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Fantasy Lakoria High School

(Yeah! And internet decided to be a wanker today xD )

Rea froze. Did I hear that right? Is she really leaving after all this? "No." Rea's eyes widened. Since when did she become so serious? "Your not leaving, Tenya." She spoke in a low voice, clenching her fist. " I wont let you."

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"Of course not, but they always end up eating anyways."

The prisoner looks out past the hallway and whispers

"Listen, I think I know a way out. It doesn't lead back to the world, but it leads to a small place where I set up shop..."
"What type of shop? How do we know your aren't the real Doc trying to play a mind game," Dal whispers back watching another cluster beetles crawl across the floor. On sudden impulsion he snatches one up and shoves it in his mouth, crunching and swallowing the little guy before he realized what he was doing.

"Or maybe you should just show us... might as well get it done and over with anyway," he sighs, picking a sharp beetle leg from his teeth and flicking it in no general direction.


Jay turned to Nyx. "The infirmary, right?" He slung his backpack over his shoulder. "We should check that out. Hopefully, you can pick up the blood trail or something, like a dog, y'know?" He beckoned to Miko and Miyuki. "Y'all tag along, too. We could use the backup. Whatever got her... might just as well get us."

@GingerBread @OceanBunny @Leone
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@SolisNighsun @OceanBunny

"An infirmary of sorts. I try to devise counter-weapons to whatever that monster creates... I havent had much success yet, but maybe you can help?"

"And why would I be him?!" His tone of voice quickly shifts "How dare you say that... You don't know what that bastards taken away from me." He snarls

"And the food, you might as well eat it. Its the only nutrition I find around here... Just try not to do it too soon."
"You think you've had it rough. Getting forced to eating your kind is a different story," Dal replies sullenly, "It takes your humanity.... and crushes it... like a grape. He comments unaware of the fact he was saying things he couldn't recall doing, but they had that sense of... of deja vu. He grabs a couple more of the beetles, nomming them with disgust, knowing that they were full of nutrition including much needed protein. *crunch* *crunch*.


Miko had been listening intently the entire time, and decided he'd follow like Jay had suggested. If he were being honest, he barely knew anyone, but the fact they trusted him made him more willing to go. He grabbed his back pack and followed Jay.
(Meh just don't forget to tag -_- ..I don't want to have to go through everything just to find your reply)

I felt Rea's burning gaze bearing over me. She was mad. Furious. But what's the point? "There's no point in me staying you know." I stood up, running my hands through Nemna's fur. "I found you, my goal's complete."

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Rea marched over to her and did something way out of character. She hugged her. She could feel her tears soaking her friends shirt but she couldnt care less. She lost so much. She wasnt going to let Tenya run away from her.

Maybe this was punishment. From me leaving her. Im sorry Tenya. Please. Dont go.

"Dont...go..." She whispered, sounding like a child telling her friend to play with her and not leave. She began to cry harder, choked sobs rocking in her chest.

My mind went blank then numb and all of a sudden went on haywire all at the same time. I felt Rea's tears fall on my shoulder. Her pleas for me to stay fill my ears and tears welled in my eyes. I rubbed her back gently. "Heh, you don't need me anymore. You've done fine on your own, it's ok. I'm not mad." I said, choking back my sobs.

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Corvus sighed as she saw the fairy leave with the strange doctor. He had an urge to go with her, but something about the doctor sent chills up his spine. In the end, he just decided to stay there in the cafeteria, enjoying the moment of connection he had with the forest fairy and counting it as a great blessing. The bell rang, and once again he had class. Discarding his used cup, Corvus casually made his way out of the cafeteria and then jumped back in to a rather smooth day at Lakoria.

(Sorry, I just came back after four days of madness and I have absolutely no idea what's happening)
Sighing Willow grows a black berry vine around her arm. "I usually only eat what I've grown myself." She tells the doc. Plucking a few berries she pops them in her mouth and the offers some to Dal.


Shifting back to leopard form, Miyuki followed Jay. Hoping Nyx would really be able to follow Willow's trail 'like a dog.'

@Lotusy @GingerBread @Leone @SovietBear
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As Enki read the book and was trying to pick what he could out about his feelings he became tangled up in his own thoughts. He only became freed when the librarian started to gently shake his shoulder

"Sir? sir?" Enki's thoughts left his mind as he looked up in shock, he turned his face to see a lady shaking him

Hi there, did I do something wrong?" Enki asked confused why he was being disturbed.

No, not at all sir. Just that we are hoping to close the library soon and would appreciate it if you could leave now." She said as she pulled out a pocket watch, she showed Enki the time and he was surprised by how long he was there.

Oh yea sorry, I became captured by my mind." Enki looked around, he didn't see Shina and was confused by her disappearance "Do you know where the bird went? There was one with me." Enki asked looking around, confused by how desperate his voice sounded.

Oh, she left sometime ago. It seemed like she tried to say bye but it seemed like you where asleep so she just left." She said as she took a step away from Enki, he began to get out of his seat scratching his head and gave a shuttle yawn.

Oh ok." Confused why she didn't communicate to say bye, but Enki shrugged it off Doesn't matter, these feelings cant be real. Can they? Enki then went to grab his bag and saw the book left on the table "Would it be ok if I took this book out?" Enki asked picking up the book and showing the lady.

The lady nodded and took the book off him, they walked to the check out and she did her librarian duties and handed Enki the book back, he said good bye and left. Enki made his way to his dorms and entered his room, he closed the door behind him and Hyip greeted him happily, he stocked her and then sat on his bed.
No, these feelings. I've never had them before, so why now, and why her. I don't want to be apart of some one else's life. Even if these feelings are true, what would I do if I was her boyfr...boyfr...WHAT!!!!! NO WHY, DON'T THINK LIKE THAT ITS NOT TRUE!!! He started pulling at his hair, then Hyip came over to him "You must be hungry." Hyip barked to his statement. Enki got up and walked over the bag of dog food, he filled up Hyip's bowl and turned out the lights and got into bed, he dug himself into his covers. I'm such a joke. He thought back to Ravens offer. This doesn't add up, so he questions me, after we first talked I started feeling like this then he offers to train me. This is strange, he seemed trust worthy but could that be a act. Anyway, I need to check this out tomorrow. I also need to study aswell. And as his thoughts pilled up in his mind again he started to drift off into a deep sleep.

Nyx followed everyone to the infirmary, On the way there he noticed it was getting late. When they all got to the infirmary Nyx walked in front of them "I think we should postpone this little rescue mission, i'd rather you guys were all rested, in case I end up needing assistance" Nyx said looking over the small group, his attention stopping on Willows 'pet' "And before you can complain, seeing as i don't need sleep as much as you guys do, i will attempt to track Willow or at least try to get some hints as to where she is, and any information i gather i will share with you guys tomorrow. As i'm sure all of you guys want to help so you can feel useful"

@Lotusy @OceanBunny @Leone @SovietBear

( @GreenEyedStranger It's up to you whether i end up finding your hostages or not, just Pm me or something :) )
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The prisoner gets up and moves the wireframe bed out of the way, showing a small hole. He begins to crawl through it before turning and speaking

"You can stay if you want... Dont know how long before he gets you." He says before he disappears into the hole.
"Well... I guess it wouldn't hurt... as much," Dhylian grumbles, struggling to feet and following after the strange Doctor. Still wouldn't surprise him if he was the true Doctor messing with him, but ehhh, who knows...

Before he slips through the hole he grabs a couple more beetles and whispers, "I hope you weren't crazy Alice, cause rabbit-holes are only for rabbits anyway.... " And with that he disappears though the seemingly endless darkness.


Day Ends

All the students packed away into their dorms, all teachers went home, and even the animals found a place for rest. The had sun disappeared hours earlier, thanks to Daylight Savings Time ending, and all the students had gotten used to the dark. When the clock struck 12, a day full of crazy teachers, love, the plague, fairy kidnappings, more love, and a giant overpowered tree monster drew to a close.

The next day, the sun poked out from the horizon, BLINDING ALL THE F***ING LIFE FORMS BEARING WITNESS TO IT LIKE THE GIANT BALL OF DEATH-FIRE THAT IT WAS!!! HAIL HELIOS!!! The resident magical rooster cawed, and the breakfast bell rang, signaling the beginning (and breakfast) for a new day.

(Rise and shine boys and girls!)
Willow sighed and gave the hole a skeptical look. "Here goes nothing." She mutters to herself before following Dal and the doctor into the darkness. She uses a vine to pull the bed back over the hole, just in case the creature or its master come looking.

Once everyone had gone back to their dorms, Nyx went into the infirmary to see if he could pick up a blood trail, Luckily there was one though it was faint, unsure if it would even lead him to Willow, Nyx followed it as it was the only lead he had. as the blood trail was so weak it made it hard to follow so it took Nyx most of the night but it ended up leading Nyx outside of the school grounds, He was confused when he found that it seemed to be strongest in the middle of a road, but still weak as if he was still far away from them, Nyx was confused at how the trail appeared to stop here Why does it stop here? was it not the right trail? Completely lost in his thoughts Nyx didn't notice the car heading towards him.

Nyx dived out of the way of the incoming car as he collided with the ground, he noticed that the smell of blood got stronger now that he was close to the ground, though nyx was confused he decided that laying in the middle of a road was not the best idea he moved over to the pavement, just outside an abandoned building
Why does the trail get stronger towards the ground? Could they be underground? Nyx thought as he sat down in front of the building, before his thoughts were interrupted by the sun rising, causing Nyx's skin to start to burn slightly Guess i took too long, dawn isn't a good time for me to be outside Nyx headed inside the building.

Deciding there wasn't much else for him to do right now and feeling quite bored, he decided to take a look around the building, Not paying attention to where he was going, nyx tripped over a small trap door hidden in the corner of one of the rooms. Intrigued by this seemingly hidden trapdoor, nyx decided to take a look and see whats down there.

Upon entering the trap door, Nyx was glad that he could see in the dark as he found himself in what appeared to be a old abandoned bunker. As Nyx got further into the bunker he noticed that the blood trail he had been following earlier had returned stronger than before
Guess i was right about it being underground He thought as he continued walking through the Bunker, until he noticed a couple of cells, curious he walked over to the cells, reaching out to touch the bars nyx found that they were iron and were slightly rusty, but still in good shape as if they'd been used recently. Nyx though back to how Willows pet had described Willows location Iron bars, check, Dark, check, Cold... check Nyx thought, confident he had found the right place. Deciding that he best not stay here any longer Nyx started making his way out.

Once Nyx had made his way out of the Bunker, he started heading back towards the school dorms, As he was walking there he started think about what this information would be worth he doubted anyone else would be able to find it. As nyx entered the dorms he decided to bring that up later, an evil grin appearing on his face.

Nyx went over to Jay's dorm and started knocking on the door "Jay, i'm back and i may have some information about the whereabouts of willow" Nyx Said as he continued banging on jay's door, All the while thinking of things he could demand for the information.


(I think this is one of the longest posts i done so far
:D )
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Columbus stretched as he finally made it back to the campus, his eyes were barley open after the night's session, allot of practicing the kid's old abilities so he could properly use them, allot of beatings, and some writings on his back in pitch black ink. He was pretty sure he might just skip school today so he could process it all. He had basically just done the afterlife equivalent of murder, it gave him chills.

He stumbled through the halls, everything was sore, felt like he just finished a thirty minute work-out, he was ready to pass out. His body didn't even let him make it to his dorm as he passed out, he came to five minutes later and found himself in front of the infirmary, he went to continue on only to wince slightly at a pulled muscle, he looked at the doors, 'Couldn't hurt to get it checked out.' He went to the door and gave it three quick knocks.

(@everyone, Sorry guys, things have come up so I will not be able to be on RpN for a while. I hope to be back on soon though.)

As soon as they passed through the hole, which seemed to stretch on forever, they found a relatively clean infirmary room. It seemed to be in a different part of the bunker, untouched.

"You might be safe here..."
@GreenEyedStranger @OceanBunny

"That's reassuring," Dal mutters under his breath, "How did you find this place?" He asks, waiting to enlighten himself on the whole I'm captured come help me ordeal. He helps Willow through the hole and then starts to take in his surroundings.
Yawning repeatedly Enki started to wake up, he did his usual routine of rubbing his eyes and complaining about life. He walked over to his desk and picked up his backpack, doing so Hyip walked over and nudged his leg, "Want to go for a walk? Oh I should feed you first, sorry." Enki said as he knelt down and rubbed Hyip's head. He placed food in her food bowl and sat down on his bed while he waited for her to finish eating. Doing so his memory's of last night returned to his mind, feelings built up in him once more "No no, leave me. You are not real." He said as he started pacing back and forth in his room. He then realised he was wearing the same clothes, he walked to his wardrobe and picked out some black clothes, and walked to his bathroom. Once finished getting washed and dressed he exited the room. Hyip finished eating and gave a happy bark, she waged her tail and started patting the floor with her feet "You wanna play? ok then." Enki walked over to his door, he put on his usual cloak and put a lead on Hyip and they left his room. Hyip gave a happy grunt and and started to get tangled up with Enki as she desperately wanted to play. Enki gave a final yawn before untangling himself from her and he prepared to have a morning jog around campus.

(for new rp'ers here Hyip is Enki's dog, if you couldn't guess)
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