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Fantasy Lakoria High School

Ryo closed his book when the bell rang and stuffed it back into his bag. It was time for P.E., but he wasn't sure what to think of it. His old school was just regular workouts and sports- couldn't help but wonder what they would have here. The male only took a deep breath and pulled his book bag over his shoulders before going to the gym. Since he had already skipped most of his classes today, he was tempted to skip this one as well, but he simply entered the gym discretely. He mumbled to himself quietly as he moved out of the way of the entrance and looked around, keeping his distance from others for his own comfort.
"Ugh... Corvus- oh crap-!"

Pandora began to groan, sitting back up with a jump. She calmed herself down, seeing Corvus was now up an seemed relatively healthy.

"A-are you okay?"

She asked, standing up to stretch.

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(Dude technically you were the one who wanted to fight. xD )

Rea swung forward, her signature tonfas in her grasp. Nemna moved foward in a guarding motion infront of his master. Light radiated from silver tiger as he produced a shield. Tenya held the glint in her eyes as Rea's weapon came into contact with her familiar's defence. Blue and Purple auras danced for a moment until Nenma threw Rea off and she back up consistently. Nenma Valkerion mode. The tiger obeyed and turned into a silver sword. Rea, no Shadow, continued to come at her. Blow after blow she was blocked and with every swing she was parried.Shadow looked at her with eyes of with both surprise and familiarity.

"I have to say Tenya, you've grown physically and in power. But you still hide behind your familiar, such a coward." Shadow commented.

She scoffed under her breath and gave out a laugh."Me? A coward, at least I'm using my own power for the defence I brought, while you-" She pointed at the girl infront of her. "You're letting Shadow take over and fight for you. Pathetic."

A distant growl sounded from her friend, leaving a satisfied smirk plastered on Tenya's face. She giggled. "Oh I'm sorry did I hit home? Well maybe I should thank you, I did grow stronger because of you, you know."

She left me alone. "I mean thanks to you I'm able to fight without a shield now." Nemna sword figure retreated back into Tenya's body. She left me all alone in that place. The air around Tenya changed, suddenly turning tense and dangerous. "Thanks to you I'm able to control my powers better now." Tenya voice grew dangerously low. Her aura radiating sparks of blue.She abandoned me when I needed her. "And thanks to you, I was left with no other alternative but to survive the harshest environments. Discipline. It taught me." A crystal blue sword solidified in her hand.

"And now, I can kill you." She swung foward.

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Rea scoffed. There is no way she would lose in this fight. Although, she felt sorry that she left her for 345 years, a fight is still a fight. She felt her mind come at peace. "Kyoya, come forth." Shadow called out, focusing her energy in her mind. The ground all around her glowed and out came a pattern. It was star-shaped, the outline glowing a purple hue. Out of midair, formed a handsome young man. The man pushed his spectacles up. "Yes, Shadow? What did you do now?" Kyoya asked as he sighed. "Transform now, Talk later. Death Scythe mode." Shadow ordered. Kyoya heaved a sighed but nonetheless obeyed. He glowed white, blinding anyone for a few seconds, and in Shadow's hand was a black scythe. 'What now?' Kyoya asked. "We fight." Shadow said, conviction in her eyes.

The conviction in her friend's eyes made her grin. At least she wasn't going down without a fight. She thrust her sword forward at lightning speed, and the sound of crystal and metal blows filled the air. Blue and Black danced faster and faster, deadly going to deadlier. The fight's speed gave no room for rest as they parried and struck. The force of their blows stretched int their surroundings. Any missed swing would either create a gash in the school's exterior or chop fully grown trees into two. Within a few moments, the front grounds looked like a battlefield fresh from a warzone. The ground was crumpled, trees were split and uprooted, and the school walls had missing chunks in them. All the commotion attracted the attention of fellow schoolmates who came to watch at a distance, perplexed and surprised.

"I'm surprised she hasn't gone down yet." Kyouya's voice sounded into Shadow's head. "The girl has gained power and experience, she even managed to parry my blows without the help of her familiar." "Worried are we?" "Never."

Shadow came at her opponent readily swing Kyouya at Tenya's side. Tenya moved to one side quickly. She was not going to lose. Not until Rea's pays for what she did to her. Not until she had her on her knees, asking forgiveness. And not until she explains why she left her!

With determination Tenya dug her sword into the ground. The earth rumbled and shook and spikes of ice sprouted from the ground, grazing Shadow on her cheek a she dodge. "Playtimes' over."
The bell rang, Enki looked at the time "shit P.E" he goes to the gym. He enters, he feels nervous as he thinks that he should find some one to talk to, every one seems to be happy and cheerful, but then he notices a human sitting in the corner. He starts to wonder over there trying to make it not look obvious that he's going towards this person. The he sees that it's a female, he gets nervous and starts sweating, he gets to close now, he can't turn his back. The cold aura hits him, he sweats more but it's to late, then he trips. His head bands the floor, "damit, thanks for makeing me look stupid" he mutters "probably have this girl's attention" then he slowly looks up...

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Nyx hears the bell ring and starts to look around for any information as to where he is meant to go, he sees a couple of people heading into the gym he decides that is where he is meant to go.
(Anyone know how I should start??? Sorry, I suck at intro post's... "^.^) @ANYONE!! :3
"O-okay..." He says whilst reaching for her hand as she pulls him up, "Lets get going then shall we?" He says whilst smiling at her.

(Okay see you later, Have a good time if you enjoy it? I don't know :) ^^)

Ryo found somewhere to sit near the wall and took his book bag off beside him as he waited. He toyed with the piercing in his tongue as he started to zone out from watching everyone. Propping his head against the wall incase he ended up falling asleep, he listened to his tail tap on the floor lightly while he waited for the class to start.
"Um.. Which way?" Willow asks blushing lightly as they leave the classroom. "I don't know where anything is." She smiles up at Hak.


(If it was the weekend id be having fun at work but not my weekday job xD )
"Well, I was raised to fight....my hands have already been....stained, I can't deny it... I can never atone for my sins as I know I will have to dirty my hands one day again" He mumbles. And then smiles at Willow whilst blushing.

Nyx arrived at the entrance to the gym to see that there was a crowd he overheard a girl and boy talking, he heard the girl say she didn't like violence.

As he walked passed them he muttered, loud enough for them to hear "Cowards".
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"Sometimes fighting is necessary.." Willow smiles at Hak. "I believe life is precious though and it's a shame to waste it." As a boy walks by she hears him mutter 'cowards' at them. She pouts not understanding why he felt the need to insult her.


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