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Fantasy Lakoria High School

"You should." Jay's eyes became cold and hard. "Even if they hate you, Nyx, people take your words very seriously." He sat up, facing Nyx again. "For all you know, he could have killed himself over the guilt." He thought, for a minute, then added, "Plus, back when you were injured, he helped me get those unicorn tears for you. The guy has saved your life, you owe him this at the very least."

Nyx let out a long exaggerated sigh "Fine, i'll apologise the next time i see him" Nyx shook his head slightly "The things i do for you. I do have a reputation you know I can't just apologise every time someone has their feelings hurt" Nyx said, sounding like if he did apologise it would kill him.

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Enki thought while eating. "I'm not sure. You have any idea's?" Enki asked Maria with a thinking tone while continuing to eat his food.

@Ami the breadling
metalcity said:
Enki thought while eating. "I'm not sure. You have any idea's?" Enki asked Maria with a thinking tone while continuing to eat his food.
@Ami the breadling
After she had finished her food, she got up. " I really enjoyed today Enki. I'm glad we're a couple now. But I'm tired, so I will go to my room. Good night... ", she said and kissed him. Then, she went to her room.

(Sorry for the rather bland post, but I have to somehow bring my character back into play.)

Raven finally finished playing the piano (after God who knows how long he has been playing
xD ), and decided it was time to head out of the school since it was overwhelmingly late.

[QUOTE="Ami the breadling]After she had finished her food, she got up. " I really enjoyed today Enki. I'm glad we're a couple now. But I'm tired, so I will go to my room. Good night... ", she said and kissed him. Then, she went to her room.
@Ami the breadling[/b]

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In the midnight sun, Kaine stalked again.

Restless as always he had snuck out of his house to prowl around the neighborhood. Suddenly, he saw a figure leaving the building. Kaine quietly followed at a running speed with the only sound coming from the light patter of his large laws against the concrete

Raven paused for a moment as he heard a shift in the wind.... as if there was something riding against it. He closed his eyes to take in his surroundings; to heighten his other senses. As if he gave no regard to whatever was behind him, Raven resumed pace.

Kaine wasn't chasing to kill, though he often desired to go on a hunt again. As he crept up right behind Raven, he stood on two feet and let out a low audible growl to alert him to his presence.

A repressed part of him wanted to kill his prey, though he didn't want to anger his stern God.
Without flinching, Raven casually continued walking. Already aware of Kaine's presence, Raven felt no fear of what may be lurking in the shadows behind him. As he kept the same steady pace, Raven summoned The Blade of Corvus in his hand, and instantaneously turned around with sword drawn. He held it in one hand, in which he put forward so that the blade gave distance between him and Kaine. Although he had his blade, Raven actually refrained from transforming into Corvus. "What do you seek, foul beast?" Raven thundered.

"Im browsing..."

Kaine snarled as he circled around Raven

"I wont kill you. I go to that school near here. Im just observing"

His words contradicted with his menacing motions and appearance
Raven laughed sinisterly. "Of course you won't kill me," Raven began "Because you can't." Raven growled. He studied Kaine as he kept his sword at ready should this beast lash out at him. It did not surprise Raven at all that this creature attended Lakoria, because Lakoria was full of demons, and angels alike; which can explain while there is so many "controlled" fighting going on there.

Willow had been sitting on a bench outside the library with Miyuki, avoiding classes and hoping she'd spot Hak or Dal.

"Come on Miyu." She said standing and looking down at her frost leopard. "Let's go for a walk. Maybe we'll run into someone new."

Standing up, Miyuki rubbed her head against Willow's leg. 'Im sure you'll see them again someday Willow. Don't worry.' Miyu's voiced filled Willow's head in a reassuring tone. 'Thanks Miyu, lets go.' Willow silently responded and smiled, petting Miyuki's head she started walking down the path, humming lightly and letting her mind wander back to memories of her forest home.

Kaine let out a deep sinister laugh as he slowly extended a claw towards Raven, as if to stroke his cheek

"How I so badly want to taste living blood again..."

Then he pulled it back.

"But not now. You go to Lakoria right? Tell me, what is your name?"
Raven scoffed, and then smirked. He carefully slid his sword against Kaine's arm without cutting him. "Well why don't suck on your own arm then?" Raven said eerily. He stuck his blade into the ground and folded his arms. "Yes, and my name is Raven. Tell me foul beast, what do they call you?"

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Time Skip

In the morning there was an announcement that every student would hear "Good morning Students! In light of the recent fighting and the time of Year, there will be a mandatory Secret Santa. Now if you fail to be a part of this, you will be faced with a detention, however if you do give a gift it will count as extra credit for a subject of your choice." The announcer said, attempting to make the whole thing sound exciting "The people you will give gifts to have been preassigned, there will be a letter delivered to your place of residence shortly, Detailing who you have been assigned to give gifts to. It is up to you to find out what would be a suitable gift for them." The announcement crackled slightly before turning off.

@Ami the breadling
@Mango @DragonStorm @Lynx1996 @LokiofSP @DankDoughnut @SovietBear @OceanBunny (I think that's everyone)

( Here's the list of gift giving

-> = Gives gift to

Nyx -> Tyrrell

Maria -> Willow

Willow -> Lars

Lars -> Nyx

Enki -> Kaine

Columbus -> Enki

Kaine -> Emma

Tyrell -> Charyle

Jay -> Raven

Raven -> Pluto

Charlye -> Jay

Emma -> Maria

Pluto -> Erick

Erick -> Columbus )

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And Here...We....Go.

Nyx was rudely woken up when he heard an announcement about some secret santa thing Why do i care about this? Nyx questioned mentally, not really caring about it at the moment. This doesn't look like my dorm Nyx thought as he looked around the room, turning over to go back to sleep he saw that Jay was laying next to him Guess i'm in Jay's dorm Nyx thought, smiling slightly as he moved himself closer to Jay "Did you sleep well" Nyx purred into Jay's ear.


"Its Kaine. And just who exactly is the foul beast here? The man or the wolf?"

He chuckles quietly

"Well, that's all. I hope our future meetings will be more exciting. Sorry to bother"

And with that he left
Charlye was just waking up when she hear the announcement, almost lighting speed a letter appeared at her door. It said that She was Jay's secret Santa. \who was Jay\ she asked as she was remembering who he was...she then remembered the guy who was with that psychopath vampire. 'I guess I can stop by and get to know him" she got out of bed and got ready. @Lotusy
Raven woke up early for the first time, and headed to the school surprisingly early. As he was walking into the courtyard, he heard the announcement about the secret santa assignment. "God I hate Christmas..." He said out loud.
Willow yawned and rolled over as she heard the announcement. 'I wonder who I'll get.. I dont really know many people here.' She thought as she parted the vines to look outside her fairy house. Spotting a letter on a nearby branch she smiled and picked it up. Harmony Grapes. 'I wonder who that is.' She thought as she turned to pet Miyuki. 'It's time to get up Miyu. We have a girl to find and make friends with.' Miyuki blinked sleepily as Willow's voice filled her head. 'A girl? Why?' She asked with a yawn. 'Secret Santa. Her names Harmony.' Willow moved out of the the tree and dropped to the ground looking around she spotted a boy. 'Maybe he can help.' She smiled and moved towards him. "Hello there." She said cheerfully as Miyuki followed her towards the boy.

@Sicarius (@DankDoughnut where/how do you wana meet?)
"WHATWHOTHEF-" Jay sprang out of bed in surprise as he heard a low purring of a certain vampire's voice in his ear. "Oh, it's you, Nyx. I had a good night, but scare me like that." The boy managed to catch the last part of the announcement, hearing a name he had never heard before. Raven... huh? Wonder who he is. He stood up, waving goodbye to Nyx and leaving the dorm. As he wandered around campus, he checked the school directory online, reading up about Raven. "17, Senior," he muttered under his breath. "Well, this will certainly be interesting." He walked into the courtyard, casually asking passerby, "Hey, do you know a Raven Solis?"


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