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Fantasy Lakoria High School

"It's ok Willow, it's not you fault. But thank you!" Pluto took the long shirt that Willow had made for him. He quickly put it on without showing anyone his body. 'Oh my gosh Willow! We just love you! You are the just the best person here!'

Pluto still wanted to stay under the table, but he came out anyway. "Uh, thanks Jay. I guess. "

Jason sniffles while rubbing his face against Pluto's face and head. 'Oh bless Athena!! There is no more cat fur! That was so awful! So scary, so itchy. I never wanna do that again. Sweet sweet skin!'

'Why Athena?'

'She is the only one I can remember right now...'

Pluto grabbed him by the neck and pulled him away. "Stop doing that you weirdo."

'Pluto tell Nyx that I agree with him that Jay should be naked right now!'

"No, I'm not saying that."

'Please!? I never ask for anything!'

"No.' Pluto let him fall into his shoulder.

'Noooo, please Pluto!'

He shook his head. 'I never get what I want! I only wanna see a hot guy naked! Is that so much to ask for! Waaaaaaaa!!' Jason slithered off his shoulder and just hung there at Plutos side, making small hissing sounds.

@OceanBunny @GingerBread @Lotusy

(There were always tables in my school's hallways!)
Jay's face flushed a bright red as Nyx suggested taking off his clothes. With a huff, he turned around and pouted, jokingly, of course. "My god, Nyx! So lecherous! First you want me to wear a cheerleader outfit, then have me naked, what's next? Fifty Sheds of Grey?" Jay's mind immediately flashed to the book, a hit series about lecherous acts committed in different gray sheds. "I refuse to be like that, Nyx!" After his little rant was done, Jay shot a smile at Nyx over his shoulder. "Unless, of course, it's you who's into that..."

@GingerBread @Magical Squid Senpai
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Warren stepped out of the bus and onto the campus grounds tentatively, looking around at the various buildings and the students walking around. He still couldn't help being taken a bit aback by how...green everything looked. Not that he didn't like green, of course, but living in a world of constant grays and blacks and purples created a dichotomy in his mind that was rather disorienting. It didn't help that a large portion of the people here were an entirely different species than he was; the whole experience was alien to him, and admittedly quite exciting.

The Reaper gripped his fledgling scythe in one hand, and the strap of his backpack in the other. "Once more unto the breach, dear Atkinson," Warren mumbled to himself as he walked towards the main building.
DragonStorm said:
Tyrrell then opened his eyes and looked at the others before the clothes, that were over his arm at the time, suddenly shredded into many pieces of cloth. His right arm was not made of skin and bones, but it was made of metal and other technology. Tyrrell quickly stood up and looked towards Xren "If you would please let go of my orb, if not, I will have no choice but to take him back with force." Tyrrell didn't like it when people messed with his orbs, and when they do he would usually hurt them because they would never give it back to him, which usually caused him to violent for a short amount of time. That was when he looked towards Dalton afterwards "Please excuse my rudeness but, my name is Tyrrell."
@mewbot5408 @Mister Veeeee
From lip reading all Dalton could pick up was the word 'Tyrrell', which he assumed was the dude's name. The one named Xren picked up the weird ball thing again and this seemed to 'annoy?' the one named Tyrrell. He couldn't figure out why the ball was so special? 'its just a ball right?' He watched closely as he continued to snack on his Cheetos lazily as he watched the to with no interest other then what was so special about the ball.

@DragonStorm @mewbot5408
Dalton looked down at his bright blue shirt and black jeans as he grabbed a few more Cheetos from the bag he had. He suddenly remembered he was looking for a nice place to nap, and forgot about the other 2 in the room as he left the room. He ended up wandering around again until he found himself at the front entrance of school somehow and was face to face with a light skinned dark haired boy. "Hello there" Dalton said lazily, curious about the person in front of him temporarily. "Also you might want to speak up if you want me to hear you, I'm half deaf. Name is Dalton by the way." he continued speaking in almost monotone voice. Then he offer the guy some Cheetos after Dalton grabbed a few and munched on them.

Jay turned back to the new girl, who seemed to be backing up quite a bit, muttering something about not liking mortals. He slowly put his hands up in a non-threatening manner, shaking his head lightly. "Okay, okay. Uh, look here, miss. I'm not doing anything right now, see? Now are you okay?" He quickly looked over his shoulder. "Nyx, what do I do?"

@GingerBread @TheMoonRose
Nyx was still in confusion about what Jay was on about with the fifty gray sheds and why he didn't like them Does he not like building and painting Sheds? Does he just not like painting them gray? Nyx was broken out of his thoughts When Jay asked him what to do for something he hadn't been paying attention to. "I don't know, stab her? Give her a dictionary or thesaurus? I mean the only things you can't do, Is get nude in front of her or flirt in any way, shape or form. Otherwise I will kill her and I'll have to think of a way to... Punish you. Maybe make you paint some sheds gray, or whatever you were on about before"

@Lotusy @TheMoonRose
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She glared at Nyx. She didn't like him. He wanted to hurt her like the farmer. She growled at him"Den eímai adýnamo paidí . Tha epitetheí an parasteí anánki!"She said, looking at her. She seemed to be speaking Greek.

@GingerBread @Lotusy
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Jay glared at Nyx. "Hey, I'm not the one who wants his boyfriend to strip! And I am not going to paint any sheds, thank you very much! Besides, we all know the best novel of that Genre is Trump Temptations! And we don't just stab people, you know!" He turned back to the new girl, obviously cooling off after being embarrassed. "Sorry miss, don't listen to him. He's just bloodthirsty... and Jay-thisty too, if you know what I'm saying."

@GingerBread @TheMoonRose
She still looked werey of him"Den mou arései ekeínon ton thnitón kathódou. Mou échoun yposteí zimía katá to parelthón. Zitó syngnómi gia ton erchomó makriá os agenís."She said softly, taking deep breaths

@GingerBread @Lotusy
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Dom had a thinking pose thinking about where he last saw the area. "By the gym room, I guess." He told her. He wasn't one to actually remember the area but he knew it was somewhere around the gym room. @metalcity
Warren was started a little by the boy's abrupt appearance. For a moment, all he could do was stare at the bag of Cheetos being offered to him, but he soon collected himself and moved his attention to the mysterious person. "Oh, uh, hi. I'm Warren, Warren Atkinson. I'm kinda new here," he started, making sure to raise his voice slightly for him to hear. Despite his initial friendlyness, the boy had a very disconcerting air about him; it unnerved the Reaper slightly, and he couldn't help but be a little wary of the green-haired stranger.

@Mister Veeeee
Dalton withdrew the chips assuming the guy didn't want any and munched on a few more before speaking. "Really? Same here, except I came looking for a place to nap. Not actually take any classes" he said with no change in his voice. "What brings you here? to the school that is, other than attending.?" he asked curious to their motives for no particular reason other than plain curiosity.

"Well, is there any other point to going to school, other than attending?" He asked with a shrug. "My parents sent me here so I could help out with the, er, family business." He wasn't about to disclose too much personal info to someone he barely new, let alone someone so...unsettling. "Right now, I'm just trying to get acquainted with the grounds and people here; you're the first person I've talked to since I got here, actually."

@Mister Veeeee
Dalton continued munching on his Cheetos as Warren spoke, the bag was almost empty. "I came here just to find a nice napping spot, care to walk around the school a bit, walking is nicer than standing around' he spoke lazily. He didn't like standing still for long unless he was napping. Though he was curious to what the guys family business was, maybe they could hire him? He had been wanting a part time job. "Also what kind of business is your family business?" he asked.

"Sorry, I don't follow," Jay said sadly, shaking his head. "Strictly English, sorry. Unless you can talk to pigeons..." As he said that, Democritus and the crew fluttered down through a nearby window. "Can you?"

@GingerBread @TheMoonRose
As the new girl talked to the pigeons, Jay realized he'd left out oone key detail - most of them were stupid af, except Dempcritus. "Durr?" Dalton asked, cocking his head at her. "Durr hoo-mans?" Democritus sighed angrily, pushing Dalton to the side. "Oh, pip-pip, Dalton, good chap." He bowed as far as a pigeon could, for, well, being a pigeon. "I'm sorry, milady. What is it that you do not like about humans?"

While Jay's pigeons talked to the girl, Jay himself busied himself with looking for Pluto. As he checked underneath the tables, one of them revealed Pluto, the infamous drug lord. Of course, Jay forgot all about it, but something in his subconscious was telling him to eviscerate... a drug lord? He shook it off as nothing. "Hey, you ok there, Pluto? You can come out now, I promise Nyx won't throw you in a shed!" He shot a questioning look at Nyx. "At least, I hope so."

@Magical Squid Senpai @TheMoonRose @GingerBread
Pluto crawled out from under the table, giving Jay a weird look. "Throw me in a shed?" He stood up, "Why? What?"

Jason, who was still mopeing, looked up at Jay. He hissed, trying to get his attention. 'I wanna be locked in a shed with him!'

'Oh please no.'

'That would be weird. I already read the books. They weren't even that good!'

Pluto wondered when any of the snakes had time to read. But he also knew that they barely sleep.

@GingerBread @Lotusy @OceanBunny
Democritus sighed, which sounded like a rooster being smothered with a pillow. "Oh my. That's a tragic case indeed, good chap. However, humanity has its upsides, like bird baths, constant love-" "Hotdog," one of he other pigeons chimed in. "Yes, and hot dogs. Pip pip, hold your head up! There's always hotdogs. Or, what did Jay say? Beheadin Pluto? That's pretty high on the list too."

"Well, you see, Nyx is this hyperlech who likes to see boys like us in cheerleader costumes... imagine what he'd do with you in a shed!" Jay shuddered at the thought, though he was obviously doing it on purpose. "He's obsessed with Fifty Sheds of Grey or someth-"


"Second period!"

At the sound of the bell, Jay tried to stand up abruptly, hitting his head on the top of the table. "Ow... are you ready to go?"

@Kayzo but just in case)
Nyx walked over to Jay and smiled. "Yeah, about the cheerleading outfit. I need you to wear a dress. It's so I can lure out a unicorn, you see I need a virgin. So who better than you? Because I know you haven't done anything that would stop you being classed as a virgin. Right?" Nyx offered Jay his hand. "But we'll be doing this later, after this lesson"

@Magical Squid Senpai @Lotusy @OceanBunny @TheMoonRose
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