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Fantasy Lakoria High School

What is my power? Emma thought to herself. She shrugged at Tyrrell. "My power? Well, I guess you could say I'm sort of good with potions," she said. "I guess you could call me an alchemist, though other people prefer witch," she said, saying the last part in a lower voice.

"See you later then" Nyx replied uncaringly "And when i do see you make sure you're not as weak as you are right now, i Hate weaklings" Nyx then turned to Jay "So, i'm going to go to my dorm, you're welcome to join me" Nyx said, becoming flirty on the second part "Because it seems everyone wants to piss me off and I don't want to break my promise" Nyx said as he walked over to his daggers and pulled them out of the ground before sheathing them. Nyx then started to walk away to the dorms.

@Lotusy @LokiofSP @Magical Squid Senpai @Lynx1996
Tyrrell nodded "well I'm not really human....well at least not any more," he shrugged before pulling his right arm out from inside his coat.

"Yea, I know. I've seen the arm," Emma said, sadly. Not one to make the mood heavier, she tried to break the silence, the leaned over the side, asking, "So when are going to get there?"

Jay only stood in shock as he heard the back-and-forth between Nyx and Columbus. He hadn't really expected Columbus to be so pained inside. From all the adventure Jay had with the zombie boy, whether it was beating up security guards, fighting demons, or getting electrocuted, the other boy had always seemed so calm, happy, and in control. Jay was really sad to see him like this.

His thought process was broken when Nyx invited him to the vampire's dorm. Jay nodded in agreement, knowing it was very well the best option at the moment. "Lead the way," he said.

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"Oh dear mother. Do you hear my prayers? I know you have not abandoned me. Without you, I am nothing in this mortal world. Deliver me. Grant me wisdom. Grant me eyes..."

The wretched dragon spoke quietly, sitting in his locked room facing the window. It was raining.
Nyx continued walking towards the dorms with Jay next to him "What would your opinion be if i were to kill God" Nyx asked, seriously considering killing God.

Jay looked at Nyx quizically. "Kill a god? Or kill the God?" He shook his head. "Either way, I don't think it would be worth it. Too much risk, to much paint, plus, half of them are immortal anyways. What would the point of that be?"

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Enki backed off from the kiss. "S-sorry if it was bad. I-I'm not used to this yet. It is still strange to me." He said, trying to not be rude.

@Ami the breadling
"The God" Nyx said, with a stone faced expression "And Two reasons, Reason number one, To prove that i'm more powerful than even God himself. Reason B, so i can laugh at a religious Arsehole when i tell him i killed his god" Nyx answered, determination in his voice.

'Darn! We didn't get to see anyone fight!'

'Ugh, I wanna go home!'

Let's go back to our dark island.'

Pluto watched as everyone went their separate ways. "I'm so tired. I'm going to my dorm."

'Oh wow! Pluto's such a rebel! Going to skip class and go sleep!?'

'What happened to the innocent little boy?'

Usually Pluto would never dream of skipping a class! Since Jay told him that it was ok, he kind of trusted Jay so what's the worst that could happen?

He made his way to his dorm, closed the door and locked it, and went to sit on his bed. He took out the bag of aspirin and the wattle bottle he forgot to give to Jay.

'Going to take some drugs?'

That won't shut us out!'

"Oh, trust me I know." Pluto rolled his eyes and took the aspirin. He laid down on the bed face down and took a nap.

'Is he really asleep?' Coatl whispered.

'Wow he is actually doing it! He skipped class to sleep!'

'And he got in a bunch of fights today.'

I'm kind of proud of him?'

(I'll be back later!)
The man left the scene, becoming tired by people starting to calm down. He looked at his ammo, he decided that it was best to head back to his base to create more of the drug. He started to leave, becoming slightly sloppy of his actions as he left. Not caring who saw him walk off the roof.
"Yeah but if i drink God's blood i'll become a god myself and i can kill all my enemies" Nyx replied, smirking "How cool would that be, Nyx the god of death, you'd have a god as a boyfriend" Nyx said Jokingly as they got to his dorm. Walking into his dorm Nyx threw his crutches down at the end of his bed before sitting on his bed.

Jay shrugged. "Honestly, I could care less if a god of death was my boyfriend," he said, taking a seat next to Nyx on the bed. "As long as you won't be gloomy and crap." He sat in silence for a while before talking again. "So, where's your dormmate?"

"My dormmate just left one day, didn't even say goodbye" Nyx replied, shrugging his shoulders "So that means you could stay here with me. All Night" Nyx purred leaning closer to Jay

Charlye nodded at and walked away from him a little depressed...her first friend and being near him makes her sad. This is going to be a bad semester alone. She frowned and hung her head, this is the worst day ever.
Columbus walked out of the room with his head down and his head in the clouds. He tried to think back and remember what his life was like, but it just gave him a headache.

He walked down the schools hallway until he felt a cold hand pull him into a closet, his shirt was lifted over his head as he was chided, "Hush stupid boy! You've already missed one session, we'll be lucky if the curse works this time...Stupid, why didn't you come? We had a deal!"

He stopped holding His ehis breath and spoke, "Sorry...I was a bit held up..."

The hag shook her head and began to put the black markings over his back, "This wouldn't even be necessary if you weren't so stubborn about being a 'human' if you'd embrace your undead fate you could take this school!"

Columbus took a breath as the hag finished, without saying a word she began to pack up her belongings, but Columbus grabbed her hand and looked her in the eye best he could through the darkness, "I want to do all of it...Today...I-I can't be weak anymore..." The hag laughed, "Silly boy, you'll be luck enough if you survive one, never mind all four abilities at once...You have thirty minutes until the curse begins to take hole, now leave me..."

He gripped her tighter, "I could care less about what happens to me, just do it..."

The woman looked dead in his eyes before sighing and lifting up his shirt again. She began to paint on his back once more until eventually, she took out a long rope, "You have thirty seconds before the curses start, you also have a ten percent chance of living. If you bite down on the rope, it will help with the pain, I wish you the best of luck." With that, she left.

Columbus began to shake as he waited, looking at a clock and growing more and more scared by the second. Eventually, the clock passed thirty seconds, and nothing happened. Columbus sighed out of relief,
"Oh thank the go-" His eyes widened as the worst pain imaginable came over him. He bit down on the rope as he felt his skin bubble and his insides burn. He clutched at anything he could to try to stay in a world that was fading fast, but suddenly all he saw was black...

He awoke later in a puddle of his own blood and saliva, the smell of burnt flesh filled the room as he blinked. It didn't hurt anymore, and tracing over the new scars on his back he could tell the curses had worked. He began to smile and tear up as he shakily stood and moved from the closet,
"Never again...I won't lose anybody ever again..."

(@GingerBread 6 out of freaking eleven. He was literally one flip away from death...)
(@LokiofSP I swear, you would have made us all die too lol. That was too close, and we all love Columbus.)

Jay laughed nervously. "Well, Nyx, as much as I'd love that, I've still got to study. Even if we missed class, we still have tests and stuff." He leaned back a bit on the bed. "Sorry about your dorm mate. Did you know him well?"

Nyx pouted as Jay turned down his offer "Fine" Nyx said, a small smile forming on his face "I'll just sleep in your dorm" Nyx stated, not really giving Jay a choice in the matter "And i didn't really know my Dorm mate well, though he was really nice to me, which either meant he was going to kill me in my sleep or he fancied me" Nyx shrugged his shoulders.


@LokiofSP Fate has decreed that Columbus must live )
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"What- but I- grr. Fine," Jay said, huffing and turning away from Nyx. "You can stay, if you must." He leaned back again, fully laying on the bed. "So, are you ever going to apologize to Columbus? You said some pretty mean things back there."

"I wasn't intending to apologize" Nyx admitted, sounding like he didn't really care "What did i say that warrants an apology anyway?" Nyx asked, not recalling anything that was worse than what he normally said to people.

metalcity said:
Enki backed off from the kiss. "S-sorry if it was bad. I-I'm not used to this yet. It is still strange to me." He said, trying to not be rude.
@Ami the breadling
Maria shook her head " It was great. Don't worry. What do you mean with strange? Is it uncomfortable? ", she asked a little hurt.

"N-No, just. Well, I...I'm not used to it. The feeling is strange to me, the attachment and things. Well, you know." He awkwardly said scratching the back of his head. "W-what should we do next?" Enki asked Maria, looking around to see what was going on.

@Ami the breadling

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