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CrystalClear said:
Ah I hope I didn't cause confusion when I said relationships OTL I meant that in general like friendships, enemies, crushes, etc etc, it's not a necessity but looking at the ages it would seem that they would at least know of one another or developed some type of relationships with fellow students (or not at all!) in the span of years they have been at the high school. Sorry about that if I didn't specify clearly!
I know that I usually don't like to create romances right off the bat in roleplays and I do like to get a feel of characters before I stamp them as friends or enemies but in high school and in clique like scenarios, I think it's a bit of an exception for friendships/enemies andddd now I'm repeating myself so I will stop.

Also kudos for following the twitter! :D I wanna make this rp as realistic as possible for everyoneee!
Saw the tumblr got also many likes?
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Savagai said:
Wait, everyone could start already right?
we gotta wait for the others..

don't want them to be caught in a place where they can't start
I got bored. This is, loosely, relationships my character has:

| Sees as a Possible Love Interest(Based Off Of Personality/Appearance)

Jessica Sundano

Eydis Ástrídr Bergljót

Cameron Dale Hill

☠| Who She Considers An Enemy/Dislikes (Based Off Of Personality/Label)

☠ Adam Hunt

☠ Eyree Sutherland

☠ Allen Sweetwater

☠ Issiah Rojas

☠ Trey Meriwether Pryce

☠ Sef Illia Nevarro

☠ Kevin Kaile

☠ Nathaniel Lawrence Eve

(^ Not an Easy Person to Get Along With)

| Neutral(Based Off Of Personality/Confidence)

◑ Aberdeen Collins

◑ Anastasia BeLisa

◑ Mariah Chanell Summers

◑ Rufus Illsa Nevarro

◑ Hugo Esteban Rivero

☺| Who She Quietly Likes/ Thinks of As A Friend(Based Off of Badassery/Personality)

☺ Aliénor Arsenault

☺ Eydis Ástrídr Bergljót

☺ Arabella Campo
I would do a list but...I wanna see the interactions between the characters..
Quarantine said:
I got bored. This is, loosely, relationships my character has:
| Sees as a Possible Love Interest(Based Off Of Personality/Appearance)

Jessica Sundano

Eydis Ástrídr Bergljót

Cameron Dale Hill

☠| Who She Considers An Enemy/Dislikes (Based Off Of Personality/Label)

☠ Adam Hunt

☠ Eyree Sutherland

☠ Allen Sweetwater

☠ Issiah Rojas

☠ Trey Meriwether Pryce

☠ Sef Illia Nevarro

☠ Kevin Kaile

☠ Nathaniel Lawrence Eve

(^ Not an Easy Person to Get Along With)

| Neutral(Based Off Of Personality/Confidence)

◑ Aberdeen Collins

◑ Anastasia BeLisa

◑ Mariah Chanell Summers

◑ Rufus Illsa Nevarro

◑ Hugo Esteban Rivero

☺| Who She Quietly Likes/ Thinks of As A Friend(Based Off of Badassery/Personality)

☺ Aliénor Arsenault

☺ Eydis Ástrídr Bergljót

☺ Arabella Campo
Awesome list, gonna make it also ;)

Why an enemy with Sef?
Savagai said:
Awesome list, gonna make it also ;)
Why an enemy with Sef?
I can't remember anymore, actually ._.

I think it might've been because of how flippant he appears.
*runs in late with starbucks, dunkin donuts and in-n-out cuz if imma be late there's gonna be region-specific stuff*

Hi hello I was sleeping til noon haha!

Anyways, I am ready to start as well! Also: @Quarantine I am totally down for the whole enemy thing, and excited to see how that works out.

Also:@CrystalClear would you mind if I added something to my bio? It would legit be putting youtube under likes and hobbies.
mikaluvkitties said:
*runs in late with starbucks, dunkin donuts and in-n-out cuz if imma be late there's gonna be region-specific stuff*
Hi hello I was sleeping til noon haha!

Anyways, I am ready to start as well! Also: @Quarantine I am totally down for the whole enemy thing, and excited to see how that works out.

Also:@CrystalClear would you mind if I added something to my bio? It would legit be putting youtube under likes and hobbies.
Nope not at all go for it!
Hey hey! I'm posting from work right now (shhhh don't tell my supervisors). But I'm basically ready. I gotta fill in Nathan's sheet but that's basically it. I'll be off in a few hours so don't worry about me (:
Quarantine said:


Paris Ellion Vermough

At A Glance


?What is your full name?

"Paris Ellion Vermough

Paris Ellion Vermough

?How old are you?



?When is your birthday?

"August thirteenth."

August 13th.

?Describe yourself

"Total. Hottie."

First of all, she has the body of a swimmer, though a bit more cleavage. She is very active, and spends more time working out than hitting the books. The girl has "aristocrat hands," quite thin and long and dainty, though one who looks closely will find that they've become stronger due to physical work. She has long blonde hair running down her chest, a mix between dirty and platinum blonde. In other words, as normal blonde as blonde gets.

Then her eyes. A subject of debate. She considers them green, but some think they're blue, or even hazel. Her complexion is normal, a tossup between milky white and pale.

Her school wardrobe consists of the same things she would wear in private, mostly casual, and pretty much made of anything she can find.

Because she's afraid of being considered a typical dumb blonde, she tries to keep a serious expression at all times. And all too often fails.


Digging Deeper


?Describe your life

"Uhm... nope. Can't think of anything."

Paris was born on Friday, August 13th, in England. She's had pretty bad luck since the very day she was born, as the roads were too icy, and she was delivered on the side of the road, having to stay in the hospital longer to make sure there weren't any problems with her delivery.

She lived a pretty normal life since then, strongly believing that her date of birth had to do with every mishap she has encountered.

Paris is normal, in every way. The things she says are considered inappropriate, and unfiltered, but the only difference is that she does what she wants, whether people approve or not.

There have been a few things since then, including having her first pet at ten, breaking her wrist at twelve, moved to the United States at thirteen.

She has a strong East London accent, and pronounces certain things in a way that can be difficult to understand. Football(soccer), advert(advertisement), bog roll(toilet paper), drawing pin(thumbtack), and clingfilm(plastic wrap) just to name a few.

Her life in the US wasn't terribly different, and she was respected for the most part, often considered either a clown(for saying ridiculous things), or a badass(for having the guts to say those things to the people she says them to).

Her love life has is lacking a love, and always has been. She doesn't particularly care at this point, because she has no doubt that she would be happy with or without someone.


?What are you like?

"Ah, think of the coolest person you know. I'm like, twice as amazing."

Indifferent. "Shut the Hell up. I don't give a damn."

She's inconsiderate, completely indifferent, and uncaring.

Violent. "It's just a flesh wound. Get up, b*tch."

She loves all types of fighting, whether its verbal or physical. Sometimes she challenges some stronger than her, earning her an unpopular reputation with absolutely everyone.

Vulgar. "It's a bad a** name."

She loves to cuss. It fuels her. She's not just vulgar in that way, oh no. Of course not. She enjoys hearing and making jokes as long as it includes sexual humor, or someone gets hurt or dies.

Honest. "Don't blame the dress. You were fat before you put it on."

She spares none with her candid ways.

Flirty. "Smile if you want to have sex with me."

This isn't for everyone, but she loves flirting when it's least appropriate.


Just For Reference


?What are you all about?

"I'm an artist."

She draws things. And will use her backhand if someone says, "You're a good drawer."

?What are your dreams and aspirations?

"I want to stay on the couch and watch TV until I grow mold and my foot goes to a sleep that it can't wake up from."

She doesn't really have any plans for the future, but wants to go to college eventually, out of a fear of being poor.

?Any Enemies?

"F*cking Selena Gomez."

She likes to turn everyone into an enemy, indiscriminately. It would be easier to narrow down her friends.

?Desired clique to be in.


Technically the beloveds, though she'd fit best in the badasses.

?What Community to do you live in?


She lives in Princeton Park.

?Where do you hang out at?

"Home. I hang out at home."

Her porch, for the most part. Other than that, at florist and motorcycle shops.

?What classes are you taking?

"Pre Cal, History, and German Three... or something."

Pre-Calculus, World History, and German III.

?Extra Curricular?

"Drama, football, and choir."

Drama Club, Soccer, and Choir.

?What's your dirty little secret(s)?

"... I like cheese a lot."

She "cuts", and has a major crush on someone from another clique.

?Anything else?

"I dunno... I'm sexually confused. Like, if I could compare my sexuality to something else, it would be a tossup between algebra and men."

She likes girls... and boys, but doesn't want to be bisexual(she just wants to like one or the other).

KH Rules

Gets into way too many fights.

While she doesn't want to look ugly, if she had to choose, she has no desire to be attractive.


I changed my CS a bit, I just added a few pictures and BB Code.
Characters Cameron May like:

Kevin Kaile

Paris Ellion Vermough

Rufus Nevarro

Arabella Campo

Jessica Sundano

Characters Cameron (barely) Tolerates:

Trey Meriweather Pryce

Eydis Ástrídr Bergljót

Eyree Hadasser Sutherland

Sef Nevarro

Álienor Arsenault

Characters Cameron dislikes:

The rest of them.
NotTooBad said:
Characters Cameron May like:
Kevin Kaile

Paris Ellion Vermough

Rufus Nevarro

Arabella Campo

Jessica Sundano

Characters Cameron (barely) Tolerates:

Trey Meriweather Pryce

Eydis Ástrídr Bergljót

Eyree Hadasser Sutherland

Sef Nevarro

Álienor Arsenault

Characters Cameron dislikes:

The rest of them.

(I've been waiting to use that. Now I have, and I'm proud.)
So does everything end up on the burnbook? Like relationships, interactions between groups? That'd make it a bigger mystery.
NotTooBad said:
Characters Cameron May like:
Kevin Kaile

Paris Ellion Vermough

Rufus Nevarro

Arabella Campo

Jessica Sundano

Characters Cameron (barely) Tolerates:

Trey Meriweather Pryce

Eydis Ástrídr Bergljót

Eyree Hadasser Sutherland

Sef Nevarro

Álienor Arsenault

Characters Cameron dislikes:

The rest of them.
I could see that working. Tbh, I can see Kevin being at least friendly with most people lol

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