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Fantasy Lakoria High School

Jay smiled at Leone. "I can't, man. I don't control him. But I'm sure I can have him let you off with only a leg missing..." His voice trailed off as he saw saw a familiar-looking leopard walking into the lunchroom. Is it...? It is. That's Willow's leopard! I'm sure she loved it, so why is itbon it's own? He turned around. "Excuse me for a minute, Miko." He ran over to the leopard. "Hey, uh... Leopard...? Are you lost? Sorry, I don't think I know you, but... is your owner a fairy, by any chance?"

(Sorry, I couldn't think of any better excuse.)

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Nyx's Sheathed his daggers as he saw jay run over to Willow's leopard "Oh, look even your owner didn't want vermin like you, did you come here to scavenge some food?" Nyx asked as he walked over, a smirk on his face

@Lotusy @OceanBunny (can Miyuki communicate to jay and nyx? If not Nyx still has the cat collar ;) )
(Willow wouldnt be able to communicate with it if it wasnt a plant/animal consciousness) @SolisNighsun

"Oh.. Do you know anything about his plans though?" Willow asks. She felt sad for the boys pain but was more concerned with trying to figure a way out of the situation.


Miyuki looked up at the boy asking her about Willow.
'I found Jay! How do i get him to understand though?' She Moved closer to him and licked his hand, hoping it would let him know he was right. 'I don't know Miyu.. I don't think he can talk to animals.' Willow responded worriedly. Miyuki growled lightly as Nyx came over, insulting her.

@Lotusy @GingerBread (nope) @Leone (the fox might be able to.. or she could shift forms and so she can speak normally.. >.>)
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"I Think It likes you jay, i'd be careful though it probably has fleas" Nyx commented as he saw the leopard lick jays hand "The kindest thing to do would be to put it down, it might die all alone" Nyx said his voice filled with fake empathy

@Lotusy @OceanBunny (Do you want me to use the collar so Miyuki and whomever can communicate?)
(No no, I got this xD ) @GingerBread @Lotusy

Growling angrily at the vampire Miyuki shifted to kemonomimi form. Glaring up at Nyx with icy blue eyes Miyuki said, "I do not have flees!! And Willow did not abandon me!" Huffing lightly she turned to Jay, her tail wrapping around her nervously. "Willow needs help." She says, petting her tail to keep herself calm. 'It's okay.. they're not hunters, they wont hurt me.' She reassured herself, not comfortable being in this form around people.
(Oh.. okay. Im not sure how this works but Im guessing its just going to cut off her connection.) @SolisNighsun @GreenEyedStranger

"Any information on his plan could help us." Willow tried to reason with him. She shakes her head lightly, trying to dispel the light and noise. 'Miyu? are you still there?' She asks but can't seem to connect to her leopard anymore.
Nyx was slightly shocked by The leopard turning into a human, but quickly recovered. Glaring back at her he moved his hand to one of his daggers, ready to unsheathe it at any moment "If i were you i'd watch your tone" Nyx harshly said "And why can't you help willow? if you're asking jay for help then it can't be too bad" Nyx said before turning to jay "no Offence" Nyx smiled awkwardly at Jay

@Lotusy @OceanBunny

Jay gave a glare to Nyx. "None taken, man, but I can still be useful, you know." He looked back to the leopard who had changed into a more humanoid form. His eyes caught the the leopard nervously patting her tail. "Hey. Hey, it'll be OK. We'll find her." He sat down at one of the nearby tables. "So, I know this is more of a dog thing, but can you find out where she is? Like, do you have some kind of magical bond?"

@OceanBunny @GingerBread

(@Leone Want to tag along?)
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From the darkness came forth the pathetic creature. Its arms outstretched, it reached forward and unlocked the door to the cell. However, it stood in front of the light hallway, blocking any entrance.

Around the dark room, you could see a shabby metal table with a plate of mysterious food on it. The creature looked on eerily. There were other cells in the room... With barely noticeable figures in them.
Wylo (human)

Wylo staggered into the campus grounds. "Ugh," he groaned. You're in an unfamiliar place, the voice said. "No... I'm not going to let you take over," Wylo muttered. Yes... You will, the voice demanded. Suddenly Wylo's eyes turned pitch black and his face paled and his skin hardened. Then the mask began to consume Wylo's face. "STOP," two distinct voices cried out in unison. Wylo dug his fingers under the mask that already covered half his face. The mask began to surround Wylo's right eye, his left eye already sunken under the mask. Wylo began to pry the mask off his face. "I... Won't..." Wylo muttered. What are you doing? I am trying to protect you! the voice yelled at him. "I won't... Let... You... Control me!" Wylo yelled, his voice and the demon's mixed discordantly. Wylo tore the mask off, and the wooden face fell to the floor, it's wooden material starting to wither slowly. Wylo fell to his knees. He groaned, feeling lightheaded and dizzy. His vision swam and as he held his hand to his head, he succumbed to darkness.
Enki walked to a table, he sat down on a seat and placed the book on the table. He rested his head on his hand to keep his head up, he used his other hand to flick through the pages. At first the book seemed boring and Enki groaned and yawned but the plot started to pick up and at the same time it picked up his attention. It told the relationship between a boy named Glumio and a girl called Doodlet. Enki looked at it confused, he knew that people could have relationships but he didn't see the point, why would you ever feel like this about someone he thought, he continued to flick through quicker, many parts caught his attention until the biggest shock hit him, it displayed the feelings inside Enki. It showed that at first the characters where nervous around each over, blushing a lot, this was slowly making Enki realise. In situations one of the members would sweat and felt weak yet strong at the same time around the significant other. Wait! What! This is how I feel, no wait, waiittt. So does this mean... Enki started to blush a lot, he read on in shock and confusion to his new found feelings, but then it got worse. It then displayed how the male was banished and the female suicided, Enki was shocked and started to become anger as he read how the male suicided. No I can't, why do I have to feel like this. She doesn't even think of me like this, this is silly. And even if she did, she would die, dammit. It's because I'm still to weak, if I got stronger I could protect her, then this wouldn't have to happen. Enki accidentally started talking "dammit, these feelings must be fake, there is no way this could happen. But still, if I trained I could get stronger, I could protect her, and beat him. Fine, i'll go see about his offer." Enki then realised that he said that last part out loud and blushed more. He looked around in a panic.

@PhoenixFire13 (yay)
"I'm not saying you can't be useful but I'm sure if willow needed healing she'd be here, So i assume she's in trouble and she Sent her vermin to get help and well, you're not that good in a fight" Nyx said quickly, trying to defend himself, awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck

@Lotusy @OceanBunny
"I'm not a vermin." Miyuki growled at Nyx. "To answer both of your questions. Yes I have a bond and she sent me because she's trapped not hurt." She sighed as she tried to connect to Willow just to be answered with silence. "Something seems to have blocked our connection since she asked me to find help though.. Alls I know of her location is its dark and cold. And she's scared of the iron bars." She tells Jay, hoping he'll know where to look.

@GingerBread @Lotusy
Raven continued to play the piano, singing away as the inspiration hit him. He loved playing the piano, for it soothed the fire within his soul. He was never one to display emotions, yet music was a way he was able to express himself. Raven always carried himself as a quiet, serious individual who showed hardly any signs of humanity. Yet he had just as much humanity as anybody else, as much as he hated to admit it. He just wish we didn't. He wish there wasn't a way for him to feel pain...to feel anguish. To be able to feel love...and to feel the despair that followed. As he played the song with more passion, he came to a conclusion. Everyone is living in a lie.

Leo was awoken from his brief slumber by a forceful yank on his leg. He open his eyes and was startled to see a heavily infected student crawling up the wall. The student appeared to be screaming for help, but was acting brashly, which confused Leo. Deciding that he'd rather not take chances of being infected, Leo whispered a quiet sorry to the student before spraying them in the face with his shroom. He forged through the heavy cloud of spores, as the stench filled his nose. Leo blundered to the school, but couldn't see where he was going, due to the fact that his eyes were watering from the spores, and ran into the school wall. Glad that the bio hazard suit person didn't see, he stumbled into the main building, fumbled his way to the canteen, and lay down on a table. He could tell that the four standing around the table were shocked, and mumbled a quiet sorry to the people at the table he was at before falling asleep. As he lay there, he could feel a squishy object under him, which he would later discover that it was a sandwich.

@Lotusy @GingerBread @Leone (please bring me along... I'm desperate)
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"Iron bars... and coldness?" Jay tapped his chin, lost in thought. "I've got no idea of where that is, it could be anywhere..." He turns as he hears a plop, and sees a student flop down face-first onto his sandwich. Goddammit, I'll never get to eat that at this rate! He turned to Nyx. "Hey, Nyx. It's a bit of a stretch, but all these incidents, well, they've been targeting students right? The fairy girl, the plague, and now this kidnapping? Maybe there's something we can find that ties them together."

@GingerBread @Leone @OceanBunny @SovietBear
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"Well if they are targeting students, they'll leave you alone if they don't want to have to eat through a tube" Nyx threatened to no one in particular "Actually, i noticed before that all of my roommates stuff was missing, it was like he had never been there in the first place; He might've just left though, but we shouldn't rule him out yet" Nyx turned towards Willow's leopard "Where was willow last? it would be a good idea to start there, If she got hurt and started bleeding i could probably track her down"

@OceanBunny @Lotusy (This is my last post for today guys, night)
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Wylo (human)

Wylo opened his eyes. Where was he? What happened? He stood up. Rubbing his eyes, he looked around at an unfamiliar place. Wylo could guess it was a school. At that's what he thought most of it. But where were the students? Careful. Someone could be trying to kill you, the voice inside him warned. "Oh for goodness sake, stop getting so paranoid. I don't need you right now," Wylo scolded his demon. The voice hushed up. Wylo began to walk around. He wasn't sure what he was going to do next but he figured he'd get to familiarize himself with the place. He hoped he'd meet someone. The fact that no one was around dug under his skin a bit.

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"We followed the surgeon to the ingirmary. With the new fairy boy. They left with him to another room though. I'm not sure where." Miyuki tells him, "I know they left that room though. And the fairy boy was hurt. " She sighs, frustrated that she seems to be getting no where and still can't connect to Willow.

@GingerBread @Lotusy @Leone @SovietBear
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Willow looked at the creature with spree soon and pity. It looked so sad and fragile. "Do you know what that thing is?" She asked the doctor, pulling Dal closer protectively. She tried once again to get through the light in her mind, trying to connect to Miyuki.


"One of his creations no doubt... I wouldn't underestimate it though. I can only imagine what horrible things he did to that poor thing. Just don't get near it."

From the hallway came a walking sound. Behind the creature, a dark silhouette of a man stared into the room then turned away and left. The prisoner continued

"There is more to do apart from sit here. Eat first, we'll talk."
"Eat?" Dhaylian asks hoarsely, "Eat what? I see nothing here, save for the beetles and other creepy crawlies along the floor."

Dal picks one up as proof, letting the black scarabaeidae slowly clamber over his fingers, tickling his skin with it's hooked toes. He puts the critter back down, letting it resume its adventure across the cold stone floor.

My second day and I'm already, and probably, going to die. Yippy.....,He thinks to himself.


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(Pfft, you got your phone back now so yeah. -_- )

Still no reply. Should I? Everything's ok now right? I thoughy silently, my mind buzzing and I surprised myself with the words that came after. "I'm leaving."


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