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Fantasy Lakoria High School

"That's no justification for anything," Jay muttered to himself. "I hate bullies, yet somehow I've found myself dating the most violent man here," he turned back, watching Nyx slowly get angry. He quickly rushed over to Nyx's side, trying to cool him off. "Chill, Nyx. Remember, you promised, no matter how bad they were..."

Charlye shrugged columbus's comment off, "Oh he belongs to you yeah? Maybe you should teach him to be a little less ignorant!!!" She backed down and sighed, she was not gunna let them get to her. She looked at Columbus and motioned for him to move out the way "Don't worry, I'm backing down you don't need to block us anymore"

@GingerBread @Lotusy @LokiofSP
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"MY NAME ISN'T COLUMBUS! IT'S ASHKII! GET IT YOU BLOOD DRINKING FUCK?!" He breathed heavily at his sudden burst of anger. To be honest he still felt Columbus to be him, his identity, but the other name filled him with this courage...This deep need to do right and simultaneously feel like he could do so...It made him feel like somebody important, something he hadn't felt in a long time.

But more importantly, it gave him the courage to not be afraid of Nyx.

@GingerBread @Lotusy @Lynx1996
Nyx took a deep breath and backed down, now even angrier at the girl for making him almost break his promise to Jay "Fine" Nyx growled out, really needing to punch or stab something. "Richard come here" Nyx ordered, getting an idea. Once Richard got over to him. Nyx In one fluid motion pulled his dagger out and sliced Richards head clean off before Richard disappeared into a red mist. This helped to calm Nyx down enough to the point where he wouldn't fight the next person to breathe.

And then Columbus called him a
"BLOOD DRINKING FUCK" That pissed Nyx right off. Nyx pulled out his other dagger and threw them both towards Columbus's feet, both of them landing mere millimeters from impaling his feet. Not even looking to see the results Nyx started to walk away before he ended up breaking his promise to Jay.

@Lotusy @Magical Squid Senpai @LokiofSP @Lynx1996
Charlye watched as he through the daggers at him. "Oh dear...He seems like a I'm uncultured " she whispered under her breath, what the fuck was going on? She lightly placed a hand on Columbus's shoulder "Are you alright?"

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The illusion of power broke and Columbus snapped back and grew embarrassed, "Huh? Oh... Yeah... I'm fine... Look, it may not seem like it but these guys are the closest thing to friends I've had since coming here... I appreciate you trying to stand up for me but I feel like an idiot...I'm really sorry Jay, you to Nyx...Just been a rough day..." He backed away and stood near the door, looking down as his cheeks grew red.

@Lynx1996 @GingerBread @Lotusy @Magical Squid Senpai
Charlye looked at him and looked down at theground "You don't have to apologize to anyone, it was my fault...I get too passion about things Columbus. I'm sorry, I truly am and I still want to be friends with you too, youre the closest thing I got to a friend " she frowned.

@LokiofSP @Magical Squid Senpai
Nyx stopped and turned around when Columbus tried to Justify his actions "You think you've had a bad day? I've had my leg literally broken into pieces, i was turned into a cat and put into a frilly dress. I got called unholy filth for being a vampire and for being Gay, and throughout all of this I wasn't able to kill anyone because i didn't want to break my promise to Jay." Nyx ranted, his anger growing as he recalled today's events "So tell me how was your day 'rough' compared to mine?" Nyx growled, glaring At everyone apart from Jay.

@Lotusy @Magical Squid Senpai @LokiofSP @Lynx1996
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Columbus went to tell Charlye how much that meant to him, how it made him feel better, but then Nyx spoke. Columbus remained quiet for a few moments before speaking, "I think...I remembered something about my past... How I died... I had a sister Nyx...She called my name... She was going to die and, god she was so scared... I should have asked for help but...I-I was just so full of myself that I tried to save her alone and... I think we both died..." He began to cry a bit, "I killed my sister, and I was the one who got to come back..."

@GingerBread @Lotusy @Magical Squid Senpai @Lynx1996
Charlye heard Nyx's rant, she was about to reply when Columbus started. She gasped as she heard his story then turned back to see if any expression in his face changed. She felt terrible for him, very bad. She turned back to Columbus and hugged him tightly. oh dear she barely knew this guy but knew that he was probably the most confused person here. She didn't know why she cared so much maybe because he was apart of the undead or because he just seemed so weak and pathetic.

@GingerBread @Lotusy @Magical Squid Senpai @LokiofSP
"So? you've already said yourself that dying and being buried was a horrible experience, would you really want your sister to go through that and be able to remember it?, would you want to be the one that stayed dead. Would you want your sister to be the one to deal with me?" Nyx asked, sounding uncaring and unsympathetic.

@LokiofSP @Lotusy @Magical Squid Senpai @Lynx1996
Columbus sniffled, "Nyx I just want people to get the ending they deserve in life...From what I remember of her, the ending I'm going towards is the one she should have gotten, I should be the one taking a dirt nap. What if one day you bit off more than you could chew, and fought somebody who killed Jay, then you, but you got to come back. Wouldn't you want Jay to be in your shoes, wouldn't you want Jay to live life? That's how it feels to be me right now..."

@GingerBread @Lotusy @Lynx1996
"That's the most infuriating part! I don't know what she would want! It's right there, I feel the connection, I feel as if I have all these memories of great times with her, but they don't ever come! It's like when you try to think of a word, and it's right there, on the tip of your tongue, but you can never quiet figure it out! She could have been a hardcore girl who didn't take anything from anybody, or a dainty flower who I protected! I DON'T KNOW!"

Charlye stood by and watched as they threw comments back and for. She felt his pain, everything he said hit her hard in her soul. Yep she could feel his pain because she sensed the way that he felt when he died. It was her black magic tinking with her again, It was times like this where she wished she knew how to control it. "Oh dear...please stop" she whispered to him.

@LokiofSP @GingerBread
"Well she's dead isn't she" Nyx stated, sounding harsher than he planned to "So Just Guess what she was like, go with your gut feeling" Nyx said, not too sure why he even cared about any of this but he pressed on "But regardless of whether she was dainty or hardcore, regardless of any of that. If she cared about you, she wouldn't want you to be sad over her death, she would want you to try to see the best in life. Because that's what happens when you care about someone, like if i were to die I would want Jay to be happy and not be sad, and i understand that's difficult but would your sister really want to see you so sad?"

@LokiofSP @Lotusy @Magical Squid Senpai @Lynx1996
@Magical Squid Senpai

If Pluto would ever sleep, he would have a vivid nightmare.

He is standing on top of a cliff, barren of any noticeable features. The ground was damp, hard, and only had red moss growing off some of the rocks.

On top of the cliff, he was overlooking the ocean. There was a a massive whirlpool directly in front of him that had a massive black void in the center leading down to the center of the Earth.

Pluto was now falling into the void, but slowly. So slowly. As he looked back into the black hole in the water, he saw something reach out to him.

Suddenly, he awoke

A while later...

Kaine had finally stabilized and returned to school. He knew he had done something wrong, but his parents didn't chastise him. They comforted him. He knew he was deranged and abnormal, but God still loved him. They told him so.

These thoughts went fleeting through the beasts head before he started to think about more instinctive things.

Vampire. He thought to himself.

Cursed undead vampire.

He couldn't explain the grudge, but he started to prowl around the campus, searching for someone.
Right then, the hoverboard took off and then it went up into the air. It was a smooth ride too and if you looked down you could see the buildings and the cars and so much more. Tyrrell looked over at Emma "so what do you think? Pretty cool huh?"

"Whoa! Oh, wow!" Emma shouted, as the hoverboard took off into the air. She let go of Tyrrell's hand, steadying herself on the hoverboard. When Tyrrell asked how she liked it, sme smiled and replied, "Cool? This is absolutely amazing!" she shouted, exhilarated.

He chuckled a bit and then took a step forward as a platform started to materialize under his feet "so, what's your power? Mine is based around technology and what not, if you know what I mean," Tyrrell smiled and then sat down on the platform.


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