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Fantasy Lakoria High School

Enki starts to wake, he yawns and rubs his eyes. He looks up and realises that he is no longer in the library...he's in a bin. he wonders around, his hands are stuck and he cant break the bin, he calls for help but no one answers. He smells food and attempts to travail to the canteen, accidentally he bashes into most objects in his way. Sighing repeatedly the bin breaks on a tree, hurting his head he becomes dizzy and falls and passes out.
Ryo finally found a clock and sighed, pulling out the folded up schedule in his pocket to check which class was next. He nodded to himself once he got it remembered and put the schedule away, but now all he had to do was wait around. So the male grabbed a book from his bag that he'd been reading for a day or two and opened it, taking a seat on the floor with his back against the wall. Probably not the smartest place to read, but it was out of the way of people so he didn't mind. Instead, he began to bury his mind into the book as he read, his tail tapping the floor beside him slowly.
Enki opens his eyes in shock. He looks around and mutters "only a dream" Pain struck's his neck, he touches his neck and checks his hand, blood. "dammit, stupid vampire... guess I opened my wound." he thinks to him self that he should make sure its not infected, but then his dream becomes more clear. This is the opportunity he's been waiting for. He remembered that he had a dream about the exiled sword. He checks his back and finds a bottle he suspects he brought (or stole) and summons Maka and Chloe. He tells them that he has read a book on swords and he could win. Before he know it the two devils started to jump with joy. They took the bottle off of Enki and make a strange symbol on the floor with his blood, light shoots in to the sky and then Enki was no longer there... he was sent to the under world.

Maka and Chloe lead the way and Enki follows, he sees a thrown covered in sculls, its one of the 10 devil princes thrown's. Then he walks out, the nameless prince. He throws a collection of swords at Enki, he knows this as this to well as this is his fifth time battling, each time he lost. He picks up the broad sword and instantly attacked, he manages to just jump back as he did so he swung back and just sliced his chest, The prince chuckles as he prepares for his next attack. Enki ready's his weapon and charges, the prince moves to the side and pushes him and attacks, Enki knows this situation to well and moves his foot into a position to move the hand holding then weapon the spins flawlessly and cuts him in half with a smooth sweep "the dream just told me how to move this sword flawlessly"... then the prince reappears on the thrown and Enki reappears in the real world.

His eyes open and sees Maka and Chloe clapping then it appearers the weapon of his dreams lays in fount of him The Exiled Sword. He puts blood on it and commands it to his will then it disperses and Enki chuckles, Maka and Chloe go back to the under world. Enki stands and makes his way to the infirmary swaying side to side.
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She had her hands in her jacket pockets. She slouched back slightly with her hood up. "Cool if I get Green Tea? Good ssuff, in my opinion." She said, as she had her headphones down. They were playing, as people around her quietly heard the violent music. @Kyzaba
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Kyzaba watched in panic as people started watching the two with lame eyes in curiosity when he went to order for the two. He sighed before taking down the order and asking for a cup of coffee along with a cup of green tea. "Uh... Mind tuning down your music?" He asked... not quite sure if he liked the attention they were getting with the loud music.

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(It isn't loud, it's like when you have headphones and when you take it off it's way quieter :l) "Eh... Sorry." She adjusted them to a quieter volume, to where it was faint to just him. She took her cup and began to drink it. She gave him a cheerful expression.
"Did we sleep through class again?" She asks with a smile.

A bunny hops over a lays down next to them it's head on Willows stomach. 'Well hello there." She says, scratching the little guy behind the ears.

(lol... oops.)

Kyzaba took a sip of his coffee and slowly enjoyed the warmth of it. He watched as the girl in front of him began to sip her tea as well. However, his mind was full of mist and confusion. First of all, he didn't know who this girl was and for some reason, she decided to introduce herself and flirt with him. And... know, he'd invited the girl for tea. The world's a complicated place. He thought as he rested his head on his palm which was placed on the table.

She finished the cup rather quickly, still holding it. She noticed his confusion and got a bit bummed out. She liked him, yet he doesnt know her? Ugh. She wanted to start some sort of conversation, just didnt know "What to say".
Enki reaches the infirmary, still swaying. He noticed the boy that he talked to, seeing that he was laying near some sort of female, the looked like they where "sleeping peacefully" he decides to ignore them and continue's to buy supplies to disinfect his wounds, at the same time he patches the wound up. He started to walk out but kept glancing at the female, wondering about the structure of the body of a girl. Then quickly flicked his head to the door and made a move quickly.
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Kyzaba snapped out of his temporary coma before lifting up his head. "Sorry 'bout that." He said with a smile. "Uh... How's your day been?" He asked.
"I believe we should attend classes.. It is a school." Willow says whilst giggling. "My new bunny friend thinks you don't like him." Willow smiles at Hak while growing carrots for the bunny.

"Ohhhh....but..." Hak thinks as he doesn't really like class, Hak looks away and mumbles 'I don't' as he also thinks of how close the bunny is to her.

"Come on, I'll take you to lesson?" Hak says whilst standing and offering her a hand up.

"Aren't schools meant for taking classes?" Willow asks tipping her head to the side. She pats the bunny on the head handing him the carrots. Taking Hak's hand with a smile she allows him to pull her to her feet.

Hak Says "Well...I guess if your in it I could make an exception, hopefully we are sat next to each other though..."

(I've got to sleep now sorry, feel free to extend it on into class and stuff or just leave it i dont mind :) ) Bye :) )

Shina woke up with a jolt and jumped to her feet too fast, leaving her with a headache that immediately brought her onto her knees. Her breath came out in bursts as she knelt there, heart pounding. She stayed there until her eyes focused and she was able to see her hands on the ground. She took a deep breath and calmed her pulse, adjusting her position so that her back was on the tree.

It was just a dream ...

Shina raised a hand to her face and noticed that she was still trembling from the shock. Frowning, she hugged her knees to her chest and fought back tears.

In her dream, she was back in the dark barn house where the kidnappers had taken her. Their faces were hidden in the darkness but their voices sent a chill down her spine with each word. One of them had reached toward her, suddenly cutting her bare skin with a knife. She remember screaming in pain as they tortured her and enjoyed watching her scream.

She snapped out of her daydream and shook her head, pinching herself on both cheeks. She looked up at the blue sky above, a single tear trickled down her face.

Why can't I ever get rid of that stupid dream?
Willow follows Hak into the classroom. Seeing two empty seats near the back they sit together for what will be her first real school experience. She smiles excitedly at him not really paying attention to what the teacher is saying.

Hours later, Corvus slowly opened his eyes to find that he was in the infirmary. There was no clock immediately in sight, but he did notice a sleeping Pandora next to his left arm. He smiled in comfort as he gently stroked her hair. So cute..., he thought to himself fondly. Turning his body to his right, he put his feet on the ground and attempted to get up from the bed, careful not to overexert himself. He pressed down on the bed, using it as a support as he slowly and painfully made his way back up. Once he was up, it felt like he had already climbed a mountain, and standing up he felt like he was above the clouds.

The loss of blood was serious, but strangely the damage wasn't as severe as Corvus expected. The elf took a deep breath as he steadied himself, his back turned on Pandora.

(If you wish to continue your current conversation or action, you don't have to go to the gym. You only have to go to gym if you wanna participate in the game. For now, just enter the gym for attendance. I'll announce the rules and start the official game tomorrow.)

The bell rang loudly, echoing over the entire school campus. Shina kept her position for another minute before sighing in frustration and heading toward the gym, where her next class was. When she walked into the building, the students near the entrance scrambled away from her, tripping in their haste. She glared at them in annoyance.

Fine. If no one likes me, I don't have to like anyone either.

She sat down in a corner of the gym by herself, wanting no one to notice her presence. Luckily, everyone was busy chatting with their friends and avoided looking at her corner. Probably because of the cold aura she purposely admitted to keep everyone away from her. She leaned back onto the wall and waited for the gym teacher to finish taking attendance.

I wonder what interesting lesson we have this time.
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Corvus heard the resounding bell, which eradicated any iota of sleep left in the slightly disgruntled elf. Knowing it was PE, Corvus was excited to go, despite his recent injuries. He knew just the fix, however, costly as it was. Closing his eyes for a moment, a strange but familiar clock glyph appeared on Corvus's forehead as he was surrounded by a blue-green aura.

R̹̰͍͖̞̈͛͆e̥̫͙̝͚̙ͧ̇ͦw̼̤̟i͙̟̞͉͓ͥͭ̓̋̑̈́ͦn̪͙̘̊̄ͨd̦̳̩͇̎̃̈́͗ͥ̈ ̥S͙̮͒̚t͊ȁ̞̰̬̆̾ͣ̄̔̿t̟̲̣̣̎̆̌ͥͫ̄e͓̣͋̌ͮͮͅ!̖̪̻̻̻̭͔͆

In a bright flash, the clock glyph expanded to envelop the elf's entire body, regenerating his wounds at a frightening pace. Once the blue-green aura disappeared and the glyph dissipated, Corvus was fit as a fiddle. His body had been restored to its former state before the fight using the power of time. However, that left the elf with no more magic inside of his system. Should be interesting, depending on what we're doing in PE..., Corvus thought as he made his way to Pandora. He shook her, saying, "Hey, get up. It's time for PE..."
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