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Fantasy Lakoria High School

"Kill him. Oh, yes, please do. If he thinks he's good enough to take another life, he deserves anything that's coming his way." Jay's face hardened. "It doesn't matter if he's the 'Oh, dark Raven,' or, "Mr. Angst, angel of death himself'! We go to Lakoria f***ing high school! Nothing fazes us! I'll join you, as soon as I finish talking with the miss here."

Nyx was shocked by Jay's attitude, he was expecting Jay to say not to kill him Note to self, never hurt Jay's birds or anger him Nyx thought, though he wasn't planning on doing either of those things this just further reinforced his resolve not to. Nyx started to walk towards the music block where he had seen the boy walk off to before he stopped and turned around to face Jay "Just try to calm down Jay. I'll handle this" Nyx said as he gave Jay a reassuring smile, noticing it felt strange to be telling Jay to calm down when normally it was the other way around. Nyx turned around and continued his walk towards the music block.

@Lotusy (Damn, angry Jay is scary D: )

@Sicarius (I'm coming for you boy )
Pluto heard someone yelling in the library. He turned to the voice. "Uh, hello?"

'The fuck is he yelling about?'

'Hey Buddy! We are in a library. Please be quiet! ' Jason rested his head on Pluto's shoulder and stuck his tounge out at the guy. Even though Pluto was the only one who could hear him.

@BBCotaku @SovietBear
Soon Running on through in his cat form after what seemed to be a mouse jackal's Silver/blue eyes widened and he fell crashing into some boxes with a loud thud and a hiss. There was steam as sitting up from the boxes with the mouse in hand was human jackal. "Got it!! Dang, this one was a fast little guy." He chuckled to himself. Jackal stood then noticing the others and suddenly and his face became a bit."uhhhhh...hi?"




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Once again alone in the music room, Raven sorted out his mixed feelings. Although he hated being suffocated by large amounts of people, they weren't all half bad. They were nice actually, but of course, Raven did not exactly extend the pleasantry. He took in a breath. Alone.... Which was the way it has always been for him. Trust, Friendship, Love, are all figments of our imagination; a self made reflection of our own personal desires. The wanting to feel needed, or, respected. It all was merely an illusion. Raven was the master of illusions, and he knew one when he saw it. He knew Nyx had kept him from actually killing the bird, but Raven didn't even mind. He actually liked birds, but because they listened to Jay, he aimed his wrath towards them. He wanted to make a point by killing one of them; whether it was real or not. Besides, it was all just part of the circle of life anyways. He would of just helped speed it up a little, that's all. Life is a curse, a disease that can only be cured by Death. He sat down on the piano stool. Outstretching his arms, he laid his fingers upon the keys and slowly began to play. As the song began to develop, he started to sing beautifully. Good thing the room is padded to make it virtually sound proof. It would be ludicrous if anyone were to discover this side of him. Behind all the dark and insanity, Raven was just a broken and terrorized young man.

Just another victim of life.

@GingerBread [media]

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Leo was relieved that he got the person's attention, and quieted down. After apologizing to the librarian, he walked over and sat down next to the boy. "Sorry about that, but do you know anyone named Nyx? I need to get him a present, any info would be fine." He tried to act casual and play off the whole shouting thing.

@Magical Squid Senpai
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Nyx walked into the room leaning on the door frame, waiting until the boy had finished his song before walking into the room "God, was that meant to be music?" Nyx asked facetiously as he walked over to the boy "Anyway i'm here to kill you and by the sounds of it, i'd be doing the entire music industry a favor"

"Hello? Little miss? You still there-" Jay was interrupted as his eyes caught movement, specifically, a cat-turned-human suddenly crashing into a pile of boxes. Well, that's not the wierdest thing I've seen... When the boy awkwardly stared back, Jay waved at Charlye, them walked over to him. "You ok there, buddy? You had quite the spill."

@Lynx1996 @mewbot5408
Without looking at him, Raven sneered. "Heh. You already killed me when I saw the movie 'Twilight'. By the way, how's Bella doing? Oh wait, that's right. She left you for Mr. Washboard Abs. Is that why you went gay?" With little regard to Nyx, Raven continued to play the piano.

Jackal hissed frustrated and threw the box across the courtyard. He sighed and stood brushing himself off and looked at them tilting his head like a animal and sniffed at them making a circle then purred. "You didn't see that,got that? Also the name's jackal."


Nyx took out his dagger and stabbed it into the piano, severing the strings "You said, you were the raven of death yeah? So shouldn't you be terrorizing A dead poet? Or were you not good enough to do even that?" Nyx retorted, glaring at him, as he dug his dagger deeper in the piano, completely destroying it.

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"Um, sure. Whatever floats your boat," Jay said, raising his eyebrow questioningly as the boy in front of him started acting like some kind of animal. His ourring especially reminded him of Nyx. "Well, it's good to meet you... Jackal. My name's Jay." The boy extended his hand for a shake.

'I wish we didn't.'

"Uh yeah, I know him. It would probably be hard to find a present for him."

'You should give him some protection from all the times he's been whipped.'

Pluto ignored that and tried to think of what he could tell the boy. "Well...Nyx is a very interesting person. He's a vampire and he loves killing things."

@BBCotaku @SovietBear
Still keeping his eyes on the keys, Raven stopped playing but did not budge. Instead, he let out a long exaggerated sigh. "Oh you naughty little cracker. This is school property." He folded his arms and smiled at Nyx. "So what does your 'boyfriend' call you? My Little Vampy? Would seem fitting since he's all into Unicorns and Rainbows."

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Emma woke up groggily, trudging over to her door to open a letter lying in wait. "Huh. Secret Santa. Cool." She said, not putting much enthusiasm into her words. Her shoes slowly came on, and she walked out of her dorm quietly, then decided to call for her Santa pal. "Hello? Maria?" She called out around the school.

@Ami the breadling
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"He calls me by my name" Nyx responded without missing a beat "What does your significant other call you?" Nyx asked, feigning interest "No, wait let me guess. You don't have one" Nyx said, smirking "I'm right aren't I? Because who could even begin to like someone like you?" Nyx asked, his voice filled with malice "It would have to be a deaf dumb and blind kid and even then they'd have to have pretty low standards"

Jackal nodded shaking his hand."nice to meet you, Jay. I kinda just arrived today so I was exploring the school but thennnnnn... I saw a mouse....It's hard to explain but I get a little distracted easily being close connected to a cat? " he added and tilted his head to the side raffling his own soft black hair and looking to the side.

Raven almost fell out of his chair in laughter. "Actually, I killed her." Raven said devilishly. He took a closer look at the boy. He was skinnier than Raven, but he had the same amount of prowess. His whole persona seemed to be one full of confidence, as well as arrogance. He stretched as if he was bored with their conversation. "At least, she was a step up from you 'Mrs. Sour Cream'."

"So you killed her when she tried to break up with you?" Nyx asked before giving a dismissive wave "Anyway, as much as I'd love to continue 'talking' with you. I've got stuff to do today" Nyx said, sounding like what he had to do was a chore "So if you could not run away with your tail between your legs so i can get this over with quickly, that would be great" Nyx said, his tone mocking and filled with malice as he drew his other dagger, so he now had one in each hand.

Jay laughed a bit to himself. "A cat, huh? And a mouser at that? That's pretty sweet." He dusted off one of the boxes, taking a seat on it. "Well, I'm sure you'll have a fun time mousing at Lakoria. The locker rooms are filled with the things. I've tried training my pigeons to kill them, but no luck." He looked up at the boy. "But, anyways, the cat thing. How'd that come about?"

"Actually, I killed her after she cheated on me, wanted to come back to me and sleep with me." Raven chuckled. He watched as Nyx wielded dual daggers in his hands. "What, is your boyfriend on the to do list?" Raven taunted Nyx. "You better last longer than you do in bed, for your sake." Raven said standing up. His eyes turned white, and smoke surrounded him. Within a few more seconds, Raven took the form of Corvus, and he summoned his sword.

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"Well, what am I supposed to get him, a kitten sized chainsaw? Or kitten booties? He is a cat, right? Wait, I'm asking too many questions. Thanks for your time, see you around man." Leo got up and walked out of the library. I don't think he's a cat dumbass, Archie stared up at Leo, then continued. Maybe you have it wrong. I'm done listening to you, ya scum. Leo replied, while glaring at Archie. Well, off to the town then... Leo strolled off while whistling, which was more of him blowing dry air out of his lips, and glancing around, looking for a pet shop. He managed to find a conveniently placed pets - r - everywhere, dug up some spare change from his pockets, and strolled in. "Excuse me, but could you direct me to the kitten booties section? I'm looking... For a friend." Leo stopped one of the clerks to ask.

(Could someone take an npc for me?)
"Oh wouldn't you like to find out how long i last in bed" Nyx mocked, smirking as a red aura started to surround him, boosting his strength, agility and speed "No wonder your girlfriend cheated on you, you're to afraid to make the first move" Nyx taunted, smirking as he did so.

Jackal exhaled with a slight annoyed look upon hearing him luagh."not like I can help it..it's my nature.." He muttered then plopped down on the ground at looked up then nodded. "I'm a shapeshifter, in the village I was born every child goes through the ceremony when we're of age...The animal I first became was a cat. Just like my older brother's was a owl. It's quite normal for us to be bonded to our first in this way." He explained with a smile.
"Sorry man." Jay smiled as he said this, but he wasn't laughing anymore. "Must be cool to be an animal like that. Sadly, I'm not as powerful as you, all I can do is heal and control pigeons. Speaking of which, don't catch them." He stood up, stretching. "Well- Jackal, it's been a pleasure. I need to go assist my friend, er, boyfriend. He's probably in a fight for my sake. Feel free to tag along, if you'd like." With that, he walked towards the music building, where he say Nyx and Raven run off to last.

A few minutes later, he looked through a small window, surprised to see Nyx with a red aura and the other boy turned into a raven.. thing. Wasn't really describable.

@mewbot5408 @GingerBread @Sicarius

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