chance. Look how weak you've become because of him. Look at you crying over someone dying, what a useless whimp Nyx struggled to keep these thoughts out of his head; the thoughts making him feel guilty and and annoyed at himself for looking so weak.


(@OceanBunny @Lotusy @Anyone Does anyone want to step in otherwise we're going to be here a while lol)
Emma "What do I want? That's a very broad question, Sir Reverse Phone Robber," Emma said, gripping the potions behind her back. "I want world peace, more explosions, and more orange juice. But, for Christmas, I'm not sure. You'll have to get that information out of me some other way," she said.

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Kaine straightened up, standing at his full height

"My time here depends on this stupid gift. Now tell me what you want so I can get this over with"

He commanded in a quieter yet intimidating voice
Emma Emma put her hand to her chin as if she were in deep thought. "Hmmm. No thanks. I'm not really in the mood for that," she said, flashing a toothy smile. Her heart was pounding inside, but it was still a fun charade to keep up. "Plus, that's something I'd only tell a friend. You feeling up to it, Robber?" she asked, almost tauntingly.

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Kaines eyes grew wide as he muttered

"Women... So Indecisive."

He started to walk towards Mango and reached a hand out to pull her up in the air by her collar
Emma Emma glared at the student in front of her. "I heard that, you know," she said. "And I know exactly what I want, too." While she talked, she stepped back, leaping out of the direction of his grasp. "Try harder," she said.


Edit: Also, I'm Mango. My character is Emma. =P
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@Mango (Oh right sorry :P )

Kaine grasped his fist at the air in front of Emma before pulling back. He let out a deep sigh

"Fine... I'll follow you around. You're not the first person Ive had to tolerate like this."

He muttered the last words between his fangs
Emma Emma smiled a bit as the Kaine decided to not attack, telling her he'd follow her around. "Well, I'll be," she said. "Tolerate? Sir Reverse Phone Robber, I can assure you that I'm an absolute pleasure to be around! Just you watch!" She stepped forwards again, then said, "By the way, I'm Emma. It's been fun meeting you, Reverse Phone Robber, now turned Stalker," she said.

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Kaine kept a straight blank face, with only a hint of disgust and irritation. He paused for a moment, just staring at her angrily


He began to follow her begrudgingly, lumbering behind her.
Jackal nodded to the girl with a smile the looked to the battle."I'm jackal,nice to meet you." He said looking to her again with a purr. Noticing the battle had ended jackal approached the two who had been fighting crouching down next to raven sniffing the air and poked at him checking his injuries."Honestly.....you okay dude??" Jackal tried to stop any bleeding with his coat." That was some fight but was it necessary?! Good thing I know a thing or two about medicine from the village elder."




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