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Fantasy Lakoria High School

(Alright, I'll retcon the fainting parts, since people want answers now :P )

Jay's stuck out tongue suddenly retracted, his eyes refocusing. "Ugh... what the hell was that?" He looked groggily down at the Plooten in his hands. "Pluto? Did I... save you, or something?" The boy looked from the snake girl back to Pluto, trying to fuzzily put two and two together."Oh my god, I'm so glad you're safe!" He hugged Pluto tightly, and it became glaringly obvious that Jay had gotten some memories mixed when he hit his head. Suddenly, Nyx picked up and threw Pluto back to Willow. "Nyx? Wha... what the hell?" With a groan, Jay tried to stand up, only to fall in Nyx's arms. "Nnooo ideeeaa what you're taallkkin' aaabout," he muttered, words slurring together. "Love ya, ya big dolt..." With that, he crumpled to the ground. "Want to go on that date?" He asked, voice still muffled as he laid face-down.

@GingerBread @Magical Squid Senpai @OceanBunny

(Rewrote it :)
Pluto let out a new as Jay squeezed him. 'Ok Jay, when I am human again, I am going to take you to the hospital or something.'

'Oh shit. I've been so close to Jay this whole morning! #blessed.'

Then Nyx came over and ruined the moment by throwing Pluto.

'Curse you Nyxxxxxxx!!!'

They then landed in Willow's arms.

'Hello again Willow!'

@GingerBread @Lotusy @OceanBunny
"Nah, that's rude." Aptual answered with a unamused look. Aptual started to walk off "Is there really nothing to do that is fun here?" She muttered as she turned around. She ran back at Dom and placed her hands on his shoulders and started to shake him back and fourth "Why is there nothing to do?" She cried out.

Nyx smiled at Jay as he flipped him over so that he was laying on his back "Yeah, we'll go on that date later. After school or something, at the time you said you wanted to do it" Nyx started combing his fingers through Jay's hair, still using the excuse he was checking for lumps and/or bumps. While Nyx was doing this he looked over to Pluto "You want that collar off yet? Cause this is your last chance, or you can stay as a cat. I'm sure Jay would like a new pet"

@Lotusy @Magical Squid Senpai @OceanBunny
Dom whacked her head when she wouldn't stop shaking him. "There's always playing soccer,basketball,football, baseball or dodgeball." Those were sport he played by himself when he got bore and it was boring most of time, when you did it alone. "Those are sports that two people can play." Running and competition, fun. @metalcity
"ow" Aptual fell to her knees and placed her hands on her head where she was hit "meanie" She quickly jumped up after a few second, She placed her hand on her chin as she thought "I don't want too, I don't like those sports. It's boring. There has to be something that we can both enjoy." She thought for a second "What about table tennis?" She asked, it was one of a few types of sport that she enjoyed.

"Really? I can see the stars... haha!" Jay lifted his finger woozily, the effects of the hit still apparent on him. "Iz gon' be tha best date eva, Nyx!" With grace rivaling that of an inebriated drunkard, Jay slowly rose to his feet, which shook a bit before taking his weight. "We should go to tha volcano! Ya, the volcano!" With that, he stumbled off, though it was obvious he wasn't going to get to the volcano with his walking. "Come on!"

@GingerBread @Magical Squid Senpai
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"Okay, Really thinking about seeing if you need medication. This can't be normal" Nyx looked over to Pluto and Willow and shook his head before standing up and walking after Jay. "It's not time for the date yet Jay. Why don't you come and lay down with me for a bit. And then if you're still like this I'm taking you to a doctor" Not giving Jay an option, Nyx picked him up and started carrying him bridal style to his room.

@Lotusy @OceanBunny @Magical Squid Senpai
'YESSSSSS! Take me!! I'll be the best pet for Jay!!'

'Of course he would say this while I'm with Willow! Why not before? What really is his evil plan of revenge? ' Plooten squinted his eyes at Nyx. He didn't really get to answer before Jay started acting even weirder and Nyx had to carry him away.

'No!! Take me with you!!'

@OceanBunny @GingerBread @Lotusy
"Not time for the date? But it'stenandarghblargablarg..." Jay's talking became incoherent muttering as he sat happily in Nyx's arms. "Hey, Nyx? Wanna know something cool?" Jay's head lolled to the side a bit, before he started talking louder. "I love you, and Pluto, and Willow, and Apep, and Chua..." As he spoke in an almost drunken manner, Jay mentioned almost everyone at the school he met, besides Jason. "And Columbro, and..." He yawned, muttering something incoherent about grapefruit juice. "... would make me feel better..."

@GingerBread @Magical Squid Senpai @OceanBunny @LokiofSP
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Almost as if he was tagged for being away from the RP for so damn long on cue, Columbus came running past Jay, throwing a grapefruit looking object into Jay's hands and saying "Guard this with your life!" Before taking off running once more, a trail of lunch ladies running past him, screaming something about him daring to bring edible food into the school
"Is that a grapefruit - OHGOD!" Jay caught onto the grapefruit with a dazed look in his eyes. "Argh, f*cking fruits and..." He started babbling incoherently, but in a sudden movement, he smashed his head into the grapefruit, bursting the rind and spraying the juice over his face and some of Nyx's arm. For a moment he lay deadly still, face resting in the peel of the busted grapefruit. "I AM ALIVE!" He threw his fist into the air and falling out of Nyx's hands. "Oh, damn! What happened?"

@GingerBread @LokiofSP @Magical Squid Senpai @OceanBunny

(So are we actually doing the unicorn thing? I'm sure Jay would make a great virgin to lure it out. :P )
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Willow had followed after Nyx, wanting to make sure Jay was okay. She giggled at the grapefruit incident as Columbus ran past. "Are you okay Jay?" She inquired when he asked what happened. "Nyx can you remove the collar please." Miyuki, having shifted back to leopard form, walked over and licked Jay's face. 'Is he going to be alright?' She asked Willow, looking up at her and plutten with concerned eyes.

@Lotusy @GingerBread @Magical Squid Senpai (Sorry iv'e been mia ): was super busy..)
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'Willow wants to see some of this gorgon booty!'

'Don't do it Willow! If anyone here has the best butt it is me!'

'Please stop.'

'No it's not, don't you remember? We all voted and Chua had the nicest butt.'

'Oh yeah. I was third, you were fourth, Apep was second!'


'I miss my booty.'

'Me too!'

'Mine was actually pretty rock hard, but it had a nice shape. You could've cut diamonds on that thing. The ladies loved it!'

'Shut up!! No more talks about butts!' Plooten smacked Jason and the other snakes. 'Willow, when he takes the color off, I will be naked. So I will need some clothes.'

'Ooo! She can make us a leaf loun cloth!'

'Yeah Willow! Make us some leaf clothes!'


@OceanBunny @Lotusy @GingerBread
"I don't know what happened Jay. But I need you to be honest with me Jay, are you meant to be taking any medication?" Nyx looked over at Pluto when Willow asked him to take off the collar. "Why did Pluto just hit his tail? And most of his fur?" Nyx shrugged and shook his head "You know what I don't care" Nyx walked closer to Plooten and yanker the collar off of him before turning back to Jay

@Magical Squid Senpai @OceanBunny @Lotusy

Ambrosine wandered down the hallway, trying to keep to herself. She winced as she bumped into him"I'm sorry, i didn't mean to.."Her eyes widened as she looked at him. Today was one of her off days
Jay stumbled back in surprise as a girl accidentally bumped into him, catching himself on the wall. He wasn't quite used to bumping into a girl besides when he was under the toast curse. "Oh, uh sorry," he said, looking back at the girl. "Oh no, it was my bad, I was taking up the hallway." He stepped to the side, trying to brush the grapefruit juice from his hair.

@TheMoonRose @GingerBread
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Nyx glared at the girl for bumping into Jay. Nyx placed a hand on Jay's shoulder "There's no need for you to apologise Jay, idiots like her should watch where they're going" Nyx continued to glare at the girl, wanting to punch her for bumping into Jay and almost knocking him over.

@Lotusy @TheMoonRose
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She looked scared, backing up slightly. She growled at them. She placed a hand on her necklace, holding it for comfort. She wondered if she should stand her ground or run away
'NOOOOOO!' Pluto threw himself out of Willows arms and under a table. He had changed back into a human pretty quick. He just hoped he was away from Willow fast enough. He pulled his knees up to his chest, trying to cover everything. 'Willow! Miyuki! your eyes!'

'Pluto! Put some clothes on! There are children here!'

"I would if I could Jason!"

Willow blinked as Nyx pulled the color off and Pluto jumped away from and under a table. "I forgot about the clothes thing.." She said, blushing lightly. Miyuki tried not to laugh at the situation. Willow quickly grew some leafy vines and wove them into a long shirt that would fall to Pluto's knees. "Here Pluto." She said, holding the garment out by the edge of the table.

(Why is there a table in the hallway?
xD )

@Lotusy @GingerBread @Magical Squid Senpai
Nyx looked over at Willow when he heard her say something about clothes. He spotted Pluto hiding under a table "You're not bad looking pluto" Nyx commented jokingly. "I swear though, I've seen other people nude more times than I've Jay nude" Nyx looked down at the Collar in his hands and then looked up at Jay, switching between the two every couple of seconds. "Hmm, I wonder"

@Lotusy @OceanBunny @Magical Squid Senpai @TheMoonRose
As the girl said nothing and started growling, Jay slowly raised his hand. "Now, miss. We don't want any trouble. I'm sorry, ok?" As Nyx mentioned seeing him nude, Jay flushed a bright red. "Of course you haven't seen me nude! I'm not the one transforming into cats all the time! But nice body, Pluto!"

@GingerBread @TheMoonRose @Magical Squid Senpai

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