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Fantasy King's Orders

Callum turned back towards the boy. "The King ordered that all Magic Folk be captured. If you have any magic powers, hide them. I'm serious, Fathe- I mean the King is dead set on capturing every single Magic Folk in the kingdom of Frey." He winced when he accidentally started calling the King his father. He didn't want this stranger to know that his sister and him were the Princess and Prince.
Ahas wondered… "So… you guys... arent criminals? Youre just being hunted down because you have powers?" Ahas thought he might be able to convince these folks to allow him to come along with them. Although it was risky, considering it appeared they had just enough for the three of them only, it was probably the best chance he had of not being tackled down in the kingdom for having powers.

He really didnt want to trouble them, since they turned out to not be bad people after all, but it appeared he had no choice. Ahas asked "Do you guys, uh, think i might be able to tag along with you? I mean, if its no trouble to you…"
Callum wasn't entirely ready to trust the boy, but he did enjoy company. "Yes, yes, and probably yes. What's you name by the way?" He looked at the boy with curiosity. Callie peeked out from behind her brother and was less afraid of the boy now.
Ahas was relieved to hear this, a probably yes was better than a probably no. He stood there awkwardly before remembering, "Oh yes! My name is Ahas, I come from the Shuriman Desert tribe. And who do you happen to be?" He extended his hand to formally greet them.
Callum took his hand and shook it. "Alright Ahas, I'm willing to admit that I've been hiding more than my magic. I'm Callum Frey, and this is my sister Callie Frey." He hoped that Ahas would take it well. When Callum was done shaking his hand, Callie stuck out her little hand and shook hands too.
Hmmm... Frey... Frey? Oh! wasnt that the name of this kingdom? Ahas inquired, "Isnt Frey the name of this kingdom? That must mean you guys are some part of the royal lineage, right?"
Callum nodded. "I am the Prince and she is the Princess. Although, I suppose not really anymore since Father has the biggest price on our heads..." He felt a pang of sadness from his Father's betrayal.
Ahas couldnt help being surprised at the irony of the situation. A King set out for the downfall of magic users, while his own children just so happen to be magic. "Wait, he put a bounty on your head?" Ahas was suddenly infuriated at the realization of this. "But… but youre his family! Thats outrageous! Does he have no regards for his children?!"
Bishop had been sent by the king to hunt down his two children, as well as other Magic folk. Currently Bishop was searching around the forest that was located near the castle. He was accompanied by four other guards, but the had been separated for a few hours. He noticed the unconscious bodies of the four guards, and quickly took cover behind a nearby tree. It didn't look like they were dead, due to there being no open wounds, or blood near them. Bishop then peaked around the tree and noticed three people standing there. two were boys and the last one was a girl. He recognized one of the boys as the Prince, so Bishop unsheathed his long sword and stepped out of where he was hiding, "Prince Callum, please return to the castle and nobody gets hurt," he called out to the group. He didn't plan on killing any of them, but if they got in his way then he would hold back to hurt them.
[QUOTE="The Ghostiest]Ahas couldnt help being surprised at the irony of the situation. A King set out for the downfall of magic users, while his own children just so happen to be magic. "Wait, he put a bounty on your head?" Ahas was suddenly infuriated at the realization of this. "But… but youre his family! Thats outrageous! Does he have no regards for his children?!"

AndroidEighteen said:
Callum nodded. "I am the Prince and she is the Princess. Although, I suppose not really anymore since Father has the biggest price on our heads..." He felt a pang of sadness from his Father's betrayal.
''Ahas, one thing i learn is that...if you find out that one of your family members arent human, or if anyone and anything in the kingdom wasnt judged 'normal', then they are out casted and treated with a different and worse value''
Eagershadow3 said:
Bishop had been sent by the king to hunt down his two children, as well as other Magic folk. Currently Bishop was searching around the forest that was located near the castle. He was accompanied by four other guards, but the had been separated for a few hours. He noticed the unconscious bodies of the four guards, and quickly took cover behind a nearby tree. It didn't look like they were dead, due to there being no open wounds, or blood near them. Bishop then peaked around the tree and noticed three people standing there. two were boys and the last one was a girl. He recognized one of the boys as the Prince, so Bishop unsheathed his long sword and stepped out of where he was hiding, "Prince Callum, please return to the castle and nobody gets hurt," he called out to the group. He didn't plan on killing any of them, but if they got in his way then he would hold back to hurt them.
...⊹Himeragi soon turned her head to Bishop and sighed and whipped out a gun blade and summoned a massive gauntlet⊹...

''stand down mongrel...if you truly do spread the word of God, then why must you unsheathe that wretched sword at us? God wont forgive you if you kill...''
HimeragiSeiker said:
...⊹Himeragi soon turned her head to Bishop and sighed and whipped out a gun blade and summoned a massive gauntlet⊹...
''stand down mongrel...if you truly do spread the word of God, then why must you unsheathe that wretched sword at us? God wont forgive you if you kill...''
@AndroidEighteen @The Ghostiest (forgot to tag xD )
Callum turned to see who spoke. He quickly hid Callie behind him. "I'm not going back to the castle.. We both know exactly where I'll end up." He gritted his teeth and hoped that the older boy wouldn't be able to figure out his little sister was hiding behind him.
Bishop was unfazed when the girl whipped out a gun blade, and spoke to him. "I do not intend to kill, I'm only following orders of my king," he said to her. "I am to escort Prince Callum and Princess Callie back to the castle, and if they are accompanied by Magic folk then I shall take them with me too," he said to the three of the. The other boy spoke up asking who he is, "I am Sir Bishop Clerebald, a knight who serves the Frey royal family," he answered the boy.

@HimeragiSeiker @The Ghostiest @AndroidEighteen
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Callum glared. "You don't serve our family, you just serve Father and his ridiculous orders!" He growled at Bishop, wanting to use his magic but he was too exhausted from earlier.
Eagershadow3 said:
Bishop was unfazed when the girl whipped out a gun blade, and spoke to him. "I do not intend to kill, I'm only following orders of my king," he said to her. "I am to escort Prince Callum and Princess Callie back to the castle, and if they are accompanied by Magic folk then I shall take them with me too," he said to the three of the. The other boy spoke up asking who he is, "I am Sir Bishop Clerebald, a knight who serves the Frey royal family," he answered the boy.
''hmmm...do you know what will happen if the prince and princess were taken back to the castle? well...heres a fact......Guraiga!!''

...⊹Himeragi said before spiritual chains sprung from the ground and wrapped themselves around Bishop⊹...

''this is what will happen to Callie and Callum. not to also mention, multiple experiments being done on them''
HimeragiSeiker said:
''hmmm...do you know what will happen if the prince and princess were taken back to the castle? well...heres a fact......Guraiga!!''
...⊹Himeragi said before spiritual chains sprung from the ground and wrapped themselves around Bishop⊹...

''this is what will happen to Callie and Callum. not to also mention, multiple experiments being done on them''
@AndroidEighteen @The Ghostiest fuck me xD
Ahas had no intentions of hurting the man, but he wanted nothing more than to start a new and exciting life in a different world from the one he knew. He wasnt about to let this man get in his way and take him hostage. Ahas whispered discreetly to Callum "If the situation really gets out of hand, dont forget i can use magic too. And apparently that woman with the gun as well."
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Callum looked at Ahas. "Knew you had magic.. Thanks." He backed up until his back was a foot away from an open window in the cottage. "Climb and hide." He whispered to his little sister. She climbed up and over the window discretely, hiding inside the cottage.
Bishop struggled when the chains wrapped around him, but they were too strong, his long sword dropped to the ground, "the King would never do that to his own children. He wouldn't risk the crown prince's life just because he's a magic folk," he told them. Bishop struggled some more, but alas the chains didn't budge. "I swore an oath to protect the royal family, they would be safer in the castle under my protection," he said, now laying on the ground in a helpless state.
Eagershadow3 said:
Bishop struggled when the chains wrapped around him, but they were too strong, his long sword dropped to the ground, "the King would never do that to his own children. He wouldn't risk the crown prince's life just because he's a magic folk," he told them. Bishop struggled some more, but alas the chains didn't budge. "I swore an oath to protect the royal family, they would be safer in the castle under my protection," he said, now laying on the ground in a helpless state.
''if you can protect them...do so right now.......oh you cant? then you cant. and oh yes the king would. why else would the Prince and Princess run away?''

...⊹She soon aimed the gun blade at Bishop's head⊹...

''kill him or leave him, which is it Callum?''

@AndroidEighteen @The Ghostiest
"You mean in the same castle where the King lives? If he put a bounty on his own childrens heads im sure he has no intention on protecting them. They wouldnt have even run away in the first place is thats how it really was!" Ahas was getting worked up, but tried restrain himself from doing anything too brash.
Callum's face twisted with anger. "Oh really? I was in a dungeon and they were about to do experiments on me! I highly doubt Father cares about our safety! You don't even know anything behind any of your orders, do you?! The guards were ridiculing me and constantly telling me that my sister would end up in the dungeon too! So I swear if you want to lay a single finger on her I will break your goddamn arm!" He screamed at Bishop, losing his head. He looked over at the girl and even as angry as he was, he wouldn't let someone die. "Leave him." He glared at Bishop.
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AndroidEighteen said:
Callum's face twisted with anger. "Oh really? I was in a dungeon and they were about to do experiments on me! I highly doubt Father cares about our safety! You don't even know anything behind any of your orders, do you?! The guards were ridiculing me and constantly telling me that my sister would end up in the dungeon too! So I swear if you want to lay a single finger on her I will break your goddamn arm!" He screamed at Bishop, losing his head. He looked over at the girl and even as angry as he was, he wouldn't let someone die. "Leave him." He glared at Bishop.

...⊹Was all Himeragi said before she picked up the sword and shattered it only dropping the handle in front of Bishop as the chains let him go. She took a few steps back the gun still aimed at him⊹...

''your chance to run is now. i wont hold back if you continue. speak one word that will anger Callum, and i will break you''

@The Ghostiest @Eagershadow3

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