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Fantasy Lakoria High School

GingerBread said:
Nyx blocked Enki's attack and moved back a bit "How about we get your girlfriend involved" Nyx shouted with insane glee as he summoned Richard "Go on Richard. Remove her insides from her body" Nyx said as he charged at Enki daggers aimed for his torso while richard was running at the girl intending to leap at her and bit into her chest.
@Ami the breadling
"Two can be a coward." He said, one of the daggers hit him, his teeth gritted. Enki made a quick motion with his hand, he summoned Chloe and Maka. As Maka was summoned she tried to grab Nyx's arm with the knife that stabbed, with her other hand, her nails turned into what could be conceded daggers. And as Chloe was summoned she plunged forwards aiming for the back Nyx's head. Enki moved out of the dagger, the wound started to burn close.

@Ami the breadling
Nyx elbowed Maka in the face before moving out of the way of the attack by chloe "Coward!? I'm just giving the girl something to do, but it seems you need 3 to beat me" Nyx taunted Before taking on a deeper more serious tone of voice "What you did was unacceptable and you will pay the price" Nyx charged at Enki again Intending to stab a blade into each side of his neck.

Richard moved out of the way of the two daggers heading for his head and got hit in the stomach by a different one, Richard growled and bared his fangs before charging at the girl.

@Ami the breadling
"Yea, sure you are. And we count as one." Enki coldly said as he watched the daggers come towards him. However Enki had to fight the urge to look to check Maria was ok.

Master!" Chloe shouted as she started to run over to Maria, Enki snapped out of his doubt, however one of the daggers just cut his neck as Maka punched Nyx's arm to make sure the attack wasn't lethal. The wound started to burn closed and Enki jumped back, Maka did the same.

@Ami the breadling
Nyx Made Richard explode and re summoned him by his side before Running at Enki swinging one of his his daggers at his torso while Richard leaped at Maka, his maw wide open.

@Ami the breadling @metalcity
Even though the main explosion didn't really hit Maria, stones that flew around hit her roughly, cutting her skin widely. She felt burning pain as she felt but directly rose again. She saw Nyx still fighting Enki and was quiet pissed now. She took four more daggers, aiming at Nyx's Head, throat and torso and threw them. " If you want me to join, bear the consequences!", she shouted in rage.

@GingerBread @metalcity
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Nyx heard the daggers whizzing through the air and changed what he was doing instead of slicing at Enki Nyx chose to leap over him causing the girls daggers to head for Enki instead, while Nyx landed behind Enki and sliced at his back.

@Ami the breadling
As Nyx cut Enki's back, he fell forwards and before he could catch himself something pieced his skin on his torso. He heard more daggers fly past him, he gasped as he fell to the ground "God dammit!" Enki shouted in pain as he pulled the daggers out of him. The blood gushed out of his side, he started to burn the wound shut but it kept leaking. He gritted himself as he started to get up, Maka standing between Enki and Nyx as Enki got up.

Chloe reached over to Maria "
Soooo, whats your name?" She asked with a cheeky suspicious smile.

@Ami the breadling
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As she got asked for her name, she looked confused. " Maria, but is that a good moment for introducing to each other?", she said, as she took out three daggers and a chocolate bar. She looked at the bar whispering "What the hell?" and threw it aside, taking out a fourth dagger.

@metalcity @GingerBread
"So are you ready to beg for your life yet?" Nyx asked, sadistically grinning "It won't matter in the end, you can try but i'm going to kill you. Are you regretting what you did yet?"

@Ami the breadling
Chloe pouted "It is always a good time for introductions. Well, either the vampire or Enki is going to die. Doesn't really make a difference what we do, Enki wants me to protect you. Why? I don't know. But after what just happened, I think it is best you attack when it looks like Enki might be in trouble." She explained, surprisingly happy.

@Ami the breadling

As Enki got fully up, his wounds where completely burnt shut. "I don't know what you saw. BUT THAT WAS NO REASON TO KILL INNOCENT PEOPLE!!! YOU MONSTER!!! I'LL KILL YOU." Enki shouted as he charged at Nyx, swinging aimlessly as his anger consumed him. "NO MATTER WHAT I DO! PEOPLE ALWAYS DIE! I CAN'T STOP IT! AND YOU! YOU ARE ALWAYS THERE TO BRING IT UP! TO MOCK! TO HURT! AND TO MAKE THOSE I CARE ABOUT SUFFER!! I WILL KILL YOU! I DON'T CARE ANYMORE!" Enki shouted in rage as he kept up his barge of attacks.

"Good, good. You seem to be a really good 'friend'. So tell me about your self." Chloe joked. She smiled as she watched Maria.

@Ami the breadling
Enki sliced Nyx's shoulder, though it was not a major cut that would stop him from fighting. Jumping back nyx got into a defensive position "Good!" Nyx complemented "Let the hate flow through you, it will keep you strong and help keep you alive" Nyx continued "Because in the end that's all you care about isn't it, keeping yourself alive is more important to you. And to think Shina sacrificed herself to keep you alive, what a waste" Nyx taunted as he dodged more of Enki's attacks.

@Ami the breadling
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metalcity said:
"Good, good. You seem to be a really good 'friend'. So tell me about your self." Chloe joked. She smiled as she watched Maria.
@Ami the breadling
" About myself? Not much to say. My full name is Maria Victoria Clarke, I'm a demon, i like chocolate, i think i habe a concussion and I will kill that vampire.",Maria said, her eyes still following every movement of the two fighters.
"SHUT UP!!! I DO CARE. I AM NOT LIKE YOU!!!" Enki continued to slice at Nyx, seeing his face. It was undescribable, all he wanted to do was beat it to the ground and watch it leak the stupid existed it held. But Enki wanted to stop this, it went against everything he believed. He couldn't let himself become a killing machine like Nyx. He couldn't win against the anger, knowing Nyx was correct. But after everything Shina did to help him, he couldn't let that go.

@Ami the breadling [/color]
Pluto sat in his room. He had started to cry because he didn't know what to do about chua. He looked down at the snake body that he held in his hands with great care.

'We should kill him for what he did! ' hissed one snake.

'If you weren't so weak we wouldn't have been in this situation! '

'You should have turned that asshole into stone!'

"No, I would have gotten in serious trouble if I did that to a student!"

'Who gives a shit! He killed Chua!'

'Ugh! I wish we were attached to that vampire kid. At least that kid knows what he wants!'

Pluto whimpered and shook his head. "Please I don't want to listen to you guys right now!"

One snake named Apep, looked over at the spot where Chua used to be. 'Look at this. It still smells like him.' He said as he shook his head sadly.

"Please be quiet!"

Nyx continued moving out of the way "You're right, you're not like me" Nyx said narrowly dodging another one of Enki's attacks "I control my emotions, i don't let them control me, i can also protect the people i care about" Nyx taunted, grinning as he did so.

@Ami the breadling
As the fight was happening, there was more to situation. "Eye, spy, with my little eye. Something beginning with...P?" The sound was silent, but had reason. The figure giggled as they walked away, knowing that it would be complete. A small syringe ejected into Enki's neck, his anger grow stronger and deadlier.



@Ami the breadling [/color]
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Nyx continued dodging the attacks "Here i was thinking i'd get a challenge, instead the weak demon inside Enki comes out" Nyx taunted "You must be weak if you're still using him as a host"

@Ami the breadling
"WELL THEN, WHY DON'T I KILL YOU AND YOUR BOYFRIEND? HUH? OH IT WILL BE SO ROMANTIC AS YOU CRY OVER HIS BLOODY BODY, ASKING HIM TO WAKE UP. BUT HE DIES THINKING OF YOU. I'LL GET HIM FIRST! DON'T YOU WORRY! UNLESS YOU WANT HIM CRYING OVER YOUR DISMEMBERED LIMBS!!" Enball shouted, Enki's mind was locked away. He couldn't even fight back this time, once again he was helpless. Unable to do anything. As Enball attacked forcefully he throw the sword to his other hand and tried to attack the weaker side.

@Ami the breadling [/color]
metalcity said:
"WELL THEN, WHY DON'T I KILL YOU AND YOUR BOYFRIEND? HUH? OH IT WILL BE SO ROMANTIC AS YOU CRY OVER HIS BLOODY BODY, ASKING HIM TO WAKE UP. BUT HE DIES THINKING OF YOU. I'LL GET HIM FIRST! DON'T YOU WORRY! UNLESS YOU WANT HIM CRYING OVER YOUR DISMEMBERED LIMBS!!" Enball shouted, Enki's mind was locked away. He couldn't even fight back this time, once again he was helpless. Unable to do anything. As Enball attacked forcefully he throw the sword to his other hand and tried to attack the weaker side.
@Ami the breadling [/color]
Maria blushed even more. " So, if I would have a crush, which I do not, but if I did, how would telling my feelings even help? I mean, this is not Hollywood. I can't imagine that saying something like "I love you" or anything of that kind can defeat a demon taking over. Do you know how to get his soul back to his body? I'd prefer not to kill him without being sure that works. ", she said now looking at Chloe.
Enball's words sent Nyx over the edge He's already dead because of Enki Nyx thought as he became angrier and angrier. When Nyx saw Enball swing for him he didn't move out the way or try to dodge, Nyx ran towards him and plunged his daggers towards his stomach, Even as Enki's sword cut into his side Nyx ignored it and kept charging at Enki.

@Ami the breadling
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