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Fantasy Lakoria High School

@OceanBunny @Lotusy

(LOL.... Raven... so confused... who to talk to first... xD )

"What do you want?" Raven said bluntly to Willow. He studied her. She was young, obviously had to be a freshman, and smelled like strawberries. She seemed overly cheerful, which is the type of people he hated. Plus, you know... she's a she. There was nothing he hated more than girls. Sure, maybe there was a time he could tolerate them, but that was in the past. He was moving on to a new chapter in his life. A life, without the distractions and limitations of friends... relationships and the biggest lie of them all: Love. While he looked on Willow waiting for her response a male around his age approached him. God...since when did I deserve to have to socialize this much. When the boy asked him about his name, he smirked and responded: "You're lookin' at em'."
Jay sighed in relief, glad to have found his gift recipient so easily. "Alrighty then. That's a load off of my shoulders." He dropped his bag, quickly taking out a pad and a pencil. "Listen, Raven, I'm sure you've heard the announcement, and it should be plain as day as to why I'm here. What do you want for Christmas, big guy?"

Nyx chuckled at Jay's reaction, but frowned when he saw Jay leave Guess he's more interested in this than me, maybe i should give it a go though, what's the worse that could happen Nyx thought as he got out of bed, noticing his leg had grown back "Neat" Nyx commented as he began to walk to his own dorm.

Once Nyx got to his own dorm he noticed a slip of paper on the ground
"Tyrrell Techno" Nyx read aloud as he grabbed a drinks bottle before filling it up from the barrel of Animal blood he had in his dorm "Guess I'll need to go find him, Fun" Nyx said as he took a sip from the drinks bottle before walking out of his dorm.

@DragonStorm How do you want Nyx and Tyrrell to meet?)
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Willow frowned at the boys abrasive attitude. "I was just wondering if you know someone named Harmony." She said before smiling as Jay walked up. "Hi Jay." She said with a small wave. 'Isnt secret santa supposed to be secret?' Miyuki's voice entered Willow's head with an amused tone. 'I think so.' Willow responded silently with a giggle.

@Sicarius @Lotusy
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Pluto woke up screaming from a nightmare he had had. It was like nothing he had ever dreamed before, it was awful. He was about to go back to sleep when...


Pluto just hummed at Apep. 'Pluto. You should really look over your shoulder.'

"Ugh! Wha-" from the corner of his eye, on his right shoulder, was a big yellow and white snake. "This isn't one of mine..."

The snake seemed to be connected to his head. Right where Jason used to be.

'Hey Pluto! Good to be back! But it's a little crowded up here.'

'Pluto! Why the fizidyuk do Chua and Jason get to look so cool!?'

Chua was apparently a white snake. Pluto would have to look up what they are.

Pluto sat up and Jason rested his head on his shoulder. "Wow. Wow!! I didn't know you would come back!" He was so happy he kissed the snake!

'Why are you kissing him! He is ruining the color scheme!'

'Wow Chua you look great!'


'And why does he get to be so long!? He as long as your arm!'

Pluto just ignored Apep as usual. That was when he heard the announcement.

'Yay! I came back just in time for Christmas stuff!'

'Go to hell you bastard.'

Coatl sniffles, 'Jason! I am so happy you are here! It was so lonely!' He leaned his small body against Jason's back.

Pluto got up and got dressed. He found the note that he needed for the secret Santa event. He had never really celebrated Christmas at home. Sure they killed something special but that was all. He had to find out himself what Santa was. Santa sounded amazing! He wished he could meet him.
"Much to your dismay, no I do not know a 'Harmony'." Raven answered to Willow as he crossed his arms. His eyes narrowed as he saw Willow's reaction to his responses. Don't give me that sass you little vixen... Raven then turned back to Jay. He lightly tossed his head to the side to fix his strands of hair from getting in front of his eyes. "I hate Christmas." he said plainly.

@OceanBunny @Lotusy
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"Oh, okay." Willow replied when Raven told her he didnt know someone by the name Harmony. 'I don't think he likes me.' She thought at Miyuki, frowning again at his attitude. 'Ignore him Willow, maybe Jay will know.' Miyuki pressed her head against Willow's leg and purred lightly, trying to comfort her friend. "Do you know a Harmony, Jay?" She asked, moving closer to him.

@Sicarius @Lotusy
"Hey Willow," Jay said, waving to the girl. "I'm sorry, I don't know a Harmony, but you could always check the directory." When Raven claimed he hated Christmas, Jay groaned in exhasperation. "Ugh. C'mon man! Don't be a stick in the mud! We all need the extra credit, and the detentions absolutely horrendous!" He started scribbling furiously on his pad. "Anything would work, really. Just say a gift card or something."

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Charlye made her way out her dorm...she remembered jay briefly so this is going to be interesting. She started looking for him and eventually found him with another. She started walking over but decided to stop and wait. She was kinda shy really. @Sicarius @Lotusy
"Directory?" Willow asked, tipping her head to the side. "Iv'e never really celebrated Christmas before.. I read about it though.. It seems nice." She smiled at the boys, right before a robin landed on her shoulder, a letter attached to its leg. Reading the letter she shook her head lightly. "Looks like they messed up my letter.. Do you know a Lars?" She asked, looking back up at the boys. She noticed a new girl nearby and waved.

@Sicarius @Lotusy @Lynx1996
Nyx was just wandering around aimlessly, not trying to avoid meeting Tyrrell but if he did he wasn't going to complain as he would have an excuse for not doing anything This school has weird rules though, they don't seem to mind fighting, but not giving someone a christmas gift, that's crossing the line apparently Nyx thought, shaking his head at the schools weirdness.

While wandering around Nyx noticed Willow and Jay with some other boy he hadn't seen before
Willow still owes me Unicorn blood for saving her, maybe i should go remind her Nyx thought as he began to walk over to the small group "Hey guys" Nyx greeted.

@OceanBunny @Lotusy @Sicarius
God! Where are all these people coming from?! (LOL) Raven was irritated that all these people were now huddling around him. They were all up in his personal space, and it made him sick. What was worse, they were all smiling and seemed happy... except for the vampire looking one. Why couldn't they all just go annoy someone else for Christmas? "I just want, to be alone." Raven said to Jay. He then turned to Willow "Bah Humbug." he quoted while giving an icy stare.

@OceanBunny @Lotusy @GingerBread
Nyx looked at the unknown boy "I hope you're not being difficult for my boyfriend" Nyx said, assuming this was the person Jay had to get a present for. Nyx turned his attention towards Willow "You still owe me" Nyx said, assuming she knew what she owed him.

@OceanBunny @Sicarius @Lotusy
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'I really don't think he likes me. What did I do?' Willow's voice filled Miyuki's head with a sad tone. Miyuki, already grumpy from the appearance of Nyx, growled lightly, frost spreading around her rapidly. "Hi Nyx, owe you what?" Willow asked, her cheery demeanor gone, replaced by a confused sadness.

@Lotusy @Sicarius @GingerBread
Raven's face formed into a mad scowl. "And what would you do about it you little albino? So what if I'm being difficult to your 'boyfriend'? Which by the way, did you use flour for make up so you could look all ugly for your male friend there?" Raven taunted. "Ugh... I didn't ask for this." He muttered. He then turned away from the group as if he was going to leave.

@GingerBread @Lotusy @OceanBunny
"Oh. No. You. Didn't." Jay growled at Raven, angry that the boy just insulted Nyx. "If you're going to be a stickler like that... well I've got no choice. DEMOCRITUS!!!" As the boy yelled, ten pigeons swooped down, scratching and clawing around Raven, dancing in and out from his face.

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"Just some unicorn blood, did Miyuki not tell you?" Nyx said, acting like getting Unicorn blood wasn't a big deal. Nyx then turned his attention towards The unknown boy "Because I don't want him to get a detention and therefore you don't want him to get a detention either" Nyx replied before seeing Jay unleash his pigeons onto the boy, Nyx started laughing at the pigeons attacking the boy "This kind of reminds me of how we first met" Nyx reminisced, smiling at the memory and the boys misfortune.

@Lotusy @OceanBunny @Sicarius
Erick looked up at the school, his arms crossed over his front. He'd never really been one for school--and yet here he was.
"Unicorn blood!?" Willow asked, shocked. 'When we came to find you.. He said something about wanting Unicorn blood if he helped track you..' Miyuki told Willow sheepishly. "I guess I could help you find a unicorn.. You wont hurt her will you?" Willow frowned lightly at the thought.

@Lotusy @Sicarius @GingerBread
"Muahaha! Feel the wrath of my feathery legion, Raven!" While Jay laughed manically, at this point, all that the pigeons were really doing was slightly obscuring Raven's vision. "Yea, Nyx, this is really like when we first met! Wrath! Wrath! Hahaha-" His evil laugh was interrupted by someone calling out his name. He turned around, only to see the girl from before, the one with Columbus. Instantly, the pigeons dispersed. "Jay? Uh, that's me. What's up?"

@Sicarius @Lynx1996 @GingerBread
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Pluto had looked at his letter. It said that his person was someone named Erick. "I have no clue who this is. I've only met like five people yesterday!" He sighed, he would have to find this person and see what they were like before he went and bought them something. He walked out of his room and down the hall. He was happy, he thought Christmas sounded great!

'So, what did I miss after I was killed by...*gasp* Jay killed me!! I thought I could trust him! I-i thought we had something special!' Jason just laid his head on Pluto's shoulder. 'Tell him I'm giving him the silent treatment!' Pluto just petted his head and made his way to the front of the school.

'We got in another fight, Jay sold us drugs, Nyx might be a little nicer to us. Oh and Pluto is pregnant with the child of the cosmos.'

'Pluto! Your pregnant!? I knew I should have given you the talk! Coatl we failed our child!'

Coatl sniffles, 'I know!'

Pluto rolled his eyes, "I'm not pregnant!"

He noticed someone at the front of the school, he looked lost, like Pluto had been. "Uh, hello! Do you need help?"


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