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Fantasy Lakoria High School


Dom mouth hung open as she shouted the question before bursting out laughing. She was so gullible, she should had known already that he a vampire or he should had to her, but messing with her so much fun. "WOW." He shouted out as he kept on laughing, this was too much. "What...ex...act..ly..do...y...ou...think....i...am?" He questioned while having trouble askin her that. "I could be a demon who feast on blood." He didn't know why he was joking with her, so her gullible personality was too much. @metalcity (I actually laughed at that xD too funny)
Dalton watched as one the strange beings had never seen before turned towards and apparently said something but he did quite hear what he said. "sorry I'm half deaf, can you speak up some?" he asked with bored and slight monotone voice. "Also want some?" he offered as he held out the Doritos as he ate one. Still curious about the strange ball the guy once held but he decided he would ignore the ball for now.

@mewbot5408 @DragonStorm
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Aptual let out a victorious laugh "Know your lying, I know it! there is no way you would a demon or vampire. Stop lying, human! why do you have blood?" She asked, sitting down again and continuing to eat the salad.



Wait? Was he just called a human. His eyebrow twitched at those words, why would he be compare to a huma? He had fangs, didn't she see that. "Please don't call me human Aptual." He said a sweet tone that he mostly used when mad while his eyes changed to their red color(I'm just gonna put that whenever he gets mad). @metalcity
OceanBunny said:
'I don't mind listening to them.' Willow giggled, scratching plutten's ears. 'They're amusing.'
Miyuki purred softly, snuggling against Willow, her tail swished happily through the air.

@Magical Squid Senpai
Pluto purred a little. 'Oh Willow. If only you knew what a full day with them is like.'

'A full day with us is a beautiful day!'

No, it is not.'

Well you ain't no ball of sunshine either!'

'What! I am all the balls of sunshine!'

'Well you got the balls part right!'

'Is that supposed to be an insult??'

I honestly don't know!!'

'Shut up you two!' Pluto hissed at them all.
"A girl? No, Columbro! He's just my duckling!" Jay held his hands out as if he was displaying Nyx, shaking with laughter. "Tadaaa! Nyx, the duckling extraordinaire!" He put his hands down. "But that's beside the point. I think Nyx has an... apology to make." His hand slowly pointed to Willow, who was talking with the Plooten. "She's there Nyx. I'm rooting for you."

@GingerBread @LokiofSP
"Okay, first off. It's not a dress, it's a really frilly T-shirt. Second, This is something Jay owned. Third, I hope to all the higher powers, I don't have to wear this again. Forth, it's actually really kinda comfortable " Nyx turned his gaze towards Jay "And finally, I would punch you if I didn't love you. But I have a better Idea in mind" Nyx smirked maliciously at Jay before walking over towards Willow.

@OceanBunny @Lotusy @LokiofSP
'I'm sure a full day with them would be just as pleasant as a couple hours.' Willow giggled, listening the snakes banter. "Nyx.." Miyuki said softly, looking up at him from where she was snuggled in Willow's arms.
@DragonStorm @Mister Veeeee

xren narrowed his eyes at the other and instead of reaching for the bag he started sniffing at him."heh...its been a while since I've seen another...though unlike you I'm part ghoul...so in other words please don't wave your acursed chips at me," the hybrid told him and continued with his sniffing and prodding at Before moving back. The 7foot male smirked licking his lips he leaned in and decided to it was okay to lick dalton with peirced snakish tounge along the cheek and neck. He moved back with a small chuckle. He was tasting the other demon just like he did the orb earlier. "Not bad...better than that ball thing."he commented with a wide devilish smile of his.
Nyx smiled at Miyuki before glancing at Willow and then towards the floor "Hey, Willow. I'm, uh. I'm sorry for what I said. It's not your fault that those people are no longer around. And I apologise for what I said, it was uncalled for and I shouldn't have said any of it" He continued looking towards the ground while he awaited a response from Willow

@OceanBunny @Magical Squid Senpai @LokiofSP @Lotusy
GingerBread said:
Nyx smiled at Miyuki before glancing at Willow and then towards the floor "Hey, Willow. I'm, uh. I'm sorry for what I said. It's not your fault that those people are no longer around. And I apologise for what I said, it was uncalled for and I shouldn't have said any of it" He continued looking towards the ground while he awaited a response from Willow
@OceanBunny @Magical Squid Senpai @LokiofSP @Lotusy
Willow looked up at Nyx and took in the frilly outfit. "It's okay Nyx." She said quietly. What he had said hurt, but she wasn't one to hold a grudge.

Miyuki smiled back at Nyx, happy that he had come back and seemed sincere in his regret.
Pluto looked over at Nyx.

'What the fuck is he wearing?'

Someone should take a picture!'

It burns my eyes.'

Pluto was happy to see that Nyx had apologized to Willow. But he wasn't happy to see him in that outfit. But he couldn't help but laugh, which just sounded like he was trying to cough up a hairball.

@OceanBunny @GingerBread
Aptual looked at him confused "Earthling? is that better? but why would a hum...I mean earthling want to drink blood? And wow, what big teeth you have! don't go eat my granny you big bad wolf!" She giggled at her joke and waited for him to reply. She raised her hand and brushed her hair away from her eyes.

"I'm a scary werewolf! rawr!" Aptual playfully told him as she pretended to scratch the boy "And I assumed that was something humans do now, do they not? I want glowy eyes too." She acted sad as she said that, hiding behind her sleeves.

"WOAH!!!" Aptual stood up and knocked the stall over, she took a step back. "You can't be a vampire, that's crazy. Stop joking!" She jumped forwards and her face was a few inches away from his. She studied him then jumped back in shook "OH MY GOD YOUR A VAMPIRE!!! DON'T DRINK MY BLOOD! PLEASE MR VAMPIRE!" She slightly started to shake as she coward a bit in fear.

"I hope that was just a hairball Pluto. Otherwise you'll be staying as a cat for a long time" Nyx shook his head slightly as he looked up at Willow "But ah, If there is anything I can do to make it up to you, just say the word and I'll do it. No matter what it is. And I guess I owe you a favor too Miyuki, though to a lesser extent than I do to Willow. Since you were sort of included in what I said before. But seriously, anything you want me to do to help make it up to you. I don't mind what it is, I'll do it"

@OceanBunny @Magical Squid Senpai
"huh, good? good! no blood drinking from me! yay!" She spun around, then facing him again "Want to go do something? we seem to be done eating." She asked, moving her plate into the middle of the table for someone to clean up later.

"Wow? really? great! I don't even know what to do. So what ever you want to do really." She smiled as she walked around the table, looking at the time "What time do we have classes? do we even have classes?" Aptual asked in a confused way.

Dalton didn't hear what the guy said, but assumed didn't want the chips so he finished off the bag, the grabbed a new one from his bag and started munching on Cheetos. He stayed perfectly still and clam as the guy sniffed and licked him like it was perfectly normal. I wished he speak up so I could hear him, but oh well. interesting fellow though. Wonder what all the sniffing and the lick was for? Maybe he is part animal? ehh think about it later if necessary. He thought to himself as he pondered at the about the creature in front of him. "So what's your name good sir?" he asked with same mono-tone voice curious to who the guy was.

Tyrrell sighed for a moment before his orbs disappeared, he wasn't in the mood to actually talk all that much but there was something about this one creature, he was about to speak when someone else came into the room. He quickly stopped himself from speaking and then looked back towards the stuff he has on the desk. Tyrrell then closed his eyes and started to concentrate on what he was doing, which was when his orbs reappeared and sent out a beam onto the pile of tech and other electronics that were on the desk. The pile then start to float up into the air and the orbs started to spin around it, which started to morph it it something else. It didn't take long before it was complete and to be honest the thing he made wasn't that big at all, it was kinda small in a way.

@mewbot5408 @Mister Veeeee (sorry for taking so long)

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