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Fantasy Lakoria High School

GingerBread said:
"I hope that was just a hairball Pluto. Otherwise you'll be staying as a cat for a long time" Nyx shook his head slightly as he looked up at Willow "But ah, If there is anything I can do to make it up to you, just say the word and I'll do it. No matter what it is. And I guess I owe you a favor too Miyuki, though to a lesser extent than I do to Willow. Since you were sort of included in what I said before. But seriously, anything you want me to do to help make it up to you. I don't mind what it is, I'll do it"
@OceanBunny @Magical Squid Senpai
"It's alright Nyx.. Don't worry about it." Willow said, releasing Miyuki and scratching plutten's ears. Miyuki smiled at Nyx, quite happy to see him apologize. Stepping away from Willow, she hugged him, tail swishing contentedly. "Thank you." She whispered, before stepping and taking Willow's hand.

@Magical Squid Senpai
Nyx smiled at Willow and started feeling kinda awkward standing there, unsure of what to do. So what am I meant to do now? Do I offer her a hug or something, do I just leave? Do I wait for them to leave? I have no idea what to do, my Solution to problems is normally to just kill anything giving me a problem. I can't kill Willow after I've just Apologised to her Nyx turned his attention to Plooten Pluto looks killable right now Nyx moved his hand down to his sides, causally resting them over his daggers.

@OceanBunny @Magical Squid Senpai
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Pluto almost felt like coughing up a hairball just because. But then it would be awkward. Pluto stopped laughing and purred at Willow. He was starting to wonder what Nyx was doing...it was worrying him. 'Nyx...what are you thinking??' He thought to himself. He just stayed close to Willow, just in case he tried something stupid.

@OceanBunny @GingerBread
GingerBread said:
Nyx smiled at Willow and started feeling kinda awkward standing there, unsure of what to do. So what am I meant to do now? Do I offer her a hug or something, do I just leave? Do I wait for them to leave? I have no idea what to do, my Solution to problems is normally to just kill anything giving me a problem. I can't kill Willow after I've just Apologised to her Nyx turned his attention to Plooten Pluto looks killable right now Nyx moved his hand down to his sides, causally resting them over his daggers.
@OceanBunny @Magical Squid Senpai
@OceanBunny[/URL] @GingerBread
Willow smiled as plutten purred, she continued scratching his ears. "We still going after that unicorn?" She asked, trying to alleviate the awkward silence.
Aptual pouted "Sounds boring." She said in fake boredom to his suggestion. "That can't be the only thing to do. Darn! Let me think." Aptual quickly sat back down, she rested her head on her hand and started to think.

"Hmm? Oh yeah, sure. I forgot about that, you don't have to do it if you don't want to. I'm sure I could just find someone with a pet Unicorn or something" Nyx shrugged and moved his hands away from his dagger and shoved them into his pockets; He glanced at Pluto "Do you want me to take that Collar off you Pluto? I can if you'd like. Though I wonder what would happen if I put it on Apep or another one of your snakes"

@OceanBunny @Magical Squid Senpai
"I don't know! urg!" Aptual groaned as she continued to rest her head, her boredom started to leak onto her face and a pair of ears popped out of her head. She yawned and stood up "We are going for a walk. Let's go." Aptual started to walk off.

Pluto was about to say yes but...'wait..I have no clothes! In front of Willow and Miyuki and other people. This is all part of his master plan. Humiliate me infront of others then probably kill me!' He shook his head no a lot, to make sure he gets the picture. 'Tell him no Willow!'

'I don't need the stupid collar you Jack ass.'

'Aw, but then we could be nice and soft!'

'I said no!!'

@OceanBunny @GingerBread


Dom followed behind her. "Any video games or movies that you like?" Asked Dom as he placed his hand on his head. "I mean, if you ever watched some of them." He was actually interested on her answers but didn't want to say anything else. @metalcity
Jay almost squealed happily at the Disney-like happy ending to the fight. "Nyx looks so cute in that shirt," he mumbled dreamily to himself. Suddenly, he heard Nyx mention something about Pluto. With wide eyes, Jay looked down at the kitten in Willow's lap, the back at Nyx. Suddenly, his brain connected the dots. "Oh, shit." He fell to his knees, eyes hollow and shocked. "NOOOOOOO!" In a swift moment, he lunged forward, swiping Pluto out of Willow's hands and going down in a tumbling mess of desk and students. "Why, you-!" He was about to strangle Pluto when suddenly, the snake girl from before picked him up angrily. "Whoa there, no need to be viOOOOLLEENNT!!!" He let out a startled yell as the snake girl threw him out of the classroom, huffing angrily. The Jay-Plooten duo crashed into the outside wall, with Jay taking most of the hit to the head. After a while, he sat back up dizzily. "Whathefachappennnneedd..." His words slurred together, and he collapsed on the floor. "Daaamn, drug lord. Bback at it again with the whiite vans..." With that, he went unconscious.

@Magical Squid Senpai @OceanBunny @GingerBread

(Sorry guys, I realized that someone revealed Pluto's identity, so I had to play it off without Jay trying to throttle him. He can just walk away, I took Jay out of the equation for a while.)
DragonStorm said:
Tyrrell sighed for a moment before his orbs disappeared, he wasn't in the mood to actually talk all that much but there was something about this one creature, he was about to speak when someone else came into the room. He quickly stopped himself from speaking and then looked back towards the stuff he has on the desk. Tyrrell then closed his eyes and started to concentrate on what he was doing, which was when his orbs reappeared and sent out a beam onto the pile of tech and other electronics that were on the desk. The pile then start to float up into the air and the orbs started to spin around it, which started to morph it it something else. It didn't take long before it was complete and to be honest the thing he made wasn't that big at all, it was kinda small in a way.
@mewbot5408 @Mister Veeeee (sorry for taking so long)
"My name is xren! " he responded frowning because the other didn't seem to have heard him earlier despite he was loud enough for anyone to hear. The hybrid frowning annoyed by it and growled before moving again to go check out what Tyrrell was doing with a smile like a animal wanting to play. He cocked his head curiously and picked up the same orb before licking it with a mischievous snicker. "Heheeheehe...I quite like this one.."He says as he was now perched up high on top of the cabinet looking down at him playfully as he held the orb.
"Well im Dalton" he introduced himself, relieved he could somewhat hear what the person was saying. He hates the thought of going deaf but he doesn't exactly care if he does. he continues snacking on his chips and e watches the other move about. @mewbot5408 @DragonStorm
"What the heck!??!"

"no Willow save us!!'

Pluto let out a startled meow as he was snatched out of Willows warm safe embrace. "Jay what are you doing!?'

'why is he-oh~ whose the cute snake girl?~'

"oh shit, she's an amazon goddess!!'

she then tossed them out of the classroom.

"oh wait baby let me get your numbeeeeeer!'

Pluto prepared for the fall. he listened to Jays ramblings. Feeling super worried about him and his mental health.

'Hey Jay...' Pluto walked up to his face and patted his nose. 'Are you OK?....I guess not.' He jumped onto Jays chest. 'HEY NYX! COME GET YOUR BOYFRIEND!' He meowed super loud to make sure he got their attention.

@GingerBread @OceanBunny @Lotusy

(Farewell Jay)
"Jay no!" Willow called as the plutten was snatched away from her. Suddenly a snake girl was throwing Jay and plutten out of the classroom. Willow ran after them, pulling Miyuki with her. 'Pluto are you okay?' She asked, reaching them. "Nyx, Jay is unconscious." Miyu called out, looking back at the vampire.

@Lotusy @Magical Squid Senpai @GingerBread

(I'm sorry.. been super busy lately ._. I miss you all!)
Aptual continued to walk "What are those?" she asked, never hearing of either of these things. Aptual stopped walking, she turned around slightly to look at Dom to see what he would say. "And what are you doing with your hands? you better not be planning any sneaky vampire stuff." Aptual sternly told him.

Dom actually looked shocked for a second before shaking his head. "Fun things, I heard of them before and found them fun I guess." He wasn't one of those person that watched human things but they sometimes had things he like. "I'm trying to walk with my hand on my pockets that are empty." He told her saying the last word loud and clear so that she would understand he wouldn't do anything to her. @metalcity
Dom eyebrow started to twitch. "What, you want me to attack you or something?" He asked. He really didn't know what to make out of the girl anymore. "If I had anything planned, I would had already used my speed to catch you without trouble." He had his limit on whom he could drink blood from and from where. @metalcity
Tyrrell then opened his eyes and looked at the others before the clothes, that were over his arm at the time, suddenly shredded into many pieces of cloth. His right arm was not made of skin and bones, but it was made of metal and other technology. Tyrrell quickly stood up and looked towards Xren "If you would please let go of my orb, if not, I will have no choice but to take him back with force." Tyrrell didn't like it when people messed with his orbs, and when they do he would usually hurt them because they would never give it back to him, which usually caused him to violent for a short amount of time. That was when he looked towards Dalton afterwords "Please excuse my rudeness but, my name is Tyrrell."

@mewbot5408 @Mister Veeeee
Aptual giggled "ohhh, scary." She started to smile as she walked, the boys confidence was funny to her. When they walked out of the canteen Aptual looked around, only to see a few other students walking around. I wonder who I can be come friends with... Aptual thought, then she turned around to look at Dom again "We're friends right?" She asked, already having a smile as she assumed what the answer would be.

DragonStorm said:
Tyrrell then opened his eyes and looked at the others before the clothes, that were over his arm at the time, suddenly shredded into many pieces of cloth. His right arm was not made of skin and bones, but it was made of metal and other technology. Tyrrell quickly stood up and looked towards Xren "If you would please let go of my orb, if not, I will have no choice but to take him back with force." Tyrrell didn't like it when people messed with his orbs, and when they do he would usually hurt them because they would never give it back to him, which usually caused him to violent for a short amount of time. That was when he looked towards Dalton afterwords "Please excuse my rudeness but, my name is Tyrrell."
@mewbot5408 @Mister Veeeee
xren's smile widened as he heard the words 'by force' and he seemed quite pleased with tyrrell. "how fun. I do love a bit of pain,ahhh but I must warn you this isn't even my own body..." the hybrid chimed with a amused laugh coming down from where he was sliding off and approaching holding the orb carefully. he tilted his head for a moment stopping looking at the orb. "do they have names??" he asked and held out the orb.
Nyx glared at the Snake girl and picked her up and threw her out the window before leaping out of it himself, landing on the girl. Nyx ran over to Jay and looked him over to make sure he was okay before realizing he knew nothing about medical stuff apart from how to check a pulse. "Jay you're the healer, you'd know if you're okay more than I would, wake the hell up" He picked Pluto up by the scruff of his neck and chucked him towards Willow.

Nyx sat down next to Jay and pulled him into his lap so that he would at least be comfortable "If you're hurt that girl is going to die in the most painful way I can think of" Nyx gently ran a hand through Jay's hair, because he wanted to, but if anyone asked his excuse was that he was checking for bruises or lumps or something

@Lotusy @Magical Squid Senpai @OceanBunny
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