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Fandom Knights of Olympus (Reboot) Characters

(Full) Name: Orelan Funeme
Nicknames: Oreo
Age: 17
Godly Parent: Apollo (Greek)
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bisexual (Female Preference)
Birthplace: Barrie Canada
Years at camp: 3

Hair: messy, black hair
Eyes: blue eyes
Height/Weight: 6'2', 137lb's
Build: He has a thin build with most muscle being on his arms due to how he he trains- with pull ups and using the rope he always has tied around his waist
Speech Dialect/Accent: He has a weak Japanese accent due to him spending most of his life going back and forth between Japan and Canada, before finally running away to Camp Half Blood

Weapons: He has a dozen celestial Bronze daggers on his belt, with a rope with celestial bronze tied into it. He also can play the guitar to use songs as spells similar to how Apollo can in The Trials of Apollo
Inventory: His weapons, an Iphone 8, and a guitar (Most times)
Demigod Powers: Accurate throwing daggers (?)
Other Skills: None known

Strengths: He's extremely adaptive, charismatic, and quick thinking.
Flaws: He's over confident, and thinks he can take on the world, and is really easy to dislike.

Personality: Chaotic Neutral is an easy way to describe him. He stubborn, thinking he can take on the world and anything he wants- even a few gods. Orelan is flirty and persistent, and more times than not will not take no as and answer. He sees it so he could do whatever he wants just because he can. He is always fidgeting and looking for something to excite him.

Biography: Orelan was always seen as a bit different. He always lived in his older brother's shadow, with him seeming to be a more strict and responsible person. Orelan was the unknown Mail-man's child, with the only person to know being Apollo and his mother. He was always traveling with his parents, who are just representatives of some larger company. With the family's pride and joy being on his brother, Orelan had more and more time to look into things... With that he found out his mother's secret. He kept that to himself, as though he did dislike his parents, he still cared about them. It wouldn't be fair to be the message of bad news. So when he slowly began to look into his his true father was, his Satyr found him and brought him to Camp. His parents don't know where he is and he wishes to keep it that way. If they actually cared about him they'd find him, because he really didn't try and hide up what he was doing all too well.

Theme Song: Thief by Imagine Dragons

You might wanna expand on the spell thing in the powers and find a picture for his faceclaim. It's usually a given for children of apollo to be good at aiming lol

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