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Labyrinths In Our Heads.


Previously Lucifer1


Burning burning. Dead. Ash.

The smell of scorched flesh and flame-licked hair engulfed his nostrils, his shaking arms pulled tightly to his chest, blood seeping from the gaping hole. All he could feel was pain, and anger. His limbs were cold, but orange blazed from his skin as he walked on. Tears burning his cheeks.

Hal shoots awake. His brow glistening with sweat. Leaves stuck themselves to his perspiration-stained clothing, falling from his chillingly red hair. Yellow hues gazed at the surroundings, towering stone walls shooting into the sky, almost never ending. A hand falls along his head, fingers brushing against smooth horns.The enchantment having worn off, his onyx spikes protruding from his cranium were now visual to the naked eye. Confusion fell across his tongue, making calming himself all the more difficult. "Where the fuck am I?" He asked himself, standing to his bare feet. He was still adorned in a thick black wife-beater, his grey sweats covered in dirt and decaying plant-life. Feet bare, he crept along the left wall, fingers brushing the slippery surface as he went. There was an eerie hum that sank into the ground, vibrating under his feet. Something powerful had brought him here, something with enough energy to wipe half his memories. And he had many.
Evelyn laid there lifeless. All that was going through her head was water swaying back and fourth. It was very peaceful as if she was in heaven. Then the water drained swirling fast wrecking the peace, as it rushed in her lungs. Her eyes open the crystal blue glitter with almost form tears. She sat up gasping for air. Her hands reaching for her throat as if that would help her breathe. She attempted, but couldn't get air. She then all of the sudden caught her breath. Tears streamed down her cheeks as she coughed, wheezed, and gasped. When she finally calmed down she looked around. She didn't remember anything. She searched her pockets of her black jeans, and the pockets of her leather jacket. She was only wearing those jeans a white tanktop and the leather jacket. There was nothing not a card, phone, not even a penny. She sighed then looked at the place she was in. There were walls that went on and on. She couldn't see the end of it. It was cold and lonely.

It was also awfully dark. She stood up, she wobbling almost tripping, but she caught herself on the brick wall. She didn't like this place, the energy was horrible, it was like death maybe even worst then that. She look around again. 'Sitting here isn't going to get me anywhere' she thought 'there has to be an exit' she started to follow the path wiping the tears off her face.
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