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Fantasy Lakoria High School

Quickly getting bored of the fight, Kaine turned from the scene and began jogging around on all fours.

In his mind he thought

'Bored. So bored. Hunt. Need to hunt. Need to taste flesh. Who' Emma Do I have to give her a gift? Don't know her.Don't care. Maybe. First hunt.'

He eventually found a secluded place under a tree. He sat down in the shade, his eyes wide and darting around
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As Leo lounged around in his bed, he had the sudden realization that he would have to personally deliver the gift to Nyx. He shuddered as he remembered the brief conversation he had with the snake boy in the library. In specific, he remembered the Nyx is a vampire who loves killing people part. Oh god... This is going to suck... He slipped his shoes on and left his dorm to go out looking for Nyx, or someone who knew him. Drawn to the noise of people fighting, Leo headed over to a girl at the edge of the crowd, paused for a second, and then tapped on her shoulder. "Excuse me, could you give this gift to Nyx for me? Wait just a second..." Leo paused to write "from: Lars Wells to: Nyx" on the tag "Here you go." Leo extended the gift to the girl.

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"Hello." Willow smiled at him. "Its nice to meet you. This is Miyuki." She said, indicating the frost leopard laying in a patch of ice by their feet.

Miyuki looked up at them and then laid her head back on her pause. Willow turned around hen someone tapped her on the shoulder and handed her a gift. Reading the tag she smiled.
"Lars, its nice to meet you." She said happily, holding her hand out to him. "Yes, ill give it to Nyx, I have to help him find a Unicorn later anyway."

@mewbot5408 @SovietBear
"Well... Nice meeting you." Leo turned around to leave, but then remembered that it would be more polite to stay and make conversation. "So... How's your secret Santa project going? Any luck?"


Having nothing legal better to do, Kaine went to the library and searched for the school directory. He didn't feel like searching for her in person so he thought he'd call instead. He found several Emmas.

Kaine borrowed the library phone and kept dialing

"Hello, what do you want?"

He asked roughly
(Sorry this one is so late @metalcity, been scrambling to find babysitting jobs so I can scrounge up the last bit of Christmas money I need)

Columbus looked at Enki, "You! What's a Christmas and what's a 'Secret Santa?' is it a weird fighting term?"
"No I haven't been able to find mine." Willow said, smiling sweetly. "Im guessing Nyx was yours. Im sure he wasnt easy to shop for." She giggled. 'Isnt he the one you're looking for?' Miyuki's voice entered Willow's head curiously. 'Shush, you're lucky he cant hear our thoughts, secret santa is supposed to be secret.. or at least thats what I've read..' Willow silently scolded Miyuki. "So what are you hoping to get from your secret santa, I'm not sure what I's want.. maybe chocolate." She smiled up at Lars, flexing her wings lightly behind her.

@SovietBear @mewbot5408
Enki titled his head, he was quite confused by the approach "Errrrr...Christmas is the time of 'cheer' people say, where family's come together to celebrate some dead guys supposed birthday. They exchange gifts and stuff, I din't really see the point in it. I think secret Santa is when you secretly give presents to strangers...or something along those lines. But why do you want to know, oh and also. Who are you?" Enki asked, not really remembering who this guy was, he thought about it and did kinda know the kid but not personally.

Emma *Ringringring*

Emma turned away from Maria, pulling out her phone. "Sorry, hold on for a bit, Maria. Hello?" she called through the speaker. When the stranger started talking, she paled. "Excuse me, who is this? Is this some kind of reverse robbery or something?"

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"Well you guessed right, my secret Santa was Nyx. By the way, can Nyx run fast, or track someone down easily? I get the feeling he's going to want to kill me once he sees his gift." Leo paused to think "If I could choose... I guess a steak or something..." Archie saw his chance and jumped in "And a rat. Preferably drowned in honey." Seth, not wanting to be left out of the torture Leo/list Ideal foods for the individual fest, chimed in with a blunt "A boot. A nice, old, worn, muddy boot. Preferably steel toed." Leo died a little on the inside, because he knew he'd have to eat all of those things for his brothers, as they were taught to never waste food. "Well, that was awkward..." Leo, once again in control, was sweating nervously, embarrassed by the sudden outburst. "Yeah... Seems kinda weird right? Have you ever been to pets - r - everywhere? I'm sure your pet would love it. Their aisles are huge!" Leo tried to change the subject to the leopard at the girl's feet. "What's your pet's name?"

"He's a vamire.. He's really fast and an excellent tracker.." Willow giggled. "Those are some interesting ideas. No I haven't been. Haven't really been many places at all. This is Miyuki, she's more a friend than a pet." Willow held out her hand as Miyuki came to sit by her side, pressing her head into Willow's palm. 'Pets-r-everywhere? That's a silly name.' 'Be nice Miyuki, they probably have meat treats there. Though you could just shift and eat at a table with me.'

"Well... That's a problem. By the way... Where is Nyx? If he's away, do you know anywhere I can hide from him? Do I need to flee to Lituania to escape Nyx's wrath? Because I sure don't want to get beat up..." Leo frantically turned around, his eyes darting to every corner, making sure Nyx wasn't watching. "Also... is Nyx a kitten?" That is the stupidest question ever, Nyx definitely isn't a kitten. Archie rolled his eyes, but didn't do anything.

"He's right in there.. fighting." Willow indicated the building behind them where Raven and Nyx were fighting. "No, hes not a kitten right now, not unless he drinks mine or Dal's blood. I don't think you have to worry too much.. I'm sure Jay could talk him out of going after you. Would you like me to wait until Jay comes back to give Nyx his gift?"

Emma "What Secret Santa?" Emma asked, feigning ignorance. "Sir, you're sounding mighty impatient right now. I'm not sure if I like your att-i-tude! You know what? I want you to have a very merry holiday for Christmas!" She looked at the building around her and ran outside. "In fact, come to the dorms! I want to see a huge smile on your face, whoever you are!" She said, hanging up the phone. "Well, that was fun," she said. "He better come soon."

See? Nyx isn't a kitten, he's a person. Told you. With a smug look on his face, Archie settled back. "Ok... Well after Nyx is done, I guess I could give it to him personally, that is ... If Jay's around. Actually... Could I ask a favor?" Leo handed the girl a video camera. "If Jay's around, I'de like you to record Nyx's reaction... For science..." Leo thought about how to make it easier for the girl, after all, Nyx would be mad. "I could deliver the gift personally. Just to help. Wait a second." With that, Leo ran off to find Jay he wandered around school, until he saw some people in the courtyard. While standing about halfway across the courtyard, he started shouting, "HEY! JAY! WHERE ARE YOU! I NEED YOUR HELP!" God, here he goes again. Archie face palmed while groaning, something he'd gotten quite good at.

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GingerBread said:
Nyx brought his hands up to stop The boy from kicking him in the face, letting his arms take the brunt of the attack "It's not fun, if the fight's not fair" Nyx replied as he leaped a distance back, waiting for The boy to attack him this time.
@Sicarius (You should check out my CS. Also i'm going to need a chance to block or deflect some of these attacks :) )
(Yup, no problem)

"You're right, should I tie one arm around my back?" Raven taunted after being blocked by Nyx's arms. He bounced off and flipped mid-air so he could land back on his feet. Seeing Nyx planting his footing; prepping for another attack, Raven decided it would be best to change the battlefield up a bit. Using his mastery of illusion, Raven began to make the room look distorted and constantly shifting. The walls, floor and ceiling looked like it was becoming liquid... dripping in different directions. Raven then made himself look like Jay. "I've missed you..." He cooed.


Kaine snarled as she hung up. He's had a rough day, he hasn't hunted in years, and now he was being forced to get a present for a stranger.

He roared as he sprinted to the dorms, his fur standing on end in rage
Columbus scratched his head, "Cheer and joy huh...Okay...Oh, sorry my name is Columbus! I know Jay and Nyx if you know them...They're kinda my only friends... Kinda..."

Nyx was confused when the room looked like it melting but put that down to an illusion. But when he saw Jay standing where Raven was, Nyx became confused once again, he was about to ask Jay if he knew where Raven went when he heard him talk That's not Jay, he wouldn't say something like that, it must be an illusion Nyx reasoned to himself as he rushed towards Him daggers raised, intending to stab him in the chest If this is you Jay, i'm sorry. If it isn't well i'll make this boy's death slow and agonising

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Enki rolled his eyes, then looked back at him. "Sadly, Nyx is a idiot. I guess Jay is nice. But yea, I'm Enki. Just to clear that up, but why did you call my name?" Enki asked, slight confusion in his tone.

"Oh, because I-" He paused, taking note of the secret part of Secret Santa, and chuckled nervously, "I kinda know your Secret Santa and wanted to help them, but I forgot to ask what a Secret Santa is...Or what Christmas is... I just wanted to help out ya know? So I figured I'd find you and ask about you! You know, likes, dislikes, interests, all of that stuff!"


Raven caught the daggers with his hands, and then pushed forward to throw Nyx off balance while pushing him away from him. Raven then looked at his hands, and still using his illusion powers, made his hands begin to bleed. "What are you doing???" He cried, looking Nyx deeply into his eyes with agony. He krept towards Nyx, holding up his bleeding hands.

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